Before The College Entrance Examination, My Life Was Gamified

Chapter 205: Attempt To Mass-Produce An Electric Supercar

After calming down his drifting mood, Li Bai finally thought of the important point.

"Can you tell me, how did you transform?"

In Li Bai's view, although there are some blueprints provided by him, it is not an easy task to manufacture such a pure electric supercar.

Martin Eberhard shrugged: "In fact, when we tested the maximum output power of the battery, we found that the battery you provided can achieve better output power. So we improved the arrangement of the battery boards to make them more efficient. It is compact, so the battery life has also been improved a lot. According to our test of 'LEE', the battery life is about 900 kilometers. As for the engine, many of our designers have participated in the development of F1 racing engines. On the basis of the engine design drawing you gave, a lot of 12-cylinder engine design concepts were added, and the result is like this."

Li Bai suddenly realized that co-authoring such an awesome thing is made by you messy modification?

So what is my battery factory in Longguo?

In order to verify a certain data, conscientious researchers need to go through dozens or hundreds of repeated inspections before they can get perfect data.

Li Bai also realizes that these gringos are crazy.

Take the modification of the battery pack as an example, rashly increasing the power and the arrangement of the battery boards may cause the battery board to heat up or even explode.

It is conceivable that these researchers are lucky to be able to survive till now.

At this moment Martin Eberhard said: "Then why don't you move the production line to Millikin-?"


Sure enough, the flattery is not for nothing, and these guys really have enough hearts.

Li Bai raised his finger: "First, taxes; I don't want all my hard-earned money to go into the pockets of the American government; second, production costs, you know that a same product costs more to produce in Longguo?" Is it much cheaper than producing in Millikin? At least 50%, which can make us more money; third: industrial infrastructure, I know you doubt whether Longguo has the ability to manufacture some very sophisticated parts, but this One thing you can rest assured, once you have been to the New Industrial Zone of Shanghai, you will know that it is definitely the most advanced industrial production base in the world. As long as your parts have blueprints, they can be perfectly manufactured; Which one is more precise, the parts or the parts of the lithography machine?"

Martin Eberhard shook his head. Originally, he had prepared a lot of reasons, but just relying on the five advantages Li Bai said made him completely shake his confidence.

There is nothing more important than earning dollars.

Forget it, it's good to only develop in Millikin.

Now it is 2003, which is the time when the production cost of Dragon Country is the lowest. If it is put in 10 years later, the cost difference between production in Dragon Country and production in Millikin is only 3%-5%.

After all, this era is still in the upsurge of actively building a commercial system, and various preferential policies for attracting investment can make businessmen 10 years later drool!

It's just that after all major light and heavy industry companies in the world have set up production lines in Longguo, the cost of production in Longguo will also increase linearly.

But now all kinds of tax-free detection and all kinds of labor are cheap, this is an indisputable fact.

Moreover, Longguo has already started to develop its own fully automatic machine tool chip.

In the materials that Li Bai sold to Longguo officials before, there are some very cutting-edge technical drawings of CNC machine tools.

The parts are easy to manufacture, but the chips are not easy to develop. Now, taking advantage of the upsurge of the successful development of "Godson-2", it happens to research the top-notch CNC machine tools.

This will further reduce production costs.

Li Bai and Martin Eberhard chatted and walked, and soon came to the office.

The latter brewed a cup of green tea for Li Bai, and it was a very authentic West Lake Longjing tea. It was obvious that this was part of the flattery.

"That LEE is the result of our research over the past few months. If the industrial foundation of Longguo is really as you said, we can test whether the Rter sports car can be mass-produced."

Martin Eberhard took out a very detailed design drawing and pushed it to Li Bai.

As a half-baked electric car expert, Li Bai can naturally understand all the sevens and eighty-eight.

After all, he was obsessed with electric cars in his previous life, and there are more than a dozen Tesla electric cars that have been dismantled and scrapped. 【

Various data and various components are marked in great detail on the drawings.

"How about security?"

Li Bai thinks that group of scientific researchers are simply lunatics, such a dense battery board, if it heats up, it may cause an explosion accident.

……… Ask for flowers……

"Of course there is no need to worry about safety, but the battery life will be greatly shortened. According to the battery that the boss gave us, the battery life is almost 600 kilometers. Calculated according to the daily power consumption and recharging, the life of a set of batteries is about 5 to 6 years. In order to greatly increase the output capacity of the battery, our improved version can only sacrifice the service life, which can basically be used for two to three years; but our battery is not expensive, and the price is only 20,000 US dollars; People who can afford this kind of environmentally friendly supercar don’t care about changing a set of batteries every two or three years, and no one drives this kind of supercar every day, so the service life will be longer.”

Sure enough, it is the face of a capitalist, but it is like this in the business field.

Let's make money first, as for consumers, who cares?

And it's still rich people's money.

Li Bai nodded, and took another look at the car's appearance. It was about 70% similar to the design drawing he had given, but it was smaller. It was a two-seater convertible sports car, which was more in line with the design concept of most supercars.

"What about other levels of models? For example, what about the design drawings of the Model series sedan I gave you?"

"Please don't worry, we have seen that your car's appearance design is quite beautiful, but the time is limited. We have already entrusted some auto parts manufacturers to produce it. After we pass the assembly and inspection, we can get the cost and performance. comprehensive data."

Speaking of this, Martin Eberhard finally showed a puzzled expression: "Excuse me, did you really make the design drawings of the car's appearance and engine yourself? I don't doubt it, I just find it incredible."

The richest man in the world, and the richest man in the world who made his fortune through the Internet industry, suddenly came up with the blueprint of the car, as well as the crucial engine blueprint.

What's the difference between this and the Arabian Nights?

But now the facts are in front of us.

Li Bai nodded with a serious face: "Of course, I am also a car enthusiast."

Li Bai is not lying about this.

The hit "Four Drivers Brothers" in the past two years and the hit "Four Drivers Boy" in 1997 are important factors for Li Bai's love for cars. .

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