The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Klein felt as if he was threatened.

But after looking at Xu Ziling's extremely deceptive smile and his gorgeous face that didn't look like a bad guy, Klein always felt uncomfortable.

After pondering for a long time, she slowly said:

"That... Assistant Professor Xu, your current power... is it normal?"

"Ahem... Of course, classmate, the power I am showing now is indeed beyond your cognition."

Xu Ziling tactically coughed twice and said,

"But if you know the true identity of the doctor, I believe you will gradually understand everything. After all, it is not strange for the doctor to do anything."

"So your current power... all comes from Professor Snake?"

Klein's eyes widened slightly. She thought that Professor Snake's achievements might be huge, but she didn't expect... that it has reached the point where it can easily change the limit of human strength?

Somehow, Klein suddenly connected the current Xu Ziling with the "suspect" she saw last night who possessed inhuman physical strength and could jump as high as a building...


Feeling that Klein was about to guess the correct answer, Xu Ziling coughed twice and said,

"Yes, classmate, it is true that my power comes from the doctor, but I am just like you... I am a normal person with human thinking. Maybe you have also seen some terrifying existences with inhuman strength like me... But that was not the doctor's intentional act. Someone plagiarized the doctor's ideas and used incomplete data to conduct experiments. It has nothing to do with us. It is our hostile force.

And the doctor himself, well... In fact, she is very gentle. Although you may not get along with her at first, you will find that the doctor is not the crazy biology doctor you see in novels. She has her own moral standards. I can guarantee the truth of this with my personality. ... Even if you don't plan to stay here for a long time, but just avoid the limelight of hostile forces here. But I still think that even if it's just a short contact, you should like the doctor. "

Klein thought about what he saw last night... the red face of the "Snake Professor" after getting drunk, and felt that Xu Ziling was right. How could a truly terrifying crazy doctor show that kind of drunken posture... That's too embarrassing. So the Snake Professor should be a good person... right?

Of course, the more important thing is that Klein has no choice now.

What happened last night has indeed seduced the fear in her heart, so that she dare not even go back to school now, for fear that she will be caught and silenced by the "evil kidnapper" after seeing something she shouldn't see.

As for escaping... where to escape to? Klein didn't have the confidence to escape from a highly intelligent criminal who had completely understood all of his thoughts.

So... after excluding all the impossible options, Klein now had only one option left.

Stay in the institute and use the institute's power to protect herself. When the storm was over and the "bad guy" gradually turned his attention away from her, she could go back.

As for this year's college entrance examination... she would definitely miss it, but as long as her life was safe, even if she had to take the make-up exam next year, with Klein's own knowledge reserve, she would definitely be able to get into a favorite university.

But... isn't this too coincidental?

Klein frowned.

If she went to Professor Snake to ask questions and then got involved in the other party's struggle, it could be said that it was Klein's own bad luck... But if it was true as Xu Ziling said that Professor Snake was a very powerful biologist, then what was the merit of Qianyu College to invite Professor Snake as a lecturer? Although Qianyu College is pretty good in Changkong City... it's only good in Changkong City, so it shouldn't be in the other party's eyes.

Feeling Klein's suspicion, Xu Ziling nodded with satisfaction. Now the other party has completely fallen into his thinking trap, not knowing that this is also part of the plan.

Suspicion? Suspicion is what we want. If we explain everything clearly at the beginning, it will make the other party react to intuition later. But if the other party gradually doubts and finds problems, and finally convinces himself based on some verbal details or even actual physical evidence... then the nature of

It will be completely different. Not only will he not be suspected, but Klein will even have to apologize for his behavior after he discovered that his suspicion was wrong!

And this behavior is generally referred to as brain supplementation.

It may not be good to fool underdeveloped primary school students and regressive college students, but it is just right to fool high school students with active thinking.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling smiled and said:

"Of course, classmate, you are now old... well, you should be taking the college entrance examination soon, right? I'm sorry again for letting you be dragged into our vortex at such an important juncture, but... the power of the doctor is actually quite large...

Classmate, consider it a little apology for dragging you into the vortex. I plan to recommend you to the doctor later. If you are willing to use your free time to help the doctor... As a doctor, she nodded, it would not be difficult for you to skip the university entrance examination directly... Of course, the beginning and end of this matter depend on your own intention. I am just giving you an opinion.

Classmate, if you have considered it, you can come to me at any time. I will try my best to help you convince the doctor. After all... this is also my I owe you. "

Xu Ziling apologized repeatedly, successfully making Klein feel embarrassed. She scratched her head and said,

"No... It's okay... I will think about it later. But before that, I still have a little concern, I hope you can answer it... You see, since I can only stay here to avoid danger, then... then shouldn't we have a general understanding of each other? I hope I can know your identities, so as not to... do some stupid things when I help you later. Um... Of course, if it's not convenient, or..."

"No, it's just for me. It's convenient for me, very convenient for me."

Xu Ziling quickly took Klein's hand, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Under normal circumstances, the conservative Klein would of course understand that the more you know, the greater the risk, but she is now suspicious of Xu Ziling and Professor Snake, and can't wait to figure out everything. Therefore, she at least needs to know the identities of Xiao Ziling and Professor Snake.

Asking directly is certainly not a good choice, but she has no choice at the moment.

Little did she know that when Klein, as an ordinary person, learned the identity of "Mebius", she would never be able to get off this pirate ship again.

Although there were some deviations and accidents in the process, this time, the talent trafficking against Klein was finally achieved by Xiao Ziling with the car door welded shut, and the expected perfect result was obtained.

And as expected...


After hearing this name, Klein blinked, as if thinking and searching for this name in her mind.

But after a while, she lowered her head again in loneliness.

But think about it, not everyone has the advanced thinking and huge channels to understand information like MEI. , and now Klein does not know the true meaning of the name Mebius, which is also a kind of protection for her ignorance from a certain perspective.

After all... when she knew the weight of the name Mobius in this civilized era, Klein would completely understand what kind of pirate ship she had boarded today.

"Yes... classmate, the doctor's real name is Mobius."

Xu Ziling smiled and explained to Klein,

"However, the doctor drank yesterday and is still not awake, classmate, don't disturb him first, you can get familiar with the doctor's home first... By the way, there is a helper in the living room who I asked to save you yesterday. She is making breakfast for everyone now. If you have anything you want to eat, you can also ask for it. She never refuses other people's requests."

"Anyone else?"

Klein blinked. Anyway, it was not a good idea for her to lie in bed all the time. It would be good to get to know the person who might live with her in the next few days.

Thinking of this, Klein looked at his clothes and found that they were still the same ones he had worn before. He felt relieved and said:

"Well...thank you, but...I still want to wash up before meeting others...Assistant Xu, can you tell me where the bathroom is?"

"I'll take you there."

Xu Ziling smiled and nodded, then extended his right hand to Klein.

Klein thought for a moment and held Xu Ziling's right hand.

At the same time.

Outside the door.

Alicia, who was wearing an apron and eavesdropping here, gradually became excited.

"Wow♪~ So this

That's the way Xiao Ziling seduces pure girls... Hmm~ Although I'm not sure if I can use it myself, I still remember it♪~"

Hearing the two footsteps in the bedroom, Alicia smiled slightly, and then hurried back to the kitchen to continue cooking the breakfast that had not been finished just now.

And just as Xu Ziling said just now, Mebius drank the realgar wine specially provided by the system last night, and now he is still making a fuss in bed. Alicia is cooking, and the living room in the small building is empty.

This made Klein calm down again. After all, she is used to being alone. If she is introduced to some new friends all at once, she will not be able to accept it.

And Xu Ziling also briefly introduced the layout structure of the small building and the underground research institute connected to it according to Klein's request, and then sent her to the bathroom.

In this way, it can be regarded as this "real The "flawless person" was fooled, and the rest depends on how much information he "inadvertently" revealed and the degree of Klein's own imagination.

But that is obviously a matter for the future. The most important thing now is to wait for Sheshe to wake up and explain to her about his operation on Klein and the... pseudo-herrscher that was born last night.

Listening to the sound of washing in the bathroom and the tune that the fairy in the kitchen hummed inadvertently while cooking ingredients, Xu Ziling always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something today...

Looking at the tightly blocked windows in the room, Xu Ziling subconsciously looked at his body again. He suddenly remembered and asked in his heart.

By the way... system, why are you silent today? Aren't daily tasks issued?


[Woo woo woo...]

"? "

Hearing this suddenly frustrated voice in his mind, a big question mark appeared above Xu Ziling's head.

No... System, did you update yourself with a bug? Why are you still in a bad mood now?

[Wow... I'm not happy...]

"? ? ? "

[Host, I spent a lot of effort to condense the black clothes for you last night... How come you put them on an outsider in the blink of an eye? The key is that it was torn into pieces in the end... Woohoo, bad host, if I had known that this would be the result, I would not have condensed the black night clothes for you to move around, woohoo...]

Ah, this...

Xu Ziling was speechless for a moment. Last night, his face was mimicked by a lucky person randomly selected from the roadside, the mask was picked up from the trash can, the hemp rope was made of his own hair, and the stool was moved from the spot... Only the platinum bishop's robe given by Ai Li was hidden, so he asked the system for a set of black night clothes.

After that, the night clothes became a tool for him to divert his attention and graft the cause of the disaster, but Xu Ziling never expected that his own Xiaobai system actually started to get upset with him because of this incident.

But if you think about it from another perspective, if you put Xu Ziling in his shoes, If Xu Ziling is compared to an unscrupulous entrepreneur and the system is compared to a fresh graduate, then Xu Ziling's operation is like a boss commanding employees to do something, and then throwing away the results that the employees have worked so hard to get.

It is mainly because the time traveler's consistent tool thinking of the system has disturbed Xu Ziling's thinking direction, so that he has not considered this aspect at all... But it is undeniable that he does have the most direct responsibility in this matter. After all, he has long known that his own system is different from other people's systems.

And the system is his own golden finger after all, so he can't play it bad. Thinking of this, Xu Ziling hurriedly said in his heart:

Okay, okay, system... Tongbao! Anyway, don't cry first... I apologize to you, okay, in the future, unless it is necessary, I will never destroy anything you give me. You should cheer up quickly, after all, our system is not a child anymore, you are the best system, don't learn to be emotional like a child!

[...Really? ]

Of course it's true!

[But I heard that my predecessors seem to be emotionless card-drawing machines... I don't want to become like that...]

Ah this...

Xu Ziling was speechless again, and after thinking for a moment, he quickly added,

Tongbao, let's not compare with them. Tongbao, you have to believe in yourself. Our system is the best! It's not worse than others, you know?

[Hmm... it seems so...]

Hmm, so you have to have more confidence in yourself, and have more trust in the host you choose, you know? Cheer up quickly, don't cry like a child.

[Hmm... I didn't cry and make a fuss like a child...]



PS: After reflecting on it, the update speed in the past few days seems to be a little

Too fast, if I have to update another book... Well, first of all, it's an obvious energy problem, and secondly, it's a problem of handling details... As you can see, there are too many typos in the past few days, because I basically posted it directly after writing it... There is no time for re-examination... Also, the update is too fast, the word count has increased, but the plot has not kept up. Some readers have told me that I should slow down the update and re-sort the outline. I would rather update less but better... I think it makes sense. So I will update one chapter of 4,000 words in the next few days... (In fact, normal authors usually write this much in a day (dog head)), I will re-sort the plot and outline, in order to present better works to book friends. Tianzhen·Gong (middle)

PPS: The previous group of book friends of Honkai exploded, so I created a new one. Remember to be more restrained this time 661887978

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