The sound of water dripping is so loud that it is difficult to breathe.


There is water dripping.

Water drops...When was the last time I heard the sound of water dripping?

It was probably ten years ago...when the fire hydrant in the community was opened, but only a few drops of water flowed out.

The last time the sound of water dripping sounded, the fire mercilessly burned his peaceful life, and "Xiao Yan" at that time could not die.

This time...the sound of water dripping sounded, and the ordinary person named "Ying Yanshuo" finally realized the regret that he had not been able to complete for ten years.

In a trance, he seemed to see the purple sky in the subspace, and the couple who once loved him so much asked him:

"Let things develop to this point...Xiaoyan, do you regret it?"

Ying Yanshuo shook his head in a daze, and then suddenly smiled, ignoring the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, he said,

"No...I just found that as long as people are alive, they can never get true peace...Dad, Mom...I want to find you..."

"...Well, we support you."

Just as he remembered, the couple never denied any of Xiaoyan's ideas. They are undoubtedly real good people, but fate always likes to take advantage of good people.

"Xiaoyan, you have worked hard for so many years, let's go home."

"Well...Let's go home...Go home..."



Ying Yanshuo's body fell helplessly to the ground of the subspace. He lost the favor of "God" and the core of the Herrscher. At this moment, he is no different from an ordinary person. And ordinary people cannot survive when their chests are completely pierced.


In Ying Yan's hand, the Shishan sword that could cut through space with just a horizontal and vertical movement also fell to the ground. After realizing that his master was powerless, its blade trembled slightly for a few times, and then its blades composed of human skulls disappeared one after another, leaving only the most basic black blade.

As the companion of the Ruler of the Void, Shishan's origin is only the emperor level, but if it is given time and allowed to continue to devour human corpses, it is definitely expected to grow into a judgement level... But at this moment, Shishan actually followed his master and became a simple weapon.

I really didn't expect that this guy, Shishan, who looks scary, is actually a good dog who cares about his master. Perhaps this is the magic of the collapse. The recognition and trust that the Herrscher never received during his lifetime can be recognized by the "God" and trusted by his companion Honkai beast after becoming a Herrscher. After experiencing the "warmth" of the collapse, he naturally does not want to return to the dangerous human society.


Drops of purple blood dripped from Xu Ziling's right hand, and a whole orange gem was already in his palm. That was the Herrscher Core of the Void Herrscher.

On the side, Alicia glanced around. Because of the fall of the Void Herrscher, the subspace began to gradually collapse. She came over and pulled the corner of Xu Ziling's clothes and said:

"Little Ziling... Let's go out first. It seems to be collapsing."

"Ah... I still didn't expect it."

Xu Ziling sighed with a feeling of exhaustion.

Originally, Xu Ziling still reserved some strength for the Herrscher of the Void. His claws would at most make the Herrscher of the Void near death, but it should not be considered death.

What Xu Ziling did not expect was that at the very end, the Herrscher of the Void actually shifted his Corpse Mountain Sword downward by a fist. It was this inconspicuous shift that made him die in this duel.

But now thinking back, the look in the Herrscher of the Void's eyes seemed to be relieved and relieved? Did his human consciousness return?

Xu Ziling was not sure, but he saw the other party's determination to die, and Xu Ziling at that time... really couldn't stop.

To be honest, excluding the Honkai Beast, this was the first time Xu Ziling killed a living thing. Before crossing over, he had been a social animal all his life, but he had never even touched a chicken.

Now watching a human fall in his palm, although he knew that the other party was a Herrscher, this feeling... was still very strange, and Xu Ziling still needed time to adapt.

He then handed the Herrscher of the Void Core to Alysia and said, "Sister Alysia, take this. The doctor frowned before leaving and asked me to bring back the body of the initiator of this great collapse. He is now covered in blood. I will carry it.

That's good."


Ailishia nodded. It was indeed too inappropriate for a girl like her to carry a corpse. But it was okay for her to help take the fist-sized Herrscher core.

After picking up Ying Yanshuo's body, Xu Ziling noticed the fallen Corpse Mountain Sword. After thinking for a moment, he went to pick it up, used DNA mimicry to tear open a small space crack again, and threw the Corpse Mountain Sword to the center of Changkong City, which was already a ruin in reality.

After the black Corpse Mountain Sword fell from the subspace to reality, it was directly inserted into the ground. At this moment, the dawn of Changkong City had just risen, and the sun was shining, reflecting the black sword god of the Corpse Mountain Sword, like It was a lonely figure who was not recognized, and it was also like a black tombstone.

...Of course, although Xu Ziling sympathized with the Ruler of the Void who returned to human consciousness at the very end, he was not kind enough to waste a legendary weapon to build a tombstone for him. He did this mainly to give an explanation to the Fire-Chasing Moths who came here to investigate later, and to numb their sight.

The Corpse Mountain Great Sword that could devour the universe was enough for them to treat as a treasure. Anyway, as long as they didn't know that the Void Ruler's core and the remains were all here, then the Corpse Mountain Great Sword was the best way to confuse the Fire-Chasing Moths' high-level sight, so that Snake could deal with them later.

"Let's go. "

After picking up the body of the Herrscher of the Void, Xu Ziling looked at Alysia beside him.

Before leaving, Xu Ziling remembered something again and took out a tube of "sunscreen" given to him by Sheshe from the pocket of his ragged clothes. After drinking it all, he used his DNA mimicry skills to tear open another door to the real world and walked in with Alysia.

It's strange to say that the quality of the test tube given by Mobius is so good that it didn't break even in the high-intensity battle that Xu Ziling just experienced.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being produced by Sheshe, and it must be a fine product.


[Ding~! Congratulations to the host for completing the daily task "You can't do anything".]

[Daily task rewards have been issued!]

[Current Star Dome balance: 7700+150=7850]

[Random item award Reward: Star Track Special Ticket *1]

[Current Special Ticket Balance: 11]

[Rewards for killing the Ruler of the Void: The Ruler of the Void Core and the design drawings of "One Thousand Worlds" have been distributed to the host's backpack. At the same time, the difficulty of the strategy of [Copy·Simulated Universe: First World] has been greatly reduced, please actively participate. ]

[PS: The Ruler of the Void Core rewarded by the system does not conflict with the Ruler of the Void Core obtained by the host. If the host is willing to hand over any Ruler of the Void Core to the system for research, and add a certain amount of Star Qiong as material. The system can create a complete [Key of Eternal Tribulation·One Thousand Worlds] for the host, and build the power of the Key of Eternal Tribulation into the system function. The host only needs to pay for the materials and can use it at will later. ]


At the same time, on the other side.

After the disaster, Changkong City finally ushered in the dawn,

"He...ha! Finally fell down, it turns out that you are not as scary as I thought! "

Changkong City, the ruins of Qianyu Academy.

Kevin struggled to support his exhausted body, holding a steel bar that was used as a baseball bat in his hand, looking at the chariot-level Honkai beast in front of him that had fallen before him, and sighed secretly.

"Car... Car... Car... Car! !"

The already wounded chariot-level Honkai beast glared at Kevin fiercely, and kept saying something like "You kid has no martial ethics" and then fell down powerlessly because of the depletion of Honkai energy.

This chariot-level Honkai beast, which was only five meters at the beginning and then expanded to ten meters after absorbing Honkai energy, was finally killed by Kevin after grinding his blood line all night.

Seeing this, Kevin was about to show a proud smile, but his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden voice:

"You are... a survivor? "

Survivor? What kind of name is that?

Kevin turned around and happened to meet the eyes of a woman with pink hair and a Honkai beast mask.

She was a tall woman, and Kevin, who was 1.8 meters tall, was even as tall as her. The woman had a particularly slender sword on her waist. Although she had an unidentified Honkai beast mask on her face, Kevin could still feel the surprise on her face even through the mask.

"Hey! Don't call me a 'survivor'! You make it sound like I'm the only living person left in Changkong City!"

Kevin stuck the steel bar in his hand, which was used as a weapon, into the ground and sat on the other side.

After resting on the body of the dead tank-class Honkai, he said to the pink-haired woman in front of him, "Well, sister, although we have never met, but based on this prince's intuition, you should be a good person. Can you help me get something to eat? I fought with this big guy all night last night, and finally killed him. As a result, I am almost starving now. If it doesn't work, give me a bottle of water." "..." Ying looked at this sunny boy who obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. After a moment of silence, she pointed her finger to the east and said: "Over there, there is an official rescue. There are disaster relief shelters built for refugees, and there are also crew planes for evacuation. You should go there quickly, it is not safe here. "

"Ah? Disaster relief shelters?"

Kevin was shocked by the word and thought for a moment, then said,

"Aren't those things usually built after an earthquake? Although Changkong City will shake from time to time, but... I didn't feel any obvious earthquake last night?"

Ying didn't waste words after hearing this. She just saw some living creatures wandering around here, and thought that if they were dead soldiers, she would clean them up, but she didn't expect it to be a living person, and a living person who killed a tank-level Honkai beast with his bare hands.

If it were normal times, Ying would probably explain to this sunny boy the facts and reasons for the disaster that Changkong City has actually become a ruin, and then throw out a business card to recruit this rare combat talent for the Fire Chaser Moth.

But... Ying's current situation is strictly skipping work.

This time, she returned only to follow her memory to find the residence where she and her sister had lived in Changkong City, and to find a photo album left by her sister when she evacuated.

Yes, as early as a month ago, Ying, who had noticed something was wrong, had applied for a transfer certificate for her sister who was still studying in the middle school of Qianyu College. Now, Ling has transferred to another college in Mu Continent according to the documents provided by Ying.

As a result, Ying had just transferred Ling away, and a few days later Ling called from Mu Continent, crying and saying that she accidentally left the photo album that the two sisters had taken together at home.

There was no way, Ying, who always doted on her sister, had to skip work and go to the ruined community in Changkong City to look for the photo album.

Anyway, with her speed, after finding the photo album, she would have time to go to the neighboring Neon City to kill her original mission target.

But she absolutely could not reveal her identity between these two operations, otherwise, the senior executive above her would definitely reprimand her for not following orders and changing the mission route without authorization... This was completely looking for trouble, but Ying had to endure it.

Therefore, she could not recruit Kevin's identity. All she could do was to point out the direction of evacuation for this big boy who did not yet understand the seriousness of the matter.


Kevin swore that he really just blinked his eyes, but the next second, the pink-haired lady who was still in his sight actually "disappeared", as if in that instant, such a good person suddenly disappeared.

Kevin was a little confused, but he still remembered what the pink-haired lady said to him before she left.

"Changkong City...disaster relief?"

Kevin muttered these words to himself, and it was only at this time that he came back to his senses from the extremely focused but also extremely fierce battle with the tank-level Honkai beast just now.


The sound of the helicopter spinning rang in Kevin's ears. Kevin subconsciously looked up and found a figure on a fully armed helicopter holding a photo and comparing it with his own figure. Then the figure threw the photo and the rope ladder down and called out:

"Kevin? ! ! It's dangerous, get on the plane! The chairman asked me to come here to pick you up!"

The chairman... is he referring to MEI's father? The final CEO of that ME company?

Kevin didn't think much about it. After all, he couldn't doubt anything related to MEI. After thinking for a moment, he directly grabbed the rope ladder thrown down by the helicopter and carried it to evacuate Changkong City.

It was only at high altitude that Kevin, still somewhat dazed, saw the full picture of Changkong City today.

Countless buildings collapsed, countless flying monsters were fighting with human fighters, and one tank-class Honkai beast after another fell under human artillery fire. Victory seemed to be tilting towards the human side.

But beneath this layer of victory... buried deep inside was Changkong City, which had become a ruin, and the millions of residents of Changkong City who had closed their eyes forever.

Looking at this doomsday-like situation...

Kevin fell into a long silence.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

The propeller of the helicopter was humming, and inside the helicopter, Mebius was excitedly holding a dark corpse... No, it was an experimental isolation bag, and the excitement and excitement in his eyes were self-evident. Because the experimental isolation bag contained the remains of the Herrscher of the Void, the initiator of the Great Collapse.

Xu Ziling and Alicia didn't say anything when they saw this, and Klein had already fallen asleep on the seat on the plane because of excessive fatigue.

Looking at the clouds passing by the helicopter window, Xu Ziling casually asked Mebius:

"Doctor, when I came back, I saw... the small building was destroyed. Where are we going now?"

"Mu Continent!"

Mebius answered without hesitation.

Volume 2: The Cup of Sub-Sky (End)

Next Volume: The Angry Face of Thunder

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