"Hey, congratulations to the host for clearing the language copy and getting a reward for the complete script of "Jaws"."

Li Bai did not constantly check for gaps like other students. After all, all monsters had a total of 150 blood points, all of which were emptied by himself. If he still can't get full marks, it must be the fault of the system.

But right now...

Li Bai looked at the invigilator who was crying while holding his exam paper with disgust.

You fucking put it down for me, if tears drip onto the exam paper and affect the cleanliness of the exam paper, whose fault is it?

Finally, Wang Zhengyang walked out from the screen of the novel, just in time to meet Li Bai's disgusted eyes.

Well, it's a little embarrassing.

Wang Zhengyang blushed, and quickly checked the test paper in his hand, but fortunately it was not dirty.

Only then was it gently placed in front of Li Bai.

"Well written."

But who knew that Li Bai ignored him at all, was checking his test paper, and then looked relieved.

I'm an invigilator after all, am I being so disrespectful?

The embarrassed Wang Zhengyang wiped away his tears and stepped onto the podium involuntarily.

At this moment, Lei Dachun frowned and whispered, "What happened to you just now?"

"Uh, Brother Lei, I'm sorry, that student's composition is so good that I can't help but be fascinated."

Wang Zhengyang became more and more embarrassed, and subconsciously glanced at Li Bai.

I put a poisonous mark on this young man in my heart, and I am afraid that I will become famous this time!

Lei Dachun couldn't help itching, but now he is the invigilator!

Forget it, hold back.

At worst, wait for the results of the college entrance examination to come out, and look for the student's examination paper specifically.

Pretending to be patrolling the examination room, Lei Dachun silently remembered Li Bai's name in his heart.


Finally, the first battle of the college entrance examination is over.

Li Bai hurriedly put away his things and rushed out of the examination room.

On the first floor, a familiar figure was waiting there.

The two walked side by side, this time without holding hands. After all, there are no fewer than 10 interview vehicles at the school gate.

In this era, the college entrance examination is a big event, and countless large media like to squat in various examination rooms.

Among them, the High School Affiliated to Diqing is the focus of the media.

As soon as he walked out of the school gate, a microphone hit Li Bai in front of him, startling him.

"Excuse me, are you a candidate for this year's exam?"

Li Bai frowned and said: "No appointment, love, protect my mother, save my mother!"

"Ah?" The female reporter looked confused, still thinking about the four words Li Bai said in her mind.

But Li Bai and Lu Yao had already walked away quickly.


Back home, my mother looked at Li Bai expectantly: "How did you do in the exam?"

"Uh, it's okay, if there are no accidents, you should get full marks."

"That's good, come and eat quickly, and after two and a half days of hard work, you will be truly relieved."

"Come on."

In 2001, the Imperial Capital College Entrance Examination adopted the "3+2" model, which was different from the subsequent test papers for language, mathematics, and extra exams.

As a science student, Li Bai took language, mathematics, plus physics and chemistry, each with 150 points, and the total score was also 750.

After completing the Chinese test perfectly, the stone in Li Bai's heart finally fell to the ground.

The remaining four exams are even easier for Li Bai.

Coupled with the cheating device of life dungeon, it is not difficult to get full marks in all exams.

Although there are compositions in English, English composition focuses on the use of grammar and the accumulation of vocabulary.

As long as the article quotes a few famous quotes from foreign celebrities, the full score composition should not be too simple.

So, the rest of the copies started like this.

On the afternoon of July 7, in the examination room.

"Drip, open the copy of the mathematics college entrance examination, the customs clearance conditions, kill all the monsters in the copy. The reward for customs clearance: "A Song of Ice and Fire" complete set of novels."

It seems that after the last time the system reset foreign classic film and television dramas, it also reset the novels.

Is this going to make me go on the road of Wenchaogong?

Li Bai will naturally go to Millikin to publish the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series of novels. Not to mention the film copyright, he can make a lot of money just from the royalties of the novels.

With his mind set, Li Bai charged towards the ferocious wild monster.

The signature pen in his hand danced vigorously, and there were corpses everywhere he passed.

Various numbers of -3.-5, -10, -15 kept floating up.

An hour later, all the dungeon monsters, with a total of 150 blood points, were all cleared, and another full score was obtained.

With the cheating device, the college entrance examination is so boring and boring.

Finally survived the two-and-a-half-day exam.

The harvest of this copy of life is quite rich.

A set of complete novels of "The Hunger Games", a complete set of novels of "A Song of Ice and Fire", plus the complete scripts of "Jaws" and "Home Alone", the total profit of these things may not be less 1 billion dollars.

The goal of 2 billion US dollars is so easily completed in half.

Open life is a bit boring.

Li Bai even thought that when he was 40 years old, he would say "set a small goal and earn him 100 million US dollars first" when facing a TV interview.

The customs clearance rewards for the whole life dungeon should be settled after the results of the college entrance examination are released.

Back home, my mother was as enthusiastic as ever: "Son, I heard that during the Chinese test this year, there was a fool who made the invigilator cry because of his poor Chinese performance. Is there such a thing? "

Wait... Why is this picture so familiar?

Li Bai's face suddenly turned black, what do you mean by poor grades that made the teacher cry? Obviously the teacher was moved to tears by the composition.

Who the hell spread the fake news!

Isn't this slander?

Li Bai's voice was cold: "If I remember correctly, the fool you're talking about is me."

"Ah? Didn't you say that you did well in the exam?" Mom panicked instantly, why did her son suddenly become a fool?

Who can be happy on it?

"Don't gossip blindly in the future, the invigilator cried after reading my composition and said I wrote it well."

Li Bai sat down on the sofa angrily.

A smile finally appeared on the mother's face: "I just say my son is the best!"

After finishing speaking, my mother took out her mobile phone, apparently to show off to her sisters.

Alas, women, no age is immune to showing off your husband and children.

After entering the bedroom and turning on the computer, Li Bai was stunned by the data of his company's two products.

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