However, it is obvious that happy times are always short-lived.

After Xu Ziling ate up all the food reserves of the store for the next half a year by himself, the chef who was originally just collecting money to cook finally recovered from his exhausted state and realized that something was wrong.

"No... Ah, chef, I won't do it. If we keep cooking this dish like this, we will be exhausted to death!"

Restaurant, kitchen.

The kitchen staff who were busy cutting, washing and cooking protested to the chef, saying,

"The workload on our busiest day before was not as heavy as today? We are almost emptying our food reserves... I don't want to play anymore, chef, you can do whatever you want. I won't cook this dish. If I continue to cook, I will die of exhaustion."


A kitchen staff who was responsible for changing the chopping board also complained, and stretched out his hands that were accidentally cut by the speed of serving dishes, saying,

"What the hell... Lao Feng, can't you contact the front desk? What the hell is going on in the store today? What the hell is this? Is he a living glutton?"


The chef, who was also exhausted, touched his round chin, thought for a moment, and said,

"Let me go over and ask! You don't have to fry it yet! Let me see if there are any customers wasting food!"

Hearing this, all the chefs breathed a sigh of relief. God knows how much pressure they are under tonight. Although the Tianshi Self-service Haidilao where they work is located in the prime location of Changkong City and has always had good sales, tonight's sales have exceeded the highest historical level by more than five times. This is no longer a question of whether to make money or not. This is going to tire them to death!

And the more important thing is that this black-hearted Tianshi company will not give you a salary increase based on your sales?

Then why are you working so hard!

While these employees were chatting, the chef had already strode to the restaurant with the most meals. In order to make himself look less embarrassed, he took a pot of chicken soup from the robot that was about to deliver meals to the dining room, and then pushed the door open.



The chef who came with a pot of chicken soup was almost knocked to the ground by the strong wind in the presidential dining room. After barely relying on his strong body to stabilize his body, the strong wind in the room suddenly stopped.

"Huh? You are...?"

Xu Ziling, who was eating happily with a pair of disposable gloves, looked at the uninvited guest who suddenly came in. At this moment, Xu Ziling felt that his physical condition was better than ever, and his sense of smell and vision became extremely sensitive. Therefore, he could see at a glance that the guy who suddenly came in had only shock and surprise in his expression, and no malice, so he just cast a puzzled look at him.

Mebius was even more straightforward. She had been writing something quickly with a pen and paper. When someone entered the room, she didn't even look at him.


The head chef was already stunned by the scene in front of him. He originally thought that if he could eat so many dishes, then even if this presidential dining room was not overcrowded, there must be at least dozens of big fat people with the king of stomachs, right?

As a result... there were only two girls?

And the green-haired girl seemed to have not moved from beginning to end. All the food that he worked so hard to make in the kitchen fell into the stomach of the tall blonde woman? ?

More importantly, she didn't look abnormal at all? ? ? ?

This... this is not right? It's not you... when did you evolve secretly without telling me? ?

At this time, noticing the increasingly strange expression of the head chef, Xu Ziling also realized something. It seems that Mebius should have only greeted the direct boss here, but their boss failed to explain it clearly to his employees.

That's right. After all, Mobius's identity should not be exposed directly. Although he has his own personal protection, the less he knows, the better.


Feeling that the wind in the room that was about to leave an afterimage had stopped, Mobius pushed his glasses with the pen in his hand. After a glance, he noticed the uninvited chef. After frowning slightly, he said,

"Are you the chef in charge of the kitchen here? Why are you running into our room instead of cooking your dishes? And, didn't anyone teach you to knock before entering the door?"

"It's okay

, Doctor, you see, he is just here to deliver food. "

Xu Ziling seemed to have thought of something, smiled slightly, pointed to the chicken soup in the chef's hand, and said,

"Although the food delivery robots were used before, this time it was changed to real people. Maybe it is also a manifestation of respect for us."

Hearing this, Mobius's eyes changed slightly, and he took over Xu Ziling's words and said:

"Oh? Then how do you think it is better to deal with this matter?"

"Of course, I will take care of it."

After Xu Ziling finished speaking, he flashed in front of the chef, and with the mentality of experimenting with new skills, he smiled and said,

"'Listen to me'... You will lose the emotion called 'suspicion' today."

"? ! "

Hearing this, the chef who was originally planning to come over to ask for an explanation suddenly changed his face. Ordinary people could not resist the attack of the Word Spirit at all. A purple-red flame instantly swept the chef's eyes.

The next moment, he was not as shocked as before, and said with a smile:

"Ah... ah, yes... this guest is right! The boss specifically ordered not to neglect the two guests, so I ran over to deliver the food, ahahaha~ Chicken soup is here~~~"

As he said, the chef smiled and put the chicken soup in his hand on the luxurious long table in the dining room, and then said:

"Two guests, enjoy, I won't disturb you, I'm leaving!"

After the chef left, Xiao Ziling closed the door again.

Seeing this, Mobius was thoughtful and asked:

"Little white mouse, what did you do just now?"

"Just used some tricks to make him temporarily get rid of the emotion called "suspicion". "

Xu Ziling smiled and said,

"After all, your identity can be used to suppress big shots, but to deal with small shots, some of my tricks should be more useful than your identity. Doctor, you can regard this as a kind of... alternative way to share pressure."

"Is that so?"

Mebius tapped his lips with the end of the pen, took another look at the plate of poisoned cake that was stored separately, and said,

"Is he the one who poisoned me?"

"I don't know."

Xu Ziling answered straightforwardly, and then added,

"But it is very likely not... After all, no matter what, he is just a low-level staff, and the opponent who wants to persecute you, no matter what, is at least a high-level social figure. They probably sent someone to poison the food after it was ready, instead of being stupid enough to contact the chef directly to ask for poisoning, which would be too easy to make mistakes. "

"That's right..."

Mebius nodded, then looked at the empty plates in the dining room, and the food delivery robots that had been shut down one after another because there were no more commands, and then looked at Xu Ziling and said,

"Okay, little white mouse, no matter what method you used just now... But now it seems that since their kitchen manager has come, I think this restaurant will no longer provide services for us.

I counted and you should have eaten a total of 2349kg of standard equivalent food. The normal person consumes about 1 kilogram of food a day. Even if drinking water is included, the standard unit is all changed to kilograms, and this amount will not exceed 3 kilograms...

In other words, you should have successfully eaten two and a half years of food intake for a normal person in one hour. How do you feel now? Can you continue to eat? "

"As for feeling... I am very happy. "

Xu Ziling answered truthfully,

"Along with the intake of nutrition, I can feel that my strength is gradually coming back. Not much, but it is useful. As for whether I can continue to eat... my answer is of course yes, but Doctor, looking at the expression of my head chef just now, we have obviously exhausted the food reserves of this store. Are you going to take me to other stores? "

"Of course."

Mobius said without hesitation,

"Little white mouse, don't think about anything. If I don't feed you full today, I will lose... Anyway, I have more than one shareholder in the catering company in Changkong City. It's just a phone call."

"This... cough cough, this is so embarrassing..."


The next day, three o'clock in the morning.

"Ah... burp~... cough cough, okay, okay, Doctor, I'm full."

Xu Ziling, who had eaten at least 100,000 kilograms of food, touched his still perfect belly and said to Mobius.

"Are you full or full? "

Mobius asked back.


After a moment of silence, Xu Ziling said decisively,


"Tsk... Never mind, I won't force you.

After all, the energy converted from 100,000 kilograms of food and the power that explodes... is already a height that humans can never reach no matter how much they evolve. "

After curling his lips, Mebius took out a notebook and a pen and quickly wrote a few words on it, then asked,

"It's three o'clock in the morning now. Do you have anything else you want to do? If not, come back to the institute with me. I don't know how Klein's documents are being processed."

"Well... Doctor, I think you can actually trust Klein a little more."

Xu Ziling replied, then he turned around and looked at the city of lights and wine, and said,

"As for me... well, I want to wander around here. "

Xu Ziling's words were quite abrupt, because he certainly couldn't say directly that he was going to take a walk to see if there were any job advertisements on the street to facilitate him to complete the system task later.

After saying this, he seemed to realize that there was a problem with his words, and Xu Ziling changed his words before Mobius:

"Well... Doctor, you know, I came from the past and was discovered by you from underground... I didn't feel anything when I stayed with you in the institute before, but now, these high-rise buildings and skyscrapers, companies and cultures always make me think of the past... Haha~ It can be regarded as a little emotion of mine, Doctor, but no one can explain feelings. If it were you, you should be able to indulge me for a moment, right?"


Seemingly infected by the mood played by Xu Ziling's genius acting skills, Mobius lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said:

"Okay... Then it's up to you, but I have one condition, that is, I have to follow you."

"Thank you for your understanding, Doctor. "

In order to facilitate the completion of the system task later, Xu Ziling nodded to Mobius in a serious manner, then took Mobius' hand and said,

"Also, do you think I won't take you with me? As my benefactor and the object of my pursuit, you can actually trust my sincerity a little more, Doctor."


Hearing this, Mobius's expression was a little unnatural. She scratched her face and said,

"Don't think too much... Little white mouse, I took the initiative to ask you to take me with me, not because I want to develop feelings with you now, but I want to witness with my own eyes how much the "variable" of "emotion" affects your power... This is also part of the experiment, do you understand? ”

It can be seen that although Mobius has intelligence that no one can match, he is still an idiot in terms of emotions. He keeps saying that he wants to build a relationship with Xu Ziling. But if you really play a straight ball to her and let her start to operate, she probably doesn't know how to operate it, and she still has to panic.

However, Xu Ziling does not dislike this attribute of Mobius. On the contrary, he even thinks that this attribute of Mobius is quite cute.

Noticing Xu Ziling's relieved smile, Mobius waved his hand unnaturally and said:

"Okay, okay, little white mouse... Don't look at me, go wherever you want to go and play, and I can indulge you until the sun rises."

"Well, thank you, Doctor. "

Xu Ziling was not vague. He took Sheshe's hand and took her to wander around the neon-lit Changkong City.

After all, the current situation could be part of Mobius's experiment, but it could also be part of Xu Ziling's system task.

Although the Great Collapse is imminent, even if Xu Ziling found the work flyer, he certainly couldn't complete the system task here directly, but even if he just took Mobius shopping and learned about the work system of this world, it would be great.

The night sky was dotted with fireworks. Although the dark sky was starless, it was full of countless neon lights. Although the neon light was not soft, it was definitely not dazzling. After all, this was the light of the civilized era.

The two figures, one gold and one green, shuttled through the core of Changkong City. They saw the beautiful night scene that belonged to civilized cities, and also saw countless people passing by. Some of them might be like Xu Ziling, busy running around for a job recruitment flyer, but at least they still had families waiting for them, and they also had a "tomorrow" waiting for them to continue writing. Although the sky of society is dark, people always have to move forward step by step.

Yes, this civilized world may not be beautiful sometimes, but it cannot be denied that under those "unpleasant" things, there are also some seeds of "beauty", bringing hope to this world called "future".

This is the civilization of this era, and this is also the civilization towards

The greatest kindness shown to the outside world is like a gentle and prosperous smile.

Unfortunately...some smiles are destined to be unprotected from birth.

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