These days, although there are many ways to make money, the best way to make quick money is still to go to Hollywood to make movies.

Some people will explain that it is so profitable to speculate in index futures, and with leverage, you can easily get billions.

But just take ordinary Longguo people as an example, who knows which stock will go up on a certain day?

Li Bai speculated in the futures index at Millikin before because the big event on September 11 was too famous.

At any other time, it would be completely dark.

And the system also likes to trigger side missions that need to earn a lot of money.

Therefore, the US dollars in Li Bai's hands can no longer be kept.

It must be invested in the stock market, and when such tasks are triggered, sell some.

We don't know the short-term ups and downs if it's too small, but if you hold it for a long time, you won't lose money, right?

Li Bai began to write down the names of American companies in his notebook. Of course, domestic companies, such as Yunnan Baiyao and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, were also among them.

Write them down one by one, and then do a rough calculation. After ten years or so, Li Bai will be richer than most rich people just by receiving dividends from stocks.

Allow me to swell for a while. 17

The domestic Muzi Investment Company is temporarily investing in two projects, TT antivirus and YouTube.

Because the place of registration is in China, it is easy to be found out.

Now Li Bai still needs to register an investment company abroad to buy these high-quality stocks on the notebook.

Anyway, Li Bai's future assets are destined to be a number that shocks the world, so it's better to keep doing one thing and make it bigger for him.

Spread your influence globally.

It's best to get a world-class family like the Rothschild family in its heyday.

Self-preservation is not a problem at all.

After some planning, Li Bai not only inflated by 100 million points.

You must find something to do quickly to calm yourself down.


The TV screen is a bit dirty, let me wipe it.

"Drip, congratulations to the host for triggering the dungeon: cleaning. The conditions for clearing the dungeon are to clean within five hours, so that the cleaning value of the apartment reaches 80%. At this moment, the cleaning value of the room is 40%. Clearance reward: "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" complete movie script .”

Li Bai looked around blankly, "My house is fairly clean, why is the cleaning value only 40%?"

Lu Yao is a virtuous wife and loving mother. Even if she is busy buying the copyright of a novel recently and working as a producer on the crew of "The Commoner Man", she still cleans it every day.

But this 40%, an evaluation that has not reached the passing line, is too indifferent to Lu Yao's work results, right?

Glancing at the floor, "The floor monster is generally clean, with a cleaning value of 60% (golden boss): Killing method, cleaning! Killing reward: 200,000 experience points."

Damn it, it's done!

Li Bai rolled up his sleeves and found the broom at home. Although he has been a human for two lifetimes, he has done less than 10 housework times.

But for the movie script, I still have to fight.

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith" is a movie with a global box office of more than 400 million US dollars, and now Li Bai is short of money.

Taking a deep breath, Li Bai looked around.

At the same time, he recalled Lu Yao's steps in doing housework.

"It should be sweeping first and then mopping."

Starting from the bedroom, Li Bai backed away while sweeping, although his movements were not skillful, they were extraordinarily serious.


Red numbers kept floating out from the floor monster's head


As Li Bai sweeps the tiny dust on the ground into the dustpan, a one-hit kill is triggered.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the hair-thread monster and triggering a one-hit kill. The rewards are doubled: 10,000 experience points and 1,000 cash."


It must be hair, right?

10,000 experience per hair, isn't that too cool?

Li Bai quickly looked for other strands of hair.

It's a pity that neither he nor Lu Yao has reached the age of hair loss, and Lu Yao is also very careful about housework.

Alas, it's a pity to lose such an opportunity to gain experience.

Wait, what if I make my own dungeons?

Li Bai's eyes lit up.

He quickly pulled out a hair and threw it on the floor.

"The hairline monster (Golden Boss), how to kill it, sweep it into the dustpan for killing reward! Experience value is 5000."

Really can!

Didn't this Nima just post it?

After plucking several hairs in succession, Li Bai froze suddenly.

"Am I stupid? Why do I have to blame myself? I have to pull out my hair!"

Li Bai tore off a page from his notebook, crumpled it up, and threw it on the floor.

"Waste paper monster (fine: kill style, put it in a garbage bag, kill reward: experience value 000,"

There is not much waste paper and garbage at home, so Li Bai simply went directly to the stationery store at the gate of the community and bought 30,000 sheets of A4 paper in one go.

The dungeon time is only 5 hours, so we must race against time.

Doesn’t this kind of behavior of oneself mean that there are no difficulties, and it is necessary to create difficulties?

It should be this old revolutionary manifesto.

Back home, Li Bai held the scissors.

"Click, click, click."

Three hours later, the floor of the living room was covered with elite-level confetti monsters.

Although the killing experience is only 2000 points, but the number can't stand it!

Li Bai also accurately calculated that an average piece of A4 paper is cut nine times horizontally and vertically, which is almost 100 elite confetti monsters, and 30,000 sheets of paper, that is 3 million elite monsters.

A total of 6 billion experience points, enough for 903 to upgrade two levels.

Although paper-cutting makes my hands sore, it's really worth it!

For a while Li Bai was full of motivation.

Waving the broom in his hand, he scattered dense damage one by one.

And the garbage bag is placed under your feet, you can scan and load it, and there are jingling system prompts all around your ears, so why does it feel so cool?

"Take out the trash, take out the trash..."

It seems that there is a song that is sung like this.

Anyway, Li Bai is in a good mood.

The eyes looking at the scraps of paper glowed green.


"Drip, congratulations to the host for killing the confetti monster..."

"Hey, congratulations to the host for being promoted to level 8..."

The feeling of upgrading made Li Bai even more obsessed with it. Another hour of struggle, sweeping and dragging, not only cleaned up all the confetti monsters, but also the ground looked like a mirror.

"It's so clean."

"A generally clean floor monster with a cleanliness value of 51.

"Damn, isn't this playing with me? I've been sweeping and mopping back and forth, and I'm just about to wax the floor. Does this thing really need to be waxed? It's so clean at first glance."

Li Bai felt that he was going to collapse, he looked around, the ground was really clean.

Could it be that those invisible grounds are dirty?

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