The two of them were so close that they were almost dead.



A pink crystal accurately hit the head of the Collapse Emperor, and dozens of Temple-level Collapse Beasts had already died around the Collapse Emperor.

The cause of their death was the same, they were killed by the pink crystal arrows, and there was no possibility of any resistance.

Although this Collapse Emperor was stronger than the Temple-level Collapse Beast and reached the peak that the lower-level Collapse Beasts could reach, it was still no match for the girl with pink hair in front of it.


Another arrow came, and the Honkai Emperor could only roar unwillingly, and the huge body of dozens of meters high fell to the ground.

"Hmm♪~ This should be the last one..."

After watching the Honkai Emperor fall to the ground, Alicia put away her bow and arrow, smiled happily, and said,

"Then the remaining tank-level Honkai beasts should all be handed over to Hen to deal with... Dr. Mobius, Xiao Ziling and Xiao Klein... Hehe♪~ I don't know if you have followed the fairy lady's request and waited for me in the research institute! Thinking about it, I am really looking forward to it... Hmm♪~ Decision! Let's go back and see it with my own eyes~"


At the moment when Alicia was teasing herself, an abrupt mobile phone ring suddenly rang.

Learning from the lesson that communication equipment was easily damaged in battle last time, Alicia went back and asked someone to customize a new combat communicator.

Mu country technology is shocking. The small headset that Alicia is wearing in her ear is small in size and has a large memory. She only needs to extend her finger and tap the sensor on the headset to automatically project a light and shadow screen in front of her field of vision, completely eliminating the possibility of the communicator being damaged in battle.

Compared with traditional mobile phones, the only disadvantage of the headset communicator is that its screen is made of light and shadow, and it doesn’t feel real to the touch...

Let’s not talk about this. When she heard someone calling, Alicia tapped the sensor on the headset. The small and exquisite headset immediately projected a picture composed of light and shadow in front of Alicia’s field of vision - this is also a video communication.

"Alisa, something is wrong..."

Before the light and shadow portrait was clearly presented, Alicia heard a slightly hurried tone from the other end of the phone.


Alicia blinked in confusion, looked at the video communication in her field of vision, and asked,

"Hen, what happened? Don't worry, tell me slowly..."

"I... Alas!"

Hen scratched his head, and then said with a distressed face,

"I'll try to be brief... Anyway, Alicia, there is news from the Fire Moth headquarters. The collapse did not just break out in the Far East..."

"... What?"

Alicia's pupils shrank suddenly, and her tone was flustered for the first time. She hurriedly asked,

"Specifically, where is it? Where? When did it happen? Were there any casualties at the location where the Honkai broke out? "

"Alixia, calm down first... Honkai broke out suddenly, so there are definitely casualties there... But you should also relax a little. The Honkai that broke out in other areas is not as strong as Changkong City. At most, there are only one or two tank-level Honkai beasts. The Fire Moth team has intervened with the local government to implement control, and the situation is still under control. "

"But if that were the case... then you wouldn't have called me... right?"

Alixia asked back.

"This... Alas, nothing can be hidden from you..."

Hen, who was a little overwhelmed, held his forehead and said,

"In short... the collapse that broke out in other regions is not as strong as that in Changkong City. But the distribution range is extremely wide... The ice-attributed collapse emperor appeared in the frozen wasteland of Siberia in Suzhou. The captain of the second detachment in charge of the Suzhou area went to control the situation.

Three chariot-level collapse beasts appeared in the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. They were extremely destructive and headed straight for the local chieftain tribe... The captain of the sixth detachment in charge of the African region went to intercept them.

The kangaroos in Kangaroo Town in southern Australia have collectively mutated, and the local villagers have also been infected and become dead soldiers... The captain of the seventh detachment in charge of the Australian region accepted the task of suppressing the dead soldiers.

As for Shenzhou... there is no need to say more. The appearance of the Far East Province is obvious to you and me.

In addition... Europe, South America, North America... and even Antarctica,

There are different degrees of Honkai energy. Although they are not strong in general, with an average of only two tank-level Honkai beasts in each region...but their distribution masks are too wide. Facing the masses, the Fire-Chasing Moth can no longer hide it from the public..."

"...I know."

When she thought of the Honkai beasts wreaking havoc all over the world and the countless ordinary people being slaughtered by the Honkai beasts, Alysia felt her heart tremble.

After taking a deep breath and forcing herself to calm down, Alysia asked Hen,

"We...are not just sitting and waiting to die...right? There should be a way to remedy it..."


During the communication, Hen hesitated, and after thinking it over, he said,

"There is indeed a way to remedy it. But the success rate is extremely low. In fact...rather than a plan, it is more like a trap set by Senator Fire-Chasing Moth for you!

Alicia, you must think clearly before making a choice. With your reputation in the Fire Moth, as long as you make it clear that you refuse, those old and undead councillors will not be able to do anything to you..."


After shaking her head slightly, Alicia said,

"Someone has to stand up... right?"

"You... ah!"

Hen now felt that he was really exhausted. Even at this moment, Blanca was standing behind him with a knife, forcing him to find a way to keep Alicia away from the trap quickly, Hen really couldn't do it.

Because he knew that even if he hung up Alicia's phone right now, Alicia would most likely receive a notification from those damn councillors after she died...

Damn... How could those councillors be so good at making trouble, and they used such a high-sounding reason...

"Ding ding ding~! !"

"Ding ding ding~! ! "

While Hen was still hesitating, two new communications came from Alysia's headset.

Alysia followed the projection of the communication, and when she saw the notes of the two callers, she was shocked!

[Military Strategy Department Minister - [Xiong Xin] Call]

[Financial Circulation Department Minister - [Tian Jin] Call]

Being called by two Supreme Councillors of the Fire Moth at the same time was a very luxurious treatment.

Then, without waiting for Alysia to respond, the two calls were automatically connected... As the five Supreme Councillors, it was naturally very simple for them to arrange some small programs for their equipment.

The first to bear the brunt was a particularly fierce female voice:

"Alysia! No matter what other councillors said to you! We don't need you to interfere in the affairs of our Military Strategy Department! ! We can do our own things ourselves! ! Do you understand? ! I don't need you to interfere in my affairs... No! ! ! ! ”


The extremely tough female minister Xiong Xin said this after the call… and then hung up directly. Even the character interface of the video call was not loaded yet… she hung up.

From the tone… the head of the military strategy department seemed very angry… Ai Lixia didn’t even know why that sister Mao was angry with her. She shouldn’t have done anything that was not beneficial to the other party or the other country…


After the Minister of the Military Strategy Department Xiong Xin hung up the phone, another male voice sounded, and this time the character interface of the video call was loaded, reflecting Tianjin’s face.

Similarly, Tianjin also saw Changkong City where Ai Lixia was now through the video call…

However, seeing his own country become like this, Tianjin’s expression did not change much. His sunglasses seemed to lock all his emotions… After pushing them, Tianjin said:

“Miss Ai Lixia, Minister Xiong’s mood is not normal… Please forget what she said just now. On behalf of the parliament, I am issuing you an urgent task. "


Ailishiya asked subconsciously. Her intuition told her that the task that Tianjin was going to issue to her was most likely the "possible chance to remedy" that Hen had just told her...

"Miss Alishiya, I think you should know... The current collapse is not limited to Changkong City in the Far East Province of Shenzhou.

Although most of the collapse beasts in areas other than Changkong City are weak, it has erupted all over the world, and there is no order at all... I heard that you and Captain Hen ended the source of the collapse of Changkong City? That's good.

But that alone is not enough. The collapse that spread all over the world did not stop because of the end of the collapse of Changkong City...

...It is still going on.

What's more coincidental is that we detected the breath of an emperor-level Honkai beast in the American continent not long ago.

Given the special nature of the emperor-level Honkai beast as a superior Honkai beast. We have reason to suspect that after the source of the Honkai in Changkong City was ended, it was the emperor-level Honkai beast entrenched in America that was still the mastermind behind the spread of the world's Honkai. "

"Therefore, in order to end the Honkai that is now spreading around the world as soon as possible, and to protect the vast majority of people in the world from the intrusion of Honkai. After the unanimous decision of the Fire Moth Council, we decided to send you, the ace fighter, to the American continent to find the emperor-level Honkai beast and carry out the decapitation operation... You..."

Tian Jin wanted to say that you have no right to refuse, but considering the connection between Alysia and the slut who took advantage of his weakness...Tian Jin changed his words:

"This is your duty, and it is also the only way to help the people you are passionate about get rid of suffering as soon as possible. I hope you understand. Miss Alysia."

Go to the American continent... Find the emperor-level Honkai beast, and then kill it, will it be possible to end the Honkai that is now spreading around the world...

After just a little thought, Alysia nodded to Tianjin and said:

"Thank you... I accept this mission. But Minister Tian, ​​besides what you just said, don't you have any more detailed information? For example... Where exactly is the emperor-level Honkai beast in America? If you want to carry out a decapitation operation against Honkai, there should be a set of targeted intelligence, right? ”

Tian Jin: …

“You have information… right?”


Tian Jin nodded slightly to Alysia in the video communication and said,

“The director of the General Management Department who was originally responsible for the Americas has disappeared, and his region… has always not allowed other council chairmen to interfere. We have only recently learned that there may be an emperor-level Honkai beast lurking in America, but we don’t know which state in America it is in…”


Alysia was a little speechless for a moment…

Emperor-level Honkai beast?

No information?

Isn’t the emperor-level Honkai beast the kind of existence that will destroy the world as soon as it appears? Why doesn’t it have any information collection for such an aggressive beast?

It shouldn’t be…

At this moment, even Alysia couldn’t help but doubt it. Could it be that what Hen said was true… At this moment, this so-called “chance to save” ", is it just a trap set by the councillors for me?

Or is that emperor-level Honkai beast a growth-type player with extremely high IQ?

Then... wouldn't it be even more terrifying?!

Without intelligence, searching for a Honkai beast that may exist and hide itself in the American continent is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack?!


Seemingly realizing that what he said was inappropriate, Tianjin Tactics coughed and added,

"Although we don't have any intelligence at the moment...but please rest assured, Miss Alicia, this is only for now. Once we find the missing Minister Yan, we will definitely contact you as soon as possible. Let him tell you all the information he knows. If he refuses to answer, the parliament will stand by you without reservation. "

Ailishiya's eyes widened slightly.

When they find the smoker back, if the other party refuses to answer, will the parliament stand by her side without reservation?

But...isn't this the responsibility you should have fulfilled?


Tian Jin pondered for a moment and said,

"If you still feel it's inappropriate...let's do this, Miss Alishiya. Although the fourth detachment of the Fire Moth, which was originally responsible for the North American region, has disappeared along with Minister Yan. But...within my power, I can transfer the third detachment of the Fire Moth responsible for the Shenzhou region to you...

You know, the captain of the third detachment was sent to carry out a secret plan before and has not been able to return. Now, if you need it, I can transfer the rights of the captain of the third detachment to you...In addition, please don't pay attention to what Minister Xiong said just now, she was just emotional. My Shenzhou detachment...doesn't need her to help manage it yet. "

"That's it, Alishiya. As a favorite of the Fire Moth, I really don't want to force you unless it's necessary, but you also need to understand... the time when the Fire Moth could let you do whatever you want is over. When the Fire Moth detachment is unable to control the overall situation, the responsibility of saving the people will naturally fall on you.

Of course, this is not my order, I am only responsible for conveying the decision of the parliament. As for whether to accept or not... choose

The power is yours."

"I accept..."

"Very good, then..."

"But I refuse the right to be the captain of the third team... That is not a right I should have."

"...Okay, okay. It seems that you have determined me and will not let you fight alone, right... Let's do this, I will use my connections later to tell the one with the poisonous pupa and ask him to send you a strong helper."



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