The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

In this way, after being coaxed and deceived by Mobius and drawing cakes, Wei Weiwei rested in the hotel for a night, and the next day, she followed Mobius and others on a special plane to Mu Continent.

During the period, Xu Ziling also asked Mobius if it was too early to propose the Fusion Warrior Plan now? As a person who did research with Mobius, Xu Ziling knew that the end of the physical enhancement experiment was the Fusion Warrior Plan... At the same time, in the previous assumptions and research, he also deeply realized how great the risks of the Fusion Warrior Plan, which was only a prototype, were.

However, Mobius said that it was not too early.

It was not too early...Before, I suffered from the lack of suitable samples and helpers. Now that Mobius has Shesha's gene sample in hand and has tricked Wei Wei, a genius of the same level, to help her with the surgery, she has no reason to fail again.

What Mobius didn't finish saying is... if she could complete the Fusion Warrior Plan earlier and perform the surgery on herself first... then if she has to face this kind of big collapse scene next time, she... can she not hide behind Xu Ziling anymore...

Of course, Mobius didn't say this.

She didn't bother to say it, and she would never admit it in person.


The special plane that Mobius and others were on took off smoothly at the aviation center in Neon City. The Herrscher and its companion Honkai beast in Changkong City have been eliminated, and Mobius has also got what he wants, so there is no need for them to stay here any longer.

In addition, Wei Wei, who was traveling to Mu Continent on a special plane with Mebius and others, was always so excited that she couldn't move... First, it was because Mebius promised her that as long as she cooperated with Mebius to do a small experiment, Mebius could help her obtain Xu Ziling's ability to take objects from a distance.

When she thought that she might also be able to use the authority of Yakong, Wei Wei naturally couldn't calm down. Although using the authority of Yakong to perform magic... violates the principles and etiquette of magicians, magic is magic, and life is life. If you can use the authority of Yakong to cover up your magic tricks and win the cheers of the audience... then isn't this a kind of "fraud"? Excluding her fanatical love for magic, Wei Wei's most passionate thing is to deceive others' perceptions.

Second... it is because the special plane she is taking with Mebius and others is the first time Wei Wei has taken a normal plane in her life. Before, she… couldn’t bear to spend the money on the plane tickets, and wanted to save it to buy a few more mechanical components, so she usually sneaked in through the luggage compartment of the plane…


On the special plane, Wei Weiwei sat by the window. She pressed her face against the glass of the plane window, and after she exhaled a breath of hot air, the glass window suddenly became misty.

Then, Wei Weiwei stretched out her finger and quickly drew a lifelike rose on the mist of the glass. Then, she turned around triumphantly, looked at Xu Ziling sitting beside her, and Mebius and Klein behind her, and said with a smile:

"My dear audience! Come and see the new paintings of this magic trick!"

"Qi... what's so good about that?"

After shaking his head, Mebius reached out and took off the glasses that he had deliberately put on when he came to Changkong City to seal his appearance. Then, she took out an eye mask from her arms and said,

"You all be quiet, I want to make up for my sleep, wake me up when we arrive in Mu Continent."

As he said, Mebius put on his eye mask and leaned on the seat of the plane to rest for a while.

Klein beside her was still busy processing documents, mostly some complicated information sent by the Fire Chaser Moth... As for the problem of not being able to use electronic devices during the flight... please, what era is it now. Mu's technology is shocking. Klein's notebook and Xu Ziling's mobile phone are both customized, and there is no option of flight mode at all.

Wei Wei looked around and found that the two audience members had no intention of appreciating the performance. She could only place her last hope on Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling, who had a high degree of favorability towards Zhuhuo Yingjie, naturally would not disappoint the other party. He first made a gesture of silence, then gave Wei Wei a thumbs up, and then took out his mobile phone to take a picture of this beautiful rose painting as a souvenir.

Well... Xu Ziling's personal belongings are usually stored in the subspace, so they will not be scrapped due to high-intensity combat. Not to the point of

Like a certain fellow sufferer, he had no place to eat after his cell phone was scrapped.

When Wei Weiwei saw Xu Ziling taking a photo, she immediately adjusted herself and posed in a smug pose. Xu Ziling pressed the shutter of the camera to record this scene.

The plane is still flying.

It is worth mentioning that... Alicia, who was originally unconscious in the military medical department of the Fire Moth Front due to exhaustion, had woken up last night. At that time, Mobius received the news and invited her to take the same plane with them back to Mu Continent.

However, Alicia rejected Mobius' invitation... Her original words were that the Herrscher and its companion Honkai Beast in Changkong City had been destroyed. But there are still a terrifying number of low-level Honkai beasts wreaking havoc. The combat detachment of Hen alone may not be able to handle it, and the aircraft carrier fleet does not need to waste firepower on low-level Honkai beasts... As the strongest individual combat force of the Fire Moth, Alicia must play a role at this time and can no longer act as she pleases as before.

This is reasonable... After all, Alicia is always like that. She loves others more than she loves herself. It's okay to joke about trivial matters, but she can also distinguish between right and wrong.

Now the Honkai beasts spreading in Changkong City are beyond the scope that Hen's combat detachment can handle in a short period of time. In order to prevent these Honkai beasts from wreaking havoc again in the surrounding cities of Changkong City, Alicia must also shoulder her own responsibilities.

However, she also sent a message to Mobius and others not to worry about her. She would not stay in Changkong City for too long. After beheading all the Honkai Emperors and the cutting-edge forces such as the Temple-level Honkai Beasts that were wreaking havoc in Changkong City, she would be able to throw the rest of the work to Hen's detachment. At that time, she would be able to return to the institute to find Mobius again.

[Miss Pink Fairy: Anyway, that's how it is! Xiao Ziling, don't worry about me. In addition, remember to take a shower after you return to Mu! When you are clean, Miss Fairy will come back to find you♪~]

[The assistant is not the bishop: Some things, I'd better tell you when we meet... Anyway, Miss Alicia, you should also take care of yourself. Although the doctor is not forgiving, everyone in the institute actually cares about your physical condition. Don't make yourself unconscious because of a momentary impulse. ]

[Miss Pink Fairy: Got it♪~]

After replying to Alysia's message, the third great collapse brought by the Herrscher of Thunder was completely brought to an end.

He looked at the time. He and Mobius and others took off from the aviation center of Neon City at 10 am. Since it was a special plane, the speed was much faster than the passenger plane. At about 2 pm, they would arrive at Mu Continent.

And in the middle of this... there was one thing that Xu Ziling was very concerned about, which had not been answered.

About the highest leader of the Americas, the Smoker... and the one behind him... Vishnu...



Using the Key of Eternal Calamity, Xu Ziling sank his consciousness into it.

What came into view was Shesha's huge snake-bone nerve. Its nerve veins connecting the nerves were still turning slightly. The blessing of the God of Collapse made it never die completely, but Xu Ziling's power as an incomplete law of reason made it live forever in this state of biological disassembly, and it could no longer threaten anyone.

During this period, Shesha's consciousness will also sink forever... This is actually a good thing. After all, if the wear and tear of consciousness cannot be alleviated by sinking, then refer to a certain ultimate creature exiled to space. Shesha, who was separated from his flesh and blood, could do nothing and could not do anything. He could only watch his flesh and blood being cut and taken for experiments... This is an extremely cruel mental torture. I am afraid that it will not take long for Shesha to stop thinking.

But obviously, these are all later... After all, Xu Ziling's visit to the subspace this time was not for this emperor-level Collapse beast.

As the name implies, the subspace is a space that is simulated by contrast. Its internal environment is not fixed. When Xu Ziling entered here, it was a purple-gray void, with only broken stones barely forming a devastated land in this space.

Passing by the body of Shesha suspended in the air, Xu Ziling stepped delicately towards the center of this subspace.

Here... there is a person smoking.

It was the smoker who was locked up in the subspace by Xu Ziling before.

"Hi! man."

Seeing Xu Ziling's visit, the smoker with a big cigarette in his mouth showed a classic Mi-style smile, blew a puff of smoke, and said,

"Wow, friend. It turns out that

Is this your real face... Not bad, not bad! Hahaha, this is much better looking than Tianjin's skin."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Without feeling sorry for the exposure of his real face, Xu Ziling, who was walking towards him, said bluntly,

"You should know why I want to spare your life under the power of the Herrscher of Thunder... Now, I ask, you answer, understand?"


In response, the smoker took a long puff of the cigarette in his hand, and then said,

"Okay, but... I have a condition."

"Why do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me?"

As Xu Ziling said this, thunderclouds surged in his palm, and it was obvious that he didn't intend to talk properly.

"No...NoNoNo! man! Let's talk properly! Don't be impulsive! "

The smoker waved his hands and said,

"I don't have any other requests. I just want a cigarette... You know, for a smoker, it's okay to go without food for seven days, but one day without a cigarette is really killing me... This is my last cigarette now..."

"Your living habits have nothing to do with me. You only have two choices now. Either answer my questions, or wait for a while, when I arrive in America, I will use the citizens you always say you want to protect to threaten you to answer my questions."

Xu Ziling was not polite at all. If it was at ordinary times... Facing the highest leader of America, Xu Ziling would be more or less afraid from the perspective of the institute.

But just look at the calm expression on this guy's face when he used himself as bait to awaken the Herrscher of Thunder in advance... It's obvious that he was ready to die. At that time, all the electronic equipment records were interfered by the electromagnetic storm released by the Herrscher of Thunder... Xu Ziling is now facing a "missing dead person", so naturally he doesn't need to worry about anything.

"You... harm! I said, I said, isn't that enough? "

The smoker had to give up when he saw that he couldn't get a cigarette, and later took the last cigarette out of his mouth, as if this would slow down its burning speed.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Ziling stretched out his right hand and grasped it forward. The lightning of conquest surged wildly, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a slender purple sword in Xu Ziling's hand.

[Seven Thunders of Purification·Ming Leijian]

This is the third God's Key made from the core of the Herrscher of Thunder - the Key of Judgment.

After giving the extra Herrscher of Thunder core and 1w Xingqiong, the reward for completing the task, to the system, the system also made this Key of Judgment for him in minutes.

Different from the mud truck of the Key of Eternal Tribulation , this Judgment Key with a katana appearance, the surging thunder it releases makes him look very deterrent, and it is perfect for shocking people.

As for whether his information will be leaked?

Please... When Xu Ziling locked up the Smoker in the subspace, he never considered letting him out. Anyway, in the eyes of the outside world, the Smoker is already a dead man.


As expected, when the Smoker saw Xu Ziling take out such a thunder-filled katana out of thin air, his body trembled subconsciously. Then, he lifted his wheat-yellow hair that was very American, and his face full of flesh piled up an uncoordinated smile, and said with a smile,

"Ahem... ahem! My friend, just ask whatever you want, as long as I, the Smoker, know it, I will tell you everything! "

While saying this, Smoker's blue eyes were still rolling around, as if he was looking for a possible escape route in this subspace.

But apart from the cracked island made of messy stones under his feet, the subspace that was full of purple-black void was destined to shatter Smoker's fantasy.

"The first question."

Xu Ziling didn't waste any words. He placed the Seven Thunders of Purification in front of and behind him in the form of a long sword and said,

"Smoker...what is your relationship with Vishnu?"

"What the hell? What Vishnu?"

Smoker was confused.


After a moment of silence, Xu Ziling changed his words,

"Vishnu...that's the name I gave to that emperor-level Honkai beast, and you...have the breath of that guy. If you can't explain your relationship with that emperor-level Honkai beast, the don't want to know. "


Hearing this, the Smoker immediately knew what Vishnu Xu Ziling was talking about. His eyes were a little evasive, and his expression became hesitant. It can be basically concluded that he and Vishnu do have some unknown relationship.


The blade of the Seven Thunders of Purification was unsheathed, and the surging lightning rushed straight to every pore of the Smoker.


The sweaty Smoker swallowed silently, looked around, and said,

"That... friend, before answering this question, can I ask you how good the sound insulation is here?"

"What do you think?"

Xu Ziling asked back.



Unexpectedly, after Xu Ziling answered the Smoker's question, the Smoker actually knelt down to Xu Ziling on the spot? ! And it seemed that he wanted to hug Xu Ziling's thigh, which really shocked Xu Ziling... No, where is your dignity as the highest leader of the Americas?

Xu Ziling subconsciously avoided the physical hug of the Smoker. The smoker was not embarrassed at all, and began to speak with tears and snot:

"You have this kind of power, but you are still the enemy of Vishnu... Sir, benefactor, saint... Big brother! You should have told me earlier that your target is that bastard!! I will tell you how that bastard occupied my Black Palace. Hey, hey, hey, please come this way——"

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