The girl was so happy that she couldn't help but whisper.


Hearing someone calling her name, the girl with light blue hair turned around in confusion. What caught her eye was the golden color like the morning sun.

" amazing..."

Gresh couldn't help but whisper.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Gresh...Hey? Ziling, it's you."

The mature woman who was holding Gresh looked at the source of the voice and found that it was Xu Ziling. Her tone was full of surprise and joy.

"Well, senior Blanca, long time no see."

Speaking of which, it seems that since the outbreak of the Herrscher of the Sky disaster the year before last, when Mobius and his research institute had just moved to Mu Continent, Xu Ziling had a brief encounter with Blanca. I remember that at that time, Hen spent 114,514 credit points to help them pay for it...

From that point in time, for more than a year, Xu Ziling never met this senior again, and even rarely communicated through text messages.

Now that they can meet again in M ​​City of Mu Continent, this is an unexpected surprise.

"Is little Grayxiu going to school here too?"

After nodding slightly to Blanca, Xu Ziling also half-knelt down, rubbed Grayxiu's hair, and asked casually.

"Well... Ziling, you know that I used to study with Dr. Mobius, so I owed a lot to Grayshue in terms of family."

Blanca nodded for Grayshue and said,

"Now, Grayshue is old enough to go to school... I was not a competent mother in the past, but now, I want to give her the best."

After saying that, Blanca turned around again and looked at the warm campus behind her, which was built opposite the first senior school in Mu City, and said:

"This is the first junior school in Mu City, and it is also the best junior school in the entire Mu Continent. Hen and I have already contacted people to help Grayshue. The school will start in a few days, and Gretsch can study here. The main reason for my visit today is to take Gretsch to familiarize herself with the campus environment. "

While Hen was talking, Gretsch also looked at the kindergarten, which was decorated to cater to children's aesthetics and was particularly warm. Her ignorant eyes seemed to not understand the horror here... She just counted her fingers and whispered softly:

"Blue... red... white... and gold... colors I have never seen... so many..."

On the other hand, after hearing that Blanca planned to send Gretsch to the first kindergarten in Mucheng... Xu Ziling's expression became a little complicated.

Normally, it was motherly instinct for Blanca to send Greshue to the best school, but the problem was… this place was only one street away from Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School…

Even because there was no school wall, it looked like it was integrated with Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School at first glance, and that high school… was the high school where Wendy was…

"What's wrong?"

Blanca noticed the change in Xu Ziling's eyes and asked.

At the same time, she also noticed that Xu Ziling seemed to go out alone. The doctor who always liked to rely on his assistant in the past did not seem to appear with him this time.

"Then again... Ziling, you went out alone, did you go out to buy experimental equipment?"

After Blanca found out that Xu Ziling was indeed alone, she asked,

"But I remember... weren't all the experimental equipment of Dr. Mobius at the headquarters directly provided by the investors? She shouldn't have gone out alone, right... or did the doctor have a quarrel with those investors again?"

"Well... it's a long story."

Xu Ziling thought about it. Although he couldn't be completely sure that Wendy was Feng Lu's body... but how did the saying go? It's better to believe it than not to believe it.

Although with Xu Ziling's strength, as long as Feng Lu didn't get the script of the Emperor of Heaven, he could suppress her... but there were still risks in doing so. Xu Ziling couldn't bet on the lives of the people he cared about.

So the simplest and most effective way to solve this problem is to directly transfer Gray Xiu away and not let her go to the Mucheng Junior School, which is only one street away from Mucheng No. 1 High School. As long as she hides far enough, the Great Collapse will not be able to catch up with her.

As for the others... except Ling, the others are not within Xu Ziling's consideration. If the birth of the Herrscher is abnormal due to the flow of personnel, then

It will only cause more casualties and losses.

Blanca was Mobius's former assistant and Xu Ziling's senior, and she is trustworthy. Xu Ziling, who is familiar with the plot of the game, knows that she is a great mother who can give up her life for her daughter. He believes that as long as he tells her the truth, she will understand his intentions. She will know what to say and what to hide.

So Xu Ziling immediately used the power of the sub-space to create a small sub-space barrier between him and Blanca to ensure that no third person would hear and tell the other party all his concerns about the Herrscher of the Wind and his concerns about Gresh's admission.

"... Herrscher of the Wind?"

As expected, after hearing Xu Ziling's concerns, Blanca's pupils reflected shock and surprise.

"In... Mucheng No. 1 High School?"

"It's just speculation now..."

Xu Ziling nodded slightly and said,

"I'm sorry, if there is a choice, I don't want to ask Senior Blanca to take Gray Xiu away from Mucheng just based on this "personal intuition"... But we don't dare to bet on that "what if", right?"

"I see..."

Blanca's IQ is not low. After Xu Ziling presented the facts, she understood everything directly and said,

"So... Ziling, the reason why you are here is to monitor..."

"Shh... Senior Blanca, you just need to understand, you don't have to say it directly."

"Ah... Sorry, I understand."

Blanca nodded, and then said solemnly,

"But, Ziling, you don't have to apologize to me... On the contrary, I should thank you, regardless of whether that person is the carrier of the Wind Herrscher. She has been confirmed by you to have the initial level of collapse energy. Isn't it the symptom of infection?

Although the possibility of secondary transmission of the initial Honkai energy infection is extremely low... but no matter how small the probability is, I can't put Greshu and a person infected with Honkai energy in the same city... Thank you for telling me this. I will contact Hen and ask her to change Greshu's school. "


Blanca's reaction was expected. After thinking about it, Xu Ziling added,

"In addition... Senior Blanca, you and Hen only need to know about this. As for other people... in order to contain variables, they are not within our consideration, and I hope you can understand."

"... Yes."

Blanca's face flashed a complex color, but it was quickly overcome by her motherly love. She nodded and said,

"I understand."

As an experimental assistant who once studied with Mebius... Blanca is undoubtedly a good person. If someone asks her for help, she will most likely not refuse.

But if helping others conflicts with her family, Blanca will choose to help her family first without hesitation. Just like the train problem, with Greshu tied up on one side and five strangers tied up on the other side, Blanca would not hesitate to let the train go towards the five strangers to ensure Greshu's safety.

From this point of view, Blanca is just like Xu Ziling, both are selfish people... But it's good this way, they have common terms and topics, and Xu Ziling also saves the effort of psychological counseling.

"Thank you again for your understanding."

After Xu Ziling thanked him again, he lifted the sub-space barrier used to block the sound transmission.

Blanca also took out her mobile phone and contacted her husband.

As for Hen... Although he is the kind of person who can sacrifice his life for the people, that is only limited to the situation where he can make the decision.

In the original story of Sanbengzi, in order to create a chance for Kevin and others to retreat, Hen jumped into the gravitational black hole created by the Ninth Rock Herrscher alone, and used this to delay the spread of the black hole... But if Blanca had called Hen at that time and asked him to come back and take care of the baby... Hen would definitely have run faster than anyone else.

As for saving the people?

What do you mean by saving the people? That's the duty of Captain Zhuhuo! Not the duty of a "father" and a "husband"!

"Let's go...Grexiu."

Taking advantage of the time when the communication was connected, Blanca picked up Grexiu and prepared to return to their home in K City, Mu Continent, and reconsider the school to enroll Grexiu.

"Um... 'Mom'... Wait..."

"Is there anything else, Grayshu?"

Faced with Blanca's question, Grayshu did not answer directly, but just blinked her purple pupils and stared at Xu Ziling behind Blanca, as if she was thinking, or puzzled.

"Do you have anything to say to Brother Ling?"

Between mother and daughter

There are always some unclear connections in thought. Blanca felt that she understood what Gretsch meant, so she carried her to Xu Ziling and introduced her,

"Gretsch, do you remember Brother Ling? Mom introduced you last time. You..."


Gretsch suddenly perked up, as if she had finally figured something out. Then she stretched out her chubby little hand, pointed at Xu Ziling's cheek, and said,

"Big sister... golden... fiery... like the stars... dimmed."


Gretsch compared herself to a fiery golden firefly, which Xu Ziling could understand. After all, her national goddess-like appearance could easily bring others a warm feeling like a spring breeze... but why was it dim?

"Dim means... dimmed."

It can be seen that Gretsch wanted to explain, but she seemed to have no idea how to describe that feeling. However, she didn't think of any other better way to describe it until she puffed up her face.

"This child..."

Blanca patted Gray Xiu's head lightly, then looked at Xu Ziling with an apologetic look and said,

"Sorry, Gray Xiu has liked to say some strange words for a long time... But most of them don't have any deep meaning, they are just children's jokes, don't take it to heart."


Xu Ziling was silent for a while... Gray Xiu is the future [Star], the world in her eyes is probably different from that of ordinary people... But can the word "dim" really be used to describe a person?


Gresh covered her head which was tapped by her mother just now, then looked at the Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School across Roujin Road, stretched out her little hand again, pointed at the senior school, and murmured:

"Blue... green... cold. Like the breeze... withered."

"Gresh, you should say less... why is it so dim and withered..."

Blanca put her finger on Gresh's lips with a headache, then looked at Xu Ziling and said,

"Then Ziling, if there is nothing else, I will go back and discuss with Hen to arrange other schools for Gresh... remember to say hello to Dr. Mobius for me."

"Okay, bye then."

After Xu Ziling waved goodbye to the mother and daughter, he also got on the Didi Express to return to the institute.

As for what Gresh said... Xu Ziling, who knew that Gresh was not a passerby NPC, could not help but take it to heart. However, due to the fact that Grayshu's thinking process was too amazing as a child, Xu Ziling would need a long time to truly understand her meaning, and he could only take it one step at a time.

After returning to the institute, Xu Ziling told his doctor about his experience today, including his advice to Blanca.

"Blanca... you met her."

Mobius, who was playing with Velvet's body on the operating table, nodded slightly and said,

"She is a person who knows her limits. You told her about our targeting of the Fourth Herrscher so that Grayshu would not be harmed by the Great Collapse... It's nothing."

"Well... I understand, but I mainly want to talk to you about Wendy."

Xu Ziling said, took off his teacher's uniform and put on a white coat. He glanced at Mobius who was chatting with him while performing surgery on Velvet. Xu Ziling silently sighed in his heart that he was worthy of being a postdoctoral fellow, and then he said,

"But it seems that you are doing a follow-up surgery on Miss Velvet now, so let's finish the surgery first and then talk about other things... Do you need my help?"


While talking to Vilvi about heartfelt topics, Mobius chatted with Xu Ziling,

"It's just that Vilvi wants me to add some new functions to her body, such as breaking her arms and ejecting her head when necessary... Since she has merged Vishnu's genes, her physical activity is no longer the same as before. What I'm doing now is just a small operation. You just need to watch from the side. It's almost over."

As he said, Mobius stretched out his hand, and a snake-shaped curved fang permeated with dark green luster suddenly reappeared. Under Mobius's precise control, the fang was reduced to a suitable degree, and then acted as a surgical needle and thread, quickly suturing the surgical wound on Vilvi's body.

"Come to think of it... I really want to knock open Vivi's head to see the structure inside..."

After finishing the wound and suturing it, Mebius took off his surgical gloves and said casually,

"It's a pity that Vivi is willing to entrust her heart to me, but she refuses to do it.

Let me move her head... Could it be that there are a few mechanical men hidden in her head? This guy is so awkward. "

"Forget it, leave her alone."

Mebius said, turned around and looked at Xu Ziling, and said,

"Okay, the operation is over, wait for Wei Wei to wake up by herself... Little white mouse, Klein should have bought a lot of milk tea, it's in the kitchen refrigerator, you go heat it up, I'll wash the blood stains on my body, and then we'll go to the living room and talk about the Wendy you mentioned."

"Well... OK."

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