This is the way to go.

This way.

Mobius was in a good mood, and couldn't help but start to lecture Xu Ziling, saying:

"Little white mouse, although this matter is the responsibility of Alicia, you are too cautious. You must be on guard against that woman in the future. You promised me that you would be responsible for me, and you can't let her take advantage of you first, understand?"

Xu Ziling held his chin with one hand, thought for a moment, and said:

"That... Doctor, actually, I was just helping Miss Alicia make breakfast just now."

"Ah, right, right."

Mobius was too lazy to tell Xu Ziling Ling said so much nonsense, grabbed Xu Ziling's right hand, pointed at the tightly blocked doors and windows in the house, and said:

"You need to block the doors and windows like this when cooking, otherwise the pots and pans will explode when exposed to the sun...right? Haha, I am really too familiar with these tricks of Alysia."


Xu Ziling fell into deep thought. He didn't know whether the pots and pans would explode when exposed to the sun, but he knew that he must not see the sun, even if he looked at it for a second, because if he looked at it for a second, his body would explode.

"But to some extent, I have wronged you. You have just revived and you have met a dangerous woman like Alicia."

Mebius stopped by the bed in the small building and said,

"You don't have to listen to her. Just use your own subjective judgment to do your own thing. Based on your behavior, I can basically conclude that the 'pre-civilization era' you are in has a highly similar cultural path to our era...

In words that you can understand, the cultural cognition in your pre-civilization world can also be applied to our era. After all, the laws of physics and biology will not disappear with the disappearance of civilization. What do you think, little white mouse?"

As he said, as if to prove that "equipment exposed to sunlight will not explode", Mebius casually pulled the curtains beside the bed.


No, Doctor! You were talking well, why did you suddenly pull the curtains? ? Me! ... WOC! !

Mobius didn't notice Xu Ziling's reaction at first, and said to himself:

"So, little white mouse, look for yourself... huh?"

After losing the barrier of thick curtains, the morning sun shone through the glass into the three-story building next to the school district without hesitation. Mobius, who had been staying in the research institute for many years, saw the sun for the first time in a long time. In addition, he had just defeated Alicia once, so he was in an unusually good mood.

But the blonde beauty beside her didn't think so.

Xu Ziling's eyes were full of bloodshot the moment his body came into contact with the sun. The hideous bloodshot seemed to wash away the green in his eyes, turning it into a terrifying and weird red.

His body couldn't help but tremble. This body that could tear apart the collapse beast with his hands actually felt the trembling from the depths of his blood.

Mobius was not stupid. After seeing that the situation seemed to be out of control, he was surprised and the first way he thought of was to restore the environment of the scene just now to see if Xu Ziling could also restore it back.

After the doors and windows were blocked again, the trembling fear in Xu Ziling's heart gradually dissipated. After a long sigh of relief, he twisted his stiff and difficult-to-move body and said, "Huh... Doctor, don't make such jokes next time. You almost killed me just now." "Huh?" Hearing this, Mebius frowned slightly, and Blanca took out a notebook out of professional habit and began to record. After thinking about the situation just now, Mobius looked at Xu Ziling and asked tentatively:

"So... it's because you are afraid of sunlight that Alicia helped you decorate the room like this? But... why didn't you tell me earlier about this biological defect of being afraid of sunlight?"

"Doctor... I just discovered this."

Xu Ziling spread his hands helplessly and said,

"Just now I was actually thinking about how to tell this to the doctor more naturally... But I didn't expect that before I could say it, you had already opened the curtain."

Accepting the little but definitely heavy information that Xu Ziling conveyed to him, Mobius fell into a brief contemplation.

In fact, for a person who is buried deep underground for who knows how many years,

For a creature that has lived for thousands of years, it is normal to have some stress reactions when suddenly seeing the sun. Just like a night owl who stays at home for a long time, if he is suddenly pulled out during the day, he will not adapt and will feel some mental pain.

But in Xu Ziling's case... his pain has clearly shifted from mental pain to physical tremors. Mobius has no doubt that if he had closed his curtains for a little while, he would be able to eat his own guinea pig tomorrow.

But... a person who can break through the stone statue blockade that is at least 50,000 years old with his own strength, burst out with more terrifying strength and speed than the world champion of the Fire Moth, and has a body with double A or even double S in strength and speed, but is afraid of the sun... It's a bit of a joke to say this.

Mobius doesn't believe in the body, so she doesn't believe that there are any vampires and zombies in the world. She only believes in the research data in her hands.

Inappropriate ultraviolet rays? Mental self-hypnosis? Or does Xu Ziling's skin tissue react chemically in the sun?

Countless professional names flashed through Mobius' mind, but none of them seemed to match Xu Ziling's symptoms just now.

Moreover, Mobius found that no matter how much she speculated, it would be more practical to ask Xu Ziling, the person involved. Therefore, she turned her head and looked at Xu Ziling and asked,

"Little white mouse, I need to understand what is going on. Fear of sunlight... Is this your personal psychological reaction, or will your body really undergo some immeasurable changes due to exposure to sunlight?"


After being reminded by Mobius, Xu Ziling also found that after being exposed to sunlight, he actually just had a feeling of depression from the bottom of his heart, and it seemed that there was no direct physical damage?

It is not a good habit to have ideas but no events. Even if the possibility is extremely low, Xu Ziling did not say that he must stand in the sun.

After grabbing his golden hair that reached his waist, Xu Ziling wanted to take one off as an experimental sample, but he never thought that this body seemed to take better care of the hair than he thought. He scratched it for a long time, but no hair fell out, so he had to pull one out with force and handed it to Mebius.

Mebius understood, took the golden hair from Xu Ziling, came back to the window, and opened a corner of the curtain.

The golden hair shone brightly under the sunlight, like a gold thread carefully drawn by a craftsman, which only needed further processing to turn into a work of art worth millions.

...At least that's what Mebius thought at first.


"?! Ah!"

Mebius suddenly cried out, and a bloody smell that could not be ignored instantly spread in the room. After Xu Ziling's fingers trembled slightly for a few times, he instantly stepped forward to support Mebius who was about to fall.

As the distance got closer, Xu Ziling could clearly see that there was an extremely thin scar on Mebius's right wrist. The scar seemed to have cut a blood vessel, and blood was still flowing out.

Seeing this, Xu Ziling frowned. The blood flowed in front of him, and a strange restlessness rose in his heart.

After shaking his head violently and throwing away these distracting thoughts, Xu Ziling looked at Blanca who was also frightened and urged:

"Senior Blanca... gauze!"

With Xu Ziling's reminder, Blanca recovered, with a little fear in her eyes. After taking a few steps back, she quickly covered her mouth with her left hand, and stretched out her still trembling right hand to point in a direction.

Seeing this, Xu Ziling's strange irritability in his heart became even worse. He looked at the suddenly injured Mobius, but saw that Mobius also opened his eyes wide. After a flash of fear in his blue eyes, an unprecedented excitement rushed over all of Mobius' emotions.

"Doctor, your injury..."

"Shh! Little white mouse, look!"

The corners of Mobius' mouth slightly raised, and he quickly stretched out his hand to cover Xu Ziling's mouth, pointing to the hand where the sunlight fell not far away.

There was nothing else there.

Except for a bloody "golden thread".

There is no doubt that this hair that Xu Ziling had just pulled out of his body became the "murderer" who hurt Mobius just now.

And now, after this hair left Xu Ziling's body and was bathed in the sun, it seemed to be "alive", twisting strangely like a snake.

This half-meter-long golden hair seemed to want to get away from this troubled place exposed to the sun, but it seemed to be reluctant to leave, because there was still a trace of the hair that it had left when it "attacked" Mobius.

"It" spread and twisted in the blood, constantly twitching its body made of a strand of hair, sometimes folding into a square, sometimes folding into a triangle... but its movements were getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, the strand of hair straightened its body in the sun and stiffened into an extremely thin "stone pestle".

After blinking, Mebius hurriedly moved forward and observed the "stone pestle" made of hair at close range, and then looked at the thin and terrifying marks around it that were whipped out because of the twisted hair. The smile in his eyes became more and more intense, and he muttered to himself:

"So that's it... So that's it... Tsk tsk tsk..."

On the other side, Xu Ziling looked at the wound on Mebius's right hand that was still bleeding, and the previously suppressed irritability once again strangely surged into his heart.

No... With my personality, it's not like this... I wasn't so irritated when the boss delayed my salary before... Is the problem this body?

Whether it was the hair or his current body... they both seemed to have a mysterious desire for "blood"?

Am I really a vampire? ?

But if I really became that thing, shouldn't I have massacred the research institute when the Monkey King was born in the first chapter?

Why can I still maintain my sanity? Why does my body crave blood while only eating human food?

Looking at the blood that had dripped from Mebius' wrist, Xu Ziling half-knelt down and stretched out his finger to touch the blood.

In an instant, Xu Ziling felt as if an arc flashed through his brain. By the time he reacted, he had already put his bloody finger into his mouth.


On the other side.

"Doctor, bandage..."

Blanca hurriedly took the bandage from the medicine box in the room, handed it to Mebius, and asked,

"Do you need me to bandage you?"

"Tsk, it's just a minor injury..."

Mebius was slightly shocked, then took the bandage, and simply wrapped it around his injured right wrist a few times, then turned around and looked at Xu Ziling and said,

"Hehe... Little white mouse, your symptoms are not allergic to ultraviolet rays, but..."

"Cell decay?"

Xu Ziling answered directly, and his neat and tidy appearance made Mebius stunned.

After a moment, Mebius, who had reacted, looked at Xu Ziling with a suspicious face and said:

"Little white mouse, where did you hear this word? Shouldn't it be... born in my mind two minutes ago?"

Xu Ziling was also stunned.

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