The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Changkong City, on the other side.

I am Xiaoyan.

Uh... how should I put it? Today was still a quiet day. As usual, I took advantage of my vacation and worked part-time as a deliveryman to enrich my life.

In the middle of the night, I was tossing and turning in bed and couldn't sleep. I got up with nothing to do and picked up the yellow robe of the "Baoleme" deliveryman again to see if there were any customers who ordered takeout in the middle of the night nearby, just to kill off my extra energy.

Uh... Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't have left my villa at that time. No, that's not right... I should have left, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance to live now...

Anyway, have you ever seen a customer take a takeaway, but the more he eats, the hungrier he gets, and finally swallows the deliveryman in one gulp?

This sounds incredible, right? I actually think so too!

But... if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, a guy who was delivering food with me said in the last second that he could earn enough money after this order, and go back to his hometown to get married... But in the next second, he was swallowed by a strange human with strange purple lines flashing on his body!

Yes, you heard it right, it was swallowed in one gulp, that is, opening the mouth, and then tearing its mouth and teeth to a width and length of several meters, and finally swallowing an adult whole into the stomach.

I could even see the terrifying face of the delivery boy who said he was going back to his hometown to get married, engraved on the belly of the strange human with purple lines flashing all over his body after being swallowed.

I don’t know what I was thinking at the time... My first reaction was to ignore it, pretend I didn’t see it, and continue to maintain my peaceful life.

It wasn’t until the strange human who had swallowed a whole adult rushed towards me with his torn, festering and bloody mouth that I suddenly realized.

——It turned out that the disaster had already arrived.

By the time I reacted, my body had already started running away, running at the speed I usually used to run part-time for takeout, desperately escaping from the humanoid monster with strange purple lines flashing on its body.

Fortunately, the humanoid monster with purple lines flashing all over its body did not bother me too much, because there were still many "food" around it that could not be captured by it. Compared with me who could run and run fast, it was obvious that the other "food" who did not understand the disaster was coming was easier to capture.

Unfortunately, I found that there were more than just the one humanoid creatures covered with purple lines and madly persecuting everything in sight...

It was as if everyone was chatting well in the last second, but in the next second one of them suddenly jumped up, grabbed a sickle or a long knife from the void, and madly tore the flesh and bones of the person closest to him.

This was really a very, very sudden thing.

I still don't understand until now, what happened in my world? Why do I just want to pursue a peaceful life, but my world has appeared one after another with some unexpected and even nonsensical things, destroying the peace I long for?



Before he could think, a loud bang exploded in Xiaoyan's ears. He turned his head in surprise while trying to escape, and his dark purple pupils shrank instantly.

I saw that in Changkong City, a first-tier city in the world, the most core and central area, the logistics department store where Xiaoyan usually worked, the company building that was hundreds of meters high, collapsed in the night! Concrete and steel bars were splashed everywhere, and many pedestrians who were still in shock were hit head-on by this disaster and died on the spot. There was no possibility of survival.

But this was not the more terrifying thing. What was more terrifying was that after the company building collapsed, one after another, so many mosquito-like gray-white creatures that were so numerous that they could not be counted rushed out at high speed from the dust raised by the collapse of the building. The deep purple pupils locked onto the pedestrians on the street like radars, using their sharp heads to aim, charge, and then kill with one blow! !

From the collapse of the building to the appearance of those mosquito-like monsters, it only took a few minutes, and the streets of Changkong City, which used to be bustling, were filled with a very strong and pervasive smell of blood.

People have reacted

The screams after the arrival, the sound of the monsters breaking through the air when they launched their attacks, and the smell of blood that seemed to solidify in the air, tore the prosperity of Changkong City in the past to pieces! The kind smiles built by civilization, ten minutes after the disaster, had turned into a hideous and terrifying bloody purgatory!

But it is obvious that the mere dead soldiers and the rushing-level collapse beasts cannot be regarded as the end of this great collapse.

On the contrary, this is just the beginning.



A huge roar was accompanied by the sensation of countless buildings collapsing. Amid the screams of the people, in the blood and smoke, hideous purple lines appeared out of thin air. Among the collapsed high-rise buildings and ruins, in the sky of nearly 30 meters, it condensed into a deep purple one-eyed man-high! !

- Tank-level collapse beast!

"Roar!!! Car... Roar!!!!"

As the backbone of the collapsed civilization, the 30-meter-tall chariot-class Honkai beast gave out its signature roar the moment it was born from the ruins of the building. Then, its gray-white forelimbs, like giant pillars, slammed down! Another burst of sound that seemed to pierce the eardrums! !

If it weren't for the cute and silly appearance of the chariot-class Honkai beast that added a little humor, if it had a terrifying face like a mountain of corpses, I'm afraid that nearly 80% of the people in Changkong City would be shocked the moment they saw this 30-meter-tall giant beast chariot.

However, it was torture instead of fainting.

The same was true for Xiaoyan, who was desperately fleeing beside the street that had cracked into countless fragments.

He stared blankly at the ruins of the company building where he worked, and then at the thirty-meter-tall tank-class Honkai beast and the overwhelming rush-class Honkai beasts that were like locusts. He seemed to see his yearning for a peaceful life, which was shattered into rubble by the unexpected disaster and trampled under the feet of the tank-class Honkai beast and the ruins of the company.

There was no sign of this. It was a sudden change and encounter, like a dull giant hammer, smashing Xiaoyan's heart. The emotion called despair gradually spread in his heart, easily overturning his courage to escape just now.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

"Roar! Roar, roar, car! Roar, car, car!!!!"

"Cars roar, roar!! Roar!!"

Countless thunder-like sounds rang out from his ears, stimulating Xiaoyan's eardrums to the point of bursting. He turned around abruptly and saw a scene that made him extremely desperate-

Bright red blood mist filled the air, and one after another, the breakthrough-level Honkai beasts flew in the air with human blood and limbs hanging on them. Most of those people were still in a state of shock, and their lives had been taken away.

Looking around, the streets were littered with corpses.

But this was not the most despairing thing. The most despairing thing was that there were more than one tank-level Honkai beasts located in the ruins of the Changkong Logistics Company building.

Changkong Financial Building, Changkong International Hotel, Changkong Self-service Bank... and Changkong ME Club Branch.

These core enterprise buildings, which used to be called the heart of Changkong City, collapsed with a roar of the collapse beasts. Deep purple pupils gathered in the sky, and chariot-level collapse beasts appeared from the dust raised by the collapsed buildings. The tallest of them was fifty meters tall, and the shortest was twenty meters tall...

But no matter what, these were definitely not monsters that ordinary humans could deal with!

They raised their giant feet like Optimus Prime and trampled on the ruins of the building at their feet. Countless people who had no time to escape and were buried in the ruins of the building with the pure soil and sand and stones, did not have time to struggle out of the ruins full of sand and dust, and walked towards death in the trampling of the collapse beasts... right?

No... No! They are not dead! The bodies of those who died were connected by hideous purple lines. Some of them began to become crazy, took out a bloody sickle or sword from the air, and began to frantically destroy all civilized things around them.

Some of the corpses turned gray under the erosion of the collapse, and in a very short time, they were transformed into ferocious and terrifying collapse beasts!

Assault-class... Crossbow-class... Knight-class... The collapse beasts transformed from human corpses roared, and at the same time, they surrounded the chariot-class collapse beasts that brought them to this world on the ruins of the buildings, as if they were guarding their monarch!

And looking from the center of Changkong City, there were at least dozens of chariot-class collapse beasts under the night sky, and they also issued the timely

Roaring, as if he was demonstrating to his younger brother, but more like declaring war on this imperfect world...



There was another loud noise, and the natural gas pipelines buried in the underground and high-rise walls of Changkong City, which were struggling to support under the erosion of the collapse, finally reached their limits at this moment. Countless natural gas began to spew from all directions, and the flames rose in the wind.

The fire was ruthless, but compared with the collapse beasts that stood safely on the sea of ​​fire, as if they were not affected at all, the flames seemed pitiful.

In the center of Changkong City, Xiaoyan stared at this scene in a daze, his eyes moved slightly, and the next moment he turned his head to look in the northeast direction-

Sure enough, a 20-meter-high chariot-level collapse beast was born in the villa area in the northeast of Changkong City at this moment, and the fire was also burning wantonly. I am afraid that it will not take long before the villa area that once symbolized prosperity and nobility will be completely reduced to ruins.

The reason why Xiaoyan wanted to see that place was because his home was there...

Although Xiaoyan's parents died early and he had no relatives, the villa area was where a young man gathered all his fantasies and hopes for a peaceful life in the future, and he had been looking forward to it for decades, or even a lifetime...

And now... the company building collapsed... the villas in the community were surrounded by a sea of ​​fire... What is left of me now?

Why... can't my life be peaceful all the time?

There were shouts and screams from the crowd and roars and roars from the collapsed beasts, but Xiaoyan, who was already dead, had no intention of caring about so much. He supported his head with both hands and half-crouched in the center of Changkong City, which had cracked into pieces. His dark purple pupils became more and more desperate at this moment.

When I was a child, my parents died early and I was despised by my classmates... I could not rest all day. At that time, I could use the third place, a result that would not be valued by anyone or looked down upon by anyone, to maintain my peaceful life.

When he grew up, he was alone, excluded by his colleagues, and made things difficult for his superiors... Xiaoyan endured all these. After all, this is life and the workplace. After climbing to a position where he would not be valued or looked down upon by his own strength, Xiaoyan chose to let go.

Look... He is Xiaoyan, and his name is so mediocre. His dream is also simple.

It is so simple that he just wants to live a peaceful life.

But why... Why does a peaceful life always stay away from me? Why can't my life be peaceful forever? ?

The difference in qualifications when I was a child, the difficulties in the workplace when I grew up, if these can be covered up by the phrase "life must be experienced", then who can tell him what is the situation of this gray-white monster that suddenly appeared and can be called an unprovoked disaster? ! ! !

Why do things always turn around when life is good? Why is it so fucking difficult for me to live a peaceful life! ! ! Why is this fucking world? ! ! !

Xiaoyan yelled like crazy, his anger reached its peak. If anger could be transformed into substantial power, then Xiaoyan's anger at this moment could easily burn any alloy into flowing water.

After the angry yell, there was an extremely sour sorrow, an extremely rich sorrow.

Because Xiaoyan knew clearly that as an ordinary person, it was impossible for him to escape from the overwhelming siege of the collapsed beasts.

Moreover, even if he escaped by chance, what would happen next?

Xiaoyan, who had lost his job, lost his home, and became a refugee, what else could he do even if he could still survive?

Go to another city to run a takeaway?

Haha... would life still be peaceful?

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan felt hopeless and hoped that one of the giant mosquito-like monsters in the sky would fly down and stab him to death, or that the dozens of meters high chariot monsters would come over and step on him to death, so that he would not have to continue to face the fucked up world...

However, things always go against one's wishes...

Not only did the collapsed beasts not come over to kill this desperate man, but they all ignored him and just wantonly destroyed the buildings around him, but never touched him.

Finally, Xiaoyan couldn't help it. He rushed out of the ruins, pointing at the dead soldiers and collapsed beasts wandering on the streets of the ruins, and cursed:

"Fuck! Are you monsters blind? I'm such a big man and I'm rushing here, fucking come over and kill me! I was a white board when I was alive, is it so difficult to die now?! Ah

! ? ! ! "

However, no matter whether it was the dead soldiers or the collapsed beasts, they all ignored Xiaoyan's words, and even ignored Xiaoyan's existence.

Xiaoyan couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the initiative to run towards those collapsed beasts. Now, except for dying, he couldn't think of a second way to end the pain of his shattered dreams.

But... he couldn't catch up.

Those collapsed beasts looked bulky, but they moved incredibly fast. Xiaoyan desperately chased them, but he was always a little short. Those collapsed beasts seemed to have consciousness and deliberately avoided contact with Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan, who had been overwhelmed by anger and despair, chased those collapsed beasts like crazy, and those collapsed beasts also madly avoided Xiaoyan's pursuit...

In the end, Xiaoyan was exhausted. He couldn't catch up with those collapsed beasts that could give him a fatal blow. He was always a little short of that distance. He couldn't catch up... couldn't catch up...

"Enough... Enough! Why is it still like this? ! "

This ordinary man who now only wanted to die knelt on the street made of ruins and began to bang his head against the hard asphalt road frantically. Even though his outstanding face was already bloody and his lips and teeth were flying, he just couldn't die.

Humans are a kind of self-protective existence. Suicide is actually far from being accomplished just because you want to.

Xiao Yan, who was already exhausted, held his forehead that had been bloody and knelt on the ground, crying like a child, crying about why he couldn't die and crying about the difficulty of fate.

[You are useless]

Suddenly, Xiao Yan's ears suddenly heard a string of emotionless words.

"I'm useless... Yes, of course I'm useless! I still can't do anything!"

Xiao Yan, who was already emotionally confused, knelt on the ruins and shouted in collapse,

"It was like this ten years ago! It's the same now! I watched the cliff where they were collapsed, but I couldn't catch up with them! Let them die! Then I can't even commit suicide! I can't do it... And ten years later! These damn Honkai beasts are avoiding me like idiots! I can't commit suicide either! I'm still so useless... I can't catch up with them... I can't catch up..."

[...You said you can't catch up with those people?]

[It doesn't matter, come to me.]

[I can tolerate you]

['God', can tolerate you...]

[To show my sincerity, I can give you... the power of "emptiness". ]

[And you, go and make up for your regrets. Use the power given to you by 'God'. ]

[Then, if you feel that this world is still imperfect, then use your cruelty, then use your "emptiness"... to tear apart this imperfect world. ]

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