The girl who was very similar to the future Saint of Heaven showed a little speechless after hearing this. Then she ignored Xu Ziling's question and just looked around silently. After finding that her tactical armor had been dismantled by the "demon spirit" and turned into a pile of mechanical parts... how to describe her eyes at that time?

Grief? Grief? Or resentment and hatred? Maybe all of them...

"Sam... is broken... I... ah..."

Looking at the fragments of Sam's character on the ground around her, the driver's pupils shrank and then expanded. Her confused and aggrieved look left no doubt that if Xu Ziling, who was standing next to her at the moment, whispered some sarcastic words in her ear, the pilot lady would definitely cry.

However, Xu Ziling was not a scum of the world... Even if that scum of the world really came, he would not say sarcastic words to this girl who was highly similar to the later Saint of Heaven's Fate.

After careful observation for a moment, Xu Ziling found that this pilot lady was indeed not the white moonlight of that scum of the world in the later generations...

Although their faces were similar and they both had long white hair... But the Kallen in the later generations was a warrior of the Kaslana family, and the people of the Kaslana family generally had long white hair and azure eyes.

Moreover, Kallen's long hair was pure white, and although the pilot lady in front of her also had white hair, it was grayish white. Her pupils were not azure blue, but orange-green rainbow pupils.

If I have to describe it... Karin gives people the feeling of a pure and flawless white lotus, and the pilot lady in front of me is more like the burning stamens brushed by the sunset.

And even if we take a step back... Karin, as a warrior of the Kaslana family in the future and the saint of the Church of Destiny, can play, make trouble, and protect the people... but she can't show her sadness.

Her identity and personality will not allow her to bring sadness to the people around her.

And the pilot lady in front of me... since she saw her tactical armor being dismantled and shattered by the demon spirit, the whole person has begun to squat on the ground and draw circles... This is obviously not something Karin can do.


Xu Ziling quickly searched the memory in his brain and found that in the game memory before he crossed over, the ash flower-like girl in front of him did not exist at all, that is to say, when Salmon crossed over, he did not update this pilot lady at all.

But just looking at the supernova burning she just released during the battle... no, it was supernova overload. Just looking at her ultimate animation, Xu Ziling dared to conclude that the girl driving the tactical armor on the battlefield was definitely a supermodel character of the Mi family.

In this case, Xu Ziling must strive for her character ability.

"...Aren't you leaving yet?"

Just when Xu Ziling was thinking about countermeasures, the driver lady who was squatting on the ground drawing circles suddenly spoke.

She looked back at Xu Ziling, her tone full of resentment:

"You have already won... Why are you still staying here? Go back to reality and claim your reward, leave me alone, my Sam... I... Ah..."

As she spoke, the pilot lady looked at her Sam fragments that had fallen all over the ground, her eyes unable to hide the sadness, and then squatted on the ground again and began to draw circles...

"Well... I'm sorry. But from your tone, you should also know that the simulated universe is a ring battle, and in a ring battle, shouldn't you use all your strength to treat your opponent?"

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziling said,

"And I really didn't expect... The demon spirit could be performed so smoothly... Shouldn't you have something like an emergency energy source on your back?"

Hearing this, the girl squatting on the ground drawing circles opened her mouth, and then, as if she had tightened up a huge grievance, she sat directly on the scorched earth, buried her face in her legs, and said nothing.

"This... is crying?"

Xu Ziling was a little surprised for a moment. Although the action was very slight and the sound was very low... but at this moment, the girl in front of him who was holding her legs and holding her breath was indeed crying...

To be honest... Xu Ziling couldn't bear to see girls like this.

Especially, the girl in front of him had a face very similar to the future Saint of Destiny...

It makes sense that Xu Ziling, as a destined beauty and the one who made the girl cry, could not just sit back and watch.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Ziling sighed helplessly, and then said:

"Don't cry... I'll help you fix it. But let's make it clear in advance, after I help you fix your armor, you can't hit me back."


Hearing this, the female driver's body trembled violently, and then suddenly raised her head, stared at Xu Ziling with red eyes, and then raised her hand to point to the ashes and scorched earth in the distance, and said,

" go, you go! I don't need your help, can't I be alone?... Woo... My Sam... Woo... Woo..."

As she said this, the female driver actually cried out, and then stood up suddenly, picking up her own Sam fragments, while trembling in a voice,

"Sam... Woo my Sam... Woo... Woo..."

"Ah this..."

Looking at the female driver who was crying and making a fuss on the spot because of the broken armor, Xu Ziling paused for a moment.

Although he knew that the armor and the driver he saw now were simulated characters simulated by the system, the temper tantrums they showed now... seemed to be no different from real people.

Aren't these people who appeared in the simulated universe just simple combat data bodies?

[Ding~! The system reminds the host that all the characters that appear in the simulated universe are data derivatives, not real lives. ]

[They may cry or make a fuss, but everything you see in the simulated universe is required by the plot. Please distinguish between simulation and reality, and remember not to have too many disputes and emotions with the simulated characters. In that reality, there are people waiting for you. ]

That's right...

After being reminded by the system, Xu Ziling also reacted.

No matter what emotions the characters in the simulated universe show... I and them are people from two different worlds after all. As simulated data, they can't walk out of the simulated universe. I already have a doctorate, so I can't stay in the simulated universe forever.

Extra emotions can be omitted. What Xu Ziling should consider is how to pass the simulated universe faster and more perfectly, and then go home early to accompany the doctor.

After figuring this out, Xu Ziling looked at the pilot lady and his eyes became calm and deep again.

"... Let's make a deal, pilot lady."

Looking at the pilot lady who had collected all the fragments of Sam and squatted on the ground to draw circles again, Xu Ziling took a deep breath, half squatted down, and stretched out his hand to her, saying,

"I'm not your enemy, am I? You don't have to reject me because of this matter... Similarly, you are not my enemy. If you can help me achieve my goal, why can't I help you repair your armor?

Miss Pilot, since you call me 'Lawsman'... then you should know where my authority lies. Yes, as the Lawsman of Reason, I am fully capable of helping you repair Sam, but your relationship Believe it or not... that's your business. "

As he spoke, Xu Ziling stood up and patted the pilot lady on the shoulder, saying:

"Come on, my friend, I will give you the right to choose... I hope the choice you make can give both of us a satisfactory result. A situation where both sides lose is not what we want to see... isn't it?"

Hearing this tone of voice, the pilot lady shuddered suddenly, and her eyes full of resentment and grief before became unconfident, and she hesitantly said:

"What will happen if I reject you?"

"I will leave the simulated universe, and you will be fine."

Xu Ziling told the truth.

But before the female driver could breathe a sigh of relief, Xu Ziling looked at the armor parts again and said:

"But Miss Driver, I can see that you seem to cherish this tactical armor... Can you give it to me for research? I'll leave after I finish studying it."


Hearing this, the female driver was stunned at first, and then seemed to think of something, and said with wide eyes,

"You... You want to [understand] Sam? This... is impossible!"

"Since you know that I am a Herrscher, you should know that nothing is impossible for the authority of the Herrscher of Reason."

Xu Ziling's tone was calm, and he was indeed explaining a trivial matter.

"My friend... Please allow me to call you that. Your face is really very similar to an old friend of mine... That's why I won't hurt you, and even gave you a choice

's right...

But if you don't cherish this right, then I can only fight for what I want in my own way... Don't worry, after I [understand] it, I will repair your Sam and return it to you. For you, your loss is infinitely close to zero. "

Although that's what she said... But when Liuying thought that her armor would be given to others for research, and even after the research, it would most likely be mass-produced... This made her feel heavy in her head, as if she was wearing something.

It was really forced, and Liuying stood up quickly with red eyes, looking at Xu Ziling, whose pupils had already emerged with a deep blue meaning, and cried and said:

"No... Don't! Don't do that to Sam... I... I promise you..."

"Very good."

Xu Ziling nodded calmly, and then said,

"Then tell me your real name first. "


Firefly...Xu Ziling nodded slightly. This name is indeed in the style of Bengtie, and he didn't remember it. It seems that this is the character that Mahayu has updated in the game after traveling through time.

"Since you agreed...then follow the original process."

Xu Ziling spread his hands to the ash girl named Firefly and said,

"If I remember correctly, my friend, you should have said that as long as I defeat you and answer your questions, I can use your power for my own benefit? Since you know the rules of the simulated universe, let's start [asking questions]. ”


Hearing this, Liuying fell silent, her cheeks puffed up slightly, as if she was still angry about what happened just now.

She did not ask Xu Ziling directly, but reached out her hand and fumbled in her arms, and took out something similar to a magic transformation device.

Then, Liuying pressed it, and her body disappeared instantly, replaced by a light screen projection.

Originally, that button was a one-button transformation button... But now Sam has become a character fragment, and Liuying is embarrassed to use her own body to say those things, so she had to project an image of Sam's armor to replace herself.

"You... cough cough..."

After confirming that the voice changer was normal, the projected virtual Sam straightened his body, and the tactical helmet he looked at Xu Ziling flashed a green light, and he said,

"I don't approve of your means of defeating me... But no matter what, that is your own strength, and I recognize this ending... And since you are also obsessed with perfect clearance, then I have to [ask] you. "

Then, the virtual Sam extended its mechanical arm to Xu Ziling, the flames at the driving core dimmed, and said,

"Herrser, since this is your choice, then I also want to know. Do you...still dream? Dream about those...people who died because of you."


Xu Ziling inexplicably felt that this topic was somewhat familiar, but he didn't think much about it, and said,

"If this is your question, then my answer...of course, I will still dream. But in my dreams, there will only be people or things that I cherish and love. As for those who have passed away...let them pass away. If they still want to pester me after death, it's their own problem."

Hearing this, the tactical helmet projected by Sam flashed violently for a few times, but he didn't say a word, just signaling Xu Ziling to continue.

"I don't know that those people you said who died because of me...are they the Herrsers? Or the Honkai beasts? Or is it because I clearly have the power but I don't save people who are killed by Honkai beasts? "

Xu Ziling sighed and said,

"If that's the case... then I have to ask you, I have much more power than ordinary people... but why should I use this power to save those strangers who have nothing to do with my life?

In the final analysis, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, which is just the shackles and fetters that those "heroes" impose on themselves... and I have never considered myself a hero, so naturally I have no obligation and responsibility to save those strangers. "

After saying that, Xu Ziling thought about it again and added:

"How does that sentence go? The bishop of destiny does not have to care about the people... Coincidentally, I am also such a selfish person. I only care about the people and things around me. What strangers are like has nothing to do with me. This is my code of conduct. "

"... You misunderstood me. "

At this time, Sam sighed and said,

"Actually... I agree with your selfish concept very much. After all... I also created wars,

I have slaughtered countless lives; I have also transformed into a war weapon, and for what I pursued, I killed any obstacle...

I am not good at words, but I hope you can understand. What I want to express to you is not the importance of those strangers... but if... if one day... when your best friend, your lover, your brother... died in your hands... will you... dream about them? "

"I won't let that happen."

Xu Ziling answered without hesitation.

Sam shook his head and said:

"I'm just assuming... I just want your 'answer'."


Hearing this, Xu Ziling was silent for a moment, and then slowly said,

"I will... but I think I will commit suicide before I dream about them..."

"But I won't..."

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