Qiao Jinniang smiled lightly and said, "It's because I see that the remnant lotus has a different scenery here, so I sit here."

Lu Chen frowned, and persuaded: "You should be more careful, the winter in Chang'an is colder than Lin'an, and it's late autumn now, so you should wear more clothes."

Qiao Jinniang said helplessly: "How can I be so delicate?"

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Guogong was quite puzzled, and even brought Qin Miaomiao forward and said: "His Royal Highness, thank you for clarifying my family Miaomiao, otherwise my family Miaomiao will suffer great injustice."

Lu Chen said: "Back then, Uncle Lin'an was kind to Gu for saving his life. Gu just wanted to help your Qin family for the sake of his own daughter, so don't worry about it."

Qiao Ruoyun knelt down to thank her again and again, and everyone understood that His Royal Highness didn't like Qin Miaomiao at all!

Fortunately, Mrs. Qin Guogong treated Qiao Jinniang like this just now.

Mrs. Qin Guogong was full of remorse, so she could only laugh apologetically from the sidelines, and asked Lu Chen to sit on the main seat.

Lu Chen said: "No need, just sit alone next to the county lord."

How could the original women at the last table dare to sit with the prince, they left the table one after another.

Mrs. Qin Guogong had no choice but to stand aside and serve the prince and Qiao Jinniang.

Fu Lu smiled triumphantly at Qin Miaomiao, walked over to the prince and said, "Cousin Prince, when are you going to let my Jinniang enter the palace? It's a bit of a shame, I don't think my Jinniang is worthy! "

Lu Chen looked at Qiao Jinniang and said, "If she nods, she can enter the palace tomorrow."

When everyone heard the words, they all set their eyes on Qiao Jinniang, and there was only one thought in their minds, is the prince joking?

If the prince wants someone to enter the palace, does Qiao Jinniang need to nod?

And how could Qiao Jinniang not want to enter the palace? Why don't you nod your head?

Everyone was full of guesses, guessing that maybe Qiao Jinniang was dissatisfied with the position given by His Highness the Crown Prince? But after all, she is the biological mother of the emperor's grandson, so as long as she enters the East Palace, she will be rich and honorable.

Qiao Jinniang didn't make any response, but ate the dishes in front of her quite politely. She lost her appetite after only one bite. The chrysanthemum tofu was cold and had a beany smell.

I just ate some cold dishes to save face.

After Qiao Jinniang and His Highness the Crown Prince left, everyone dared to discuss in twos and threes...

"It's the first time I saw the scenery Jiyue, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is so caring for a woman!"

"The prince has always been elegant, but he has never seen him so gentle and careless. What kind of incense did Qiao Jinniang's ancestors burn? She can become the daughter of the Marquis's family while living among the people, and she can still be cared for by the prince like this!"

"It seems that you guys made fun of Qiao Jinniang in front of the racetrack that day, so I told you not to make fun of it, that's fine!"

Those noble ladies remembered what happened before the racecourse, regretted their mistakes, and thought about how to make amends.

I only heard that Qiao Jinniang's Baiweilou will open tomorrow, so I wanted to go to join in.

Early the next morning, Qiao Jinniang went out to the Baiwei Building. The ritual and music team in the teaching workshop that had been hired earlier had already started playing music, and sweets and pastries were distributed at the gate of the Baiwei Building to passers-by.

When the plaque was picked up, there were already many familiar young ladies around the door, and as soon as the firecrackers were fired, everyone rushed in.

Seeing Qiao Ruoyun approaching, Qiao Jinniang asked, "Sister, are you here to cheer on these?"

Qiao Ruoyun smiled and shook her head, "Where did I invite you? Yesterday, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince earned enough face for you. These people understand very well. Seeing that you are quite favored by the Crown Prince, how dare you not come to join us?"

Qiao Jinniang was still worried that maybe the business would not be good, but it seemed that the worry was in vain. This was not only the queue at Zhiwei Pavilion, but even the Baiwei Building had a long queue.

Fortunately, there are enough ingredients in Baiweilou. Even if there are many customers, there are still ingredients, and they will never be cut off.

It’s just that Baiweilou also has a shortcoming. There are silk jewelry shops, bookstores and other places next to Zhiwei Pavilion. Although there is also a market in Baiweilou, there are very few silk jewelry shops. go shopping.

There are many foreigners from the Yi nationality in the market, and ordinary rich ladies would not set foot in such a place.

Qiao Jinniang took a fancy to the shops on both sides, thinking that she could also open two silk, jewelry and rouge shops of her own.

Although the jewelry shop in Chang'an has very exquisite jewelry, the business is very good after all, and I still have to wait for the style I like.

What's more, her master in the gold, silver and jewelry shop in the south of the Yangtze River has hard gold craftsmanship, which Chang'an Gold Shop does not have.

During the afternoon break, Qiao Jinniang went to the two neighboring shops to discuss the transfer of the shop. The shopkeepers of the two shops knew Qiao Jinniang, and seeing that Qiao Jinniang was young, they couldn't help shouting up the price of the shop.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Jinniang readily took out the bank notes and went to the government office to go through the formalities of buying and selling.

The two shopkeepers regretted that they didn't call higher and slaughtered Qiao Jinniang severely.

Qiao Jinniang believed in her own eyesight. Nowadays, all the noble daughters go to Zhiwei Pavilion, the main street, and there are very few daughters of noble officials who come here.

But with the spread of Baiweilou and her pastries, the streets and alleys here will surely flourish.

Next to it is the bazaar, where foreign merchants of the Yi nationality can also come here to buy and sell the popular rouge jewelry in Chang'an to other places.

Although the price they offered was high, it also saved them trouble in the future.

This is also the reason why Qiao Jinniang charged Zhiwei Pavilion a high price. If they see that the business is going well in the future and feel that they are at a disadvantage, they will inevitably feel resentful.

After Qiao Jinniang put down the shop, she wrote to Lin'an, asking if the master who knew how to make hard metal crafts would like to come to Chang'an.

It took at least a month to get a reply. Qiao Jinniang simply found a few craftsmen first. She couldn't draw but was good at carving. She used radishes to carve out the jewelry she wanted and gave it to the craftsmen, ordering them to create it.

This busy work took more than half a month, and even the winter hunting in Chang'an City was about to come.

She has no idea.

In late October, there was snow in Chang'an.

There is also snow in Lin'an, but the snow in Lin'an is not so early or so heavy. Nuomi carried the white feather-like snow into Qiao Jinniang's house, "Miss, this is the first time I have seen such a heavy snow."

Hong Ling chuckled at the side and said: "The snow in Chang'an is so heavy, I hope this day will not be as cold as last year, by the way, girl, there are rules for using charcoal fire in Chang'an.

In the past, the best silver charcoal was obtained by Lord Hou from the palace, but now the mansion can only buy ordinary charcoal, which is more smoky than silver charcoal.

It's okay to have the earth dragon now, but seeing that the sky is getting colder, I am afraid that burning the earth dragon is not enough, and a charcoal brazier must be used. "

The business line is officially opened!

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