The other side.

After watching Blanca walk out of the institute, Xu Ziling followed Mobius to the living room of the institute.

In fact, the original institute did not have a living room. The living room was occupied by a bunch of large instruments. However, since Alicia moved in with Mobius and his group, she cleaned up the entire institute and piled up research-related matters on the second floor and basement of the institute. The first floor still restored the appearance of the small building where Mobius and Xu Ziling used to live in Changkong City.

Usually, Mobius would directly pull Xu Ziling and Klein into the isolation laboratory in the basement. Alicia would usually go back to her room to play with little Grey after cooking, but she rarely entertained people in the living room. Today's reception for Hen and Blanca can even be said to be the first time.

And in the living room.

"Stop talking nonsense, Alicia."

Mobius went straight to the sofa in the living room and sat down. After glancing coldly at Hen who was also sitting there, he said,

"Your little helper is so anxious to find the institute... It shouldn't just be to pick up Gray Xiu, right? Let me hear what secrets are there."


Hearing this, Alicia smiled slightly, pulled Xu Ziling to sit down, and said with a smile,

"Doctor, are you interested in these trivial matters?"

"Your You can use rhetoric to deceive others, but I advise you to save some effort for me. "

Mobius said, and glared at Hen who was sitting on pins and needles beside him, and said, "The captain of the 7th Squadron of the Fire Moth Operation Department... after handling the large-scale collapse incident in Changkong City, he did not return to the Fire Moth headquarters immediately. Instead, he ran to the research institute first under the pretext of "picking up the child"... Haha, if he came all the way here just to talk about "trivial matters"... do you think I believe it?"

"Uh ...Ahem..."

Hen Tactics coughed twice and said,

"That... Dr. Mobius, I have been promoted to the captain of the fifth team..."

"Don't change the subject. Besides, what difference does it make to be the captain of which team? It doesn't conflict with your motivation. Stop talking nonsense and waste my time."

Mobius interrupted Hen's words rudely, looked at Alicia, and said,

"Blanca and Gray have already gone out, and Klein has also gone out. I was sent to buy milk tea and won't be back for a while. If you have anything to say, let me hear it. I'm still curious about what those old guys in the Operations Department are planning to make your little helper so busy to come to you. "

"Well... I don't know what it is specifically?"

Ailixia blinked, then looked at Hen and said,

"It was classmate Hen who contacted me... but he said that the communication was easy to be hijacked, and asked to talk about it after meeting."

Mobius cast his eyes on Hen again.

"Uh... Actually, it's not a big deal, but if you say it's a small matter, then it's not small..."

Hen touched his chin. He knew how much authority Mobius had. When he went to Changkong City for rescue last time, he knew the relationship between Xu Ziling and Mobius. The four people at the scene were not outsiders, so there was really no need to hide it now.

"Doctor, teaching assistant, and Senior Alicia, since we are not the kind of people who like to procrastinate, I will just pick out the key points..."

After struggling in his heart for a moment, Hen's expression, which was just laughing, gradually became serious, and he said,

"First, and most importantly... when the Great Collapse broke out, in the Far East Autonomous Region of Shenzhou, Changkong City had six million permanent residents, two million mobile tourists, and a total of 8,274,621 people... more than 90% of them were killed or injured, and in the end, only less than 20,000 were rescued by us..."

Eight million people, more than 99% of them died.

Hearing this number, Alicia's eyes dimmed slightly, and even Mobius couldn't help but frown.

Eight million lives! If this could be given to Mobius for voluntary human experiments... No, no, now is not the time to think about this.

Mobius shook his head and looked at Hen and said:

"The death of eight million Changkong City residents is indeed a big deal... but it should be the business of the Human Resources and News Department. Hen, if you just want to report this to Alicia, then I will be worried about your thinking for Blanca."

"Of course not! I said

Dr. Mobius, please let me finish my words first..."

Hen sighed and waved his hand,

"Let me continue what I said just now. More than 99% of the people in Changkong City died, and less than 1% of the people were rescued in the end... This should have been a very failed rescue project. However, the headquarters gave our rescue operation a label of 'success'..."

When he said this, Hen unconsciously clenched his fists, laughed at himself, and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you know why... Because the mission goal assigned to our Fifth Detachment by the headquarters has never been to rescue the people, but to 'seize Honkai', and at the same time, to save the people as much as possible..."

"Of course."

Hen suddenly raised his head, glanced at the people present, and said,

"If it was just like this, I wouldn't say that I went to complain to you... Remember what I said just now? The mission with the primary purpose of 'seizing Honkai', we, 'completely succeeded'."

"Hmm? "

Hearing this, Xu Ziling, who had developed the habit of recording conversations with a notebook, was stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively,

"So... Mr. Hen, you mean that you have discovered some truth about the collapse in Changkong City?"


Hen nodded and said,

"The reliable team that came with us found a very special collapse energy creation in the center of Changkong City... The white coat was protecting me, and my subordinates and I couldn't see what that thing was with our own eyes, but I still tried my best to get some information. It is said that it is a collapse energy weapon that can be driven by humans..."

Hearing this, Xu Ziling's expression suddenly became subtle.

Ailixia was also stunned, and then asked tentatively:

"Student Hen, the weapon you mentioned... is it a big sword? Black, and it can also "cut through space"? "

"Well? How do you know? "

Hen asked subconsciously, then waved his hand and said,

"In short, that thing is very mysterious... and unfortunately, the research team that took away the Honkai energy weapon was not the director of the Operations Department above me, but the director of the Unified Construction Department, the research team under the Americas under the code name 'Smoker'.

And the research team in America has always been inconsistent with the concept of Dr. Mobius's research institute. I also heard from Blanca that when she attended the meeting for Dr. Mobius before, the congressman from America squeezed her the most...

I am worried now that the group of strong limbs and simple-minded guys in America will turn around and use the Honkai energy weapon on Dr. Mobius... If that is the case, whether it is Dr. Mobius, Assistant Xu, or Senior Alicia, your situation will be dangerous. "

In fact, Hen didn't come all the way here to talk about this because he was worried about the Mobius Institute. He was also worried that if the Mobius Institute was assassinated by the group of people in America using Honkai weapons, then his wife Blanca would be in danger...

Everyone knows that the lips and teeth are cold. Although Blanca has graduated and has no substantial connection with Mobius except for a graduation certificate from the institute... But Hen works at the Fire Moth, and he knows that the brain circuits of those senior executives are amazing, almost like pigs. .

He didn't dare to bet whether the American staff who had a grudge against the Mobius Institute would turn around and kill Blanca after using Honkai weapons to assassinate the institute.

So, he came, and rushed here as soon as he got off the plane. Come to discuss countermeasures with Alicia, and remind Mobius to strengthen precautions, even though Mobius actually never liked him...

"Anyway... the most serious thing is this, Senior Alicia, you have been taking care of Dr. Mobius's institute during this period, you must strengthen your precautions... Hmm? What's your expression?"

After Hen Gang finished these words solemnly, he looked up and saw Xu Ziling in the expression plane, as well as Alicia and Mobius with the same subtle expressions.

"Ahem... Ahem... Mr. Hen, thank you very much for your strategic intelligence reminder."

Xu Ziling coughed twice tactically and said,

"But... the institute also has its own power. A gun does have the power to kill, but it also depends on who is holding the gun. If it is the group of people you mentioned... I don't think they can find the safety of the gun. "


Hen was stunned. No... What's wrong with this assistant? Has the Mobius Institute always been so confident?

What's the matter with the gun or not? Safety or not...

What the American officers took away were Honkai weapons! Honkai weapons that can be used on people! At a time when the officers in this world have made little progress in Honkai research, a Honkai weapon that can be used is definitely a dimensionality reduction strike! The effect of using it for assassination is unimaginable!


At this time, Alysia also coughed twice and said with a smile,

"Student Hen, have you forgotten... the first people to come into contact with the Great Honkai Core of Changkong City were me and Xiao Ziling?"


Hen retreated tactically, and then thought of some incredible speculation, and subconsciously asked,

"You mean... that Honkai weapon was deliberately left by you to paralyze the vision?"

"You can understand it this way."

Xu Ziling nodded and said,

"And it seems... it seems to have played a far better effect than expected."


Hen raised his hand suddenly and hit his head.

"Fuck! Since you left that thing on purpose, wouldn't I be a clown?"

Yes... He forgot an extremely important point.

The first people to come into contact with the core of the collapse of Changkong City were not the combat members of the Fire Moth Chaser, nor the American staff, but Xu Ziling and Alicia...

At that time, he still remembered that after he sent his subordinates to help Alicia defeat the strange collapse beast that was as huge as a mountain, Alicia said that she would go with Xu Ziling to target the source of the collapse.

Afterwards, Alysia never contacted him again, and because he was unfamiliar with Honkai and was busy trying his best to rescue ordinary people, he was slow to react. Among the mountains of Honkai beasts in Changkong City, there was a missing "king"...

Looking back now, Alysia and Xu Ziling obviously went back after killing the "king" alone. He still clearly remembered that Mobius was holding something like a body bag at the time, but Mobius glared at him and said that it was her experimental material, so he didn't dare to think too much.

Now, he actually played a clown show on Mobius' side because of the most important information gap.

This made Hen very worried. He was the captain of the fifth detachment of the Fire Chaser Moth, and he was also a little prince of the romantic generation before joining the team. Today, he stepped on such a big pit because of a piece of information gap... Where can he put his face in the future?

"Hmm~, Hen's original intention to remind Dr. Mobius to guard against Honkai weapons was good, so don't blame yourself too much♪~"

Alicia smiled and patted Hen's shoulder, and said,

"Just think of it as a good intention~... Dr. Mobius should be happy to accept this kindness, right?"

Mobius curled his lips and said nothing.

After the Herrscher of the Void committed suicide, Xu Ziling told Mobius about his and Alicia's battle with the Herrscher of the Void and the means of confusing the sight of the Fire Moth. Therefore, she also knew about the situation of the Corpse Mountain Knife, but she didn't care at all.

Because compared with the Herrscher of the Void lying in the refrigerator in her laboratory at this moment, although the weapon is powerful, it is somewhat inferior.

In addition... she can obtain a certain Honkai resistance through the reagents she independently researched and the help of Xu Ziling, what do those clerks in America rely on? Relying on their research results of the collapse, which Mobius thought was no different from a pile of shift?

Don't be silly, unless they are all like Alicia, who have extremely high resistance to the collapse energy. Otherwise, if they rashly use the Corpse Mountain Knife as a collapse energy weapon, they will only be swallowed by the Corpse Mountain Knife or killed by radiation.

Perhaps they can also use the large number of collapse samples brought by this great collapse to research the adaptability of the collapse energy little by little, but by the time they develop the reagents for resisting the collapse energy, Mobius has already taken Xu Ziling through the collapse world.

The two sides are not at the same level at all, so Snake doesn't care.

But no matter what, Hen thought of reminding Mobius to guard against the weapon as soon as he got the information. His original intention was good, but the clown was in the lack of information, so Mobius would not laugh at him anymore.

It's just a pity... She thought that the group of old guys chasing the fire moth were going to do something fancy again, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter.

"Well... since you guys are responsible for this, I have nothing to say..."

Hen sighed, changed his uncomfortable expression, and said with a smile.

"Since this topic is over... Dr. Mobius, Senior Alicia, and Assistant Professor Xu... Sir! I plan to take Blanca and Gray back to K City after today to thank you for your help over the past month.

How about we go out and spend money to take care of little Gray? Today's consumption will be paid by me, Captain Hen!"


Mobius suddenly asked back.


Hen paused, then added,

"Forget about those ridiculously expensive research materials...Dr. Mobius, I'm just a small captain..."

"What about meals?"

Mobius added.

"Eat...ah! That's easy!"

Hen breathed a sigh of relief, then patted his chest and said,

"Don't worry, as the captain of the fifth detachment of the Fire Moth Operations Department, I still have some savings. Whether it's sea cucumbers, abalones, lobsters, or deer antlers, I definitely have money for a meal. Just tell me what you want to eat, don't be polite to me! "


Mobius said nothing more, but turned around and looked at Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling touched his smooth chin and asked Hen:

"Mr. Hen, is what you said... true?"

Hen just glanced at Xu Ziling's body, which didn't look like a big eater, and said without thinking:

"Of course!"

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