The old man was very happy.

It turns out that, except for a little prince who still studies at Qianyu College, no one wants to eat instant noodles all the time.

What's more, Alicia's cooking skills are also very good. Except for the fact that she was a little unfamiliar with Chinese food yesterday, the breakfast porridge she made today tasted great. Although it may not be as good as the Herrscher of Rice in the future, it is definitely the best.

Alicia, who was still wearing an apron, blinked her big blue eyes at Mobius, Xu Ziling, and Blanca, looking very eager for their comments after the meal.

Xu Ziling and Blanca undoubtedly gave Alicia a very high evaluation, but judging from Alicia's expression, she obviously preferred the evaluation of Mobius who just said "There is no food in the world that is more delicious than instant noodles".

"...What are you looking at me for?"

Mobius was a little strange. He noticed Alicia's expectant eyes and thought of what he had just said. He felt embarrassed for a while.

But she is Mobius! She can still keep a mouth after the previous civilization world was destroyed. It is absolutely impossible to ask her to admit that she was wrong just now!

So, Mobius raised his chin, pretended to be nonchalant, and said,

"I think this breakfast is just average, it's still far worse than my instant noodles."

"Ah... How come it's like this..."

Hearing this, Alicia suddenly lost her temper, lowered her head, and said with a frustrated look,

"Wow... Is Miss Fairy really not suitable for cooking... I'm so sad..."

Hearing Alicia's suddenly depressed tone, Mobius was stunned. In his impression, Alicia seemed to always smile and never showed a depressed look.

Looking at the apron she was still wearing, and her expectant expression just now, it formed a sharp contrast with her depressed expression at the moment. Mobius couldn't help but start thinking... Could it be that he really said too much? Why is Alicia sad again?

Seeing Alicia looking so aggrieved that she was stabbing her hands, Mabius was shocked. In order to tie down this meal ticket... yes! Just to tie up this meal ticket so that she can cook for the lack of funds in the future, Mobius quickly changed his words:

"Ahem!... Of course, Alicia, you don't have to be too depressed. After all, instant noodles are the most delicious thing in the world. It's normal for you to lose to it. But if you compare your meal with that of ordinary people, I also admit that you do have a little talent in cooking."


Alicia immediately changed to a smiling expression, walked briskly to Mobius's seat, hugged her from behind, and said with a smile,

"I knew Mobius must think it's delicious! Otherwise... How could this bowl of porridge be drunk without a drop left, don't you think? Professor Mobius♪~"


Mobius then realized that he was tricked by Alicia. Just when he was about to After the outburst, he suddenly thought of something, sneered, pushed Alysia away, pulled a chair and sat next to Xu Ziling, and said, "Hmph! Alysia, it's okay to joke around normally, but now I advise you to be more restrained. After all... I'm already a married woman. If you attack me again, it will be against ethics and morality. Little white mouse, do you think I'm right?" "Hmm..." After Xu Ziling thought for a while, he could only apologize to Aly, but who made Sheshe his nominal target now? "In terms of universal rationality, what the doctor said is of course correct." "Wow..." Alysia recalled the four words "married woman" said by Mebius, and then saw that Xu Ziling's words, although not said, were almost equivalent to admitting. For a moment, her mouth opened wide, and her big pink and blue eyes were full of surprise. Blanca was also surprised. Professor/Doctor Mobius's development speed... is it so fast...


According to the law of conservation of emotions, as long as Alicia is defeated, Mobius will definitely be happy. At this moment, she is very satisfied with Alicia's shocked expression. For a moment, she was so happy that she crossed her legs and pointed at Xu Ziling behind her seat and said,

"That's right, Alicia, you didn't hear

Wrong, from today on, Little White Mouse is my nominal boyfriend. If you want to do something to me again, you'd better think twice... Hmm? Alicia, what's that expression on your face? "

Mobius noticed that after he said those words to clear the relationship, Alicia not only did not back down, but... became even more excited?

No... Hey! What's going on? After he clearly stated that he was already a married woman, shouldn't Alicia back down? What the hell is this more excited??

Since the brain circuits of a fool are never guessed by others, Mobius was confused when he saw Alicia in this state, so he had to ask Xu Ziling:

"Little White Mouse, what's going on with Alicia? "

Xu Ziling thought for a moment and then slowly said:

"Doctor, you need to know that there are many pure love parties in this world, but it cannot be denied that there is another group of people in this world who advocate the 'Wei Wu style'. This kind of people have a general feeling for ordinary opposite sex, but they are very fond of the kind of 'mature, plump, and preferably intellectual women who have had partners'..."

Mobius: "??? Speak human language!"

Xu Ziling: "Speaking human language means... Alicia seems to be very interested in the term 'married woman'..."

Alisa: "Hmm♪~"

Mobius: "??? ??? ??? ??? "

Blanca·Tactical Melon Eating (Part 2)

Skip this topic. After breakfast, Alicia knew that her entry was exposed. Now Mobius disliked her very much, so she left the research institute and the upper building connected to the research institute temporarily on the grounds of "going out to buy food for everyone".

It is worth mentioning that Xu Ziling is suspected to be a female version of the bishop, with a highly feminine body, and is still wearing Mobius's white coat and scientific research clothes. When Alicia went out, she also emphasized that she would buy Xu Ziling a nice set of clothes and let Xu Ziling wait expectantly.

Xu Ziling agreed with this, and Mobius waved at Alicia unhappily, telling her to leave quickly.

In the following time, Mobius took Xu Ziling back to the research institute. After deciding to use himself as a rope to tie up Xu Ziling, the humanoid beast, Mobius could finally boldly conduct further biological research on Xu Ziling.

The human experiment on higher organisms that had been brewing in his mind for a long time could finally be carried out without any scruples... Mobius was so excited. After all, if he ignored the harm and only looked at the benefits, every word written and drawn by Mobius in the scientific research he conducted on Xu Ziling would be a great document that would be passed down through the ages in the future!

And Xu Ziling, of course, fully cooperated, not to mention that he actually had some doubts about his own body, even when he gave himself a nominal strategy. Even if his girlfriend wants to show her favor, he will not refuse Mebius' request.

And Mebius' so-called "human experiment"... How to say it, Xu Ziling personally experienced it and found that the word's bluffing component is far greater than its actual component. It is not necessary to be tied to the operating table by Mebius as rumored by the outside world. What Xu Ziling needs to do is actually to cooperate with Mebius to draw a few tubes of blood, drink some of the strange reagents handed by Mebius, and then tell his feelings. There is really nothing else.

...Of course, the premise is to ignore the expression on Blanca's face as if he had seen a ghost after watching Mebius draw several liters of Xu Ziling's blood, and Xu Ziling can still walk around as if nothing happened.

In the absence of Xu Ziling felt that time passed quickly when he needed to use his brain to look at the research data.

At noon, Alysia called the institute and said that she was in a state of confusion of "this one is also very beautiful, that one is also very beautiful". After ordering takeout for the institute, she said that she would be back later.

And time soon came to the evening.


Mebius was wearing a stethoscope, and the other end of the stethoscope passed through the clothes from below, close to Xu Ziling's smooth chest.

However, Mebius frowned more and more as he listened, and looked at Xu Ziling strangely, and said,

"It's really strange... Little white mouse, your heart seems to be a little deformed, how do you feel now?"


After listening, Xu Ziling thought seriously for a moment and said,

"Doctor, to be honest, I feel a little depressed now, like... there is a hand touching my chest."

"There is a pair of hands touching... Hey! Little white mouse, be serious! "

After understanding Xu Ziling's joke, Mobius patted Xu Ziling's shoulder unhappily.

Then he took off his stethoscope and said,

"I just listened to your heartbeat echo, your heart seems to be different from ordinary people, your heart seems to be a square... But you don't have a heart attack now, and you can still joke with me, which means that this is probably not abnormal, but you are born like this."

"Square heart?"

Xu Ziling repeated this word, scratching his head in some surprise, what is the situation of his body structure? Will he really become a cube man in the next life?

"Doctor, don't you need to do an X-ray? My body has been washed away by time for too long, I am not sure whether its internal structure will still look like what I remember. If the doctor needs further surgery, I will fully cooperate."

"Surgery? What kind of surgery?"

Mebius raised his eyebrows, returned to the equipment in the institute to input some data, and said casually,

"Little white mouse, you have nothing to do, don't listen to those rumors outside from Alicia. Your research data is so precious, how can I perform surgery on you without further data forms?

And your slightly deformed heart Dirty... Tsk, although it has a small bug, it can still pump blood normally, so don't worry about it. Your body has survived being dormant underground for so long, and it can't withstand this small bug? And what if your body is running on this "bug"? I can't bear to see your precious research data being messed up by me again. "

Xu Ziling immediately felt that it made sense. After all, when he was a social animal in the company before he traveled through time, he saw with his own eyes that a new colleague who had just arrived had a "glorious deed" of shutting down the entire company to fix a small bug, so that all employees could have a half-day holiday.

So, as long as the main text can still run normally, don't worry about bugs and pitfalls. Just like writing an article, before the book is finished, no one knows whether the book will rely on that bug to run.

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