That afternoon, under Li Bai's stalking, Orfila had no choice but to agree to Li Bai's invitation to have dinner together.

For a while, the expressions of many people became ambiguous.

Now the way the rich second generation pick up girls is really interesting.

Even paparazzi of many third-rate media have begun to secretly film and track them.

Tomorrow's headlines are all thought up.

A beautiful bond manager, because of making money for her employer...

Really great, very explosive!

They followed the filming all the way, but this kind of tracking was extremely unprofessional, so naturally Li Bai discovered it.

So Li Bai thought of a more ruthless move.

In his previous life, he was poisoned and admitted to the hospital because of drinking alcohol and eating mushrooms.

At that time the doctor said it was his physical problem.

Now that the media is following him, Li Bai is ready to go all out.

Ordered mushroom bisque with 67 degree vodka.

Because the doctor said that mushrooms are more likely to be poisoned with spirits.

"Don't drink in such a hurry." Orfila felt uncomfortable when she saw Li Bai drinking.

"No, you don't understand 17, I am for the ideal, in fact, I just want to show an attitude when I lose money, so please continue to help me short [short anyway.

Li Bai's acting skills broke out in an all-round way, and Orfila on the opposite side was full of sympathy.

The life of the rich is also so helpless.

"Don't worry, I will." Orfila looked determined, no one can stop me from shorting the NASDAQ index!

It's just that Li Bai's mood is a little uneasy, why hasn't he been poisoned yet?

After drinking two bottles of vodka and two big bowls of mushroom soup in one go, this feeling finally came.

So, amid Orfila's exclamation, Li Bai was sent to the hospital.

The next day, Wall Street's earliest newspaper also published the news.

It's a pity that it hasn't been widely spread before the disaster comes.

With an explosion, the whole of Millikin fell into panic and sadness.

All stock exchanges, all attached to the market.

Officials are afraid that stockholders will blindly sell their stocks and cause a bigger economic crisis.

For a while, the American officials were in a state of desperation.

Li Bai was lying in the hospital, feeling very anxious. Whether he could complete the task would depend on the next wave.

On September 17, the American stock market reopened.

And the person who was most troubled at the moment was Orfila.

If you continue to short according to Li Bai's request, there is no doubt that you will make a lot of money.

But that boy really seems to be speculating in futures to lose money.

But once she does more than the NASDAQ index, it is considered a violation of the regulations. As a qualified manager, she has her own professional ethics.

After struggling for a few minutes, she finally decided to continue shorting as Li Bai said before.

As for making money, that's out of her control.

And she vaguely felt that, for Li Bai, making money would give him more say in his family than losing money.

This is where the real copy begins.

Lying on the hospital bed, Li Bai's eyes blurred, and he came to a strange space.

On the opposite side was an illusory and ghostly figure.

Nasdaq Index (Emperor level copy BOSS)

There is only one name, no skills, but the blood bar is dark red, which represents the bottomless blood volume.

Suddenly, a huge -8500000 high damage floated out from the boss's head.

And the blood volume dropped only slightly.

Li Bai knows that the stock market has reopened.

Countless stockholders began to sell their shares, and all stocks fell for a while.

"Fortunately, Orfila still shorted the NASDAQ index, otherwise, I would definitely cry very rhythmically."

The reason why Li Bai chose Orfila to help him operate stocks is that he fell in love with Orfila's second skill: the first goal is to make money for customers.

Obviously this skill worked, and Orfila didn't deliberately do more Nasdaqs in order to lose money.

Of course, if he loses money, Li You can also go short in the stock market again.

But in this way, the brave young man who wanted to lose money to rebel against the family collapsed.

More importantly, he will definitely be targeted by the FBI.

It is not so easy to make money from the national crisis of Milijian.

In the previous life, few people thought about the stock market crash, and those who thought about it were all questioned by the FBI.

He kept staring at the blood bar on the boss's head, and the words -8500000 would float out every once in a while.

It wasn't until around 3:30 in the afternoon that Li Bai rushed out of the hospital and ran all the way to the exchange.

Make yourself look pale.

After seeing Li Bai, Orfila bowed her head a little guilty.

"I'm sorry, I listened to you and went short and made a lot of money."

Li Bai is in a good mood, but now is not the time to celebrate, the drama needs to be full.

He smiled miserably: "Forget it, maybe this is my fate. Clear the position. I know the Nasdaq will fall, but clear the position. I can't make money at this special time."

"Okay, I understand." Orfila operated quickly, and the funds in Li Bai's account immediately became 1.105 billion US dollars.

I only heard Li Bai continue to speak: "Except for tax deduction, how much can I earn this time?"

Orfila blurted out: "740.35 million dollars, you almost created a miracle."

Li Bai's expression was still depressed: "You know Orfila, I don't want money."

"Yes, I know, but I also follow your request."

"I understand, I don't mean to blame you, the stock market will still fall now, so help me buy some company stocks, anyway, it's all accidental to make money, just treat it as a bailout

All of a sudden, the way everyone in the exchange looked at Li Bai changed.

With that pale face and the smell of disinfectant on his body, it is said that he was hospitalized due to food poisoning.

But even so, 143 is determined not to distribute the national wealth of the United States.

Where can I find such a good man?

Some people even clapped their hands.

Li Bai blushed a little, obviously everything was just a show before.

But it moved the shareholders of Millikin so much.

Oh, what a villain I am!

"Hey, congratulations to the host for completing the dead copy. In this disaster, the profit (before tax) was 1.105 billion U.S. dollars, and the host was rewarded with an additional 2.21 billion U.S. dollars."

A relaxed smile finally appeared on Orfila's face: "Okay sir, I can also provide you with reasonable tax avoidance, after all, if you pay all taxes, you will lose a lot of money

"Don't worry about tax avoidance, buy some stocks for me. I'm from Longguo, and I don't know many stocks in Millican. I've only heard of Microsoft, Apple, and Coca-Cola. Among these three companies, Microsoft is very powerful and resistant The risk ability is very strong, so I won’t buy it, and help me buy the stocks of Apple and Coca-Cola with all the after-tax funds I earn.”

Orfila hesitated: "But the situation of these two companies is very bad recently, do you really want to buy?"

"Buy it, anyway, it's a windfall, and maybe it can save the two companies."

"Then I'll do it."

Soon, this profit was converted into 50 million Apple shares and 20 million Coca-Cola shares.

Li Bai sneered in his heart with a sad face, got rich, really got rich. .

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