At noon, Xu Ziling took the communicator that Alysia bought for him... that is, the mobile phone, the 50,000 yuan red envelope sent by the doctor, and the large dose of "sunscreen" reagent that Klein prepared for him according to Mebius' instructions, and got on the unmanned self-driving car to the capital of Mu Continent.

It is worth mentioning that this 50,000 yuan red envelope is still the credit points of the Mu Federation, and the exchange rate with Shenzhou coins is about 1:7. That is 350,000 Shenzhou coins, and the prices in the Mu Federation are basically the same as those in Shenzhou. 350,000, if Xu Ziling does not spend it recklessly, it will be enough for him for a long time.

After saying goodbye to Alicia and Little Gray, who came to see him off, the unmanned car Xu Ziling was riding in automatically connected to the navigation system of Mu Continent and drove to M City, the capital of Mu Continent.

The efficiency and speed of the magnetic levitation car are not slow, but Mu is a superpower that occupies a continent. The distance between K City and M City is not short. Therefore, when he arrives at the capital M City by unmanned car, it is estimated that it will be dark.

Xu Ziling took this opportunity to take a nap. Thinking carefully, he has not been able to sleep well in the past few days. Last night, he thought about life all night. Although the physique of the Pillar Man can almost ignore the side effects of staying up all night, it is not good for a human to mess up his work and rest, so he still needs to make up for the sleep.


Late at night.


The sound of the plane landing sounded, and a large civilian passenger plane that had been turning for a long time slowly landed under the traction of AI technology.

The perspective gradually lengthened. This was not an automatic parking lot for unmanned vehicles, but the aviation center of M City, the capital of Mu Continent.

A big boy with white hair and blue eyes filled with confusion that had existed a few days ago was squeezed off the plane little by little under the crowded passenger plane.

"Have you seen the news? Changkong City of the Far East Branch of Shenzhou has been reduced to ruins! All flights related to that place have been cancelled!"

"Tsk... the city is gone, so why cancel the flights? What does the disaster on the ground have to do with the sky? It's wasting my time... Hey! Go faster, the person in front. Also, flight attendant! I want to apply for a flight change! The air routes above Changkong City have been blocked. Are there no other routes?"

"Hey! Second brother, look at the hot search. The recent tour of the big star Eden in Mu Continent has been urgently cancelled. The next tour will start in... Changkong City?!"

"Tsk, typical government can't control it, so let the stars come out to appease the people... I just don't know what the guy who said he was going to change the flight thinks, I see he is wearing Miss Eden's limited edition clothing."

"Who knows, anyway, it's none of my business."

It's none of... my business? …

Kevin muttered these words while moving forward aimlessly in the bustling crowd, and the confusion in his eyes became even worse. He wanted to divert his attention, but every time he closed his eyes, his vision would pass through the last moment when he fled Changkong City, and the ruins of Changkong that he saw when he looked back…

The campus is no longer there, and yesterday is no longer there…On the land that has become a ruin, there are only collapsed buildings and rampant monsters.

Whenever he thought of the doomsday scene and heard the indifferent remarks of the crowd around him, Kevin always felt that his heart was twitching very hard…very hard…

[My name is Kevin, and my dream is to become a "hero"! ]

But heroes…shouldn't they save everyone? …

He defeated the monster born in the campus with his bare hands, using the exposed steel bars after the building collapsed.

He won the duel with the tank-class Honkai beast.

But compared to the millions of families in Changkong City that were destroyed by the collapse, his victory seemed so insignificant.

He wanted to be a "hero".

But this "hero"... found that he seemed to be unable to protect anything...

"Kevin, there is no need to blame yourself."


A familiar voice sounded, and Kevin was stunned. Sure enough, he saw an old friend with a tuft of green hair on his forehead in his vision.


Kevin was surprised and walked towards the man quickly. Then he smiled and clenched his fist to punch Su's shoulder, and then gave Su a big bear hug, thankfully saying:

"Great, Su! My good brother, you are still alive! I knew you were a tough guy.


"I... cough cough..."

Two grown men were hugging each other here, especially in a place like the Aviation Center where there were a lot of people. Su's face was a little embarrassed for a moment, but after thinking about it from his perspective, he could understand Kevin's mood at the moment, so he let him go.

Under the strange eyes of the people around him, Kevin hugged Su for a full minute before letting him go. He raised his fist and bumped it with Su with a smile, and said:

"Su, let me tell you! When the disaster happened, I was most worried about MEI, and the second was you! You don't know how nervous I was at that time... Hey, but then again, since you are here, it should mean that there should not be too many casualties among the students in our school, right? Why didn't I see other classmates? Were they taken to the Shenzhou mainland by the disaster relief plane?"

"This... Sorry, Kevin, I don't know about this."

Su shook his head and said,

"At that time... I was awakened by the sound of the disaster, and fled the dormitory with a large group of classmates. After leaving the campus, human instinct drove me to flee with the large group, but I happened to see MEI fleeing in another direction at this time..."

"MEI... By the way! MEI! How is MEI?"

When Kevin heard the topic related to MEI, he immediately became excited and asked one after another.

And Su had long been accustomed to Kevin's noisy personality. After he calmed down, he spoke:

"MEI is fine... At that time, I saw her escaping alone, and thought that she might know about you, so I went to escort her. After escorting her all the way to the vicinity of ME Club, a helicopter came to rescue us...

Later, we first stopped in Hainan, Shenzhou. MEI said that she would contact someone to rescue you at that time. Then, she was picked up by her father's people, probably to a safer place.

At that time, I really didn't know where to go, so I followed the arrangement of the ME staff and changed flights several times. Finally, I stopped in Mu Continent, and then... I met you. "

"Is that so... That means MEI is at least safe now, that's good, that's good..."

After hearing this, Kevin was relieved, and then he remembered something, patted his head, and said,

"Oh, Su, since you have already told me about your experience, I should also tell you about mine. I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so I went out to take a walk on the playground, and then I happened to meet MEI who couldn't sleep either.

I thought that this wonderful encounter should allow MEI and I to have an open-hearted communication all night. I was ready to talk to her about life, you know? But who knew that a light suddenly appeared in the night... No, it was a five-meter-high white monster, so I let MEI run first, and I stayed to hold that guy. "

"...Are you alone? "

Hearing this, Su looked at Kevin strangely and said,

"Beat a monster with bare hands...?"


As he said this, Kevin proudly raised his thumb and gestured to himself, saying,

"Hey, Su, you don't know, that big guy is very tough. I fought with it for a whole night before I finally killed it. Haha, how about it, am I awesome?

After that, my situation was similar to yours. The helicopter sent by MEI's family took me away, and then I changed routes and went through many twists and turns all the way. I just landed here."

Su said nothing, but silently raised his thumb to Kevin.

"Hahaha! ! "

Kevin also laughed out loud. It was different to have a companion. The white-haired boy changed his autistic emo appearance when he was alone, and boasted to his good brother. It was so happy.

But soon, Kevin couldn't laugh anymore.




A strange sound sounded, and Kevin looked at his stomach awkwardly...

Yes, on the day of the disaster, Kevin fought a tank-level Honkai beast 1v1 solo alone, which consumed a lot of physical strength. After winning, he didn't eat much, and was picked up by a helicopter sent by MEI. He still didn't eat much during the flight transfer, and just drank a bottle of water.

I haven't noticed it in the past few days because I have been in emo. Now that I met my good brother and opened the chatterbox, my stomach protested to him.


Kevin scratched his head and said,

"Su, after the people in MEI's family let you take the connecting flight, did they tell you what to do next?


After hearing this, Su thought for a moment and said:

“They said… when I arrive in Mu Continent, someone will come to pick me up, but… maybe something unexpected happened, I didn’t see anyone from ME Club…”


After saying this, Su’s stomach also started to growl. Obviously, he hadn’t eaten much in the past few days.

“Is that so…”

Kevin scratched his head, then waved his hand and said,

“Then why don’t we just go have a meal first? Let’s see if we can find MEI’s family along the way. How about it?”


After hearing this, Su was silent.

Then, he slowly lowered his head, took out a mobile phone card from his pocket, and took out a pile of metal fragments, and said,

“Sorry…Kevin, I don’t usually carry cash, and my mobile phone…has been broken in the disaster in Changkong City. I can only rely on you first..."

Before Su finished speaking, he looked up and saw Kevin who also took out a piece of mobile phone fragments from his pocket.





After the two of them stared at each other for a long time, Kevin, who was still scratching his head, took out a wrinkled ten-yuan note from his underwear pocket.

"Ahem... It's okay, ten yuan is not cold, enough for us to buy a few steamed buns."

After Kevin tactically coughed twice to interrupt the embarrassment, he looked at Su behind him and waved his big hand,

"Let's go, Su, let's buy something to fill our stomachs first, we can't always be hungry, right? Speaking of which, the prices on the Mu Continent should be similar to those on the Shenzhou side. "


Su nodded, but then looked embarrassed and said,

"It's just... Kevin, can you understand Mu's words?"

"This... Isn't it you and you? ”

“I just know a little bit…”

“Oh my, knowing a little bit means the full level, which allows us to trade with the boss normally!”

“No… I’m worried that it’s not all about this…”

“What is that?”

“It’s the currency that doesn’t work…”

Half an hour later.

“To be honest, this thing is too weird!”

Kevin looked like he had seen a ghost, and walked on the streets of Mu Continent with Su one after the other, complaining,

“Shenzhou is a world power after all, but Mu Continent doesn’t accept Shenzhou coins? He is kidding, right? Right, right?”

“…This is not surprising.”

Su sighed helplessly and said,

“As the most advanced country in the world, Mu Country occupies an entire world continent. It is not surprising that it would vigorously promote its own currency, and it does have the ability and capital. We… can only say that we have run into the muzzle of the gun.”

“What should we do? Continue to starve? "

Kevin grabbed his hair in a hurry, and finally glanced at the green belt on the roadside of Mu Continent, and said,

"If it doesn't work... Su, you stay here and don't move. I'll see if the leaves here are edible."

"Kevin! Don't put everything in your mouth!"

"Um... Bah! It's really disgusting. The trees here look good, but why do they taste so bitter!"


Wait until night.

The two were really hungry, and they couldn't find anything to eat, so they had to find a lawn in the green belt nearby, back to back, and rest to save energy. When it gets light tomorrow, go to the aviation center to see if you can find someone from the ME Club.

"Hey... It's a bad start..."

Kevin, who was sitting on the lawn with Su back to back to rest, sighed secretly.


And Su didn't want to waste his energy talking anymore.

"Huh! ——”

At this time, an unmanned car passed by the road beside the slippery belt. It was not that the two of them had hallucinations due to hunger or something, they seemed to see a conspicuous golden light from the car for a second.

"Hmm... sniff..."

At this time, Kevin suddenly sniffed twice, and then said to Su behind him calmly,

"Brother, you smell so good..."


Su slowly typed a question mark after hearing this, and was shocked when he reacted. He quickly stood up from the lawn and quickly stepped back three steps.

"Oh my god!"

And Kevin, who had no support behind him, immediately fell backwards to the ground. He quickly got up from the ground and looked at Su with a weird face, asking,

"No, Su, what are you doing?"

However, Su looked at Kevin with a surprised face and said:

"...Why don't you think about what you just said? ? "

"I didn't say anything? ? "

Kevin scratched his head with a question mark on his face and said,

"I say, brother, take a good look at the car that just drove by.

Does the person sitting opposite look like the assistant teacher Xu who came to give us a lecture before? "

"...Are you sure you are talking about this?"

"What else can I say?"


Su had no choice but to nod helplessly, then looked at the car that had already driven away and asked,

"I saw it clearly, the person sitting in the car just now seemed to be the assistant teacher Xu...but why are you looking for her?"

"Are you stupid?"

Kevin clapped his hands again and said,

"It is said that meeting is fate! Since we have met that person, it means that it is fate. If we go over and sell a miserable meal ticket, won't we have it?"


"What? You are not hungry?"


"If you are hungry, chase her!!! Assistant Teacher Xu!!! Wait a minute!!!"

"Assistant Teacher Xu!!! Wait for us!!! ! ! "

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