The enemy was so angry that he was beaten to death.


Hearing the sobbing of his own doctor, Xu Ziling, who had been killed so hard that he didn’t even have the light in his eyes, panicked.

Xu Ziling swore that he had never fought so hard before when he fought the Honkai God against the Unifier. He struggled desperately, but now his limbs were nailed to death by eight dark green snake spears. He couldn’t use any strength at all, so how could he soothe Mobius’ tears...

Finally, Xu Ziling glanced at the Serenity Gem that Mobius had thrown on his chest, so he immediately used his body to communicate with the Honkai energy inside it, and the power of life flowed into his body through the gem. After the repaired hand muscles bounced off the anchor of the snake spear, Xu Ziling reluctantly stretched out his hand, trying to wipe away the tears in Mobius's face.


Before Xu Ziling stretched out his hand, she caught it in mid-air.


Mobius turned away, stretched out his left hand, quickly wiped his face, and looked at Xu Ziling again.

Xu Ziling noticed that her eyes were already red, and she lost her strength.

The originally slender index finger now looked pale because of too much force, and the nails were deeply embedded in Xu Ziling's arm and her own palm.


Mobius took a deep breath, as if trying to regulate her emotions.

After a moment, she let go of Xu Ziling's arm that had been deformed by her grip, and said in a calm tone as possible, but still couldn't stop the trembling voice,

"Little white mouse... tell me... what should I do... for you to listen to what I say..."

"Doctor... I..."

Xu Ziling struggled for a while and reluctantly said,

"I actually always, always... remember what you said..."

"Then why do you take risks again and again?"

Mobius asked back, her tone now was surprisingly calm... so calm that Xu Ziling felt a little scared. If there was a choice, Xu Ziling would rather be chopped into pieces by Mobius just now than want to be like this Mobius.

"Didn't I tell you? Or did you not promise me? Risking your own life... is something neither of us wants to see from each other... Or do you want me to take risks with you? Will you be satisfied if I die dozens of times in front of you like you did just now?"

"...Of course not."

Xu Ziling immediately shook his head and denied, saying,

"I want you to be safe more than anyone else."

"Then what do you think... I treat you?"

Mobius waved his hand, his movements were surprisingly light,

"Little white mouse, three years... It's almost four years. What do you think... I just said everything I said to you to a fool, the fool... should listen to it, right? Of course, I know that all your actions are for me, I can feel your determination to like my safety more than anyone else... But have you really considered my feelings? This question is not the first time."

Xu Ziling fell silent.


Mobius knew that all Xu Ziling's actions were for her to have a relatively safe environment. But Xu Ziling always overlooked a crucial issue, that is, Mobius... Is she really willing to accept this kind of protection?

Undoubtedly, she is not willing.

Because if the issue is reversed, and Mobius has stronger power, and Xu Ziling has to watch Mobius fight to the death with the God of Collapse or the Ruler, using his dying body to exchange for layers of tragic victories... Then Xu Ziling would definitely not be willing.

But some problems and some things... It's really not that we don't want to, we all know that we... can just not do it...

Once, there was a true red knight who taught her students countless times that once a person becomes a dead warrior, he can no longer be called a person. Treating them must be capable and neat, and using swords and hot weapons to give them eternal sleep is the best respect for them.

However, when the collapse came, the teacher made a wrong decision even though she knew that her students had been eroded by the collapse, and this decision also directly led to her death.

In the past, Xu Ziling did not understand why people still did things even though they knew they were wrong.

Now, Xu Ziling understands.

It is precisely because

We all know that it is wrong, so... we have to do it...

It is precisely because we made two mistakes that the mistakes are particularly important to the people who made them.

"Tell me, how many times has this happened..."

Mobius pulled out the snake spears that were stuck in Xu Ziling's body one by one, and said calmly,

"When facing Vishnu, you are like this... When facing the Herrscher of the Wind, you are like this... When facing the God of Collapse, you are still like this... Little white mouse, you have always been like this... Always like this... Even if we have already agreed, you are still like this...

I know you are doing this for my own good... I know that in your heart my safety is more important than anything else... But little white mouse, do you know how I can endure all this? Haha... I can't stand shrinking behind you like a waste..."


Xu Ziling Ling stretched out his still trembling right hand and said,

"I'm sorry... but... please believe me, from now on..."

"Stop, stop it. If you say anything about the future again, there will be no future between you and me."

Mebius slapped Xu Ziling's right hand back. She looked up at the ceiling of the operating room, then looked down at the messy operating room, and finally looked at Xu Ziling again and said:

"It's so ugly, little white mouse... You are so ugly now... Take a good look at yourself now, how weak are you? How embarrassed are you? It was not until today that I realized that you had already gone crazy for your so-called protection...

So You are so paranoid, so ugly... You want to nip everything that is not good for me in the bud... Hehe, I guess no matter what I say to you now, it is probably impossible to change your paranoid thoughts... So, you should cry less hypocritically..."

"I will just announce my plan to you, little white mouse."

Mobius said, slowly stood up, took away the quiet gem that she had just placed on Xu Ziling's chest, and said in a tone that was neither cold nor indifferent,

"Just now, I thought of a brilliant idea... Since you still can't listen to my words, I will use practical actions to put shackles on you.

Wait and see... Little white mouse, I will Let you bear the "life"... If you die in the future, I will strip Shesha's bloodline and die with you. Then... let your child go to extinction without a father or a mother... I don't believe... you would like to see such a scene happen... There's nothing wrong with dying together... Hehe..."


Xu Ziling's eyes showed a trace of astonishment, and then he said,

"You said... children? You... uh!"

Before Xu Ziling finished speaking, he felt dizzy for no reason. He looked at his body in surprise. Tiny snake needles pierced his body at some point, releasing pieces of neurotoxins.

"Look, you are so weak now that even Shesha's poison is inevitable... So this is a declaration and notification, not communication and request..."

Mobius said lightly, reaching out to cover Xu Ziling's increasingly drowsy eyes,

"Go to sleep... Little white mouse... Go to sleep... When you wake up, everything will be over. By then, you will become a father... I want you to know that your every move represents your wife and your child, which is the lives of three people... I will use this method to make you realize how important your life is..."

"Doctor... You... Ah..."

It may be because Xu Ziling is really too weak now, or it may be because Mobius is too powerful now. In short, from the invasion of Shesha's neurotoxin to the toxicity, it took only a few seconds before and after, and she easily knocked down the blond assistant.

Looking at the blond assistant who was unconscious under him, Mobius was silent for a moment, and tears finally flowed from his already red eyes.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she lowered her head and kissed his lips...



(PS: I may take a day off tomorrow to write about the first time of 0 and Snake on, please let me know. (4k updates will be resumed (or more) starting from July 1st))

(PPS: I am submissive in throwing horses, but I will fight hard in leather boots. If you are interested, we will meet at the old place. "Heavenly Self-discipline" is waiting for you there!)

(PPPS: Don't read if you don't even know how to climb over the firewall. It is not suitable for you to read such articles at this age. Physical and mental health is the most important.)

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