The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Looking at Xu Ziling, whose body couldn't stop shaking, Ai Li Xiya was surprised and happy, and hurried over to ask about his condition.

She was surprised that this European little brother seemed to have some kind of congenital disease, and she was happy that if he got sick at this time, then she would have the opportunity to turn him into a European lady.

Of course, these are all later stories, and now we should take care of this European little brother's health first.

"Zi Ling Zi Ling, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Aili Xiya trotted over and took Xu Ziling's shoulder, and surprisingly, when her body blocked the sunlight for Xu Ziling, his trembling body strangely calmed down a little.

Seeing this, Xu Ziling seemed to realize something, and quickly took a step back, burying his body under the shadow of the safety stairs again.

As expected, when he stopped contacting the sun, the shivering and the feeling that every cell in his body was dying disappeared, and the extraordinary sense of power filled this body again.

Confirming his previous conjecture with actual actions, Xu Ziling raised a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at Alyssia who was looking at him with concern, shrugged helplessly, and said:

"Sorry, Miss Fairy, my body seems to be a little...allergic to ultraviolet rays."

"Allergic to ultraviolet rays?"

Alyssia blinked her eyes. In her impression, she seemed to have never seen a patient with this disease.

After scratching her head again, Alicia took out a tube of sunscreen from her pocket and handed it to Xu Ziling, saying:

"I have some sunscreen here... do you want to try it?"

"Thank you, Miss Fairy, but sunscreen... probably won't work on me."

Xu Ziling shrugged helplessly. Things had already developed to this point. He didn't believe that there was nothing strange.

Heroic power, precise speed, huge demand for energy, identity that jumped out of the stone statue, and the characteristic of fearing the sun.

What the hell is this Pillar Man's prescription? ? !

System, can you come out and explain it to me?

[Uh... this seems to be a bug, or it seems... it's always like this? ]

[This is it... this is it... probably... it seems... it may also be...]

[Uh-huh! You... don't be angry first! I, I will upgrade the system now, and try to make up for this shortcoming in the rewards for the main quest later. Please don't abandon me, wuwu——]


Accompanied by a slight sound in the brain, the system completely stopped moving.

Only a light screen was left floating in Xu Ziling's mind:

[System upgrade ing...1%. ]

Seeing the system talking a lot to itself and scaring him away, Xu Ziling couldn't help but open his mouth and was speechless for a while.

No... I thought, I didn't say I blamed you...

Good news, I traveled through time and have a system.

Bad news, I traveled through time and have a system.

After his mouth twitched a few times, Xu Ziling really couldn't do anything about his system, which was as smart as Delisha's... He just hoped that the main task unlocked in a few days would not have similar problems...

After shrugging helplessly, Xu Ziling looked at Alicia and said apologetically:

"Sorry, Miss Alicia, but given the current situation, it would be more appropriate for me to stay in the doctor's institute..."


Alica's eyes turned. Although she understood why Xu Ziling did this... but she finally got some time alone with this super cute boy (crossed out) lady after finally knocking Mobius unconscious and sending Blanca away. Now she was asked to give up at the last minute, which was really not her character.

So Alicia had an idea, and quickly grabbed Xu Ziling's arm, saying with a smile:

"Hey, Ziling, don't leave in a hurry. The fairy lady spent a lot of effort to prepare the food. If you don't eat it in time, it will go bad, right?

If you are allergic to ultraviolet rays... Well, ah! Got it, you see, the sun is about to set, I believe it won't take long for the sun to shine here! Eat dinner first, and tomorrow morning, let the fairy lady help you cover the doors and windows with thick curtains, how about it?

Don't worry~ The fairy lady is very kind-hearted and won't charge any reward♪~"

Xu Ziling is not stupid.

Mobius, who hasn't woken up yet, and Blanca, who is angry, can wait for this meal

, why would Alicia say that it would go bad if she waited a little longer?

Seeing that Alicia said that she would not charge any reward, but she kept staring at Xu Ziling's body that was not a girl's but better than a girl's, her little calculation in her heart could be said to have hit Xu Ziling's face.

...But Xu Ziling had no reason to refuse the lovely fairy lady, right?

"Well, thank you Miss Alicia."

Xu Ziling smiled and nodded, agreeing to Alicia's proposal.

"Hmm ♪~"

Alixia smiled and said,

"Oh, Xiao Ziling, you keep calling me Miss... I would be embarrassed too, right? Since you are Dr. Mobius' friend, just call me Ai Li, or Sister Ai Li, okay? No need to add the word 'Xiao' in front.

And now, your Sister Ai Li is going to help you close the doors and windows to prevent Xiao Ziling from getting hurt... Hmm ♪~ How about it, are you happy?"

Looking at Ai Lixia's innocent and serious smile, Xu Ziling smiled helplessly. It is said that Ai Lixia's words are easy to move people's hearts. Now it seems... it is really true.

In the world before Xu Ziling crossed over, although he could not directly deny all the beauty, people were divided into groups according to their own kind. Most of the people around Xu Ziling were indifferent colleagues who worked hard for their boss's Ferrari. The mask was worn for too long, so Xu Ziling could not take it off directly after crossing over.

In comparison, Ailishia is like a pure and dazzling light. This pure light can easily shine into the hearts of every indifferent person and touch the softest part of their hearts.

Perhaps it is precisely because of her purity that Ailishia in the game can make thousands of ghosts cry when the curtain falls.

Xu Ziling... is also one of the thousands of ghosts, and this will not change easily just because he traveled through time.

So, Xu Ziling smiled knowingly at Ai Lixia and said:

"Of course... It is an honor to be taken care of by Sister Ai Li. Thank you Ai Li, I believe in Ai Men."

"Ai Men?"

Aili Xia blinked her eyes and seemed to like the name very much, because she also raised her hands and made a cheering gesture, and smiled,

"I like this name! Um~ Thank you Xiao Ziling for the fan name, Miss Fairy will respond to your expectations♪~

Xiao Ziling, remember to stay here and don't move? After blocking all the doors and windows, I will come to find you again, see you later♪~"

As she said, the excited Ai Lixia jumped away from the safety stairs and went to the small building above the research institute to set up.

Xu Ziling smiled knowingly when he saw this. Ai Lixia's enthusiasm is really easy to infect people. After Ai Lixia had covered the windows of several rooms, Xu Ziling also went out to help in the rooms where the windows were blocked by curtains.

Using some thicker cloth to block the doors and windows was not a difficult task. In addition, as the sky gradually darkened and the sun set, Xu Ziling became free to move. In less than half an hour, the three-story building was decorated by the two of them.

After doing all this, Alysia returned to the institute to check on the situation of Mobius and Blanca. The result was that the world's tuning snake had already hibernated, and Blanca was very angry with Hen and needed to be alone and had no intention of eating dinner.

This was a bargain for Xu Ziling. Alysia thought that the taste of dinner would change if it was not eaten for too long. She could make a new breakfast for Blanca and the doctor tomorrow morning. However, she pushed the dinner of Mobius and Blanca to Xu Ziling.

At the dining table in the small building, Xu Ziling looked at Alysia, who was holding a spoon in her mouth and trying to seduce him with a smirk, and smiled helplessly.

Obviously, he had seen a lot of that before he traveled through time, but after he really met Alicia, he was infected by her purity and could not have any evil thoughts.

Of course, Xu Ziling did not hate this feeling.

After all, what he was experiencing now was a beautiful plot that thousands of ghosts could not even dream of.

PS: Are you all on winter vacation? I am going to start updating next Monday…

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