The old man was buried in the grave.

"So... Little White Mouse, you slashed this Houkai beast, which had already reached the threshold of the end of the law, in one blow after emulating the power of the Herrscher of Thunder?"

In the underground biological observation room of the research institute.

Looking at the wet human skeleton that had been separated from the flesh and nerves and completely immersed in formalin, Mobius looked at Xu Ziling with a complicated expression.

"Well... to be precise, it was seven swords."

Xu Ziling corrected,

"But Doctor, don't think Vishnu is weak just because I killed him so easily. I was only able to successfully encircle Vishnu because my power was too restrained, and with some coincidences and the help of friends, I was able to successfully complete the encirclement of Vishnu.

But this does not mean that Vishnu itself is weak. Its genes are still very powerful, and should allow you to take your research on the Fusion Warrior Project to a higher level."

"Qi... leave that kind of thing to Vilvi and Klein..."

Mobius shook her head indifferently, ignoring the remains of the end-level Houkai beast that she had longed for, and instead grabbed Xu Ziling's wrist and said,

"Now let's talk about you... Forget it, let's do a physical examination with me first. I don't think that battle was as easy as you said... I only believe what I saw with my own eyes, hum."


Hearing this, Xu Ziling was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly and said,

"I'll listen to you... In addition, Doctor, if you have nothing to do tonight... Alicia invites you out for dinner."

"Just refuse."

Mobius shook his head without hesitation and said,

"I don't have time to play house games with that guy... Little white mouse, don't just stand there, come over for a physical examination."

"Well... okay, here I come."


"Hey! My dearest audience! Hello!"

In the living room, when Vivi saw Xu Ziling pulled out by Mobius, her eyes lit up immediately, and then she smiled and patted her chest and said,

"Last night, this magician had a flash of inspiration and developed a new epoch-making magic! Do you want to..."

"No time, Vivi, do what you should do, don't interfere with us."

Before Vivi finished speaking, she was interrupted by Mobius.

In the end, Xu Ziling only had time to show Wei Wei an apologetic smile before he was dragged to the main laboratory of the institute by Mebius.


Seeing this, Wei Wei scratched her head in a strange way, then looked at Klein next to her and said,

"Klein, do you think... Dr. Mebius has become a little weird recently?"


Hearing this, Klein, who still had dark circles under his eyes, was silent for a moment, nodded silently, and said,

"Yeah. The previous doctor was indeed not like this now, but... I can actually understand..."


Wei Wei's eyes lit up, and then she smiled and snapped her fingers.

With a "pop!" sound, Velvet's body instantly disappeared from the spot and instantly appeared behind Klein, hugging her from behind and laughing,

"My dear audience, you seem to know a lot about Dr. Mobius and the teaching assistant... Do you mind talking to this magician in detail?"

Faced with Velvet who suddenly disappeared and appeared behind him, Klein's eyes widened slightly, but soon he was relieved again, and his tone was full of helplessness, saying:

"Ms. Velvet, although the doctor handed over the core of the Herrscher of the Void to you... But no matter what, the power of the Herrscher core should not be used to perform the 'disappearance' magic..."

"Oh! Don't You care about so many details! "

After pulling Klein's hand from behind and shaking it, Velvet said,

"Besides, I am not without making the machine that Dr. Mobius requested to harness the power of the Ruler of the Void... It's just that in the process of making it, I will use some extra power to bring some different surprises to the audience."

Velvet moved closer to Klein and said:

"Let's get back to the topic... Klein, from what you said just now, you seem to have your own understanding of Dr. Mobius's current abnormality... What a coincidence! This magician likes to hear this kind of understanding information from others the most! Do you mind telling me about it?"

"Don't talk about eating melons so openly.


Klein was a little embarrassed, but considering that Mobius' current situation is indeed not normal, it may bring some unnecessary trouble to Wei Wei, a partner of the institute, so she began to speak,

"I dare not speculate on the doctor's emotions... But if I were to guess, I think the reason why the doctor has been in an abnormal mood during this period is more... It should be a kind of anxiety..."


Wei Wei's tone suddenly increased.

"Yes... Anxiety..."

Klein nodded and said,

"I don't know exactly when it started... But it seems that after we returned to Mu Continent from Changkong City... The doctor's mood has been shrouded in a kind of anxiety, maybe more or less... But it is indeed every day. ”

“The days when we returned to Mu Continent from Changkong City…”

Vilvi lifted her chin, and as a great detective, she began to review what happened during those days. The most important thing that happened during those days was of course the birth of the third Herrscher, the Herrscher of Thunder, and the Great Collapse that was triggered by his birth… But in my impression, Mobius doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would be anxious because of the birth of the Collapse.

Unless… the birth of the Collapse directly or indirectly affects the people she really cares about…

“Wow! This magician remembers it!”

Vilvi suddenly clapped her hands and said,

“Those days… the teaching assistant told Dr. Mobius and me about the existence of the ‘God of Collapse’! Did Dr. Mobius feel anxious because of the existence of the God of Collapse? That doesn’t seem to be incomprehensible…”

“No… for an extremely evil doctor… the existence or not of God… as long as it doesn’t disturb her experiments, it doesn’t matter. "

Klein shook his head slightly and said,

"What the doctor really cares about are those who are threatened by the existence of God... That is, Ziling."

While speaking, Klein had already brought the melon-eating Wei Wei to sit on the sofa, and took out a small notebook from his pocket and said:

"I once heard Miss Alicia say... Before I became the doctor's laboratory assistant, the doctor had another laboratory assistant named 'Blanca'. She had to leave Dr. Mebius because of family reasons.

Afterwards, although Dr. Mebius was indeed sad for a long time, he did not stop Blanca from leaving in any way. It can even be said that it was Dr. Mebius who gave Blanca the determination to embrace her own life.

It can be seen from this that although the doctor will not admit it, she really cares about the feelings of the people around her.

In terms of results, the doctor is really a very selfish person... so selfish that she wants to keep all the people or things she cares about by her side forever;

But in terms of process, the doctor is really a very selfless person, because she cares about the feelings of the people around her, sometimes even more than her feelings about herself... In order to allow them to reach the desired ending with their own will, the doctor can even sacrifice some of her own "selfishness" to a certain extent... The departure of senior sister Blanca is the best example.

And now... after senior sister Blanca, without counting Miss Alicia, Assistant Professor Xu has become the person who has been with the doctor for the longest time... At the same time, he is also the person who helps the doctor the most, whether in terms of experiments... or combat. The help that Assistant Professor Xu gives to the doctor is unmatched by anyone.

Although the doctor didn't admit it... she really cares about Assistant Xu's feelings and his safety... So after Assistant Xu told us about the existence of Honkai God, I guess the first thing the doctor thought about was definitely not what to do if the world was just a joke of Honkai God... but what to do if Honkai God wanted to put the assistant in a disadvantageous position..."

During Klein's narration, Vilvi listened carefully throughout the class. The joking mood of eating melons and listening to gossips before had disappeared, replaced by a serious thinking expression. She was thinking about what she would do if she were Mobius.

After thinking for a while, Vilvi raised a finger and said.

"I guess Dr. Mobius will definitely do his best to help Xiao Xu defeat Honkai God!"

"Yes... but the fact is that the doctor can't help the assistant at all..."

Klein sighed and said,

"The existence of the assistant... is too special. He was so powerful, so powerful that he could kill a Herrscher-level being single-handedly, so powerful that... even though the Doctor had fused Shesha's genes and became the first fusion warrior, he could only stand behind him and watch...

What the doctor can help, the assistant can certainly do by himself... What the doctor can't help, the assistant can only find a way by himself. "

Klein said, and raised a finger, saying,

"Let me give you an example... A tank-level Honkai beast, the doctor can easily kill it, but Ziling can do the same... But if the Honkai beast is replaced by Honkai God, the doctor can still only hide behind the assistant... In the battle between God and the Herrscher, the power of the fusion warrior is too weak... In the battle with the gods, the doctor can't help the assistant, the doctor... can't even do anything...

Compared to hand in hand with friends to overcome difficulties together... This feeling of being able to rely entirely on others, or people you care about, and being unable to do anything, is the most disgusting to the doctor.

However, in the struggle between the assistant and God, the doctor really can't do anything... She can only watch the assistant put himself in danger again and again in order to protect his and her future; she can only watch the assistant reach out to her again and again as if nothing happened... She can only be the one who is helped forever. She will never have the chance to help the people she cares about...

Because God is too powerful, the assistant's height is also something that the doctor can only look up to... The fusion warriors are too weak. After seeing the 10,000-meter-long monster that was killed by the assistant in the Americas a few days ago, the power of the 'Chimera' seems insignificant...

Miss Weiwei, can you imagine the feeling of trying your best to help the people you care about, but in the end, it can only be reduced to a bubble due to the absolute power gap? ... Doctor, this is almost the situation now. "


Vilvi fell into deep thought.

She has always been a carefree person... but she is also very thoughtful. So after Klein said these words, she could almost understand why Mebius has been anxious all this time...

Using Velvi herself as an example... if the magic show she carefully prepared for the person she cared about ended up with only a few people attending... even if the person she cared about praised her, Velvi would definitely be anxious to the point of not being able to control herself.

Because no matter how you whitewash the wound... the wound will always be just a wound. The gap between him and her will not change because of that encouraging word.

"In the past... the doctor could say that he didn't care and could use sharp words to cover up his emotions... of course it's the same now. But since the variable of Honkai God appeared, any words that cover up will become particularly pitiful. "

Klein continued,

"The doctor is worried that the Honkai God will take the assistant's life, but the doctor can only stay there and cry...'Can't help him', this is the root of the doctor's anxiety in recent times. "

"Then is there no solution?"

Vilvi was so anxious that she grabbed her hair, and finally she threw her sleeves and said,

"It's decided! This genius will split a mind specifically! To think about the solution to this problem!"

"...Miss Vilvi, please calm down."

Klein was a little embarrassed and said casually,

"In fact, there has always been a solution... Just let the assistant and the doctor calm down and have a good talk... There is no so-called problem and anxiety between them, and the assistant does not need the doctor to give him too much help... I think for the assistant, the doctor is alive and well, and accompanies him and her every day and night, which is what the assistant wants most.

It's just that the doctor has never known this. The doctor, who is not good at expressing himself, has never vented his emotions to the teaching assistant... The teaching assistant is 0, and he can't take the initiative to speak... Both sides can't open their hearts to each other, and this is the problem. "

"So... the next priority is to create an opportunity for the doctor and Xiao Ziling to open their hearts to each other? ♪~"

"Well... that's it. It's just... eh?"

Klein said halfway, and then turned around in surprise, because the sentence just now was not said by Wei Wei.

When he turned around, Alicia had appeared there, and took the notebook from Klein's hand, and smiled:

"Leave it to me... The beautiful girl is omnipotent! Assists and so on... um~ Of course, it's not a problem! ♪~"

"Wait! ... Assists? I'm good at this!"

When Wei Wei heard that they were going to start a group, she immediately became energetic, raised her right hand in an instant, and said,

"And... my dear audience! You really made this magician wait! But it doesn't matter. As long as you are ready, let this magician and you target Xiao Xuguan.

Let's have a hearty assist show with Dr. Mobius!"

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