Becoming The Real Rich Daughter After Divorce

Chapter 455 Kamishokokuji Temple

Lu Chen said: "I don't think Zhao Qingquan is good enough for Wei Young."

Qiao Jinniang smiled and said: "If it is according to your standards, no one in this world is worthy of Wei Young! But I also think that Prince Zhao is not worthy.

But Xi'er got married, and came from all directions, if Beimo Tubo asked to marry the princess and refused rashly, it would hurt the harmony between the two countries, and she had to make a marriage for her first. "

With its prosperous national power, Datang is naturally not afraid of fighting with Beimo Tubo, but since the exchange of trade, all countries have maintained friendly relations on the surface.

If they proposed to marry Princess Datang as the mother of the country, if Datang refused, it would hurt their peace.

It's not just that princesses in times of war need marriage, but princesses in prosperous times also inevitably have marriage, but it's just that the status of marriage is different in the past.

The Tubo court is already discussing the matter of marrying Princess Datang, so Qiao Jinniang is also happy to see Wei Young find the one she loves as soon as possible.

Lu Chen said: "You don't need to worry about it, since the country of Datang is prosperous, they probably won't insist on marrying them."

One day after Lu Weiyang came down, he didn't like any of them.

On the contrary, many sons were amazed when they saw Princess Weiyang's appearance. Princess Weiyang was not in Chang'an City before, and no one saw how beautiful she was.

Looking at it today, she and Qiao Nishang, the recognized number one beauty in Chang'an, stood together, and they didn't lose at all, and they all stepped forward to please Lu Weiyang.

In the end, Lu Weiyang was so annoyed that she hid aside to find a place to be clean. When she saw Qiao Jinniang, she went over and threw herself into her arms, "Mother, don't let grandma do this in the future. My daughter doesn't like it at all, and my daughter doesn't like to marry her." Man, wouldn't it be good to stay by your side forever?"

Qiao Jinniang patted Lu Weiyang's head, smiled dotingly and said: "Okay, I'm afraid you will dislike mother in a few years."

Lu Weiyang hugged Qiao Jinniang tightly and said, "How could I dislike you?"

Qiao Jinniang said: "You've been bored here for a whole day today, it's hard for you, but is there any place you want to go? Mom will go with you."

Lu Weiyang said: "I want to go to Xiangguo Temple. Some time ago, I drew a big lottery in Yuanxi Temple, and I always remember it in my heart. The last few days have been very unlucky."

When Lu Chen heard about the disaster, he comforted Lu Weiyang and said: "Misfortune is where fortune rests, and fortune is where misfortune lies." Great misfortune may not necessarily be bad, but it can also turn around for the better. How does the signature say? "

Lu Weiyang said: "What do you mean that the world is safe and secure? I don't owe the Tathagata and I don't owe Qing. I can't eat meat when I become a monk, so I don't want to become a monk."

Lu Chen said: "This signature is about Hui'an's aunt and grandmother during the time of Taizu. Princess Hui'an fell in love with a monk when she was young. The princess rebelled."

Lu Weiyang said: "Father, don't worry, I will never rebel. It will cost a lot of money to rebel, so I can't bear it."

Qiao Jinniang chuckled, "I know you won't rebel."

Lu Chen sighed, "I don't know who you followed with your stingy temper?"

Qiao Jinniang said: "I have always been generous, and she must have followed you."

Lu Chen: "..."


Qiao Jinniang has always been skeptical about the gods and Buddhas, but in order to make Lu Weiqiu feel at ease, she and Lu Chen took Lu Weiyang to Xiangguo Temple.

Lu Chen went to find Lingxuan, and Lingxuan heard the nobleman's intentions, clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, there is no theory of fortune in Buddhism, and the lottery in Yuanxi Temple is a combination of lottery from folk temples and Taoism. .

The Buddhist cultivator wished in the next life in this life, and only by accumulating merits and virtues in this life will he be rewarded in the next life. As for the lottery of great evil, the princess does not need to take it to heart. Do more good deeds in this life, and you will have merit in the next life. "

Lu Weiyang said: "But Second Brother said that Yuanxi Temple's signature is very effective."

Lingxuan clasped his hands together and said: "Amitabha, if the princess can't let go, why not copy the scriptures quietly in front of the Buddha, and become a vegetarian for half a month to get rid of evil retribution."

Qiao Jinniang looked at Lu Weiyang and said: "There is a wing room in Xiangguo Temple, my mother will accompany you to live on the mountain for half a month, copying the scriptures devoutly, and you can also seek peace of mind."

Lu Weiyang said: "It's cold on the mountain, my daughter can stay alone to copy the scriptures, mother doesn't have to accompany me,"

Lu Chen also said to Qiao Jinniang: "Wei Young is not young anymore, just let her stay in the temple together."

"She has never experienced hardship since she was a child, and she eats meat. I am afraid that she is too poor in the temple."

Qiao Jinniang was really worried that Lu Weiyang would stay in the temple alone.

Lu Chen smiled softly, "You can rest assured, Master Lingxuan, Weiyang will be taken care of by you."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the little monk will take good care of Her Highness the Princess." Lingxuan clasped his hands together and saluted.

When Qiao Jinniang and Lu Chen descended the mountain, they said: "Master Lingxuan has an extraordinary appearance, and he is one of the best among the men in Chang'an City."

Lu Chen said: "If he hadn't been approved as a Buddhist son at birth, if he was still in the world of mortals, he would still be the best among the princes and grandsons of Chang'an."

"Could it be possible that he has an extraordinary family?"

Lu Chen nodded and said: "He was originally the son of the eldest son of the Zhao family, and today's Uncle Zhao is his uncle."

Qiao Jinniang asked curiously: "So, the original title of Uncle Zhao's Mansion belongs to him?"

Lu Chen said: "Yes, when his father died early, he was a posthumous child. When the old Uncle Zhao was still there, he wanted to make this grandson his son. Later, the abbot of Xiangguo Temple said that he was the son of the Buddha. The youngest among them became a monk, and this title fell above the current Uncle Zhao."

Qiao Jinniang asked: "Isn't he very pitiful? He became a monk when he was born. I'm afraid he doesn't even know what meat tastes like, so he missed the delicacy in the world for nothing?"

Lu Chen smiled lightly and said, "Yes."


Lu Weiyang knelt quietly in a corner of the hall and copied the scriptures, watching Lingxuan kneeling in front of the Buddha statue devoutly reciting the Heart Sutra and knocking on the wooden fish.

The afternoon sun shone on Lingxuan's body, as if casting a layer of golden light on him.

Lu Weiyang rested her chin with her hands, and couldn't take her eyes off for a while.

Until she heard a voice from Master Lingxuan, "Your Highness, if you copy the scriptures with sincerity, the crime will become more and more serious."

When Lu Weiyang heard this, she continued to copy the scriptures until the sky darkened and she returned to the wing room.

Lu Weiyang doesn't like extravagance at all, the wing rooms of Xiangguo Temple are prepared for the nobles, and it's not really poor, it's just right for Lu Weiyang.

The vegetarian food in Xiangguo Temple is not bad, Lu Weiyang thinks it is a good choice to become a monk here.

However, Lu Weiyang, who was woken up by the sound of ringing the bell and chanting scriptures before dawn the next day, completely gave up the idea of ​​becoming a monk.

She asked the maid outside that it was only three o'clock in the morning, but she couldn't fall asleep because of the sound of scriptures, so she had no choice but to get up.

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