After all, the two of them were in a mess.

Mebius finally cried.

He cried so hard.

Three years, how many three years can there be in a lifetime? Blanca gave the three most precious years of her life to Mebius. During these three years, she did what an assistant should do conscientiously and obeyed all the arrangements of Mebius without complaint. She was even responsible for Mebius' daily life, waking her up, telling her to go to bed early, and so on.

But what about Mebius?

Except for the last certificate of completion, she gave Blanca almost nothing, and even when they parted, she couldn't come up with a decent gift.

Feelings and gifts, these were once the things that Mebius despised the most, but now, they have become a thorn, piercing Mebius' heart.

She had no expression on her face, she was silent, but she kept pacing, running, and rolling around in the room... She kept saying that it was okay, I didn't care, but tears were falling drop by drop.

In the end, Mebius couldn't help it, and he threw himself on the bed where Blanca had lived and cried loudly, as sad as a child.

" good can you leave just like that? Ah ah ah ah...I can't accept it!! Ah wuwuwu...Hen, you bastard! If I find out that you dare to bully Blanca later, I, Mebius, swear to kill you! Ah...ah good Blanca...wuwuwuwuwu..."

I have to say that crying is really not suitable for Mebius.

How to describe this scene... Have you ever seen someone crying on the bed... Oh, forget it, that description doesn't fit Mobius.

Anyway, seeing Mobius like this, both Alicia and Xu Ziling were amazed.

And Alicia wanted to comfort him, but she also knew that if she went forward at this time, it would probably only have a counterproductive effect, so she patted Xu Ziling's shoulder and quietly left the room.

While Xu Ziling felt sad for Mobius, he seemed to gradually understand one thing.

So... the daily task [crying in front of any Valkyrie/Yingjie]... is performed like this?

This is not difficult, after all, Xu Ziling felt sorry for Blanca's departure, and now Mobius was crying, so he hugged Mobius and cried together, helping her share the mental pressure while completing the daily task.

Mobius cried until late at night before gradually calming down.

And Xu Ziling stayed with her until the early morning.

[Ding~ Daily tasks completed. ]

[Daily tasks: Perform a tearful performance in front of any Valkyrie/Yingjie. ]

[Basic task reward: Xingqiong*150]

[Random item reward: Blanca's notebook. ]

[Blanca's notebook: A certificate of an assistant following the doctor for three years, which records her three years of assistant experience and the doctor's daily habits. This is a gift from its owner before parting, please keep it carefully. ]

[Host Xingqiong's remaining: 450. ]

The next day.

[Ding~ Daily tasks refreshed. ]

[Daily tasks: Maintain an ambiguous posture with any Valkyrie/Yingjie for more than thirty minutes. ]

[Task Reward: Xingqiong*150*, Random Item Reward*1]


Xu Ziling, who had been sitting by the bed and had not slept all night, rubbed his sore temples, looked at the daily tasks that appeared in his vision, and fell into deep thought.

After a moment of thinking, Xu Ziling tapped his forehead with his fingers again, and said in his heart:

System, are you sure that your daily task is not leading me to some strange place?

[I... I don't know? ]

[If you don't like it... I'll see if I can change it for you? ]

... Then change it for me?

[Ding~ Today's daily task is changed to a weekly task. ]

[Weekly task: Maintain an ambiguous posture with any Valkyrie/Yingjie for more than 30 minutes. ]

[Task Reward: Xingqiong*150, Random Item Reward*1]

[Weekly Task Note: Seeing this task, you may wonder, is there any difference between this weekly task and the daily task? No…are they still different? For example…the latter takes a week to complete, not a day. It takes a full seven days, you know?]

Xu Ziling: …


Xu Ziling was speechless, but by now, he should be used to it.

Instead of pursuing these, Xu Ziling was actually more curious now. Now that Mobius had fainted from crying and Alicia had also restrained her words, where on earth could he find a Valkyrie or a hero to help him complete this "ambiguous" action every day?

He could only take it one step at a time.


After a moment of thinking, Mobius's eyelashes moved slightly on the bed in the bedroom, and it seemed that he was about to wake up.

Xu Ziling quickly gathered his mind and prepared to welcome Mobius to wake up.


After rubbing his temples, Mobius sat up from the bed, holding his headache. His rainbow-colored snake eyes glanced around. There was no doubt that there were only Xu Ziling and Mobius in the room.

"Doctor, you're awake."

Seeing Mobius wake up, Xu Ziling came over and said,

"You look like you need a cup of hot coffee, Doctor."

Mobius rubbed his still sore temples, looked around the room, and finally set his eyes on Xu Ziling beside the bed, asking with a complicated expression,

"Little white, have been guarding me all night?"


Xu Ziling told the truth,

"But I used to stay up all night, you don't have to feel bad about it, my Doctor."


Mobius sighed deeply and leaned her back against the headboard. The snake eyes that were extremely wise in the past were rarely stunned. After a long time, she murmured and said:

"So...little white mouse, Blanca, is gone?"

Xu Ziling's breathing suddenly paused, because Mobius asked a life-threatening question that required emotional intelligence.

If the answer is yes, then he is a ruthless straight man; if the answer is no, then he is a false lie. Either way, it will ruin the goodwill. This question seems to be unsolvable.

However, our actor Xu is a talented actor who can live comfortably and freely under the oppression of the street lamp boss. Look at the problem from a different perspective. If the problem cannot be solved, then solve the person who caused the problem.

The current situation is the same. Since I can't answer it myself, I will kick the ball back and let Mobius answer it myself. This is good for both her and Xu Ziling.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling, who was sitting on the chair beside the bed, leaned forward slightly, held his cheeks with both hands, and asked back:

"Doctor, before asking this question, you already have the answer in your heart, don't you?... Senior Blanca still has her own life after all, you should learn to accept it."


Mobius smiled, and laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

However, she did not continue to ask on that topic, and Xu Ziling's purpose was achieved.

After a long time, Mebius's dull eyes gradually calmed down. Xu Ziling also stayed with Mebius as usual. Just as Blanca said before leaving, Mebius really needed company now, even if you didn't say anything to her.

After another long while, until Mebius's stomach protested to his brain, Mebius came to his senses. He originally planned to check the time by looking at the sunlight outside the window, but he saw the doors and windows tightly blocked by thick curtains.

After a helpless smile, Mobius turned his gaze to Xu Ziling in the room and said:

"Little white mouse, it has nothing to do with the experiment, how about we talk about something else?"

Hearing Mobius's request, Xu Ziling smiled and nodded, saying:

"Of course. Dr. Mobius, as the object of your capture, I must always be prepared to listen to your voice. After all, this is the most basic requirement for a boyfriend, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Mobius did not react much, but just slumped on the head of the bed, looking at the incandescent lamp on the ceiling of the bedroom with a slightly complicated look.

Xu Ziling knew that Mobius was not looking at the lamp, but the person who had sorted out the research report under this lamp.


Mobius stretched out his fingers and tapped his forehead unconsciously, his eyes fixed on the ceiling of the institute, and said,

"Little white mouse, let me ask you a question... What kind of person do you think Blanca is?"

"She is a dedicated assistant and a role model worth learning from."

Xu Ziling said without hesitation.

"Is that all..."

Mobius muttered to himself, looking a little disappointed, and didn't want to continue talking.

Xu Ziling saw Mobius's expression and

Not surprisingly, after thinking for a moment, he spoke again,

"Doctor, I don't have much feeling for Senior Blanca. After all, I have only met her for three days... and during these three days, my most intuitive feeling about Senior Blanca is that she is a good assistant and is absolutely conscientious in her work.

But, I need to add that Blanca is conscientious in her work, but only in her work. But her life can't be just about work, right, Doctor?

Perhaps, Senior Blanca was indeed once... Doctor, you have some special feelings, but they are mostly the teacher-student relationship, Doctor Mobius. Senior Blanca is not Alicia. After all, she still has her own life to live and her own life to face. Apart from being the doctor's laboratory assistant, she is also a wife and a mother of a baby. She still has her own unfinished story waiting for her to continue writing...Do you understand what I mean? Doctor. "


Mobius fell silent.

Time passed again for a long time...really long, so long that Alicia came to knock on the door to remind the two people in the room that it was time for lunch.

After Mobius came back to his senses, he looked at Xu Ziling and asked:

"Little white mouse... what day is today?"


Although he didn't understand why Mobius asked this suddenly, Xu Ziling still thought about the time he saw on the electronic watch in the small building today and replied,

"Today is Sunday, Doctor."

"Very good..."

Mobius muttered to himself for a while, took his white coat from the bed and put it on, and said,

"Little white mouse, get ready, you can do the experiment with me these days, I will help you overcome the fear of the sun as soon as possible, and then... wait until next Wednesday, or next Friday, you and I will go to Qianyu College in Changkong City."

"Qianyu College?"

Hearing this name, Xu Ziling's breathing suddenly stopped.

Good guy, isn't this the high school where Kevin Laozu, MEI, and Su Daxianer go to in Changkong City? Why did Mobius suddenly say he was going there?

"Heh, don't guess."

As if he had seen through Xu Ziling's doubts, Mobius curled his lips and said,

"It's just that Blanca recommended a high school student from Qianyu College to me before to replace her as an experimental assistant, but I saw that the person recommended by Blanca was just a high school student, so I rejected it... But now that Blanca is gone, the institute is indeed still lacking an assistant, and more importantly... I want to see what the high school student who can be appreciated by Blanca is capable of."

After saying these words, Mobius thought for a while and added,

"Of course, these are just some of my personal doubts, not to test Blanca's vision, understand, little white mouse?"


Xu Ziling nodded, then lifted his chin with one hand and began to think.

The doctor's new assistant... should be Klein, the overtime maniac.

This completely confirmed Xu Ziling's previous conjecture that the world has indeed changed a lot because of his arrival.

Otherwise, according to the original work, Blanka followed Mebius at least after the sixth collapse, instead of being snatched away by Mebius before the first collapse broke out like now.

However... since Dr. Mebius invited me to go to Qianyu Academy to pick up Klein, can I also go there to find Kevin, MEI, and Su Daxianer?

Xu Ziling's years of experience as a social animal before crossing over told him that the network of relationships is better than having never seen it before, even if you only know the faces of people.


At the same time, outside the bedroom door.

After Alicia packed the lunch in an insulated box, she ran here to eavesdrop. At this moment, after hearing the conversation in the bedroom, her big pink and blue eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

Then, Alicia took out a photo from her bosom. If a white-haired sunny and cheerful boy saw it, he would probably jump up with excitement, because what Alicia was holding at the moment was the peerless beauty photo of MEI that she accidentally took the day before yesterday.

Looking at the purple-haired beauty in the photo, Alicia rubbed her warm cheeks and said happily:

"Hmm~hum♪~ I remember that there is an old saying in Shenzhou called... It's better to do it on the first day than to choose a day. Oh~ Miss MEI, since Dr. Mobius is going to your school to pick someone up, then as an inspector, it's normal for me to go with him and make friends with you, right?... Hehe♪~"


(Winter vacation

On the day of recommendation, 12,000 words were updated. I ask all book friends to forward this book. Your encouragement is the motivation for my creation.)

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