The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


After Wei Wei looked down at her chest, she fell silent.

After a long while, she slowly reached out her hand to hold her forehead, and said with a headache:

“I didn’t expect that this magician, who has been cautious all her life, would fall into such a trivial matter in the end… But no matter what, this is my own magic mistake. You can arrest me now, and this magician has nothing to say.”

As she said this, Wei Wei had already raised her hands to indicate that she had surrendered.

Then, Wei Wei paused and added:

"This time, it is true that this magician is not as skilled as others. I did not expect that there are audiences in this world who would keep staring at this place... But! My dearest audience~! Don't think that catching me is the end of our relationship!

On the contrary, this is just the beginning... Because you have successfully attracted the attention of this magician! Please look forward to it! In time, this magician will definitely perform another great magic for you! By then, I hope you can also accurately grasp the magic flaws of this magician like today! Haha~!"

When Wei Wei said this, her face was full of seriousness and excitement. It can be seen that she really has a mysterious love for the magic industry.

Even if there are mistakes in the magic show, it doesn't matter... Because she is very happy to learn lessons from the mistakes in the performance and keep them in mind, so as to make her magic skills more skilled and greater. Every flaw and mistake in yesterday is the cornerstone and road for her to the top of magic art!

"Well... it's a kind invitation from the great magician... OK! I'll accept it on behalf of Xiao Ziling♪~"

Alicia took Weierwei's arm in a very familiar manner, and after making a choice for the helpless Xu Ziling, she said,

"But... actually the magician's audience also has a question..."

"Well... they are very polite audiences! OK! Ask! As long as this magician can answer the questions, this magician will definitely not let you down!"

"Why do you think we will definitely arrest you?"

"Why... eh?"

Hearing what Alicia said, Weierwei was really stunned for a moment.

She looked at Alicia, blinked, poked her face with her finger, then pointed at Xu Ziling and Alicia respectively, and said,

"This blond audience is a stranger, but you... should be the ace fighter in the record of the Fire Moth Operations Department, right? I broke into your meeting place today to steal information. Stealing information, you know? I have no choice but to seek revenge on you!

Now that the plan has been exposed and I have been arrested, I have nothing to say. But what do you mean by not arresting me? The classic reversal of the magic plot can certainly make people happy, but... just to perform a reversal magic at this time and let me go, aren't you afraid that the people above you will blame you later?"


In response, Alicia just smiled and didn't say anything.

Xu Ziling couldn't stand it any longer, so he stood up and walked over, saying:

"Miss Wei Wei, it seems that you still have some biased understanding of the power division within the Fire Moth... You just said it, didn't you? Miss Alysia is the strongest single combat force in the Fire Moth Operations Department, and her reputation within the Fire Moth is unparalleled... Do you really think that there is still someone in the Fire Moth who dares to punish her?"

Although most of Xu Ziling's words are personal speculation, they are not without factual basis... For example, when Alysia first came to the institute, it was clearly agreed that she would supervise the scientific research progress of Mobius as an inspector for two months.

But now it has been more than half a year, and she is still in Mobius's institute, free all day long, and has never seen the Fire Moth give her any orders... Therefore, her power and reputation within the Fire Moth must be extremely high, to the extent that even the parliament dare not easily order her.


Wei Weiwei is not stupid. On the contrary, her wisdom surpasses 99% of the people in the world. As soon as Xu Ziling finished speaking, she reacted. Then she opened her eyes wide in surprise and muttered to herself,

"The strongest person abuses his power for personal gain and suppresses the parliament... Wow! It seems that the organization of Fire Moth has no

The magician's thoughts are so dull and boring!"

"Hey~ Hey~ How can a beautiful girl's affairs be called abusing power for personal gain? This fairy lady has always been clear about public and private affairs!"

After smiling slightly, Alicia stretched out her hand to hold Wei Wei's arm and said,

"And... didn't I just say it? According to the laws of the Mu Kingdom, Miss Wei Wei's situation can only be regarded as impersonating someone else... To put it even less, it's just a prank of a beautiful girl? And a prank... As long as Miss Wei Wei doesn't really do anything harmful to the world, then only verbal education is needed?"

"Ah? "

Although Xu Ziling had reminded her just now, Wei Wei was still shocked to hear Alysia say this in person.

But she quickly realized that everything Alysia said now was based on "taking the matter to the smallest extent". To take the largest extent, Wei Wei could still be regarded as a wanted criminal who trespassed into a national important place.

And the big or small of this matter... the choice is not hers, but the "Miss Pink Fairy" in front of her.

For a moment, Wei Wei's thoughts were like lightning. After thinking about it, she chose to spread her hands helplessly and said:

"Okay, okay... What do you need me to do before you let me go? Generally speaking, there is actually nothing that this magician can't do... Of course, things that violate my bottom line are not allowed. Even if you threaten me with the ban on my right to hold magic shows, it won't work. Magicians still have their own reservedness. "

"Don't think about things so badly! Do we look like bad guys? "

After Alicia smiled, she took out a pink and white letter from her pocket, handed it to Weierwei, and said,

"It's not as complicated as you think for a fairy to do! All you need is for the almighty Ms. Weierwei to use her spare time from magic to help promote this 'nursery rhyme'!"

After Weierwei was stunned for a moment, she seemed to have thought of something, and then took the letter from Alicia and opened it.

Sure enough, inside this letter was the nursery rhyme that Alicia and Xu Ziling had just sung when they were dancing in the first-floor hall of the academic seminar.

A song that looks like a nursery rhyme, but is actually a rumor-refuting song.

Weierwei is very smart, she figured it out in an instant, looked up at Alicia and said:

"You want me to use my identity... to help you refute the rumor about Dr. 'Mobius'? Let more people see the full picture of the facts?"

"Well... can't I? ”

“Of course you can… I can even say that this kind of thing is just a side job for me…”

Vilvi said, frowning slightly, and then said,

“But… I don’t understand, what’s the benefit of doing this for you? Help you to improve the favor of Dr. Mobius? … But according to my information, the doctor is not a good ‘assistant’ to get along with, and the information clearly shows that you have a better relationship with the big star, why do you let go and help Dr. Mobius dispel the rumors that she herself may not care about? ”


After thinking about this, Alicia looked at Velvi, tilted her head slightly, and said,

“A beautiful girl helping a friend… does she need a reason?”


Vilvi was speechless again.

“Okay, okay, you win. "

After shrugging her shoulders in compromise, Wei Wei casually said,

"But it's not groundless to say that it takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it... Even if I am the greatest magician of this century, I can't change the general prejudice against Dr. Mobius in people's hearts by my own strength... So my idea is to set up a bunch of accounts myself, form an organization similar to a fan support group, and then use the power of "a group" to support Dr. Mobius...

And my dear audience, as the mastermind behind all this... do you want to give a name to this support organization that this magician has set up according to your plan?"


Hearing this, Alysia looked worried and said,

"I'm not very good at naming... Hey! How about this! Ziling Ziling, don't stand there like an idiot! You came here anyway, and I can't really let you watch the show! How about you help me think of a name for this organization?"

"Hmm? "

Xu Ziling was stunned, thought for a moment, and said,

"Let's call it 'Love Gate'."


Ailixia shook her head and said,

"This is already the name of my fan club on the social account on the Internet... If I use it directly, it means that the lovely fairy lady is directly standing in the open, and those who are related to Mabe

The congressman who is against Dr. Wus might cause trouble... In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I'd better trouble Xiao Ziling to think of another name. "


To be honest, Xu Ziling is not very good at naming, but he suddenly had an idea and tried to speak,

"...How about calling it [Destiny]?"

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