On the other side, there are also a few sixth-order sea monsters taking the lead.

What Ren held in his hand was a weapon made by the system for the second profession, a long spear of the Sea Clan.

Ren directly cast a water-type acceleration magic on himself, and then rushed towards a sixth-order sea monster with a sprint in the water.

It's time to test your strength!

Immediately, I saw that Ren turned into a cannonball and directly smashed through the sixth-order sea monster!

"So fierce!"

Ren was also taken aback by his combat power.

He turned his head to look, and saw a large number of mermaid warriors and sea elves fighting the sea monsters.

The sea elf Lansha still looked extremely light in the water, and what she was dealing with was also a sixth-order sea monster. I saw that she was holding an elf scimitar, and while avoiding the attack of the sixth-order sea monster, she launched a counterattack. In a short period of time, she actually cut off several fingers of that sixth-level sea monster.

Not far from her, Leah and Eve cooperated, and they were also attacking a sixth-level sea monster. With the cooperation of the two women, they beat the sixth-level sea monster so miserable that they lost several pieces of their bodies. Dao Cai.

In the battle situation below the sixth level, a one-sided attitude has also begun to appear.

Dozens of fifth-level mermaids and sea elves, with the cooperation of a large number of fourth-level mermaids and sea elves, took the initiative to attack some fourth- and fifth-level sea monsters.

They made full use of their advantages of being more flexible and their weapons were sharper, constantly launching underwater sprints, and using their super fast speed, they caused shocking wounds on the sea monster's body.

"It's not all good being big."

Ryan thought.

With sharp weapons, dealing with these sea monsters is surprisingly easier than imagined.

The fighting power of the mermaid and the sea elf also exceeded Ryan's initial estimate.

The scarcity of their numbers really makes sense!

Chapter 0105 seventh order! Annihilation! Big win!

"Notify the following, you can do it!"

In the sea water, Ren sprinted to finish off the sea monster that Leah and Eve were dealing with, and said to Eve.

The girl Eve blew the mermaid horn.

"The order is coming, sisters, do it!"

In the wall hole below, more than a thousand fully armed mermaids rushed out one after another.

Outside the wall hole, the giant shrimp soldiers guarding them rushed over when they saw them rushing out.

"Let's clean them up, you guys go distribute the weapons!"

After Martha finished speaking, she rushed into the giant shrimp soldiers with a mermaid spear in her hand. She swung the spear continuously and quickly killed the giant shrimp soldiers one by one.

With her fifth-level strength, combined with the mermaid spear, killing these giant shrimp soldiers is not easy at all.

Beside Martha, hundreds of mermaids also quickly killed the rushing giant shrimp soldiers.

On the other side, hundreds of other mermaids had already rushed to the large construction site, sending down fine iron spears continuously.

The mermaids who got the fine iron spears attacked the giant shrimp soldiers around them one after another.

The number of giant shrimp soldiers here is much less, and they are quickly killed under their attack.

"The sea monster is coming!"

A mermaid saw the sea monster above move.

Even though the battle above was fierce, the sea monster group still left a lot of sea monsters here to take care of them.

At this time, these sea monsters rushed down one after another.

"Leave it to us!"

Martha rushed up with more than 600 fully armored mermaids.

Above, more than a hundred sea monsters rushed down from all directions.

Among the more than one hundred sea monsters, the leader is a sixth-order sea monster.

When the sixth-order sea monster saw the mermaids in full armor, it immediately roared: "You are courting death!"

"Dylan, you guys deal with it with me, and the rest deal with the others!"

After Martha issued the order, she rushed towards the sixth-level sea monster with three fifth-level mermaids.

The sixth-level sea monster held a crudely shaped knife in one hand, a huge ore in the other, and a tortoise shell dangton card in the other.

Four mermaids charged forward, and it slashed at Martha, who was the fastest, with one knife, and smashed another fifth-order mermaid with a huge ore in the other hand.

Its third hand also held the turtle shell and slammed into the third fifth-order mermaid rushing towards it.

At the same time, its third eye also opened, and a ray shot out.

This sixth-order sea monster is going to fight four with one!

But it soon regretted it.

First, Martha dodged its knife with an incomparably flexible reaction, and sprinted with the mermaid spear, leaving a wound several meters deep on its arm, which extended from its arm to the Shoulder.

After avoiding its huge ore, another fifth-level mermaid also pierced its second arm with a mermaid spear.

Then, the third fifth-order mermaid dashed in the water, piercing its turtle shell with a mithril spear, and the mermaid spear pierced straight into its palm, causing it to scream out in pain.

Even the rays from its eyes were blocked by the last fifth-order mermaid with a mithril shield.

Although the strength of these four fifth-order mermaids is fifth-order, they are already at the peak of fifth-order, not far from sixth-order.

Coupled with the advantages of body shape

Due to its strength and superior equipment, this sixth-order three-eyed sea monster was beaten to death by four mermaids in a fight!

The sea monster fought back frantically under the pain.

But its counterattack has been completely out of order.

Four mermaids entered from four directions, constantly leaving wounds on its body.

Although the skin of the sixth-order sea monsters is hard, the mithril spear can still break through their skin, causing huge damage to them.

"Be careful, there's another one!"

At this time, another sixth-order sea monster rushed up with a weapon in hand.

The sea monster group actually left two sixth-order sea monsters at the bottom of the trench to guard the mermaids.

This is also normal.

When the war first started, the sea monsters didn't know that the mermaid queen had left the bottom of the trench.

The mermaid queen is also sixth order.

Of course, the mermaid queen at that time didn't have any weapons at hand, so she wasn't a big threat to the sea monsters.

However, for safety reasons, this sea monster group still left two sixth-level sea monsters to guard them.

The other sixth-order sea monster probably doesn't know the situation above. After all, it is separated by 20,000 to 30,000 meters of sea water, which is a distance of 23 kilometers!

So the other sixth-level sea monster was probably guarding against the mermaid queen, but it didn't expect that the mermaid queen didn't come out. Its companion was disabled by four fifth-level mermaids in a short period of time, so it had to come out Rescue companions.

"Dylan, you continue to deal with it, the three of us will go!"

This time, Martha asked another fifth-order mermaid to continue to deal with the sea monster that had already suffered a lot of injuries.

The three of them attacked another sixth-order sea monster.

With previous combat experience, their confidence has greatly increased.

The three of them cooperated very well, attacking from different directions. Although there was one less person than before, the sixth-order sea monster was instantly driven into a panic by the three mermaids, with constant wounds on his body!

When Martha and the three mermaids attacked the sixth-order sea monster, other mermaids also joined hands with the sea monsters.

After decades of being imprisoned by the sea monsters in the dark trench, every mermaid is extremely resentful towards these sea monsters, but before they had no weapons, nor were they strong enough to compete with the top powerhouses among the sea monsters.

Now the top powerhouses among these sea monsters have been restrained, and a large number of sea monsters have also been held back by their kings. These more than a hundred sea monsters are not scary at all in the eyes of these mermaids.

I saw that the mermaids had a clear division of labor, and a team of three or four besieged a sea monster.

Those sea monsters couldn't stand it anymore.

In the past month, the strength of these mermaids has increased a lot, and the sea monster group did not expect that they had obtained such sharp weapons.

The battle situation at the bottom of this trench is even better than the battle situation above, showing a completely one-sided situation.

And below, although the thousands of mermaids don't have full armor or mithril spears, they have fine iron spears, but they are more than enough to deal with giant shrimp soldiers!

Too many giant shrimp soldiers have been killed.

After being continuously bombarded by dozens of ice magic cannons for 20 minutes, less than one-tenth of the million giant shrimp soldiers are left.

The frozen giant shrimp soldiers are still falling down in the huge ice cubes.

At the bottom of this trench, there are only a few thousand giant shrimp soldiers left.

After losing their absolute advantage in numbers, the mermaids have sharp weapons like fine iron spears, and the sea monsters are also defeated by the mermaids in full armor. These thousands of mermaids can't deal with the giant shrimp soldiers. Generally fast.

"Attack their heads, don't destroy their bodies, these giant shrimp soldiers are useful to my king!"

cried a mermaid.

Giant Shrimp Soldiers are also Shrimp.

It was nothing but large sized prawns.

But the structure is not much different from ordinary shrimp.

Nobody eats the heads of shrimp.

Once the shrimp's head is attacked, it will hang quickly.

Therefore, all the mermaids stared at the giant shrimp soldier's head and attacked.

In this way, even if these giant shrimp soldiers are killed, as long as their bodies are intact, they can still be sold for a good price!

Under the attack of thousands of mermaids, the giant shrimp soldiers were quickly cleaned up.

As for the crabs and the like who were responsible for supporting the stones on the construction site, they also took advantage of this opportunity to flee, but no one cared about them at all.

Compared with the bottom of the trench, the battle above the trench is more intense.

Fifty whale ships firmly restrained the sea monsters rushing from the south. A sixth-order sea monster was completely unable to withstand the bombardment, and the other fifth-order sea monsters could not rush over at all.

Even some fifth-order sea monsters have been frozen into a large block of ice, and their companions have no chance to help them escape, because they cannot protect themselves.

As for sea monsters with lower strength, they can still struggle a bit when they encounter two-star ice magic cannons, but once they encounter three-star ice magic cannons, without the help of their companions, it is difficult to break free in a short time.

Occasionally, four-star light magic bombarded them, and that was so sour, directly blasting big holes in their bodies.

They also have to thank the light magic cannon for not doing heavy area damage, otherwise their entire bodies would be turned into countless fragments.

Even so, after being hit by the first shot, he was basically seriously injured and dying.

Four-star light magic

The cannon was really powerful.

There is a considerable threat to the sixth-level sea monsters, and the fifth-level sea monsters can only resist a few shots at most.

At this time, a fifth-level sea monster picked up the huge shield from before. That shield should be made of sea gold or other minerals that the sea monsters found at the bottom of the trench.

Although it looks like a huge pimple, the defense effect is surprisingly good, even the four-star light system magic cannon can't hit it.

Moreover, there are no magic patterns on this shield!

This shows that the ores that the sea monsters let the mermaids collect, like sea gold, are mostly ores that contain magical substances!

An ore containing magical substances, with its own good magic resistance.

There is no need for magic patterns, as long as the material is thick enough, it can resist powerful magic. After adding magic patterns, the magic defense it has will be even higher!

Of course, it doesn't mean that ores containing magical substances must be more precious than Mithril, it also depends on the specific ores.

"Quick, use the slow magic cannon!"

On the Cetacean ship, no one needs to be in command, and the mermaids cooperate quite well.

The magic cannon with a slowing effect was aimed at the sea monster holding a huge shield, and immediately, the speed of the sea monster slowed down a lot.

"give it to me!"

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