Before The College Entrance Examination, My Life Was Gamified

Chapter 56 Mr. Li, An Enthusiastic Citizen

It is still difficult for Lin Benjian to escape from TSMC.

One is that Formosa officially owns shares in TSMC, and the other is that Lin Benjian is a high-end technical talent, and TSMC's top management has already come forward to persuade him to stay.

For a while, everyone was arguing, but fortunately, Lin Benjian was firm, and it would not take long for him to regain his freedom.

And Li Bai can only wander around the island, relying on eating some street food to barely make ends meet.

Today Li Bai came to Shilin Night Market.

He also came here in his previous life, but that was 16 years ago. The Shilin Night Market at that time was far more prosperous than it is now.

After nightfall, Shilin Night Market is crowded with people, and there are stalls of various snacks everywhere.

To be honest, even if you only eat one bite of each snack in each of your stalls, you can't eat the whole night market.

Go round and round.

Li Bai was pleasantly surprised to find that his favorite Guoji Scallion Pancake shop in his previous life has now appeared in Shilin Night Market, and the business is booming.

After buying a scallion pancake, Li Bai found an overcrowded oyster omelette shop, ordered an oyster omelet and a pearl milk tea, and sat down.

This is what you want to eat authentic and delicious snacks. You would rather wait in line than just find an empty storefront.

The restaurant served food very quickly, but before Li Bai could start eating, a microphone hit Li Bai's face.

Li Bai panicked subconsciously.

Could it be that my identity as the top scorer in the college entrance examination has been exposed?

Just as he was about to run away, he was stopped by an enthusiastic female reporter.

"You handsome guy, you also like to eat at Shilin Night Market."

"Well, it's okay."

Seeing that it was a local reporter from Baodao, Li Bai calmed down.

Seeing Li Bai's aloof look, the beautiful reporter was a little embarrassed.

Obviously what I'm wearing is very sexy, but why does this person just ignore me?

And I'm still eating scallion pancakes, am I not even as good as scallion pancakes?

She rolled her eyes: "Your accent is from the mainland, right?"

"That's right." Li Bai ate the scallion pancake and looked up at the reporter.

"It's really from the mainland, so you must have had a hard time in the mainland."


Li Bai spit out the pearl milk tea after taking a sip.

What the hell?

Are you sure you are a regular TV station?

No matter what age it is, it is still dark in the mainland!

Li Bai couldn't help feeling a little angry.

But it didn't show on his face.

The reporter chased after the victory: "Excuse me, what is your name, sir?"


"Seeing how young you are, did you come to work in Baodao? Does the level of economic development here make you dumbfounded?"

A series of questions are all of the kind with guns and sticks.

Li Bai wiped his mouth with a tissue: "I'm just here for a trip, and..."

"Then do you travel while working part-time?"

Is this a problem with part-time work?

Don't you want to see other people living a happy and prosperous life?

Li Bai scratched his hair, took out a room card from his pocket, and slapped it on the table.

The reporters on the opposite side were stunned. Are the mainlanders so open now?

Take out your room card if you disagree?

The most important thing is, this person in front of him is a top-notch handsome guy, do you want to accept the room card?

At this moment, Li Bai spoke, looking at the camera calmly: "First of all, let me state that I am from an ordinary family in the Mainland. But when traveling, it is natural to treat yourself better, so I live in I went to the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and I am very satisfied with the service attitude and facilities there, and the price is reasonable, the presidential suite is only NT$150,000 per night.”

Li Bai said, revealing the Patek Philippe on his wrist: "Actually, I still have another identity. I am an ordinary senior high school graduate. Because the college entrance examination results are not enough, so my father rewarded me with a watch. Now, this is it, Last year, Patek Philippe’s limited edition was only about NT$1.5 million, but I don’t really like this style…”

Following Li Bai's eloquent talk, the female reporter was stunned.

What is this young man doing?

We are just an ordinary street talk show, are you showing off your wealth?

After talking a lot in one breath, Li Bai took a sip of milk tea to moisten his throat.

"Although Baodao's economy is developing well now, don't forget that everyone has the same ancestor, and Baodao is really too small."

After saying this, Li Bai took out a stack of Taiwan dollars and threw it on the table, picked up the room card, and walked out of the store without looking back.

And the reporter was still in a dazed state.

After a long time, the photographer turned off the camera.

"Can the material just now be broadcast?" The reporter looked at the program director.

After all, black mainlanders are politically correct these days, but suddenly a handsome guy from the mainland who lives in the presidential suite and wears a Patek Philippe watch stands out from the crowd.

The director hesitated for a moment: "Broadcast, let's take this opportunity to hype up the show."

He looked at the photographer: "Did you take a close-up of the room card and watch just now?"

"Of course, I'm a professional."

Speaking of this, the big brother of the photographer only looked envious: "Ordinary senior high school graduates from ordinary mainland families, is the mainland really so awesome?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, they knew a ghost!


Back at the hotel, Li Bai was not in a good mood at all.

Can a meal become an enthusiastic citizen?

And the current atmosphere in Baodao, alas! It's hard to say.

To poach people, you have to dig hard.

Li Bai has already begun to think about whether there are talents like Lin Benjian in Baodao in this era.

But after thinking about it, I found out that there is only one technical talent who can make a move, Lin Benjian.

Well, forget it.

As long as Lin Benjian is dug out, TSMC can only be regarded as a large-scale foundry in the future, and it will never reach the height of the previous life.

It can be regarded as a bad breath.

It's just that I'm not used to being forced to pretend.

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