The more you look at the surface, the more you will see.


When the collapse develops to a certain level along with civilization, a special existence called "Herrser" will descend. Each "Herrser" will have the corresponding [authority]. This [authority] will make the existence of the Herrser completely different from the collapse beasts, and will also make the Herrsers no longer divided into levels and strengths, but only in terms of the degree of mastery of their own powers.

In theory, as long as some particularly special Herrsers are excluded, any Herrser who develops the power he possesses to the extreme can exert unimaginable terrifying strength.

For example, the Herrser of the Void, his authority is to create subspaces and connect imaginary spaces, which is visually represented by the creation of portals. When the power of [emptiness] is brought to its extreme, it can even cut off the "infinite" and turn it into "finite". This special point will enable the Herrscher of the Void to have the power to fight against enemies at any stage.

Another example is the Herrscher of Thunder, the electricity and magnetism of the power of thunder, commonly known as electromagnetic force. The most common means of attack for the Herrscher of Thunder is to create lightning to bombard the enemy... but this is actually a particularly thankless method.

If the Herrscher of Thunder develops his power to the extreme, he can instantly destroy the opponent at the atomic level by depriving the magnetic force between atoms. Even this process will not consume any energy for the Herrscher of Thunder himself, because he only recovers the magnetic force between the atoms that make up your body, and does not release anything out, so that the Herrscher of Thunder can use this ability endlessly like a perpetual motion machine, becoming a terrifying existence that kills gods and Buddhas when they meet gods.

In the original plot of Sanbengzi before Xu Ziling traveled through time, there were a total of fourteen such Herrschers.

[Empty] and [Thunder] are the second and third respectively.

That is to say... before the second Ruler of the Empty and the third Ruler of the Thunder, there is still a "first Ruler"...

That is the Ruler of the [Reason]...


"Reason... how is it? My child, this is the name I gave you. Does it remind you of anything?"

Unconsciously, Xu Ziling's vision has been enveloped by a striking white light. He subconsciously looked up, and the person in his vision was no longer the Thunder Dragon Horse, but a blurry pure white figure.

Although the figure was blurry, Xu Ziling still felt that it was "Him"... and "Him" was looking at him with a smile, waiting for his answer.

"I am... the Ruler of the Reason? "

As expected, Xu Ziling's voice was somewhat unbelievable. Because no matter from which angle, this fact is too unacceptable.

Xu Ziling now wants to try to call his system, but when he thinks that the God of Collapse in front of him can see through all his thoughts, he instantly gives up this idea.

The essential rule for time travelers is that no matter what situation they face, no matter who or what, the existence of the system must not be exposed.

And the system once said that if one day its host needs to face the God of Collapse, it will be so scared that it will hide, and at the same time restrain its own breath so that it will not be discovered by the God of Collapse... The system is like this, Xu Ziling naturally cannot be a burden to Tongzi.

"Well... maybe I know what you want to ask. "

Perhaps satisfied with Xu Ziling's shocked expression, the God of Collapse nodded with a smile. Then, "He" slowly came in front of Xu Ziling, and the dazzling white light seemed to render Xu Ziling's brain blank.

"You want to ask... if you are really "Reason", then why do you have a congenital defect similar to the vampire's fear of the sun... right?"

The distance between "He" and Xu Ziling was only half a step, and Xu Ziling had to selectively empty his mind, this way, to try to avoid "He"'s insight into his true thoughts.

Then, Xu Ziling nodded silently and said concisely:


"He"'s question cannot be avoided... because even if he avoids it, "He" can still see through his thoughts.

Instead of being seen through by "He", it is better to simply answer "Him", so that he can try not to fall into a completely unfavorable situation.

"Ha~ The answer to this question is actually simpler than you think. "

"He" smiled at this. Then, "He" stretched out his equally pure white right hand and touched Xu Ziling.

's chest, and said,

"Because my child, what I gave you was always an incomplete "reason" heart... Even your characteristic of fearing the sun was deliberately designed by me to prevent you from being too outstanding... How about it? Does this answer satisfy you? My best child~"

"If this is the fact... then this fact is really bad taste."

Still without any cover, Xu Ziling directly spoke his true feelings.

Looking directly at the God of Collapse would make him feel terrified, so he simply closed his eyes, put his hands behind his back and said:

"Is it the incomplete "reason" heart that caused my congenital fear of the sun and lack of power... This reason is really disappointing. To be honest, compared to this, I am more curious, if I am really your child, then how did you give birth to half of me?"

"My child... Haven't I told you the answer to this question? ”

“He” reached out his hand and stroked Xu Ziling’s cheek again. “He” knew that Xu Ziling was powerless to resist. “He” said,

“Because my child, you… compared to your ‘brothers and sisters’, you are too good. So good… even I have to take action to erase some of your innate talents to balance the gap between you and other children, but unfortunately…”

Having said this, “He” did not continue, but the meaning was self-evident.

Unfortunately, even if some talents were erased, even if he was just an incomplete tuner, the power and talent displayed by Xu Ziling still far exceeded other Herrschers of the same generation…

“It seems that you already understand why I came to you… my child.”


Hearing this, Xu Ziling’s tightly closed eyes jumped twice, and his hands behind his back could not help but clenched. After a long time, he tried to speak,

“So… are you going to kill me?”

“Kill you? What mother would kill her own child? "

"He" smiled, and then asked back,

"Listen carefully, "Li"... Not only will I not punish you, I will also give you extra rewards. Who made you so outstanding? Hahaha~... But of course! The premise of all this is that you... are really my child. "

Hearing this, Xu Ziling's fingers trembled violently.

At this moment, even if Xu Ziling closed his eyes directly to reduce his fear of the God of Collapse, he could feel that the God of Collapse was holding his cheeks with both hands at this moment, forcing his eyebrows to touch "his" forehead.

An indescribable sense of threat instantly struck Xu Ziling's heart, and the threat of death forced him to subconsciously punch the figure in front of him!


How to describe this punch... It's like hitting the air...

"Puff! Hahaha~"

"He" laughed again without being affected, and then held Xu Ziling's neck with one hand, took Xu Ziling's hand with the other hand, and said,

"Don't be so anxious... My child, don't you know? You are now at best... You can only be regarded as my 'half child'."

Seeing this, Xu Ziling's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly suppressed his emotions, and said in a calm tone as possible:

"... Then do you want me to do something or prove something?"

"That's right."

"He" nodded slightly, then let go of Xu Ziling's hand, stepped out into the nothingness of this pure white space, and said,

"Go to America... There is your other half of the core. Go and get that thing back with your own strength, and I will recognize you as my child."

"Okay. ”

It would be of no benefit to him to argue with the God of Honkai, so Xu Ziling nodded directly, but soon, he was confused again.

If he was really an incomplete Ruler of Reason, then why... the God of Honkai wanted to go to America to find the other half of his core? America... he should have never been there, even when he was still a stone statue, Mobius said that a European mining company dug him out from the ruins of ancient Rome.

"You have to find the answer to this question yourself... "Reason", do you know? Asking questions when you have them is of course a good habit of good children, but asking questions too frequently will only make me think you are annoying... understand?"


Xu Ziling was silent.

After saying these words, "He" waved his hand with his back to Xu Ziling, and seemed to be ready to leave.

"Oh... by the way."

At this time, "He" seemed to remember something, clapped his hands, and said,

"That "Thunder" outside... that guy is a waste. The reason why I chose a waste to be the Herrscher is because

I gave you a gift, I hope you like it?"


Before Xu Ziling could ask, the pure white space suddenly twisted, and Xu Ziling felt that the sky was dark, his vision and perception were constantly distorted, and the next moment, he fainted under the severe mental shock.



"...ha! "

On the scorched earth ravaged by the Herrscher of Thunder, Xu Ziling suddenly woke up, and the next moment, a burning pain came from every cell in his body.

Xu Ziling raised his head again and immediately understood the source of the pain.

Because a scorching sun was hanging over his head at this moment!

Feeling his gradually blurred consciousness and stiff petrified body, Xu Ziling hurriedly used the authority of Yakong to take out the sunscreen prepared by his own doctor and drank it, which eased his condition.

After drinking the sunscreen, Xu Ziling checked his body again. It was really a good guy. Most of his body was petrified due to direct sunlight. If he woke up a little later, he would probably be locked in the stone statue as a pillar man again.


Pillar Man...

Thinking of the pure white space before he fainted and the collapsed The conversation with the evil god, Xu Ziling subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his half-petrified arm, and suddenly he had a lot of thoughts.

So... am I really not the Pillar Man...

Then why can I still use genes to perform DNA mimicry...


Mimicry... DNA mimicry... Mimicry...

Thinking of that possibility, Xu Ziling felt that he was not feeling well now. He was exhausted from the confrontation with the God of Collapse. He just barely sat up against the stone and now he almost fell back.

Mimicry... DNA mimicry... So that's it... So that's it? !

So the focus has never been the DNA in the front, but the mimicry in the back? !


To be more straightforward.

Read DNA mimicry backwards!


This is exactly the power of the Ruler of "Reason"! ! !

Damn... Why did I only react to such a simple truth until now...

No... This is still wrong!

Without the pressure of the God of Collapse, Xu Ziling finally calmed down to think about what had just happened. He felt that fear seemed to climb up his spine, and doubts and surprises also rushed over him!

If he was the Ruler of Reason... then why, why didn't he cause a great collapse when he was born? If the birth of the Ruler of Reason had caused a great collapse, then the Fire Moth should have recorded it to some extent!

But the fact is... So far, the only great collapse recorded by the Fire Moth... was the second collapse that had been triggered in Changkong City a year ago.

The great collapse... lacked the first one.

Is it because he only has an incomplete Heart of Reason in his body?

Or is this another round of plans of the God of Collapse against him? ? Everything he just said was a lie made up to deceive him? ?

Xu Ziling felt that he was in a great trouble. Before today, he had never thought that facing the collapse was such a difficult thing. Questions and doubts filled his brain, making him confused for a while.

[Uh... Host, calm down...]


Hearing the voice of the system, Xu Ziling's previous chaotic emotions finally calmed down. The reappearance of the system also indirectly showed that the so-called collapse god had completely left his body.

[Host... You seem to be in a bad mood now...]

By the way... When the collapse god descended, his system was hiding and could not record the information around him.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling quickly organized his words and told the system what he had just experienced.

[Well... So... You are wondering why you, as the Ruler of Reason, failed to cause the Great Collapse when you were born...]


Xu Ziling nodded and then let out a long sigh.

In fact, he also knew that his panic was not right. But... it's like a tight rope. After it's suddenly loosened, it will always tremble.

Xu Ziling is almost at this stage now. He is not a superman, nor a dragon king god of war. When he meets the God of Collapse, he may be able to hold on for a while, but the fear afterwards is absolutely inevitable.

System, I am very confused now... I need a decisive answer to prove... I am really the Ruler of Reason.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziling decided to start from this last

Starting with the important question, solving this question, his emotions can be calmed down to some extent.


The system was silent for a moment, and seemed to be a little scared.

But after struggling for a while, it still leaned close to Xu Ziling's ear and said hesitantly,

[Host, actually your question... um...]

[Do you still remember... when you first appeared in this world, I absorbed a lot of energy from your body in order to possess you? ]


Xu Ziling slowly typed out a question mark.

[Um! Sorry, sorry (>人<;)! Sorry host... I was also curious why your body could retain so much energy... But I really didn't know that it was the Great Collapse caused by you? ! I... I'm sorry! ... I... I'll go write a self-criticism now...]

Xu Ziling: "..."

Xu Ziling was speechless for a moment.

Forget it... Anyway, his identity can finally be completely confirmed with this last doubt dispelled.

So the huge amount of Honkai energy caused by the birth of the Herrscher of "Reason"... was it all absorbed by the system...

But it's actually good, at least the Honkai energy was eaten by his own son, instead of turning into Honkai beasts to wreak havoc on the world. Xu Ziling doesn't think he is a good person, but if possible, he doesn't want to see the world's creatures destroyed.

In that case, although he may not feel it, his own doctor and Alicia should not be used to that kind of life.

Oh... Doctor... Doctor!

"Oh no..."

Looking up, the sun is already shining in the sky. Xu Ziling doesn't know how long he has been unconscious, but he can be sure that the Herrscher of Thunder was born in the late night, not noon.

Oh, and there is also the Herrscher of Thunder!

After confirming his identity, Xu Ziling thought he could be calmer and not blindly doubt like a headless fly. But what he didn't expect was that it was because he calmed down that all kinds of problems came to him in an overwhelming manner.

"Thunder Dragon Horse! Are you next to me?"

After shaking off the lime on his body, Xu Ziling felt that his body had almost recovered, and stood up from the scorched earth ravaged by the Herrscher of Thunder. After glancing around, he saw a sturdy figure lying on the ground next to him.


Seeing this, Xu Ziling breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he was about to lose his high-level backbone of the [Destiny] organization.


"...Thunder Dragon Horse?"

Xu Ziling shouted again, but Thunder Dragon Horse still didn't respond.

That extremely bad feeling hit Xu Ziling's heart again. He instantly flashed to the front of the "Thunder Dragon Horse" lying on the ground and found...


The purple blood of the thunder fell drop by drop.

And the conquered gem was lying there... the chest of that corpse...

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