The little white mouse... you are..."

Even with Mobius's knowledge, he couldn't help but widen his eyes after seeing Xu Ziling separate the flesh and nerves of an emperor-level collapse beast with a single finger.

Although... in this era of collapse, nothing is surprising, but compared with those collapse creatures in the past... the power displayed by Xu Ziling now is too terrifying.

The ability of the Herrscher of the Void, opening a portal, connecting to the imaginary space... how about it? Awesome, right? But his main feature is to show off.

The ability of the Herrscher of Thunder, to draw thunder as a bow and arrow, to call the thunder as a crown... is also quite powerful, and his main feature is a bull.

But what is Xu Ziling using now called?

Split biological nerves? ? Biological disassembly? ?

Perhaps from the world level, this biological disassembly is not as good as Kong and Lei, but the visual impact it brings to people is definitely first-class.

If you think about it from a perspective, you will know that although Shesha is a Honkai beast, it can still be classified as a kind of creature, and humans... are also a kind of creature.

If it is a one-shot kill, it is fine, but if it is a massacre... that is another matter.

Some ordinary people in today's society can't help but feel creepy when they see small animals like chickens, cats, and dogs being massacred. What's more, it's such a big emperor-level Honkai beast...

Although Mobius is crazy, she is still a human being after all. The things engraved in her DNA made her feel fear and dread after seeing Xu Ziling separating Shesha's nerves and flesh with his bare hands. This is her instinct and defect as a weak species of "human beings".

Wei Wei also raised her head. She looked at Shesha's body floating in the center of the warehouse... To be precise, it was Shesha's flesh and nerves.

After noticing Shesha's still shaking nerve eyeballs, Wei Wei opened her mouth in shock. She had seen this scene before, but she had seen similar scenes in museums or biological specimen exhibition halls in the past... Unlike those specimens in the exhibition hall, Shesha's nerves, which were separated from flesh and blood, were obviously still alive!


Xu Ziling raised his hand, but he didn't continue to separate Shesha's bones and muscles from its flesh and blood. After he waved his hand, the light of the subspace swept through the nerves and flesh of Shesha that had been disassembled by the creature.

Then, Xu Ziling turned to look at Mobius and Vilvi, sighed with a complicated expression, and said:

"Don't act on your own next time. If you need a sample of Honkai, I'll get it for you... Where's Alysia? Hasn't she been with you to protect you?"

"... That guy fainted in order to protect the people."

After Mobius pondered for a moment, his eyes fell on the little blue light on Xu Ziling's chest, and said,

"But she's fine... Little white mouse, compared to Alysia, I want to know more about your body... What's going on?"

Xu Ziling looked down at his chest, and there was indeed a blue light surging there. It was the Herrscher core beating... and as Xu Ziling's mind moved, the blue light disappeared.


Xu Ziling sighed again, looked at Mobius, and stretched out his hand, saying,

"It's a long story... Doctor. I always feel that... I have experienced a lot today. I can't explain it in a few words... If possible, I hope to talk to you alone."


Before Mobius said anything, Wei Wei started to be mysterious. She stretched out her hands and clapped them in front of her, saying,

"So next... is the performance segment where the truth of the magic is revealed to the public? Don't worry, this magician is not an unkind person. I will leave quickly and not disturb my two dear audiences from reminiscing about the past..."

With that, Wei Wei was ready to slip away.

As a fraudster, she is extremely interested in anything she finds interesting, and she can do anything to collect performance materials that can excite the audience.

But Wei Wei is a smart person. Her genius wisdom can help her distinguish what things can be inquired and collected as performance materials, and what things will cause trouble if heard too much.

Unfortunately, the scene of Xu Ziling dismantling the creature just now brought a huge shock to Wei Erwei's heart, which was always 18 years old. The Magician's Intuition

Tell her that she can't stay here any longer, otherwise... she's still young and doesn't want to be made into a biological specimen!



Wei Wei's quick escape came to an abrupt halt.

She turned her head slightly stiffly and saw Mebius with a gloomy expression.

After pondering for a moment, Wei Wei laughed and said:

"Uh... Ah ha ha ~ Dr. Mebius, since your assistant has returned, I shouldn't need to help you move the "experimental data" you're interested in, right? If it's okay... I won't bother you, I'm leaving~?"

"You can't leave."

Mebius took two or three steps forward and grabbed Wei Wei's shoulder.

Weiwei's expression suddenly collapsed, and she looked at Mobius with a sad face, saying:

"No... Dr. Mobius, we should have no grudges... Don't worry! What I saw today, I will never spread it to others, I can swear on this with my personality as a magician!"

"This is not something you can swear on... Weiwei..."

After Mobius looked at Weiwei meaningfully, he turned back to look at Xu Ziling and asked,

"Little white mouse, you showed [power] in front of her... Have you regarded her as your own?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziling was startled, and after reacting, he nodded and said:


As a time traveler, Xu Ziling was familiar with the previous civilization plot in the game, so his favorability towards the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire was directly maxed out, and naturally he would not have any extra defense.

But Mobius obviously didn't think so... because she didn't know Weiwei's character. She stopped Wei Wei from leaving, probably because she didn't want Xu Ziling's power just now to leak out and cause some unnecessary impact on him and her...

"In that case..."

Mobius nodded, looked at Wei Wei meaningfully, and said,

"Would you please come with us? Wei Wei..."

Wei Wei Wei's face suddenly became embarrassed. Wasn't it because he looked at her little white mouse for a second longer in the warehouse? Why is it going to explode today... Dr. Mobius! It's not fair for you to do this!

Mobius didn't give her another chance to complain. He pulled her shoulder and motioned Xu Ziling to follow him.


[The Herrscher of Thunder has been born, "Demon God Mission·Pre-condition" failed. ]

[The Herrscher of Thunder has died, "Demon God Mission·The Angry Face of Thunder", completed! ]

[Demon God Mission Reward: Herrscher of Thunder Core*1, the difficulty of the copy "Simulated Universe·Second World" has been greatly reduced. ]

[The design drawings of the God's Key "Seven Purgatory Thunders" have been unlocked. The host can now use the God's Key crafting function to hand in the Herrscher of Thunder core and 10,000 Xingqiong to craft a complete Judgment Key. ]

Late at night.

Due to the destruction of Changkong City, if Mobius and others do not want to spend the night in the front-line army of the Fire Moth Chaser, they can only set off for Neon City around Changkong City.

It has only been one day since the outbreak of this great collapse... The Herrscher of Thunder quickly perished again, and the great collapse that recurred in Changkong City did not continue to spread from Changkong City to surrounding cities. Neon City is a surrounding city of Changkong City, and the people living here are still doing what they should do, without realizing that the city next to them has once again turned into ruins...

After being escorted here by Hen's people, Mobius booked a hotel casually and moved in with Xu Ziling, Klein, and the specially invited Wei Wei.

"Doctor... Headquarters sent a message. I'm going to deal with the documents first."

After dinner, Klein checked the phone communication and asked Mebius.

"You can deal with those annoying messages later... Klein, sit down now."

Mebius patted Klein on the shoulder, then cast his eyes on Xu Ziling across the table and asked,

"Little white mouse, there are no outsiders here now... What did you experience yesterday?"

Hearing Mebius' question, Wei Wei, who was sitting next to Xu Ziling, couldn't help but prick up her ears. She knew that she couldn't escape by herself. It's better to take advantage of the situation and collect more information that can interest her. If she can make her smile, it would be great. No matter what situation you are in, being happy is the most important thing.


Xu Ziling also sighed slightly, and his eyes swept over Mebius, Klein, and Wei Wei, and then he looked around the room.

Wei Wei was very smart.

Ling, after noticing Xu Ziling's gaze around, stood up proudly, took off his magic hat, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, a magician can explain magic secrets without a relatively quiet environment. Cheer up~ The rooms in this hotel have been checked by this magician. You can speak freely, my dear audience~ Don't worry about the possible leakage of information."

Xu Ziling originally planned to take Mobius and Vivi directly to the subspace to explain his experience yesterday... But seeing Vivi's proud expression, Xu Ziling silently gave up the idea of ​​attacking her.

Immediately, he told Mobius everything he experienced yesterday.

Including his true identity pointed out by the God of Collapse, and also... the God of Collapse who pointed out his identity.

At this time, don't say that the more the core figures know, the more powerful the Collapse will become. What Xu Ziling is facing now is not the Collapse, but the God of Collapse.

If the God of Collapse wanted him dead, then He would not need to use such a cheap and inefficient method as strengthening Collapse. He could kill Xu Ziling with just a wave of his hand.

On the contrary, as long as the God of Collapse does not die. Now the people present also keep this news in their hearts, then no matter how much the Collapse is strengthened, it will not be that strong.

At least... if the opponent is the Herrscher of the End who represents Collapse, then Xu Ziling can still consider fighting with the opponent. But if the opponent is the God of Collapse... then Xu Ziling can only consider taking Snake into the hibernation chamber to seek more development time.


After listening to Xu Ziling's statement, Mebius fell silent.

She turned her head to look at Klein beside her and found that Klein had already started working with a notebook and a pen, recording everything Xu Ziling had just said.

Seeing this, Mebius couldn't help but ask:

"Klein, the little white mouse just said... there are gods in this world. How did you manage to record the conversation without changing your expression after knowing this news?"

Hearing this, Klein's hand holding the pen suddenly paused, then raised his head in a daze and said:

"Dr. Mebius... did you say anything just now?"

Mebius: ...

Well, it seems that the basic work of recording information has become Klein's passive skill. Even if the brain does not need to take over the consciousness, her body can automatically complete this task.

But it's good this way... After all, knowing more is not a good thing for Klein.

At this time, Weiwei looked at Mebius's expression, which obviously showed that he had not yet prepared the words, and raised his right hand with an expression of "I have something to say".


Xu Ziling couldn't help laughing when he saw Wei Erwei raising her hand to ask for permission before she could even speak, and then said,

"Ms. Wei Erwei, most people in the institute don't care about this kind of etiquette. If you have anything to say, just say it... Of course, don't interrupt others when they are talking, this kind of etiquette should still be paid attention to."

"Ah? Oh oh oh."

Wei Erwei nodded quickly, and then said excitedly,

"My dear audience... Did I hear it right just now? You said that there is actually a god in this world?! Is this true? Really?? Is it really true??"

"Calm down first..."

Looking at Wei Erwei who was getting more and more excited, Xu Ziling held his forehead with a headache.

"Uh...ah? Sorry, sorry."

Realizing her loss of composure, Wei Wei quickly apologized and added,

"It's just that when I think about the fact that there is actually a god in this world... then as a fraudster, can I also try to deceive the god?

And if even the gods can be deceived by me... what an amazing feat that would be! And what a grand magic that would be!!

Cheating the gods, just thinking about it makes me so excited that I can't do it!"

"...I'm afraid I'll disappoint you, Miss Wei Wei."

Facing Wei Wei's excitement, Xu Ziling shook his head and said,

"Because the Collapse not actually the omnipotent god in the true sense. God is just a convenient name. Its real name should be...the will of collapse."

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