Although Li Bai who "regained" his freedom swelled by more than a billion points, but at this important juncture of the welcome party, he had to make a cute appearance with a little B number in his heart.

On October 21st, the long-postponed welcome party of the Imperial Film Academy finally began.

Different from performing in small theaters in the past, this time with the sponsorship of Fun Tour Group, the Imperial Film Academy directly built a temporary stage on the playground.

The lighting and sound equipment used are all top-notch in this era.

For the sponsorship fee alone, Quyou Group paid more than 2 million yuan, which is no different from an outdoor concert.

With more sponsorship and a better stage, the school will definitely not lose the chain in terms of performance.

It can be said that the Imperial Film Academy has never put so much effort into celebrating its school before.

As in the past, the performances are still performed by the students at the school, but this time the instructors of many programs at the welcome party are well-known existences in the industry.

It was such an unremarkable school party, but "August 27" attracted the attention of many TV media.

Both Imperial TV Station and Longguo TV Station sent their own professional interview teams.

Even the bosses of the major media groups were invited to participate in the welcome party of the Imperial Capital Film Academy this time.

All the students who dreamed of being a star were scrambling to show themselves on the stage.

So the party was given some unusual meaning from the very beginning.

Backstage, Li Bai, as the director of the three programs, naturally has the right to stay here.

In fact, he is not unwilling to go to the auditorium.

But there were too many people outside. In addition to the teachers and students of the school, the invited media, and people from all walks of life, there were also college students from other schools, and even the surrounding residents also came to join in the fun.

More than 40,000 people were seated densely, which is simply the scene of a large-scale party.

With Li Bai's current popularity, it is estimated that if he goes to be a spectator, he will be watched by others.

Take a look at the celebrities who were invited at the scene, one by one was harassed by the media and ordinary fans from time to time.

I always feel that this has been compared with some red carpet shows.

The school even contacted the officials and asked them to maintain order.

Fortunately, the party has finally begun.

With senior seniors and senior sisters organizing the atmosphere, the first song and dance program kicked off.

This is the opening performance presented by the seniors from the Acting Department of the 98th grade.

The dynamic rhythm of the music, the youthful, generous yet sexy modern dance moves made the atmosphere of the party hot from the very beginning.

"Drip, large-scale dungeon: Shocking New Year Party opens, customs clearance conditions, use your own program to clear 70% of the audience's blood volume, and make them feel shocked. Customs clearance reward: integrated circuit technology.

Li Bai also sneaked a look at the auditorium once, and it was so dark that it was full of dungeon monsters. That scene made one's scalp tingle.

Let’s not talk about whether his own program can shock the audience, anyway, Li Bai himself was shocked first.

He is now with his small team.

It can be seen that Guangliang's group of freshmen are no less nervous than themselves.

Especially Xiao Yang, who is also the leading man of the two sketches, turned pale.

Li Bai deliberately showed a relaxed look, he walked over and patted Xiao Yang on the shoulder: "Are you nervous?"

"Huh? No, no, don't be nervous..."

"You're not nervous, why are you shaking like this? I almost thought you had Parkinson's."

Li Bai said something angrily.

This ridicule made the freshmen feel a little relaxed.

Li Bai took this opportunity to directly launch his own skill: the speech of the head of state.

At this moment, he seemed to be the head of state, and even his voice was bewitching.

"In fact, we should feel honored. The first performance of our lives was performed in front of 40,000 audiences. Do you know how many actors have not experienced this honor?"

His expression was impassioned: "We have practiced hard for more than a month. Take Xiao Yang as an example. In order to make his smile more obscene and vulgar, he giggles in the mirror of the dormitory every day. The girl still admires Xiao Yang, but once she saw his smile, she immediately kept her distance from him."

There was another chuckle.

"Naturally, we don't say much about the sketches. We memorize the lines every day, try to rehearse the script, and it takes several hours a day; and the dancing girls, in order to pursue uniformity, even blindfolded and blocked their eyes. Ears, all rely on their own senses to strengthen body memory."

"As the editor-director of the three programs, I can tell you very responsibly that no matter what the programs are at this welcome party, they are not as good as yours."

For a time, the eyes of all the freshmen were filled with the brilliance called self-confidence.

Seeing this, Li Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, today's young people are easy to accept chicken soup for the soul. If it is changed to ten years later, it will really be a little bit hanging.

Li Bai's three programs are in the middle of the party, and the last two finale programs.

Now the sophomores, juniors, and seniors are performing on stage.

There were some star performances interspersed in the middle, for example, Zhao Yanzi sang two songs on stage.


In the auditorium, a group of media company bosses and school leaders sat together.

"Principal Wang, you did a really good job at this party."

The one who spoke was Wang Changtian, the boss of Guangguang Media......

What's more, what he said was not flattering, even he, who is used to watching the party, felt that the party was very professional.

"Wang Dongmi praised it, this is the result of the hard work of the students.

Wang Fengsheng is also very satisfied with the previous performance.

"I heard that Li Bai, your freshman, is also on the show?"

As soon as Wang Changtian said this, the CEOs of other media companies all turned their attention.

The main purpose of their coming here is to meet this legendary genius boy.

There is no way, "Jaws" is a huge hit in Millikin, and Li Bai, the screenwriter, is still from Longguo. How can this not be taken seriously by Longguo's media group?

If you can catch up with Li Bai, maybe you can make a difference in Hollywood.

"Li Bai, he didn't perform on stage, but he wrote and directed three shows, and the next sketch is his show."

As soon as Wang Fengsheng finished speaking, the scenery on the stage was replaced with the scenery of the sketch.

Jia Nailiang and Xiao Yang walked onto the stage one after the other.

Just the appearance of the two of them caused a burst of applause. Jia Nailiang, who was walking in the front, stood upright, followed closely by Xiao Yang, who was bowing his body and looking like a slut.

Jia Nailiang looked helpless: "What are you doing, I will step on you again!"

Seeing Xiao Yang looking around vigilantly, he said, "Where's your wife?"

Jia Nailiang lowered his voice: "Go out."

While Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, the expression on his face also became firm: "Are you saying that you are Biao? What's wrong with asking me to play your son? It's just your bad move.

Can your daughter-in-law 5.0 be trusted? Unless she's also stern!'

The two broke up and explained the background of the story clearly.

It turned out that Jia Nailiang's daughter-in-law had prenatal syndrome, so she asked Xiao Yang to help with a play.

On the stage, Jia Nailiang's voice suddenly increased: "You go! I'll call your wife right now, and say that you go to the bathing center every day and don't take a bath after you're done."

The audience chuckled again.

Xiao Yang looked helpless: "Didn't I find another job to scrub people? I don't scrub people, what do I eat?"

"I can't imagine what your daughter-in-law is eating!"

The plot has progressed here, and then there will be waves of climaxes.

Li Bai secretly observed the reaction of the audience.

The dense dungeon monsters are bleeding non-stop, and as the plot of the skit deepens, countless people laugh to tears!

The amount of blood dropped drastically.

Li Bai finally put his heart back into his stomach, this dungeon should be stable. .

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