Listening to Zhao Qingquan's words, Lingxuan frowned slightly, "His Royal Highness wants to use chess to recruit a son-in-law?"

Zhao Qingquan said: "Exactly, please help Master."

Lingxuan fiddled with one of his own Buddhist beads and said, "This little monk can't help the benefactor."

Zhao Qingquan stood up and asked: "Why? Uncle Zhao's mansion is declining day by day in Chang'an. The ancestors of the Zhao family are from a famous family, and now they have no titles. If I can become a son-in-law, I will be able to restore Zhao's mansion, brother..."

Lingxuan glared at Zhao Qingquan and said: "Amitabha, the little monk has already entered the Buddhist gate. There is only Lingxuan here, and there is no elder brother of the benefactor."

Zhao Qingquan said: "My aunt also knows about this, so you can't help our Zhao family this time for my aunt's sake?"

Lingxuan closed his eyes and turned the Buddhist beads in his hands, ignoring Zhao Qingquan.

Zhao Qingquan walked away angrily, "Lingxuan, it's fine if you don't want to help, I might not be able to become a son-in-law without your help!"

Not long ago, he recruited Quan Chang'an's powerful go masters, and with the help of those go masters, he might not be able to win Lingxuan.

After Lingxuan sent Zhao Qingquan away, looking at Zhao Qingquan's back, there was an unconcealable envy in his eyes. If he hadn't been designated as a disciple of Buddha by Master Yitong of Xiangguo Temple since he was born, and grew up in the world of mortals, now He definitely won't let go.

Lingxuan entered a dim dark room, lit a candle, took the small knife at the side, and slashed fiercely on his arm.

In front of the place where the knife was cut, there is still a scar. This scar was bewitched by someone when he was young, and when he followed a few monks to catch pheasants secretly, he was ordered by a master to cut it.

This knife eliminated the evil karma, and also made him remember not to break the precept when he saw the scar.

Lingxuan watched the blood continuously dripping on the ground, and gradually forgot the vivid figure in his heart.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, many pilgrims came to Xiangguo Temple, some of whom came to taste a bowl of Laba porridge in Xiangguo Temple.

Outside the Xiangguo Temple, the princess's ceremony was grand and solemn.

Lingxuan heard that Princess Weiyang was coming, and as the abbot of Xiangguo Temple, he had to go out to greet him. When he got outside, Lingxuan saluted Lu Weiyang: "Your Highness, Princess."

Lu Weiyang looked at the man in front of him whom he hadn't seen for nearly a month, and said coldly: "Tomorrow, this princess will be recruiting a son-in-law in Chang'an City, and playing chess to recruit relatives. I would like to invite Master Lingxuan to observe."

Lingxuan clasped his hands together and said, "This little monk has to obey the princess' order, but there will be a Dharma conference in Xiangguo Temple tomorrow, and as the abbot, this little monk can't get away. Please forgive me, princess."

Lu Weiyang sneered, "Master, is it really for the Fa conference?"

Lingxuan said: "Yes."

Lu Weiyang stared at Lingxuan's face, his eyes were as pure as before, no changes could be seen on his face, he really didn't care about her anymore.

Lu Weiyang clenched her hands tightly, she was really too stupid, Her Royal Highness the princess was very upset and sad because of him, but he was still the abbot of Xiangguo Temple who was high above him, and the Buddhist disciple who couldn't be moved.

"I will choose a son-in-law tomorrow." Lu Weiyang said.

Lingxuan smiled slightly and said, "Then congratulations to Your Highness the Princess."

Lu Weiyang frowned and said: "I'm going to find someone else to be my son-in-law, is it a happy thing for you?"

Lingxuan clasped his hands together and said, "If the princess can find a husband to be her son-in-law, the monk will naturally be happy with the princess."

Lu Weiyang wanted to find out from Lingxuan's expression that he was lying, but his eyes told him that he was happy, and he didn't care about himself at all.

She was the only one who was stupid, still thinking about Lingxuan, she was going to recruit a son-in-law tomorrow, and she didn't give up on coming here, she was very cheap.


The arena where Princess Weiyang played chess to recruit relatives was set up outside the gate of the palace. Many people rushed over early in the morning. There was a huge iron chessboard with magnet chess pieces on it.

Every time you take a step on the stage, some palace people will stick the chess pieces on the big iron chessboard for everyone below to appreciate.

Those who can come here to play chess to recruit relatives will naturally have to hand over the chess records they have played in the past. There are ten people shortlisted, and all of them are noble sons and daughters in Chang'an City.

The form of the game is a two-two game, and five winners are determined. Among the five winners, one of them can be directly promoted by drawing lots, and the remaining four are still two-two games to determine the winner. , the winner is to play against Wei Young.

The chess competition started in the morning, took a break at noon, and finally decided the winner, Zhao Qingquan, at dusk.

Seeing that it was Zhao Qingquan who won, Lu Weiyang was a little curious, she had played chess with Zhao Qingquan before, and his chess was far from being so good.

The maid at the side lit sandalwood, Lu Weiyang touched the Buddhist beads in her hand and said, "Let's start."

Lu Weiyang played Baizi first, so naturally her first move was Tianyuan.

Zhao Qingquan saw the Buddhist beads in Lu Weiyang's hand and said: "This string of Buddhist beads belongs to Master Lingxuan, right?"

"You know?"

Zhao Qingquan said: "Master Lingxuan was my cousin when he was in the lay family."

Lu Weiyang said clearly: "So that's the case, let's continue."

Lu Weiyang looked at Zhao Qingquan's fierce chess style, and never imagined that his chess strength has improved so much in just over a month.

In a teahouse box not far away, Mrs. Zhao smiled and looked at Lingxuan in front of her and said, "Maybe I haven't seen you for a long time, and I really can't even invite you. Today you must accompany me to finish the game." This game."

Lingxuan said: "Mrs. Zhao, the monk has already become a monk."

Mrs. Zhao looked at her son in front of her and said, "Let's play chess."

Mrs. Zhao glanced at the little maid on the side to compare her movements, and counted the chess pieces on the chessboard in her heart.

Lingxuan looked at the position of Mrs. Zhao's looting, and the first hand was Tian Yuan, and the tricks of the second loosing were very similar to Lu Weiyang.

Lingxuan glanced at his arm.

The unscabby arm was still aching, and he thought he could bear it.

It's really not right to think of Lu Weiyang while playing a game of chess.

In the arena, Lu Weiyang and Zhao Qingquan played chess, the original underestimation of the enemy has also become serious, how is it possible? How can a person's chess style change so much in a short period of time?

Besides, she is too familiar with this style of chess, which is clearly Lingxuan's way of playing chess.

The common people watching the battle, because Zhao Qingquan landed a black piece, all praised: "Okay, this chess piece landed very well!"

"I look at Zhao Shizi's chess style, it looks very much like Master Lingxuan."

"Shizi Zhao is the lay cousin of Master Lingxuan. Since he is a brother, he probably has a similar style of chess."

After Lu Weiyang gave birth, she didn't see Zhao Qingquan give birth for a long time, she felt strange, Zhao Qingquan didn't have to think about her falling into this position.

She followed Zhao Qingquan's gaze, and all she saw were Wu Yangyang people who came to watch the chess game, just when Lu Weiyang was curious about what he was looking at, she saw Zhao Qingquan drop a piece next to her chess piece.

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