After the wedding, the couple had a good time.

Let's get back to the topic.

After collecting the "encouragement" from the fairy lady, Brother Kaizi was still waiting.

After a while, the young female professor with green hair came out. She seemed to have something urgent to do. After taking a look at him, she left in a hurry. After a while, she came back and asked for his contact information.

This... this shouldn't be a way to settle accounts with me later, right?

Thinking of his disrespect to the green-haired professor in class before, Kevin felt a little guilty, but MEI said that he must not neglect this professor, and he "just happened" to have no resistance to girls with outstanding looks. In desperation, Kevin provided his contact information as requested by the green-haired professor.

Then... the green-haired doctor left in a hurry... but it seems that the get out of class is not over yet?

Kevin was a little confused.

The person giving the lecture in the room was no longer the professor, but the professor's blonde assistant... Hey! It was really strange. Kevin had never met an opponent in "physical fitness" in his life. Today, this seemingly weak "blonde beauty" could actually throw Kevin away! It seems that the old saying in Shenzhou is true: there are always people beyond people, and there are always heavens beyond heavens.

No... I have to find a reason to find her to compete with me later! Coveting the national goddess-like face of the blonde beauty is secondary... Mainly, there are not many people who can put pressure on me in terms of physical fitness!

Kevin believed that as long as he followed the encouragement in the letter from the "pink fairy" lady just now and always believed in himself unswervingly, there would be nothing in this world that Kevin could not do.

If I still can't beat the blonde girl today, then I'll try to spar with her more. Maybe I can beat her tomorrow! Never give up and never be discouraged, isn't that the truth?

Kevin waited expectantly.

Or rather

Brother Kaizi was still waiting.

But he didn't know that in another corner at this moment, the pink fairy lady had already taken the first-hand information of MEI and planned thousands of beautiful encounters for herself and MEI in her mind.


In the circular classroom.

"This class ends here, get out of class dismissed."

On the podium, Xu Ziling packed up the USB device brought by Mebius, and walked out of the classroom through the front door, ready to find his own doctor to see what method she was going to use to deceive the unknown and ignorant female high school students.

As soon as Xu Ziling, the teacher, left, a large group of students who were there to enjoy the view, left and dispersed. After thinking for a moment, MEI quickly packed up her study tools. The philosophy knowledge that the blond and blue-eyed teacher Xu had just given shocked MEI. She was going to ask him for advice as soon as the get out of class was over.

But she never expected that although Xu Ziling was just a half-baked teacher, he left very quickly after class, showing his spirit of never staying after class. MEI had just walked out of the classroom door when Xu Ziling had already disappeared.

Kevin, who was squatting at the door, cleared his throat as soon as he saw MEI coming out, and was about to say something, but MEI directly covered his mouth with his hand.

Then, MEI said anxiously:

"Kevin, did you see Mabe just now... No, it was Professor Snake and her assistant Xu, did you see where they went?"

"... Eh?"

Feeling MEI's eagerness, Kevin scratched his head strangely, and then said,

"Just now I only saw a blonde figure whooshing past... By the way, MEI, why are you asking these questions? Although the professor and the assistant are a bit skilled... they shouldn't make you so anxious, right?"

"This is an opportunity... You don't understand, Kevin."

MEI shook his head at Kevin while holding his notebook and said,

"Just tell me where they went."


Kevin scratched his head, then pointed to the main entrance of Qianyu College and said,

"I just saw them walking towards the school gate... Maybe they have already got on the car and are ready to go home?"

Already leaving?

A trace of surprise flashed in MEI's eyes, but she soon calmed down and made a quick decision.

Regardless of the specific reason, it was surprising that Mebius, a top professor of biology, could appear at Qianyu College in Changkong City.

MEI is a rare opportunity. As long as he can get the other party's appreciation, the papers he publishes in the future will inevitably usher in explosive viewing and recognition, and even MEI's father's listed company ME Society will be able to benefit from it.

It was not convenient to say in class just now. Now the class is over. MEI wanted to find the other party to let the other party see his potential and gain attention. But now Mebius and her assistant are in a hurry to leave, and even got on the car, which means that the other party is not here to find him.

But the gap between genius and mediocrity is often the hesitation of that moment. MEI knows that if he misses this opportunity, he will need to spend ten times or even a hundred times more time to make up for it. Now that there is no way, use the most common, direct and effective way-


"Hey! No... MEI! Why are you running!"

"No time to explain... Kevin, help me catch up with Professor Snake!"

"Ah? Oh... physical work, okay!"

Kevin agreed immediately, and then stretched his left hand under MEI's calf, and his right hand behind MEI's back, and directly picked up MEI like a princess!


MEI, who was picked up, looked at Kevin with surprise and asked,

"Kevin, what are you doing?"

"Holding you and running together? After all, how can you catch up with the car with your small body?"

After reading the "Letter of Encouragement from Miss Fairy", Kevin, who was now very firm in his belief in what he did, laughed and said,

"But I can catch up! MEI, hold on to me, let's run!"

As Kevin's voice fell, his leg muscles instantly tightened, and after the gap of less than 0.5 seconds, he flew out like an arrow from a string, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, Su, who had just walked out of the classroom, looked at this scene, sighed helplessly, and then silently called a Didi and walked towards the school gate.

And in the bushes not far from here

The pink fairy lady who climbed out of the window at home opened her beautiful blue eyes wide, and looked at Kevin who was in a state of "mysterious confidence" just now and picked up MEI in disbelief, and then couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"So you can play like this? Hmm... let me think, this should be considered... an accident? Or is it courage?"

Ailixia scratched her head in confusion, but she soon laughed again, took out her notebook from her arms, and said with a smile,

"But... I have learned this skill♪~, this time I will let you, Kevin~"


On the other side, Su, who had just walked out of the classroom door, looked at the white-haired figure holding MEI and running towards the main gate of Qianyu College, shook his head helplessly, and followed him, just to watch Kevin and prevent him from making any more trouble.

But the three of them were destined to be lost.

Because the person they were chasing had never left the campus, nor had he driven a car. Mobius had deliberately faked it, making Kevin think that he and Xu Ziling were leaving after the class. His real intention was to get rid of those nosy people and not let them disturb his next kidnapping... No, it was just a plan to persuade Klein to surrender.

"Doctor, is this really okay?"

In a hidden corner on the second floor outside the circular classroom, Xu Ziling looked at Mobius who was holding a bottle of wine and started to "ton ton ton", and said with a complicated expression,

"No matter what, you get yourself drunk and try to deceive the sympathy of female high school students. This kind of thing is too..."

"Um... ha~ Come on."

In front of Xu Ziling, Mobius was holding a bottle of wine that was half empty, and his face was slightly red.

"Hehe... hiccup... Is it you who understands human feelings or me? Little white tiger... If you don't understand, just watch and learn. Today, Doctor, I will teach you... hiccup... How snakes seduce their prey little by little... hiccup..."

Xu Ziling looked at Mobius who was about to die after drinking only two sips. He scratched his head helplessly, walked over and supported Mobius' arm, and said:

"I don't think there is anything wrong with what you did, Doctor... I just think, Doctor Mobius, you don't really need to drink the wine. If you really drink like this... it's a bit inconsistent with your image as a doctor."

"Burp... Ha~... What do you know..."

Mobius drank the wine, pushed Xu Ziling away, and said vaguely,

"I am... You can't get the tiger cub without going into the tiger's den. If I can't suppress myself when we first meet, why should I ask her to

After giving her a lesson, I have a clear understanding of the girl named Klein... Ha~... She is indeed a good candidate for an assistant, and her talent is even higher than Blanca. It is also a good thing that Blanca can find such a talent... In short, such talents are rare. No matter what, I have to rely on her today... No, it should be said that she must follow me wholeheartedly. No matter what means, I must not let Blanca's tragedy happen to my new assistant again... This time, the assistant... Either don't... or I have to let her follow me for life... Um..." Hearing this, Xu Ziling's expression became subtle. After thinking for a moment, he slowly said: "Actually... Dr. Mobius, as long as I mimic the DNA of senior Blanca, I can actually be your assistant. And I promised before that I would spend all my time in the rest of my life to conquer you. Wouldn't you consider it? "

"Get lost..."

Mobius pushed Xu Ziling unhappily, and then added,

"Little white mouse, why don't you use your brain to imagine, boyfriend and assistant... can they be the same thing? What, you are my assistant, are you going to work overtime for me to process documents all night in the future? ... Hiccup... If you become my assistant, will you have time to establish a normal emotional connection with me? Don't let me hear you ask such a stupid question again..."

"Ah this...Okay, Doctor, you are right."

Xu Ziling shrugged helplessly, looking at the serious and dizzy Mobius, Xu Ziling knew that it was absolutely useless to persuade her at this time. After thinking for a moment, he changed his words,

"Then Doctor, calculate the time, that senior sister Klein should also come out of the classroom, is there anything you need my cooperation next? ”

“Act according to circumstances… and protect me in the dark when I get drunk… hiccup… it’s that simple…”

As he spoke, Mobius picked up the bottle of wine in his hand and drank it all up. He frowned and said,

“Tsk… the alcohol content of this wine is not good. I can still be conscious after drinking a whole bottle… this won’t work. If I’m not completely drunk, Klein might find out and all my efforts will be wasted… um… no… absolutely not… little white mouse, do you have anything else that can paralyze the nerves? Quick… bring it to me… um… hiccup…”

Nerve-paralyzing things?

Xu Ziling looked thoughtful, looking at Mobius who was gradually losing consciousness and was about to get close to the weird-faced high school girl. After thinking for a moment, he slowly reached into his arms and took out a wine cup that looked very expensive. After handing it to Mobius, he said,

“Doctor… why don’t you try this? This is very strong. ”

[Daily Task Reward Item: Realgar Wine]

[Realgar Wine: High-concentration realgar wine is the daily task reward for the host on the first day of the journey. It has a strong nerve paralysis effect on dangerous snakes. There are many dangers in the collapsed world. The host must not be eaten up by a three-dimensional woman.]

Looking at the wine cup handed over by Xu Ziling, Mobius, who was now a little unconscious under the paralysis of alcohol, did not think too much. He was only thinking about getting himself drunk and "meeting" Klein legitimately, and with a series of clever words, he got a good assistant.

After taking the wine cup handed over by Xu Ziling, Mobius drank it directly.

"!!! "

The next moment, Mebius' body trembled violently, and then her rainbow-colored snake pupils could not help but roll up, and the next moment she collapsed directly into Xu Ziling's arms.

Xu Ziling was also shocked. According to his experience of drinking alcohol when he was often tricked by his boss to go to the company's team building before he traveled through time, alcohol paralyzes the human body with a chronic effect. The feeling of fainting rises little by little, not like the props in the game that take effect immediately after use.

Mebius' original plan was to take advantage of the time before he was completely drunk to walk to Klein's must-pass road and arrange a With a perfect encounter, and taking advantage of the inexplicable sense of justice that humans generally have in their youth, Mobius only needs to package himself as being drunk by an evil villain to firmly grasp the hearts of young girls.

...But the problem is that Mobius is drunk in less than a second after drinking realgar wine? What is this? Is the wine given by the system so strong?

[Uh... Host... Isn't the efficacy of that item already written in the notes...]

Shut up.

[Oh... OK...]

After dismissing the system unhappily, Xu Ziling had to

He admitted that he was indeed reckless today, but he really didn't expect that the alcohol given by the system was so strong that Mobius was unconscious after taking a sip.

However, these are obviously later stories. The current priority is to take Mobius to the road that Klein and others must pass before he comes out of the classroom, and hide in the dark to disperse other students. In that case, this matter will not be completely messed up.

Unfortunately, the ideal is beautiful and the reality is cruel, because the drunk Mobius... She moved around, she didn't know how to cooperate with Xu Ziling at all. And the drunk people are not really unable to move, they will move around unconsciously, and even their strength will increase compared to before they are drunk.

Xu Ziling was really in trouble, because facing the unconscious Mobius after being drunk, he really couldn't use too much strength to control Mobius... But time doesn't wait for anyone now. If Klein packs up his stationery and leaves, all his efforts will be wasted.

"I'm sorry... my doctor, please bear with it for a while."

In order not to mess up Mobius's big plan, Xu Ziling made a decision after a slight struggle. He pulled Mobius's wrist and pressed her against the wall of the hidden corner of the school building. This forced way to control her movements first, and then control her body, is one of the simplest capture methods.

Unfortunately, plans always can't keep up with changes.

"Hello, is this Professor Snake and Xu... huh??"

A strange voice sounded, and Xu Ziling, who was pinning Mobius against the wall, turned his head instantly, and then saw a... high school girl with green hair and blue eyes.

Klein, who had come over to see what was going on, also looked at him in surprise.

To be precise... Klein was looking at Mobius, who was red-faced and unconscious because of drinking, and Xu Ziling, who was obviously on the "attacking side" and was pinning Mobius against the wall.


Klein was shocked by the scene in front of her and opened her mouth wide. She had thought about asking a few questions after seeing the figures of "Professor Snake" and "Teacher Xu", but now... Klein felt that she might not see the sun tomorrow.

After a brainstorming session, Klein swallowed his saliva, turned around slowly, and said,

"Um... Sorry, Professor Snake and Xu Ziling, I didn't know you were doing this... Um... Anyway, I didn't see anything, please continue... Sorry for disturbing you..."

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