At the same time, Suzhou, Komos City, Yekaterinburg.


Alicea, who had already drawn her bow and arrow, held her breath, and the crystal arrow pointed directly at the two "Karin" sitting on the throne.

The cold wind was blowing, and the frost was spreading.

In this terrifying castle with "ice sculptures" standing one after another, the strange breath was like ink dripping into the water, quickly spreading to everyone's heart.

And the two "Karin" who were pointed at by the arrows... They never took any action, and seemed not to care about Alicea's attack, but just let the "love ice crystal" held in their palms beat.

However, among all the reactions that Alicia could foresee, this reaction alone made her feel the most oppressive.

Alicia could feel that this sense of oppression was not the fear that grew in her heart, but the genes of the Honkai beasts that were fused into her body that were affecting her thinking...

Honkai beasts...if they don't have a pseudo-core, if they can't achieve the end of the law. Then no matter how powerful and terrifying they are, they can only be classified as "beasts" and will actively submit to higher-level existences.

And the existence that can make the emperor-level Honkai beasts fear and submit is undoubtedly... the Herrscher.

Of course, this is not the most fatal thing. The most fatal thing is that Karin herself is a "Chimera" who has fused "Pavanti" and "Ashibo" at the same time. The fusion warrior who is inclined to ice attributes now holds the Herrscher core... No one knows to what extent her strength will be expanded.

Reason is urging Alicia to escape all the time.

Regardless of whether Karin used despicable means such as sneak attacks, she did freeze Alicia, the strongest individual combat force of the Fire Moth, together with Qianjie, Kevin and MEI into ice sculptures in an instant or even shorter time... This is undoubtedly a declaration of power.

At present, Alicia only knows that the core that Karin controls should also be related to the ice attribute, but she has no idea about the further authority.

Without any intelligence and understanding, it is foolish to rashly fight with such an opponent. If you run away now, you may still have a chance to survive and tell Mobius and Xu Ziling about the birth of the Herrscher... If it is them, they will definitely be able to defeat the Herrscher.

But... the existence of emotion prompted Alicia to look at the ice sculptures beside her...

Qianjie's "ice sculpture" stood there...

Kevin and MEI... the same.

Judging from their calm and natural expressions, they were definitely frozen in an instant without knowing it, otherwise their expressions and postures would have shown some resistance.

There is no doubt that even if they can wake up from the ice, they will never be able to escape from Karin's hands.

If she were alone, Alicia felt that she would most likely retreat immediately. After all, no one stipulated that she must fight to the death with an enemy she couldn't defeat. Wouldn't it be nice for her to go back and shake Mobius and Xu Ziling over, and then end the fight with one punch?

However, now there is such a rule that Alicia must not escape.

And the people who set these rules... are the seventy-nine ice sculptures standing around Alicia, or... the seventy-nine lives that were frozen.

Alicia could not assume the probability of her successful escape, and she could not assume that if she really escaped, these frozen lives, including the three people of Qianjie, would encounter unexpected events.

Alicia is always like this... She values ​​the lives of others more than her own. She prioritizes others more often than she considers herself... This is both her strength and her weakness.


The bow and the string are tense, and the arrow and the person are confronting each other. Alicia, who has always been aloof, did not speak again this time.

First, it is really painful to inhale the ice crystals in the air. Second, it is because she must tighten her nerves and protect the 79 frozen lives in the castle, including Qianjie Kevin MEI, as much as possible... Even though she actually knows that the probability of success is infinitely close to zero.

"... Do we have to fight?"

Karin's voice suddenly sounded, and her originally extremely cold figure echoed in this frozen castle. There is no one here except her.

She was no longer conscious of Alicia, and she was undoubtedly talking to Alicia.

"... Uh-huh ♪~"

Alica suddenly chuckled, just to ease her nervousness. She also lifted her frosty pink hair and said,

"Indeed... we don't have a reason to fight, right? Sister Karin~"


After Alicia called "Sister Karin", Karin fell into a brief silence and was controlled...

Alica took the opportunity to observe the bodies of the "two Karins" in the castle. Of course, this time she was not looking at the other party's figure, but collecting information.

Alica noticed that the "two Karins" on the throne of the castle now, although they both had human outlines, their auras were divided into two parts... This should be the ability of the collapsed twins, "Ashibo".

Looking at the two "Karins", one of them was wearing an ice crystal dress, and her hands and footsteps were like gradual ice flowers, with layers of silver-blue colors. In this ancient castle, she was in a high position, wearing an ice crystal crown on her forehead, almost announcing her identity as the monarch of the Snow Country.

But this "Ice Crystal Karin" always kept her head down, sitting on her throne, never moving or speaking.

Alicia could not see her eyes, nor could she feel her breath. She was like a real piece of ice, sitting on the throne.

If she hadn't been holding the constantly beating "love ice crystal" in her hand, giving Alicia a deadly threatening aura, Alicia would probably have regarded her as one of the seventy-nine ice sculptures present.

As for the other "Karin"... she stood beside the throne, standing next to the "Ice Crystal Karin", and the appearance of the Su Kingdom Emperor was fully reflected in her. She was the one who was talking to Alicia earlier, and from her expression, it was not difficult to guess that she was the "Karin" who led Alicia and others here earlier.

The imperial robe was wrapped like a giant bear, and the silver-blue hair fell like a cloak. The "Karin" who seemed to be more normal, with her clean feet stepping on ice boots, stared at Alicia with her azure eyes.

It was this "military uniform Karin" who was talking to Alicia, and at the same time... she was also the "Karin" who led Alicia's people to Komos City before...

"Sister Karin♪~"

Alisa was trying to divert her attention as much as possible. She smiled as she did before, then glanced around and said,

"Don't you think... it's a bit one-on-one for only the two of us to talk? Why not add some new characters to this conversation? For example, um... this passionate Mr. Qianjie!"

After discovering that Karin didn't seem to have the desire to fight immediately, Alicia simply put away her bow and arrow, gesturing at the "Qianjie Ice Sculpture" next to her, and said,

"I saw him when I was a child! He was a very talkative gentleman. Minister Karin might as well lift his... cold attitude towards him first. Hide? Oh, anyway, let everyone join this meeting!

We are the only two talkative people... I don't refuse, but if this matter is spread out, saying that the pink fairy lady and the Russian female executive are having a private date... then even the fairy lady will have a headache! "


Looking at Alyssia talking here, Karin was silent for a moment, and then said:

"You don't have to divert my attention in this way, Alyssia... Although you are annoying, I recognize your contributions to mankind and the Soviet Union.

Isn't that what you said? As an emperor, you can't hurt innocent people... Otherwise, if I really want to kill you, you would have died before you woke up from your sleep. "

"Hmm... Hmm ♪~, has the fairy's magic been discovered?"

Alyssia said jokingly, but in fact she turned her hands behind her back and used a little fairy magic to survey the "ice sculptures" around her.

Then, Alicia discovered that among the seventy-nine ice sculptures sealed in the castle, there were no real people who died in the ice.

They were really just frozen, and their consciousness fell into a state of suspended animation, but they still retained certain vital signs. As long as the ice melted, they should be able to come back to life, just like Alicia just now.

This discovery made Alicia feel relieved, and at the same time, she was not so nervous when facing Karin.

"Then... Sister Karin♪~, since you have no intention of killing us and no ill will towards us, why did you freeze everyone?"

As Alicia said, she turned around and said,


Say... Is this actually some kind of special game? So exciting! "

Alicea's words always leave Karin speechless, but this is actually exactly what Alicea hopes to see.

Her hope of escaping is slim now, so she can only take a gamble. Bet that the Fire Moth Headquarters can detect her signal loss, and then help contact the Mobius Institute and send troops to support.

And before the possible reinforcements arrive, Alicea needs to do her best to delay time in exchange for the capital of the game.

"Correction, Miss Alicea."

Karin stretched out a finger to Alicea, and then pointed at Qianjie, Kevin, and MEI who were frozen behind Alicea, and said,

"I didn't freeze you out of malice or bad taste. It's your own request, isn't it? ... A month ago, it was the purple-haired girl who said that she wanted to know about my "national salvation plan", and I agreed.

But considering that you probably can't appreciate my determination and will by just describing it with words, I plan to let you understand and experience it in depth... that is, the scene you are seeing now. "

"So... Minister Karin, your plan to save the country is to seal everyone in ice?"

Ailishia reached out and touched Kevin's ice sculpture beside her. Her hand was not stuck to the ice, and she could feel the soul sleeping in the ice sculpture.

Then, Alishia suddenly realized something, her pupils slightly widened, and she said in surprise:

"Wait... Minister Karin, you just said that time has passed... a month? ! We have been frozen in the ice for a month? ? "

"Let me answer your first question first."

Karin stretched out a finger and said,

"I have painstakingly planned a plan to save the country for six years, of course it is not simply to freeze everyone in ice. What I want to create is an ideal society where the people of my country will never have to suffer any hardship again. We all have fields to cultivate, food to eat, clothes to wear, and money to use. There is no inequality, and no one is hungry or cold. "

"This sounds impossible."

Karin said, and raised her second finger.

"I know that in the history of Shenzhou, someone once proposed a similar idea to me, and that person failed in the end... But his failure does not mean that I will fail. As for the reason... This involves your second question. "

"For you, you were indeed frozen for a month, and so were your two friends and Mr. Qianjie. The others were frozen for longer, probably... about two years."

Karin was willing to answer Alicia's question, which made Alicia feel hopeful, but Karin's words made Alicia confused.

"But for people outside the city of Komos... only eight hours, or seven days, have passed."

"Minister Karin, do you mean... the time in Komos is different from the time flow rate outside? "

"To be precise... it's the speed of time flowing through you people that is different from the outside world."

Karin explained, and then she came to the throne where "Ice Crystal Karin" sat, raised the hand of "Ice Crystal Karin", and showed the constantly beating "love ice crystal" in her hand to Alicia's vision, and said,

"This power is magical, isn't it?"

"I was actually surprised, too, when I was too weak to handle state affairs forever... Dr. Mebius appeared. She helped me obtain a body far superior to that of ordinary people, allowing me to proudly divide my own body and will into two parts.

One part stores my extra emotions and consciousness; the other part is fully devoted to handling major and minor events in the Soviet Union. It was Dr. Mebius's fusion surgery that laid the foundation for my plan to save the country alone,

And when I was short of time and my power was always limited... this gem appeared.

With its temperature and extreme cold... I was able to slow down my own time flow 'a hundred times', and gain a hundred times more reaction ability and thinking time than the outside world.

A body that will never get tired, a mind that is a hundred times better than that of an ordinary person, a will that will always abandon distractions... This is why I have always believed that I can bear the conditions and reasons for the 'catastrophe of all people in the Su country' with 'the power of one person'...

So do you understand? Alicia... Those people who were frozen were not really frozen, but in order to let them deeply understand my plan, I also slowed down their time flow 'a hundred times'... And you, are currently the only one who has escaped from this in just one month (8 hours * 100)

A person who has escaped from an abnormal time stream.

To be able to do this, I believe you have also deeply realized the essence of my plan... How about it? After knowing this, will you still think that my plan will definitely fail as before? Ai Lishiya..."

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