The sudden ringing of the mobile phone interrupted Chen Yu's thoughts.

He took out his mobile phone and saw the caller ID - Xia Chan.

He was one of the two beauties who had a spring breeze with him tonight. In his impression, the female singer's voice was very sweet, and the "memory" in his mind also told him that her voice in bed was also very sweet.

The title of "National Sweetheart" is not a false name.

Is she awake now? Didn't see me after waking up, so call me?

After a few seconds of silence, he connected the call and put the phone to his ear.

Xia Chan's sweet voice came from the phone, "Brother Yu, where are you? In the middle of the night, are you leaving the two of us on the bed?"

Chen Yu smiled lightly, looked at the sea at night, and said calmly, "Staying at home is stuffy, come out and breathe."

Xia Chan: "Then when are you coming back? It's been a long night, why do you want to waste it?"

Chen Yu: "..."

To be honest, at this moment, he was really swaying, and he wanted to go back and play with them again.

However, the education he received since he was a child made him resist this irresponsible game in his heart. Even if you like it, he can't accept it.

The most important thing is that he has Tang Hongjie and Jiang Xiu in his heart.

If he didn't have anyone in his heart, he would just play, but since there was already someone in his heart, and he had just decided to find Tang Hongjie and Jiang Xiu, how could he be fooling around with other women?

Popular female singer? The winner of the Miss Asia contest?

The halo is really dazzling, and it looks really beautiful.


He sighed and said, "Sorry, Miss Xia, I may not be back tonight."

After a pause, he said, "You and Miss Fu want to trade stocks with me, right? That's it! I'll give you some information on stocks later, and then you can listen to my notification. How much can you earn in a month? , it depends on how much equity you are willing to invest."

Xia Chan on the mobile phone was quiet for a few seconds, and then said excitedly: "Okay, okay, thank you Brother Yu! Thank you Brother Yu! In this way, Brother Yu, if you miss me in the future, you can call or text me at any time. Okay, I promise to take the time and come to accompany you as soon as possible, remember to save my number, but don't lose it."

Chen Yu laughed dumbly.

At this time, he finally understood a little bit of "Chen Yu" in this time and space, why he has been single and lacked trust in women so much.

With so many women around him, how can he make "he" believe that women can be trusted?

"Okay, so that's it?"

Xia Chan: "Okay, Brother Yu, then I won't disturb your rest, bye."

After the call, Chen Yu looked at the phone in his hand, and another "memory" suddenly flashed in his mind.

——“He” has a right-hand man at work——Cen Rou.

20 years ago, when "he" rescued Xu Tianxing, the only son of the Xu family, he met Xu Tianxing's two cousins ​​for the first time.

Among them, Cen Ying, the eldest cousin who took Xu Tianxing to play beside Houhai, but was careless and did not take good care of Xu Tianxing, almost caused Xu Tianxing to drown, is a vase with no brains.

Pretty is pretty, but IQ is obviously inversely proportional to appearance.

Not worth mentioning.

But Cen Ying's sister, Cen Rou, is a girl with high IQ.

This girl is petite and exquisite, with a pair of very smart eyes. It is said that she has been smart since she was a child, and her academic performance also proves her IQ.

Cen Rou holds dual master's degrees from Ivy League universities.

Was dug up by "him" with high salary to be his assistant.

Usually, she also manages the life medicine research company for "him".

It can be said that because of Cen Rou's existence, "his" life can be so unrestrained, and he has so much time to linger among the flowers.

"Cen Rou..."

Chen Yu whispered the name, and Cen Rou appeared in his mind.

He smiled and immediately dialed Cen Rou's number.

"Xiaorou, give me a new mobile phone card tomorrow, don't reveal the number to outsiders. Also, starting from this year, our investment in life medicine research will be increased tenfold! You can arrange for someone to go to the extra funds. Hire the best Alzheimer's and lung cancer experts in the industry, and dig as much as you can, can you hear me clearly?"

Cen Rou: "..."

When she suddenly received this notification in the middle of the night, Cen Rou was probably full of question marks on her forehead.

But she has one advantage, that is, she speaks less.

After a while, she replied, "Okay, Brother Yu."

Chen Yu: "Well, just these two things, you should rest!"

Cen Rou: "Okay."


At the end of the call, Chen Yu stood up on the reef, stretched, and his eyes became much brighter.

He has just thought about it, since his life medicine research company has only developed drugs for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, and there is no sign of successful development of drugs for treatment.

Then he won't be able to stay in this time and space for too long.

In the near future, he will reconnect with himself 20 years ago and send the preventive medicine technology developed here.

Because grandma is already too old, at the age of more than 80 years, even if she is free from illness and disaster for the rest of her life, she will not live long.

He can't delay for too long, and he must send the drug technology to prevent Alzheimer's disease to himself 20 years ago as soon as possible, so as to improve the quality of life of his grandmother in his later years as soon as possible.

And the reason why he decided to wait a while, instead of sending that technology to himself 20 years ago on the next full moon night.

It is due to two considerations.

First, I was 20 years ago, and I am only 18 years old now. I have limited funds, and my time, knowledge and working ability are still very limited.

At this time, even if he sent the drug technology to prevent Alzheimer's disease, it would be difficult for him to produce that drug in a short period of time at the age of 18.

What about two...

It is because he feels that he currently has sufficient funds, and the life drug research company under his name also has a large number of research equipment and talents. He can hurry up and try to overcome the disease of lung cancer.

How good would it be if he concentrated his resources and could overcome this disease within three or two years, and when he next contacted himself 20 years ago, he would also send the relevant information on this technology?

It can not only benefit the majority of lung cancer patients, but also give him an insurance for his own life.

He didn't forget himself in the original time and space. At the age of 37, he suffered from terminal lung cancer.


With the change of time and space, the lung cancer on his body has long disappeared.

But what if the self 20 years ago suddenly developed lung cancer?

At that time, who can save himself 20 years ago?

He felt that although this possibility was not very large, it was not small.

After all, when he was 37 years old in the original time and space, he could suffer from lung cancer. Maybe with the changes of time and space, the trajectory of his life and his 20 years ago will change again and again. Maybe one day in the future, the self 20 years ago will also suffer from it. Lung cancer.

He estimates that there may be a factor of lung cancer hidden in his body. Who knows?

It's always good to take precautions before they happen.

As for he just asked Cen Rou to help him get a new mobile phone card?

It is he who wants to cut off the connection with those beauties and start his own life again.

Just in time for the development of new drugs, he could pursue Tang Hongjie or Jiang Xiu again.

It's just to make up for the regret that I didn't pursue them before.

In the original time and space, his life had never intersected with them, and naturally he never pursued them. In other time and space, when he saw them for the first time, they were already his wives and the kind that had already given birth to children.

Thinking that he was going to pursue them next, a smile appeared on his face.

He felt that such an experience must be very interesting in retrospect.

Thinking of this, he flipped through the phone address book again.

He first turned to Jiang Xiu's name, pondered slightly, and dialed her number.

In the "new memory" in his mind, "he" has not called Jiang Xiu's number for a long time.

After a while, the call was connected.

It was quiet on the other end of the phone and didn't speak first, as if waiting for Chen Yu to speak first.

With a smile on the corner of Chen Yu's mouth, he said softly, "Axiu, where are you now? I want to come and see you."


After a while of silence, Jiang Xiu's cold voice finally came out of the phone, "You can think about it, you don't have to come!"

Chen Yu was stunned for a while before realizing what she meant by what she just said.

He just said "I want to come and see you", she said "You can think about it, you don't have to come!".

Her words must be combined with what he just said to understand her meaning. Don't want to see me so much?

do you hate me? Or are you utterly disappointed in the "me" of this time and space?

Chen Yu was a little helpless, but he also wanted to laugh. From Jiang Xiu's attitude, he had realized that it was very difficult to get her back.

But that's okay, he's not one to give up so easily.

"Axiu, I have been wrong all these years, I want to look back, do you think I still have a chance?"

Jiang Xiu: "..."

She was probably surprised that he would say such a thing, but after a while of silence, her tone was still cold, "Did you drink too much tonight? Do you turn back if you want to? Do you think I am here in Buddhism? You can turn back at any time. Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot? What do you think?"

Chen Yu: "..."

Her mouth is still so neat, just what he remembered.

With a helpless smile on his lips, he continued to argue with her, "No! I'm not drinking, I'm blowing the sea breeze by the sea! I'm very clear-headed now, Axiu, tell me! Where are you now? You know, even if you If you don't tell me, I can easily find out when I look back, so I want to see you, no one can stop me, and neither can you!"

Jiang Xiu: "Then go back and check it yourself! When you find it, I'll change the place. I won't let you find me."

Chen Yu was almost amused, "Really? Let's play a game, I'm here to find you, you can hide as you like, but when I find you, you can't hide anymore, you can give it to me again then Opportunity, what do you think?"

Jiang Xiu: "..."

After a while, Jiang Xiu suddenly became furious: "Chen, what do you want? Back then I loved you so much, I followed you with all my heart, and wanted to marry you, but what happened to you? Do you take me seriously? Yes? Now, what about your new girlfriends? Isn't it often reported in the news that you are dating some big beauties again? What? Those big beauties are no longer easy to date? Think of me again? What do you think I am? Ah? "

This time it was Chen Yu's turn to be silent.

He wanted to say that he didn't do those things.

But how could he convince Jiang Xiu that he did not do those things?

He came to this time and space, and while receiving the wealth of "Chen Yu" in this time and space, he naturally also received all the romantic debts of "Chen Yu".

This is something he can't get rid of.

Unless he immediately goes to another time and space.

He couldn't explain it to Jiang Xiu, and he didn't want to argue with her, so he looked up at the starry sky and sighed, "Axiu, you won't see me dating other beauties on the news in the future, don't be in a hurry now, you You can wait and see my performance, I will show you a brand new Chen Yu."

However, Jiang Xiu, who was in a state of rage at this time, could not listen to his words.

Her tone was still full of anger, "Dogs can't stop eating shit! You should use these nonsense to deceive other stupid women! My mother doesn't believe you!"

Chen Yu remained calm.

"Wait and see! It's getting late, you go to bed early, good night."

"An your sister!"

Jiang Xiu shouted angrily.

Chen Yu smiled and hung up the call.

He had to slowly clean up the mess left by "Chen Yu" in this time and space.

After thinking about it, he decided not to contact Senior Sister for the time being.

It is estimated that if he calls now, she will not give him good words.

Moreover, in the original time and space, his love experience was a failed experience, and now he wants to pursue Jiang Xiu and Tang Hongjie at the same time, I am afraid that he does not have the two-line operation technology.

What's more, the "Chen Yu" of this time and space has a famous name. If he pursues Jiang Xiu and Tang Hongjie at the same time, once they find out, they will definitely think that he has committed his old problems again, and he is not sincerely repenting.


the next morning.

Chen Yu practiced Baguazhang against the morning sun on the edge of the cliff at the hilltop villa.

The "he" in this time and space has more wasteful kung fu than the previous time and space, which makes him very unaccustomed to being accustomed to his energetic and profound kung fu.

So he decided to start from today and practice all his kung fu back.

There is a stone fence surrounded by white marble on the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain.

Chen Yu was near the stone fence, practicing Baguazhang over and over again.

Today, he was wearing a black exercise suit with a pair of fronts, and the morning sun was shining on him, just like a scene in a movie.

He didn't pay attention to this, his mind was completely immersed in the practice of Baguazhang.

The quality of this body is much worse.

But he has gone through many time and space, and his experience in practicing Baguazhang has been very profound.

In addition, he had personally beaten people to death with Baguazhang in another time and space, so the Baguazhang he practiced was swift and fierce.

His palms were as straight as knives, and every move and every style had an indescribable rhythm.

Single palm change, double palm exchange, homeopathic palm, back body palm, turn over palm, three river palms, Mo body palm, back body palm...

One move, one style, in the process of his feet constantly wandering and turning, he practiced extremely smoothly.

At this moment, Cen Rou stepped on the lawn with dewdrops on the ground and walked slowly from a distance.

She was dressed simply, with a pair of white straight-leg pants, a white sleeveless shirt, and a pair of white flat leather shoes.

She is not tall, but she is not wearing high heels.

She saw Chen Yu practicing Baguazhang on the edge of the cliff from a distance.

At first, she didn't care.

Because when she came here before, she also saw Chen Yu practice there, but not many times.

Moreover, when she used to watch him practice Bagua Zhang, she always felt that his palm technique was just like that, and it couldn't compare with the kung fu masters in martial arts movies.

But today...

As she gradually approached Chen Yu, she suddenly stopped in surprise and frowned at Chen Yu who was still concentrating on practicing on the edge of the cliff.

She suddenly felt that today's Chen Yu's palm technique seemed very different from before.

So smooth!

Between his gestures, he seemed to contain an indescribable power all over his body, and it seemed that he could send out a very sharp palm at any time.

To put it simply, she suddenly felt that the momentum of his kung fu practice today had completely changed, and it was very different from before.

It is already very similar to those kung fu masters in martial arts movies when they practice.

She stood ten meters away from Chen Yu, frowning and watching quietly.

She waited until he finished his work and slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air, and then she walked over with a suspicious look on her face.

"Brother Yu, your kung fu seems to be better today than before. Have you gained any new insights recently?"

She hadn't meant to ask that.

She was not a talkative person.

But when she got close to Chen Yu, she couldn't hold back and asked.

Chen Yu looked at her, this was the first time he saw Cen Rou.

He felt that she had a restrained temperament, and her eyes gave him a sense of wisdom.

Not like those women with empty stomachs and no culture.

He smiled and said casually: "Reading a book a hundred times is self-seeking, and the same goes for kung fu. The more you practice, the more you will naturally gain new insights. My kung fu is nothing."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the villa. After his kung fu practice, it was time to have breakfast.

Cen Rou walked beside him.

"Brother Yu, I have already prepared the new mobile phone card you want, and I bought you a new mobile phone by the way. The card is already installed."

Saying that, she unzipped the purse in her hand, took out a brand new iPhone and handed it to him.

Chen Yu took it casually, "Thanks!"

Cen Rou didn't ask him why he wanted a new mobile phone card, but asked hesitantly, "Brother Yu, you told me on the phone last night that starting this year, ten times more funds will be invested in the research of life and medicine. How do you think about it? Our pharmaceutical company has invested too much money in these years, so that's fine, but so much money has been invested, but not many research results have come out. In general, we have already lost a lot of money in this area. , I don't think we should continue to invest more in this area, it's not worth it!"

In terms of return on investment, she was right.

Pharmaceutical research and development has always been a bottomless pit. No amount of money can be poured into it, but after pouring in, there may not be any valuable results.

It is also for this reason that some pharmaceutical companies do not even develop new drugs at all, but choose to directly purchase ready-made drug formulations and technologies.

"Xiaorou, each of us has come to this world for a while, and we always have to do something meaningful. Do you think it is difficult for you and me to make money?"

Without waiting for Cen Rou, who was frowning and thinking, to answer, Chen Yu continued: "I've earned so much money over the years, I can't spend it in ten lifetimes, right? Why keep that money? Rather than keep rolling around in the stock market. , might as well use it to research some new drugs, don't you think this is very meaningful?"

Cen Rou looked at him and frowned.

I find him to be contradictory.

On the one hand, it's very hard to change women, such as changing clothes, even faster than changing clothes, no matter how you look at them, they look like scum.

But he is willing to spend a lot of money every year in the research and development of new drugs, and seems to want to benefit all mankind.

At this moment, she suddenly wondered if he was using this method to atone for himself? In fact, he also felt in his heart that if he kept changing women like this, he might have retribution?

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