Some mermaids can only pray that the sea monster pack will find what they want as soon as possible so that they can be released.

However, that group of sea monsters has been looking for decades, and there is no sign of finding them at all. How can it be so easy!

What's more, even if the sea monster group really found what they were looking for, they might not let the mermaids go. They might still treat the mermaids as coolies and continue to mine for them.

It is more likely that if that sea monster group wants to become the new royal family, it will inevitably fight other sea clans for territory, and the mermaids may be used as cannon fodder by them.

In short, the possibility of their escape is extremely low.

Even if these mermaids knew that Princess Nancy was trying to find a way outside, they didn't expect much from Princess Nancy.

Unexpectedly, Princess Nancy suddenly brought Martha out of the trench.

and tell them.

There was a human prince named Ren who became the king of the new generation of mermaids.

More importantly, Ren is willing to save them!

In fact, when the mermaids who took turns resting in the wall hole at the back got the news, those mermaids didn't know about Ryan at first, because Martha hadn't introduced the Mermaid Island in detail like Nancy.

However, when the mermaids who came in on rotation heard that Ren was willing to save them, they were all quite moved!

Decades have passed, except for Princess Nancy who is persistently looking for them, who is willing to save them?

Since then, even though they don't know who Ren is and what kind of identity he has, the mermaids' affection for Ren has been quite strong.

Immediately afterwards, Martha introduced Mermaid Island in detail like Princess Nancy, and also showed a lot of pictures.

Immediately, the mermaids who came in in the next two batches felt like they were being hit by happiness.

One side, is hell.

On the other side, it is the paradise of Mermaid Island!

Therefore, after Martha took out the contract, none of the mermaids hesitated, and none of the mermaids even wasted time to take a look, and signed it directly!

Each of them has long been looking forward to joining Mermaid Island, and they are willing to regard Ren as king from the bottom of their hearts!

It took three or four hours for more than a thousand mermaids in the wall cave to sign the contract.

After signing the agreement, many mermaids still had tears on their faces.

And Martha followed Betty's words, and burned all the contracts in the area without water that they worked together to create in the wall hole.

The contract is burned, not destroyed.

Instead, it is recycled by the system.

This is a way for the system to reclaim contracts.

When Martha burned the contract, many mermaids were still a little worried, but after Martha explained, these mermaids were relieved.

These more than a thousand mermaids have signed the contract, and then they will sign after the other two batches of mermaids rotate in.

"The rating of Mermaid Island has been raised to 4 stars, and the main task has been completed. Congratulations to the host. You have gained 1,000 experience points and 100,000 gold coins."

The sound of the system sounded.

At the same time, in Mermaid Island, Ren heard the system beep.

Mermaid Island is finally 4 stars!

Mermaid Island has been upgraded to 4 stars, and the rewards for the main quest are the same as those of the Ocean Tree, both are 1,000 experience points and 100,000 gold coins.

The experience is still quite rich.

Ren looked at the panel of Mermaid Island.

【Mermaid Island

Rating: 4 stars

Area: 314 square kilometers

Number of mermaids: 2356

Growth value: 8/day

Output: 11268 gold coins/hour]

After Mermaid Island was upgraded to 4 stars, the guaranteed growth value also changed to 8 points per day. Due to the increase in the number of people, the output has also increased greatly, and more than 10,000 gold coins can be produced every hour.

This means that Mermaid Island alone can contribute more than 200,000 gold coins every day.

Do not……

The ones signing the contract now are only a group of mermaids resting in the cave.

There are two more batches of mermaids that haven't come in yet.

Once those two batches of mermaids come in, the number of mermaids in Mermaid Island will further increase!

Ren was not in a hurry, and spent 100,000 gold coins to upgrade the two mermaid training huts and the magic hut to 4 stars.

A 3-star training hut only costs 10,000 gold coins, and a 4-star training cabin costs 50,000 gold coins to upgrade.

For the rest, Renn is going to wait until there are more gold coins before going up.

After thousands of mermaids have entered Mermaid Island, 50 training huts and 50 magic huts will definitely not be enough. A training hut and magic hut with more than 10 people will be a bit crowded.

So it has to be expanded and doubled, and it has to be added.

Of course, a ratio of 10 to 1 is not necessarily required, because no matter if it is a mermaid or a sea elf, they can stagger their cultivation.

This month, Rennes is mainly planning to strengthen the military, so he is not too anxious.

One day later, finally, except for a small number of mermaids who went out to find food, all the mermaids signed the contract.

In the end, the number of mermaids in Mermaid Island, including the original and new ones in Mermaid Island, reached 5689!

The output of gold coins has doubled and reached 25678 gold coins per hour


In other words, Mermaid Island produces more than 600,000 gold coins every day!

Chapter 0100 The seventh-order mermaid queen! Everything is ready!

After thousands of mermaids signed the contract one after another, no matter it was the mermaid island or the trench, all the mermaids practiced while waiting.

After being supplemented with the energy-rich red coral fruit, the thousands of mermaids became more energetic when they worked every day.

In addition, although they did not enjoy the training hut and magic hut in Mermaid Island, their daily heavy work has also begun to give them a considerable growth rate.

Yes, if sufficient food and energy cannot be guaranteed, high-load labor will only consume the potential of the body, and the strength will not improve much at all.

But once there is enough food, and it is a high-energy food such as red coral fruit, high-load labor can have a positive effect.

The key is food!

The mermaids used to have enough food to maintain their food and clothing. Maybe those sea monsters deliberately controlled it!

It is to prevent the strength of the mermaids from increasing and avoid posing a threat to the sea monster group!

And in Mermaid Island, all the mermaids practiced with all their might.

Ren finally used the newly obtained gold coins to upgrade 10 training huts and 5 magic huts, raising them to 4 stars.

However, these 4-star training huts and magic huts are mainly allocated to mermaids above level 4.

There is no way, although the income of gold coins is great, but there are too many places to spend gold coins, so I can only upgrade step by step.

On the side of the sea elves, Lan Sha led a group of sea elves with the best talent and strength, who were also training hard.

In this battle, Rennes is going to let the sea elves send some of them to fight.

Sea elves are not weak in fighting power in the ocean, and they can be regarded as authentic marine life!

In fact, in the past, sea elves also had the opportunity to become the royal family in the ocean, but unfortunately, their number was too small after all, and there were too many people coveting the existence of the ocean tree.

After a few days like this, all the armor made by Ren was completed, and the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce also sent over more space bags. There are now more than 30 space bags in Ren's hands.

Space bags are not cheap either. On the mainland, they cost more than 100,000 gold coins, and you can't buy too many at once.

Armors take up a lot of space, and a space bag of five cubic meters can only hold less than ten pairs of armors and weapons.

Rennes sent a fifth-order mermaid to send some of them there first.

Anyway, he was built in batches.

And the Sea Dragon Armor has been built, costing Rennes tens of millions of gold coins.

After putting them on, the two sixth-level sea dragons looked extremely majestic, and their fighting power was greatly enhanced!

In Ren's eyes, such armor is as expensive as it is made of a thick layer of gold.

But expensive is worth it.

"Wang, there are more than a dozen chambers of commerce that have issued membership cards. Here are all the gold coins."

In Banshee Canyon, Debra also handed over new gold coins to Ren.

Banshee Canyon doesn't have much to worry about now.

Renn is not going to send the Banshees to fight this battle, after all, the Banshee Canyon also needs strength to guard.

However, Rennes is still planning to bring two banshees. The banshees can fly is a big advantage. They can fly over the sea and provide Rennes with some information about the sea.

Up to now, more than 30 chambers of commerce have issued membership cards, and many chambers of commerce have issued three cards. They have contributed tens of millions of gold coins to Rennes, allowing Rennes to relieve his urgent needs.

Of course, these large chambers of commerce are actually the main source of income for Banshee Canyon.

A chamber of commerce has more than a dozen ships, or even dozens of ships, while those small chambers of commerce only have a few ships, or even one ship, and the contribution of income is much less.

Therefore, Renn is equivalent to overdrafting the income of the Banshee Canyon in the next few months, and the income of the Banshee Canyon will inevitably drop sharply in the next few months.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as thousands of mermaids are saved, everything will be worth it.

Gold coins, earn more!

The gold coin income brought by this wave of membership cards was nearly 20 million. Ren took the gold coins and left the Banshee Canyon, leaving behind Debra with a somewhat resentful gaze.

During this time, Ryan was filled with a sense of urgency. He didn't spend the night in Banshee Canyon, and Debra missed Ryan a lot.

After leaving Banshee Canyon, Ren spent gold coins again.

Gold coins must be spent to be valuable. On the one hand, it can enhance strength, and on the other hand, it can also gain experience.

Ren put all the experience he gained into the profession of the sea warrior, and he planned to raise the sea warrior to the seventh rank first.

From the sixth level to the seventh level, a lot of experience is required.

Ren felt a little overwhelmed, but even if he couldn't reach the seventh level, Ren was confident enough to defeat that group of sea monsters!

As soon as he got the money, Ren spent all the 20 million gold coins in his hand.

Ren raised 10 four-star magic cannons and spent 15 million gold coins!

Then Ren also prepared a large amount of magic stones and spent another one or two million gold coins.

The magic cannon will definitely roar non-stop in this battle, what if there are less magic stones.

In war, what is fought is money!

This is still a magic cannon improved by the system.

The consumption is ten times less than that of human magic cannon.

Switching to a human kingdom to fight this battle, not to mention anything else, the consumption of magic stones alone may require tens of millions of gold coins!

And then continue to make armor for the mermaids.

And then……


The gold coins were used up again!

"Ten four-star magic cannons, they can definitely shock you!"

Ryan thought.

The money was gone, and Rain was relieved.

He went to check on the situation of the Mermaid Queen from time to time, but Ren found that in just a few days, the Mermaid Queen had reached the peak of the sixth order!

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