The next day, the first time, the second day.


Just as the system task was recalled, Xu Ziling's phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was a message from a person with the note "The Greatest Magician of the Century".

[The Greatest Magician of the Century (the user ID is too long and has been automatically omitted)]

[The Great Magician: Hi! My dearest audience, I haven't contacted you for a long time... Do you still remember me? ]

[The Great Magician: It doesn't matter if you don't remember. You just need to know that I plan to hold a grand magic show again in the Far East Province of Shenzhou! ]

[The Great Magician: And this is the ticket and specific location information for the magic show you are watching. Remember to come! I am looking forward to your arrival. ]

[User "Great Magician" sent you a link "The Magic Show of Changkong and Ruins Reappearing in the Sun!"]

Wei Weiwei... Changkong City...

Xu Ziling muttered these two words, and looked at his daily tasks for today, and had an idea in mind.

Yes, Changkong City, which was originally destroyed in the second collapse, was rebuilt at the beginning of this year under the day and night work of the infrastructure maniacs in Shenzhou.

Rebuilding a first-tier city that ranks among the best in the world... This kind of project can take ten or even dozens of years in other places, but Shenzhou is a country full of infrastructure maniacs, and with the high-tech assistance of Mu Country, it took less than a year to rebuild Changkong City, which was turned into ruins. It can only be said that it is worthy of being a great country in the East.

Even during this period, the members of the Fire Chaser Operations Department were investigating the collapse energy radiation in Changkong City. Otherwise, the infrastructure maniacs in Shenzhou could build it faster.

What? How do you say that something invisible and intangible like collapse energy radiation is transferred?

Well... I can only say that in this era of scarce Honkai energy, the price of Honkai energy is not cheap. And once this thing is marked with a price, no matter how difficult and dangerous it is to collect it, the capitalists will always find a way.

I have gone off topic, so let's get back to the point.

"Boy Ziling, come and have a look!"

Xu Ziling had just finished reading the message in his hand when Alysia's happy voice came from outside the kitchen.

Then, the beautiful girl with pink hair pushed the door open and gave the equally beautiful blonde a hug as usual. Then she raised her mobile phone and said with a smile,

"Did you also receive an invitation from the great magician? She said that she would hold a grand magic show in the rebuilt Changkong City! After all, it was the invitation of the beautiful magician sister... Boy Ziling, do you want to go to see it with the lovely fairy lady?♪~"


Xu Ziling looked at his daily tasks for today, and he probably knew why the system arranged it this way.

So, he smiled and looked at Alicia and said:

"Of course."


"So... is this why you came to me?"

Because the research was stuck in a bottleneck, Mobius, who was lying in the laboratory pressing bubble wrap with an irritated look, looked at Alicia and Xu Ziling in front of the door, waved his hand impatiently, and said,

"I have no interest in magic shows, Alicia, if you want to go, go by yourself, don't lead my little guinea pig astray."

"Hey hey hey! Dr. Mobius, don't rush to refuse!"

After being confronted, Alicia didn't mean to be angry at all. Instead, she smiled and came to Mobius, and took out a photo mysteriously, saying

"The magician who invited us this time... is a beautiful girl ?”

Mebius looked at Alicia with a look of a fool, threw the bubble wrap in his hand, and said:

"What does the magician look like have to do with me? If you are interested, go by yourself. I don't have time to fool around with you."

"Hey hey hey! Don't be impatient... Dr. Mobius, take a look at this."

Alicia said, handed over the photo in her hand, and said,

"The magician who invited us is called Wei Wei... Graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, but a first-class genius! Dr. Mobius doesn't want to make friends with such a genius girl? "

"Then what does her mechanical ascension have to do with my biological evolution?"

Mebius said, pushed Alicia away, and said,

"Don't bother me, I'm bothered now... Little white mouse, you too,

Tiantian, don't always follow Alicia and make trouble. You've been led astray by her."


Hearing this, Alicia suddenly became lost. She seemed to be unwilling to get close to Mobius's ear and whispered,

"But Doctor... the invitation of the beautiful girl..."

"Not interested."

"The invitation of the beautiful girl..."


"...the invitation of the beautiful girl."

"No! Alicia, you..."


Seeing that his own doctor was about to die, Xu Ziling hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Mobius' wrist, persuading him,

"Doctor, don't be so bad..."

"You... humph! "

Seeing Xu Ziling also trying to stop him, Mobius simply threw his hand away, sat back in his office chair, and snorted, "I've already said I'm not interested, why is Alicia so annoying... Little white mouse, go get me two more sheets of bubble wrap, I'm getting so annoyed every day. "

Mobius is not in a good mood now.

Because with the help of Xu Ziling, she has been working at 200% efficiency and has been successful in research, but she has fallen into a research bottleneck in recent days.

She has already thoroughly studied the core of the Herrscher of the Void, so it is not the Herrscher of the Collapse that makes her feel tired, but Xu Ziling.

To be precise, it is the flesh strengthening reagents and warrior strengthening surgery that have been further developed based on Xu Ziling's blood cells.

After the flesh strengthening reagents progressed from the fifth stage to the tenth stage half a year ago, they have not made any further progress, and the tenth stage flesh strengthening reagents can only bring about one-tenth of Xu Ziling's strength increase...

The one-tenth here is still Xu Ziling half a year ago. Although he can already demolish a building with his bare hands, he can only Demolishing a building with bare hands...Xu Ziling's most perverted DNA mimicry and nearly unlimited energy intake can't be replicated by reagents at all.

This feeling that she can't make further progress in research even though she already has a living sample by her side makes Mebius very distressed.

And according to her calculations, if there is no decisive factor added, the upper limit of the body strengthening reagent can only stop at the tenth stage. No matter how hard she tries in the future, she can only stay where she is.

And before, with the help of Xu Ziling, she had almost no research obstacles, and after encountering this bottleneck, she inevitably became irritable. So much so that when Alicia spoke, she couldn't help but want to vent her emotions.

"Ahem... Doctor, calm down. "

Xu Ziling took the bubble wrap and handed it to Mobius, saying,

"But I think what Miss Alicia said is right, but she didn't express it completely... I think Miss Alicia meant that if the doctor's research has reached a bottleneck, then don't put yourself in the field of biological research. Occasionally go out and relax, which is also a manifestation of accumulation. Maybe the inspiration for the present is hidden in this period of relaxation... Don't you think so, doctor?"

"Qi... Stop saying good things for Alicia..."

Mobius muttered and took the bubble wrap handed by Xu Ziling, "Pah! Pah! Pah! "She pressed the bubble wrap, although she was still unforgiving, but after Xu Ziling said that, her face was indeed much better than before.

Mobius likes to press bubble wrap when she is upset. This is actually a habit she has had for a long time. It's just that after meeting Xu Ziling, she basically no longer has any irritable emotions, so this has never been shown before.

Seeing that Mobius's mood gradually eased, Xu Ziling took the opportunity to say:

"So, Doctor... It won't hurt for you to go out more. Just take it as a little advice from your assistant."

"Little white mouse, even if you say so..."

"Ahem... Doctor. Didn't you say that May 11th is my birthday, and I can make any request to you that is not excessive... Just this, how about it? "

"Okay then... just consider it as you, the little white mouse, have been working diligently to help me with the experiment..."

At this point, Mobius really had no reason to refuse, but she still glared at Alicia and said very impolitely,

"But Alicia, I agreed to let you go to the magic show because it was the little white mouse's request... not because of you! Do you understand? You said at the beginning that you would leave after two months of investigation... but you have been staying here for almost a year and still haven't left, hum! Since you broke your promise first, don't blame me for being ruthless to you... hum. "

"Hmm... Hey♪~"

On the issue of staying in the institute, Alicia chose to play dumb strategically.

Could she say that the inspector's inspection of the institute had actually ended a long time ago, and the reason she was still here was purely because she could see three top beauties every day?

Definitely not.

After confronting Alicia, Mobius was in a good mood. He looked back at Xu Ziling and said,

"Little white mouse, when is the specific time for the magic show you mentioned? Do you need to book tickets in advance?"

"Hey hey hey! Let me tell you about this!"

Before Xu Ziling could answer, Alicia rushed to say,

"The specific time of the performance is May 3rd to May 5th... That is tomorrow! As for the ticket issue, don't worry, the lovely fairy lady has already booked your tickets for this afternoon~ There are a total of four tickets for everyone in the institute plus the fairy lady. Air tickets♪~"

Hearing this, Mobius couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said:

"Alicia, you are so concerned about this kind of thing... But you said you have already bought four tickets in advance, are you so sure that I will agree to you?"

"Of course!"

Alicia smiled and said,

"After all... This is an invitation from a beautiful girl♪~"



No one in the Mobius Institute likes to procrastinate. Since they have decided to go to the rebuilt Changkong City, they will go as soon as they say they will.

It is worth mentioning that Klein was grateful to Mobius because he was paid five years' salary in advance half a year ago. This kindness from the righteous wife will not dissipate with the passage of time. That is why, after learning that Alicia was going to take them to Changkong City to watch a magic show, she immediately expressed to Mobius her willingness to stay in the institute and work overtime.

However, Mebius immediately dispelled Klein's idea. It was so funny. Her research on physical enhancement had hit a bottleneck. How could there be any complicated documents for Klein to deal with? She was just cleaning and dealing with things related to the affiliated research institute. Did Mebius care about those things? Obviously not.

Therefore, it was fine to let Klein and Xu Ziling take turns to listen to his complaints. If he didn't take Klein with him when the research institute went out for team building, it would be too despicable.


The civilian airliner had been tested from the sky. As early as 10,000 meters in the sky, Xu Ziling saw the rebuilt Changkong City below with his eyesight comparable to that of an astronomical telescope.

After the reconstruction of Changkong City, it was still the same Changkong City. There was not much change in the layout. If Xu Ziling looked carefully, he could see the small building where he and Mebius had lived around Qianyu College, which had also been rebuilt.

I'm afraid that Honkai would never have dreamed that the Honkai he had brought down a year ago would be repaired by human civilization in such a short time.

Even the Honkai radiation, which should have been the most terrifying, was divided up by humans like wolves after being labeled with a price.

It's only been a year, and the Honkai radiation in Changkong City has been reduced to a level that allows ordinary people to live normally. After taking over the management of the Far East Province Autonomous Region, the Shenzhou government immediately controlled the housing prices and commodity prices in Changkong City, and gave as much preferential treatment as possible in all aspects of social life, in order to attract more population circulation and turn the rebuilt Changkong City from a steel shell into a real city.

It's just... no matter how much the wound is whitewashed, it is still a wound. No matter how preferential the policy is, the death of 8 million people in Changkong City cannot be faked.

Now ordinary people who have immigrated from all over the world can still immerse themselves in the preferential government policies after the reconstruction of Changkong City, but in time, they will surely discover the abnormality of Changkong City.

Xu Ziling couldn't comment on this, nor did he want to. In this world eroded by collapse, no matter what ordinary people do, it will not interfere with his life. He himself does not want to get entangled with too many people, and it is enough to protect the people around him.

The distance between Mu Continent and Changkong City is not short. Mobius and others set off in the afternoon, and the civil airliner did not stop at the aviation center of Changkong City until dusk.

When getting off the plane, Xu Ziling glanced at the dusk of Changkong City.

The light seemed to celebrate the rebirth of Changkong City, and it was like a foreplay of the play.

At the same time.

[Ding~! Congratulations to the host for completing the daily task "Invite any Valkyrie/Yingjie out of the house for at least three hours


[Random item reward: Hunting Stone (Magnet)*1]

[Host's remaining Xingqiong: 49700+150=49850.]

[Ding~! It is detected that the host is now in a special place, and the grass-growing period has passed, and the pre-task of the Demon God quest is triggered!]

[Demon God quest Pre-task: The host's grass-growing period has passed, and the hidden collapse has appreciated too much beauty. He decided to give human civilization pain again. Please find the body of the Herrscher of Thunder within the next 148 system hours and prevent the birth of the Herrscher of Thunder! (Completing this pre-task will greatly reduce the difficulty of subsequent Demon God quests)]

[Reward for completing the quest: The Herrscher's birth time is postponed, the second world of the simulated universe is opened in advance, and the new version of ten consecutive*1]

[Penalty for mission failure: The enhanced version of the Demon God quest is refreshed, and the Herrscher of Thunder and its companion Honkai beast will be born in the city where the host is located.]

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