After the system said the name of this person, Xu Ziling did not hesitate to write down the name "Misha" on the four-star character card in his hand. [Ding~! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the four-star character Misha! ] [Misha: The doorman of the Daydream Hotel, he is reserved and introverted, but he has the supreme authority of the dream manager. With this, he can achieve the purpose of stopping time to a certain extent through his own deployment of dreams. And Misha seems to have a potential identity besides the identity of "hotel doorman"... a character full of mystery and unknown. ]

[Misha·Character Abilities: [Mop Mastery], [Ice God], [Time Pause], [Clock Trick], [Soul Pulling and Dreaming]... etc. ]

[Random ability extraction for character "Misha"...]

[Ding~! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the character ability of character · Misha - [Time Pause]! ]


Even with Xu Ziling's mentality, he couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing this character ability.

Not... what the hell? Time Pause? ?

Is it the time pause I imagined? ?

[Active Skill·Time Pause: As the name suggests, after using it, the space with a radius of 20 meters with the host itself as the center will enter the time pause field, which lasts for five seconds]

[PS: If the host completes itself... then the time stop ability rises to nine seconds. Continue to strengthen the connection, and the time of time stop can also be further increased. ]

Ah? ? ?

Is this really THE WORLD? ?

Xu Ziling now feels that his cognition has been overturned... No, system, you really have to come up with something!

The five-second time stop... After getting high, it increases to nine seconds... Have I really become an Egyptian woman? ?

And this Misha's character ability... Except for the [Mop Mastery] that seems to be a living thing, the rest are [Ice God], [Clock Tricks], [Soul-pulling Dreams], etc. No matter how Xu Ziling looks at it, it doesn't look like a weak thing, right?

System, tell me that such a heaven-defying character ability is what a four-star character should have? ?

[I... I don't know either! ]

[Regarding the star classification... I... Ah ah ah... Sorry, sorry, host, I was lazy in this regard... I directly copied the classification and rating of that game company without doing any specific research myself o(╥﹏╥)o...]

[You... If you are not satisfied with this setting... I... I will update it tonight! You... Don't blame me, oooo...! ]

No, no, no! No need to change! No need to change!

After hearing that the system was going to update this bug, Xu Ziling quickly interrupted the other party.

Are you kidding... How difficult is it to obtain a four-star character? How difficult is it to obtain a five-star character? ?

If I can get the most amazing character ability at the lowest price, isn't that the system giving me benefits? ? If Xu Ziling refuses again, he will be too inhuman!

With full of excitement, Xu Ziling looked at another task reward - the opportunity to open a designated limited card pool.

Four-star Misha is like this... What if I ask the system to recommend a hexagonal five-star warrior for me??

But after Xu Ziling made this request, the system showed a strong resistance.

[No... No... Your ending will eventually be reached by your own will... You can't rely on me too much. ]

[Nothing can be said this time... Please don't embarrass me... Uuwuヽ(*。>Д<)o゜……]

Okay... It seems that there is really no such thing as having the best of both worlds in the world.

In response to this, Xu Ziling shook his head helplessly. He also knew that he could not continue to deceive his system, at least not today.

The main reason was that he felt guilty... Secondary, it depended on the character of his own system. If Xu Ziling continued to ask, it would most likely shut down to avoid Xu Ziling's request...

If it shut itself down... Then Xu Ziling would have nothing to play with.

So it's better to be open-minded... If it doesn't work, you still have a backup.

Xu Ziling didn't know whether Salmon would release other powerful five-star characters in the future, but he knew that a five-star character was definitely not weak...

[Marshal of Xianzhou·Hua]

Although this character was not implemented in the game before the crossing... But looking at the name of this marshal, it would be a shame to "Fu Hua III" if she didn't implement it

Nickname, plus he is the hunting envoy who leads the Immortal Boat Alliance. If Xu Ziling can drain the life of this great immortal, a mere collapse can be destroyed in a snap.

"Little white mouse, go get me a bath towel."

At this time, Mobius's voice sounded from the bathroom, interrupting Xu Ziling's thoughts.

Because Mobius has to do experiments frequently, she pays attention to the cleanliness of her body every day, and taking a bath before going to bed has become her normal. In addition, bath towels are thrown away after use, so Xu Ziling has done similar things before.

But this time...

Looking at the blurred figure in the bathroom, Xu Ziling thought for a moment, and his mind moved, and a simple pocket watch appeared in his hand.

The next moment, Xu Ziling threw the pocket watch, and everything he saw in his vision was instantly distorted, and the color also faded into the most basic black and white in an instant.

In this space composed of black and white, Xu Ziling is the only one with color... and the only one who can move.

The light particles and the pause in time will not cause the vision to be completely dark, and the time will not suffocate because of the inability to absorb oxygen, and the time will not cause any adverse effects on oneself...

Sure enough, this... is [THE WORLD]...

Although this ability to stop time comes from "Misha" rather than [World]... But it doesn't matter! As long as the visual effect is right! Xu Ziling didn't need a yellow plumber behind him to help him fight.

Stand-in? What stand-in? Isn't that a tool for time stopping?

And just when Xu Ziling was daydreaming, the five seconds of time stopping brought by Misha had all passed, and the black and white world in the time stopping area regained its own color.

"Little white mouse, aren't you outside?"

"Ah... Oh, here I come, Doctor."


Late at night.

Mebius tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep.

It was unknown whether it was because of the fusion of [Shesha]'s genes that turned her into a nocturnal creature... or because [Shesha]'s power was too weak, the disappointment made Mobius unable to sleep.

Or maybe... it was both.

Xu Ziling on the floor couldn't sleep either.

But he was just excited.

If you put yourself in his shoes, you will know that the time pause... is still conceptual, and will not cause any side effects to the user. How could he still sleep when he suddenly had such a powerful power?

He simply lay on the floor, looking at the moon outside the window, thinking about which character he would use his limited card pool on, and his next task plan.

"Little white mouse."

Mobius on the bed called Xu Ziling again. She looked at the window where Xu Ziling could see the moonlight with a bored expression, and asked casually,

"I wanted to ask before... Why do you always stare at that window? Are you thinking about something?"

"Hmm... Hmm? Doctor, you didn't sleep either."

After finding that Mobius was not asleep, Xu Ziling was a little surprised. Logically, his doctor's biological clock should have been fixed long ago.

But he didn't think much about it. When Mobius asked, he answered truthfully:

"I was just thinking about some possible things... Oh, by the way, Doctor. If you want to talk about serious matters, I do have something to tell you."

Mobius, wearing pajamas, sat up from the bed and signaled Xu Ziling to speak.

"Doctor, I want to ask for a leave."

There is no need to go around in circles when dealing with your own doctor. Xu Ziling also turned over and sat up from the floor, looked at his own doctor and said,

"Doctor, you should still remember the 'Vishnu' I mentioned to you before? And now... I am just an incomplete Ruler of Reason. Through some mysterious inductions and my personal speculation, I think the other half of my core that I lost should be in Vishnu.

Now, you have become the world's first fusion warrior, and you have the military force that can absolutely protect yourself... If possible, I hope to ask for a few days of leave from you to go to the American continent to find the Vishnu who stole my other half of the core... This should also help your subsequent research projects."

"How long will you be gone?"

Because Xu Ziling had told Mobius about the collapse of the gods and Vishnu before, Mobius did not show too much surprise after Xu Ziling asked for leave, but directly asked about the specific time of Xu Ziling's departure.

"This... I'm sorry. Doctor, I may not be able to give you a specific time for your leave..."

Xu Ziling

After thinking about this problem seriously, he shook his head helplessly and said,

"If everything goes well... I can kill Vishnu in one encounter. Even if the time for taking the plane before and after is included, the leave time should not exceed one week.

But if Vishnu doesn't fight me head-on, but hides... then it will be a bit troublesome. It may take several months to investigate its whereabouts."

After a pause, Xu Ziling added:

"But Doctor, no matter what the situation is. I promise you that as long as I successfully retrieve the other half of my core, I will come back to you as soon as possible and will never stay outside. And Vishnu's body... I will also bring it back. Its body should also be a research data that you cannot refuse."


After hearing Xu Ziling's request, Mobius lowered his head slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a moment, Mobius raised his head and looked at Xu Ziling and said:

"Little white mouse... The research institute is not your cage. Do whatever you want. I won't stop you."

Hearing this, Xu Ziling showed a bit of joy on his face. Just as he was about to thank him, he saw Mobius waved his hand again to interrupt his speech.

"But...little white mouse."

Mobius changed the subject, and his rainbow-colored snake pupils moved away from Xu Ziling, looking at the moonlight outside the window of the room, and added,

"I want you to and your future life belong to me. You left intact today, and you must come back intact you understand? Snakes...hate those who don't keep their promises the most."

Xu Ziling's EQ is not low. Hearing Mobius's words, he understood it instantly, and then smiled helplessly:

"Of course, Doctor. Let's not talk about other people for now, but what I promised you will definitely be completed...but Doctor, I actually want you to make a promise to me, is it convenient for you?"


Mobius asked casually.

Xu Ziling stood up, came to the bedside of Mobius, and said:

"If possible... I would like to ask you to never use the power of [Infinity] unless it is necessary..."


"Doctor... As a fusionist, you should know... what the price of [Infinity] is..."

Xu Ziling, who rarely showed his EQ, silently took his own doctor's hand and said earnestly,

"You should also understand... Even if you have [Infinity], there are always some people... who don't want to see you [shrunk] even once... Do you understand what I mean?"


Mobius was stunned for a moment, and then inexplicably felt a little embarrassed. After pushing Xu Ziling away, he turned his face away and said,

"Qi... No I need your reminder. Little white mouse, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? I don't need your reminder! You, a doctor, would not care about your own life! Isn't it just not to [become smaller]... Hehe, it's as if as long as I don't want to [die], someone can force me to [die]." Seeing this, Xu Ziling smiled helplessly, then shrugged and said: "It's undoubtedly great that you can think so... Well, if there is nothing else, good night? It's getting late today." "You... Humph! How can I sleep after what you said? Tsk... You might as well not sleep, little white mouse. I want you to tell me a story, just tell me about your past experiences." "Okay..." Okay~... The next day. A flight to the American continent took off from the aviation center of M City in Mu Continent. Inside the airport, looking at the passenger plane that had already taken off, Mebius silently clenched his fists. With only Shesha's power... can't help him... hehe...

For the institute, Shesha with [Infinity] is enough for Mebius to be fearless of any strong enemy or opponent.

But for Mebius... the power of [Shesha]... is still too weak.

In order to complete the transformation from a bystander to an intervener, she... must make a change.

"Uh... Dr. Mebius, are you in a bad mood?"

At this time, Weiwei, who also followed Mebius to send Xu Ziling, noticed Mebius's uncertain expression and came over, and asked tentatively,

"Do you need me to perform a little magic for you? Don't worry... it won't make much noise, but it will definitely give the doctor a good mood that will last for a whole day!"

"Qi... what do you know? It's not your turn to take care of the affairs between me and the little white mouse"

Mebius pushed Weiwei, who was a little disgusted, away with a big nerve, and then seemed to think of something again, and

After grabbing Vivi's wrist, he said

"But Vivi, I do have a plan and I need your help!"

"Uh... what plan?"

Mebius gestured to Klein beside him.

Klein understood and took out a contract from his briefcase and handed it to Vivi.

Vivi took a closer look.

["Chimera" Project - Confidentiality Agreement Signed]

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