The surprise and excitement brought by the daily tasks of the system today overshadowed Xu Ziling's surprise at the technological city of Mu Continent.


What? ?

Holding the monument? Kneeling on the spot? ?

And it must be completed under the gaze of at least one Valkyrie/Yingjie? ?

? ? ?

System, do you want to see what you are saying? Are you sure your full name is [Bengtie Cultivation System] instead of [OTTO (Otto) Cultivation System]?

Also, didn't I cry bitterly once in the daily tasks before? Why did you make me kneel down holding the monument again?

System, come out and explain?


Xu Ziling's series of non-stop inquiries made the system confused. It took a long time for Tongzi to buffer. After flipping through his task module, he said nervously,

[Hmm... Host, there is nothing wrong with the task module of the daily task... This task is indeed released based on the fact that you can complete it today. ]

[Or... Host, if you really don't like this task. I will try to discuss it with my task module to see if it can change it for you? ]


Hearing this, Xu Ziling slowly typed a question mark. Why did he feel that the system's words sounded more and more familiar? Then he waved his hand and said,

Then change it for me?

[Ding~! Daily tasks refreshed! ]

[Ding~! Daily tasks have been upgraded to weekly tasks! ]

[Weekly Task - "Under the Monument"]

[Under the Monument: On any day in the next seven days (including today), the host needs to find any monument under the gaze of any Valkyrie/Yingjie, and kneel on the spot. ]

[Note: Similarly, this task is not without refresh... Its completion time has been extended from the original 24h to 168h. Don't underestimate the difference between the two here. There is a full six days of time between the two, which is not a small number, understand? ]

Xu Ziling: . . .

After seeing this classic daily-to-weekly task, Xu Ziling fell silent.

[Ding~! It is detected that the system's task module is too lazy when issuing tasks. Does the host consume the item "Lofty Moral Approval" to let the system's humanized module come forward to educate its tail (cross out) its own task module, and strive for the original task description and completion reminder for the host? ]

Ah? Can it be done this way?

Xu Ziling thought about it and realized that this noble moral praise seemed to be a random reward from his daily tasks. He had no use for it except for viewing. So he waved his hand and said,

Then why don't you consume one and let me see the effect? ​​


[Ding~! In view of the fact that the humanized module of the system has repeatedly dissuaded this task module, this task module has decided to show mercy and modify the task rewards that would have remained unchanged for the host's weekly tasks, and make a certain degree of task prompts. ]

[The basic Xingqiong reward for the weekly tasks remains unchanged, and the random reward props are changed to the designated reward props - "Snake Lord's Ring"]

[Snake Lord's Ring: As the name suggests, this is a black-edged wedding ring inlaid with top-grade imperial green. The system has given such a reminder. If the host still cannot understand the deep meaning of the system's weekly task, then please stay single for the rest of your life and stop dreaming about a happy married life. You don't deserve it. (This note is only issued by the 'system task module'. Please do not extend the personal behavior of the task module to the entire system.)]

Xu Ziling: ... woc?

Xu Ziling is not stupid, but he just subconsciously thought of the system's highly misleading weekly task completion conditions as Gou Tuo. But now that the system has reminded him of this, Xu Ziling feels like Feng Xian has seen the light and suddenly sees the light!

So... So, the kneeling in the system task does not mean crying after kneeling, but kneeling on one knee?

So that's how it was solved? Awesome!

Xu Ziling, who understood this, suddenly laughed out loud. He felt that he was really stupid before. He actually subconsciously thought of the system as Gou Tuo's training template.

Now it seems that the system is not trying to make him a dog, but is clearly trying to benefit him!

System! Good job! I'll give you a chicken drumstick for dinner.

"Guinea pig? Guinea pig! You always do it by yourself.

Why are you grinning foolishly? "

Mobius' voice pulled Xu Ziling back from his brainstorming state. After looking at Mobius who had already got off the plane, Xu Ziling smiled apologetically:

"Sorry, Doctor. I was distracted when I saw the science and technology city here just now. Please forgive me."

"Hmm♪~ Then looking at the smile just now, did the science and technology city of Mu Continent remind you of the glorious achievements of human civilization, and you couldn't help but feel proud?"

Ailixia smiled slightly after putting her hands behind her back, and took the initiative to explain to Xu Ziling,

"Xiao Ziling, let me tell you another secret~ When I first came to Mu Continent, I saw the science and technology here that was countless times more advanced than the outside world, and it took me a long time to adapt!

Then, just like Xiao Ziling now, I can't help but feel proud and identified with such technological support♪~, after all, this is the brilliant achievement of our species "human beings"!

Presumably, whether it is me, Xiao Ziling, or even any ordinary person in this world, after seeing the science and technology city of Mu Continent for the first time, we will be proud of being "born as a human being", right? Hmm♪~"

Born as a human being...

After silently touching the body of his Pillar Man, Xu Ziling smiled helplessly and said:

"Of course, perhaps this is also the shining point of the stars of humanity. Sense of identity and pride are always indispensable."


Ailixia also smiled and nodded.

"Tsk... Little white mouse, didn't I tell you to talk less with this woman, Ai Lixia? Why are you talking about life philosophy again after not seeing each other for a while? "

Mobius and Klein came over one after the other, carrying the corpse shroud... um... the experimental isolation bag. It was obvious that they were struggling to move it. But the more tired Sheshe was, the more excited she was. Before, the Fire Moth had tried every means to stop her and refused to allow her to interfere with the research on Honkai Beast.

Mobius did not study Honkai Beast. After all, she was ready to start dissecting the Herrscher. Now, when she thought that she was one era ahead of those brain-dead senior executives, she was very excited.

Seeing this, Xu Ziling walked over to Mobius helplessly and said:

"Doctor, let me help you carry it. "

Mebius hesitated for a moment, and after realizing that he might not be good at physical fitness, he handed the experimental isolation bag in his hand, which was as long as a person, to Xu Ziling.

After Xu Ziling reached out to take it, he put it on his back.

The interior of the experimental isolation bag has a fixed splint specially set up to prevent the experimental samples from festering, so Xu Ziling did not feel any discomfort when he carried it directly on his back. The shape looked like a huge violin case at first glance.

And Klein, who was not good at physical fitness like Mebius, unloaded the heavy objects on his body, and finally had a chance to catch his breath and look at the Mu Continent under his feet, which was said to be more than ten years ahead of the outside world.

After pausing, Klein's blue-rainbow pupils, which were the same as Mebius's, were full of longing for the technological continent called Mu. She now felt more and more that she was following Mebius. Doctoral study is the right choice. Although it is a bit tiring, Klein really thinks that it is nothing because of his natural constitution.

With just a little bit of effort that can be ignored, you can learn top knowledge and experiences that 99% of the world's people cannot learn, and come to the Mu Continent where countless talented students who have graduated may not be able to squeeze even if they try their best.

Thinking about it, Klein still feels embarrassed. With her personality and talent, she would be satisfied if she could be assigned to a civil servant after graduation. At this moment, she can visit the forefront of the world's technology with her follower Dr. Mebius. She immediately swore in her heart that she must work harder for the doctor in the future and make it worth the doctor's cultivation.

Klein Brain Circuit Surprise (middle)


"Hmm? Alicia, you can't hold your temper and go back to report the progress of the task to your master? "

When Mobius took Xu Ziling and Klein to a nearby affiliated research institute in Mu Continent, he noticed that Alicia's steps were increasingly deviating from the troops, so he said to her casually.

"Hey hey hey? How can Dr. Mobius say that? Really, I would be sad if I was innocently suspected, right?"

Alicia tilted her head, then walked over and patted Mobius on the shoulder, smiling,

"Hmm ♪~... But if it was Dr. Mobius, he should be able to understand, right? After all, Fairy Lady

The reason I went to look for you in the beginning... was to supervise the doctor's progress overseas as an inspector!

Now that Dr. Mobius has returned to Mu Continent, Miss Fairy must at least go back to report! Otherwise, no one will approve our living expenses in the future...

Okay, okay, really, I'm not going back to report to the doctor, the doctor can be more assured about Miss Fairy, right? If I come back on the way, I can also bring back three special breakfasts from Mu Continent for the doctor, Xiao Ziling, and Xiao Klein♪~"

"Come on..."

Mobius pushed Alicia away and said without looking back,

"I'm so happy that you want to leave, how can I persuade you? If you want to leave, leave quickly... It's best not to come back again."

Noticing Mobius leaving without looking back, Xu Ziling couldn't help laughing and added to Alicia:

"Well... Miss Alicia, you know, the doctor is not good at thanking people. Let me translate her words... Please help me deal with the end of the collapse of Changkong City this time. It is no secret where the doctor is conducting research. Now a large-scale collapse has broken out, and the doctor has returned to Mu Continent safely...

Although the two seem to have no connection, the brain circuits of the "high-level" mentioned by the doctor are always surprising. If Miss Alysia is on the way back to the base, please help cover for the doctor to those high-level people. "

After speaking, Xu Ziling thought for a moment and added:

"Also... Miss Alysia, the doctor doesn't object to you going to her, but you should at least knock on the door next time you enter. Anyone would go crazy if the doctor's posture was seen..."


Hearing this, Alysia blinked, then waved to Mobius who had walked a distance away with some excitement, and said,

"Dr. Mobius! Is what Xiao Ziling said true? "

"... Humph!"

In response, Mebius neither admitted nor denied it, but just quickened his pace of departure.

Xu Ziling and Klein, who had basically gotten used to their own doctor's style, smiled at each other, said goodbye to Alicia, and followed their own doctor's pace.

Alicia also changed her pace lightly, and disappeared in the urban district of Mu Continent in the early morning in a blink of an eye.

Speaking of which, although Mu Continent has advanced technology, there are few pedestrians on the street. Only occasionally can you see rich people chatting with each other beside their luxury cars, and without exception, they are all top people in this era. "Poor people" do not seem to exist in Mu Continent.

Or in other words... "poor people" simply can't survive in this technologically advanced Mu Continent.

Although the neighborhood is luxurious and sci-fi, it lacks human touch. The breakfast shops and snack streets that are everywhere in Shenzhou don't exist here at all. One after another, sci-fi drones with fixed routes and artificial intelligence that is ahead of all manual operations, with absolute "efficiency", crush all the poor people's fantasies of earning income through hard work in Mu Continent.

Such an era may not be bad, but to say it well... it may not be considered good either.

It can only be said that human beings are always destroying the things they were once proud of again and again, and stepping on their former bones , climb to a higher position.

Xu Ziling felt nothing. After all, he was just an ordinary man of the Pillar. He could only preserve the things around him as much as possible. The development of mankind had nothing to do with him. As long as his relatives and friends had no objections, he would just let it go.

However, after walking two steps, Xu Ziling's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because in his field of vision... In the K city area of ​​the Mu Continent where Mobius took him by plane, a company building of hundreds of meters appeared. And in front of the building, there was a company monument that was tens of meters high.


Xu Ziling rubbed his chin and couldn't help but look at it a few more times. Behind the ten-meter-high monument is the hundred-meter-high company building.

It's amazing to look at it, but it's shocking to see that this building is actually a pharmaceutical company. Its medical technology is so advanced that the entire K city has become the "safest" place in Mu Continent.

In other places in the streets of K City, it is not difficult to find some advertisements projected on giant screens to promote the powerful drugs of K City Pharmaceutical Company, claiming that as long as there is still a breath, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be saved.

Looking at the monument standing proudly in front of the company again, Xu Ziling scratched his golden hair, and after thinking for a long time, he decided to talk to Mobius.

Ask, has the Mu Continent really developed a miraculous drug that can save a person as long as he still has a breath left?

And the answer given by Mebius was this——


Mebius also noticed the pharmaceutical company building that stood proudly in K City. After a disdainful smile, he said,

"Little white mouse, when you woke up, you were in the Far East of Shenzhou. You know the local customs there, but you may not know the situation in Mu... In short, you'd better not believe in this kind of street advertisements. Most of them sell human health products.

As for the surgery of the K City Pharmaceutical Company that you are curious about... Haha, I have seen their surgery process, and my evaluation is that it dirty my eyes and wastes time.

Their surgery does have the effect of rescuing dying people. But their surgery can only guarantee 'let you live', but not 'how to live'."

Based on the principle of making it clear at once, Mebius patted Klein's shoulder to signal her to listen, and said as he walked:

"For example, little white mouse, you are now A person who smashed his body into a pulp. And the doctors of this company can indeed sew your body back together stitch by stitch.

But after the sew-up, whether it is you who wakes up or a stitched monster who has lost consciousness, they dare not guarantee... After all, their surgery exemption contract can only ensure that you are still "alive", but in what way you live, in what way... This is what they dare not guarantee.

If the survival method of the experimenter is determined by K Company, then I might still look up to them, but the answer given by K Company is "cannot guarantee"... Haha~ What a good "cannot guarantee", I can't even imagine that this kind of surgery that deserves to be thrown into the waste tank can also be called "surgery"? Haha..."

After listening to Mebius's story, Klein remained quiet, but in his heart he was more and more envious of Mebius.

The medical technology that others can use to become famous in the world is just spurned garbage here in Mebius. If ordinary people like me live on the first floor and Mu Continent lives on the tenth floor, then Dr. Mebius would have already broken through the atmosphere.

Sure enough... I still have a lot to learn from the doctor.

Although Xu Ziling had other intentions when he asked Mebius about the pharmaceutical company at the beginning, the doctor had already said this, and Xu Ziling, who had already got the answer he wanted, nodded in agreement and said:

"Well, the doctor is really amazing, I was overthinking."

"I'm glad you understand."

Mebius nodded and continued to lead the way according to the mobile phone navigation.

Along the way, Xu Ziling was surprised to find that among the overwhelming cyber science fiction advertisements in this K city, there was actually a familiar figure——

[Strange! The concert of the world-class superstar Miss Eden, which was originally scheduled to be held in the capital of Mu Continent, M City, was postponed? ! ]

[Headline! The ultra-cute Miss Eden actually refused the invitation to tour America three months later? ! ]

[Crazy! Completely crazy! Superstar Eden actually decided to go to the ruins of Changkong City for a disaster relief tour in three days to appease the people? ! The most gorgeous performance from the ruins is about to begin? ! (For the disaster and post-disaster reconstruction project facing Changkong City, click the jump link)]

[+♥V♥ to watch the movie♥~, Miss Eden and the cute fairy's swimming pool♥ date♥~, those who are interested...@! #~…——(The advertisement was urgently cut off)]

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