The snowstorm was so severe that the snowstorm was so severe that it was difficult to see the snowstorm.

"So... you were suddenly attacked by a blizzard of unknown origin and fell here?"

After hearing that Kevin and others did not break in on their own initiative but were forced to fall, Karin's tone softened a lot, but the reason for the fall was puzzling to her.

What does "a sudden snowstorm destroyed the parking lot" mean?... Now, within a hundred miles of Siberia, or even in the whole world, there should be only one fusion warrior who can manipulate ice and snow.

The rest of the fusion warriors either died because of genetic mismatch or refused to sign Mebius's surgery documents because they could not accept the permanent trauma caused by the fusion of Pavanti.

So Karin should be the only Pavanti fusionist in the world.

But Karin also remembered very clearly that when the helicopter that MEI and Kevin were riding on flew over, she and Qianjie were probably still watching the aurora on the small snow hill in the mountain village. If she hadn't suddenly sensed that outsiders had broken in, she wouldn't have taken that kind of posture to face MEI and Kevin at the beginning.

Could it be that her memory deceived her? Did she shoot down the plane that Kevin and others were riding without her brain knowing it?


It seems that this is really possible...

After thinking about the other Honkai beast that she had fused with, Karin thought about it and found that it seemed that there was only this possibility left. So she sighed, nodded slightly to Kevin and others to apologize, and said,

"Sorry... I think... I should have shot you down..."


Kevin was confused, and so was Qianjie. Both of them were not very smart. Especially Qianjie, after listening to Karin's self-contradictory words, his brain was burning up.

"What is it?"

Qianjie raised his hand to extinguish the flames on his head, and asked in confusion,

", haven't you been by my side since seven days ago? I didn't see you take the time to shoot down any planes."

" a long story."

Karin shook her head and said,

"Mr. Qianjie, if you really want to know the answer to this question, I will explain it to you later."

"Then why not let me guess?"

Ailishiya nodded her lips, and then said,

"Is it because of Minister Karin...your 'other half'?"


Karin took a deep look at Alishiya, and then said,

"I don't I am obliged to answer your questions. "

"As for the harm you suffered in the Soviet Union, you can apply for reasonable compensation from the Soviet Union through official channels afterwards."

Karin added, this time she looked at MEI,

"For example... the sample of collapse... MEI, the rising star of world scientific research, I should be right, right? I know that what you lack most now is that, and now I can give it to you. You should also stop while you are ahead and leave. "

On the other side, MEI, who had been keeping her head down and not saying a word just now, suddenly raised her head, and her eyes were still rational and calm for thousands of years, but this time, there was an imperceptible fanaticism in her rationality.

On the other side, Kevin, who noticed the abnormality of MEI, was about to ask what was going on now, but was stopped by MEI.

"Of course, Minister Karin is the Tsar. She is willing to offer compensation after the problem occurs. This is the highest apology."

MEI took off his glasses that were frosted due to the cold, looked at Karin with a smile, and said,

"But... I just want to ask a question. Can the weight of life really be described by material things? If it weren't for Senior Alicia's help, Kevin and I would probably have been sleeping in this snow forever. If Mr. Bai Wu knew about this... I'm afraid he would be very sad."


Karin's eyes changed slightly. As a member of the Five Permanent Members of the Chasing Fire and the Minister of the entire Military Strategy Department, Karin knew that MEI was from European Bai Wu. At the same time, she also knew that the department under the charge of European Bai Wu was the Personnel and News Department, which was simply the public opinion.

If his people died in Suzhou, Karin, as the Tsar of Suzhou, would indeed have some headaches.

"So... you think these compensations are not enough? Are you threatening me with that old man Bai Wu?"

Karin hugged her chest and said calmly,

"You are young, but you have a big appetite... If you

How do you assume that I don't have the means to control Bai Wu in turn? Or how do you assume that the old guy Bai Wu is really willing to stand up for you at the cost of provoking the Soviet Union? "

"MEI doesn't have the courage, and it's definitely not what I mean, Minister Karin."

MEI bowed slightly to Karin and said,

"It's just... MEI dares to think that the "national salvation plan" you mentioned before is very great. If possible, MEI would like to learn more about it. Assuming that we can become "friends", then everything that happened before can be attributed to the level of "playing". Mr. Bai Wu will naturally not pursue it anymore, what do you think?"

"So you want to know my national salvation plan...?"

Karin tilted her head slightly, but as one of the five top leaders with world power, how could she not see that MEI was listening to wine while drunk? So she said,

"I'm afraid it's more than that? After all, even if you don't ask me, you can get the answer to this question from your Mr. Bai Wu. "

"Well... this is indeed only half the reason."

MEI smiled and said,

"And the other half of the reason is that MEI wants to make friends with Minister Karin."

"So... you want a favor?"

Karin raised her eyebrows and said,

"How do you assume that I will be willing to accept this favor? You are also from Shenzhou. There is an old saying in Shenzhou, isn't it? Serving the emperor is like serving a tiger. As the Tsar, aren't you afraid that I will not accept your favor one day, but will eat you directly?"

"You won't do that."

MEI nodded slightly, and then said,

"And if I can make friends with Minister Karin and understand Minister Karin's living habits. MEI is also willing to point out the perfection of your grand plan to Minister Karin, which can enable you to implement that plan in the future or even now, causing less damage to you and your country. "


Karin's eyes flickered slightly, and it was obvious that she knew her plan still had many drawbacks. However, with her energy and the current situation, she was afraid that she would not have time to modify it. If there was one more person willing to help her... it would indeed save a lot of effort.

And MEI's words also enlightened Karin.

"Life habits... Heh, so that's what you mean."

Karin chuckled and took off her work gloves, revealing her hands that seemed to be wrapped in blue silk.

"This is a fight between the two of you in scientific research, and I shouldn't get involved... But if you really just want to understand my plan and my country, then follow me, as compensation and solution for the accident you had in the Soviet Union this time."

Karin said, and came to Qianjie again, saying:

"Mr. Qianjie... If you have time, can you go with me? Komosi City... It contains all my secrets and thoughts, and there are some things... I really want to tell you. "

Qianjie didn't understand what Karin meant, but she heard the sincerity in Karin's tone, so she said:

"Woman... you are not the little brat you were back then... as long as you think you are right and are willing to take responsibility and perseverance for it, just do it, I will watch you."

"... Yeah."

Hearing this, Karin smiled rarely, this time from the heart,

"Then follow me. "

Kalin said, and waved her hand. A cloud of ice and snow enveloped MEI and Kevin, carrying their bodies into the air.

Looking at the people going away under the aurora, Alysia thought about it and quickly followed.

The wind and snow gradually stopped...

There was another figure on the snow where Karin and others had just gathered.

He was wearing a pilot's uniform and holding a satellite phone. He was the pilot who sent MEI and Kevin here.

He looked around with a confused look on his face and said in surprise:

"No... Where is my eldest daughter? No... No, the rescue team is coming, where are the people? ! ! "

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