A day and a three-day immortal.

This is a great event for the human race.

The cultivation of the human race has once again entered a new stage.

Countless people celebrated.

Ren Huang's figure suddenly appeared on the fighting arena, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, join me in celebrating the immortal of our human race!" As his voice fell, cheers broke out from the crowd.

"Congratulations to the celestial beings of our human race!"

"Congratulations to the celestial beings of our human race!"

""Congratulations to the immortals of our human race!"

Someone rushed to tell others, and countless people came out of their homes to congratulate Ren Yi and the other two.

In the school, the six Western teaching disciples, Yaoshi, Maitreya, Riguang, Yueguang, Dashizhi, and Ksitigarbha, also stopped teaching and walked out of the school.

"Human race celestial being... I didn't expect that the human race's luck would be so extraordinary."

Pharmacist sighed. Although they expected that the human race would rise rapidly under the support of Western religion, the speed still shocked them!

"Yes, such geniuses are rare even among the demon race and are worth cultivating. However, the human race has so many of them."

"Is it really that God blesses the human race?"

Da Shizhi narrowed his eyes and was amazed.

Ren Yi, Ren Shi, Ren Ling, Xiao Lizi, Ren Yi, Ren Zun...

Too many geniuses have emerged in the human race.

In fact, judging from the growth trajectory, they are no less than them.

Is this really the number of geniuses that can appear in just a small tribe?

You know, there are countless races in the demon race. There are hundreds of millions of demon races and various powerful bloodlines, and countless geniuses and strong people have appeared.

In terms of the proportion of geniuses, the human race is much stronger than the demon race.

"If I am not mistaken, the Human Emperor has also become a Xuanxian, right?"

Ri Guang was concentrating on watching Ren Huang.

When Ren Huang appeared just now, he had already sensed something was wrong.

The Human Emperor had become stronger again, and not just a little bit.

"It's not surprising that he has become stronger."

Pharmacist said calmly.

This is the key to the masters' determination to invest in the human race.

It would be strange if he could not rise quickly and become stronger.

This person has created many miracles that amazed them.

He led the human race to rise from obscurity.

How could an ordinary existence do this?

In terms of talent and ability, he is the best in the world!

But... this is too fast.

Pharmacist thought to himself

"I think their arena and dragon gate seem a bit strange.

Maitreya, who is good at refining weapons, paid attention to the fighting arena and dragon gate.

"You see, after Ren Ling won, the ring actually pulled the secret of heaven, told auspicious signs, and made her bloodline transform.……"

"Such a wonder can only be created by extremely advanced refining techniques, and the human race actually has more than one."

The longer he stayed with the human race, the more he found that he could not see through the human race.

Although weak, he encountered many adventures.

"Oh? Can you make this kind of ring, Junior Brother?"

The pharmacist became interested and asked

"It is difficult. Even if it can be refined, it is not so perfect."

"The materials used to build these things are not particularly precious, but a mysterious force that I cannot comprehend.

Maitreya said frankly, and all the Western disciples were silent.

The human race is so unique?

"It seems that this emperor has had another adventure."

Di Zang was filled with emotion.

"It should be a fortuitous encounter. Among the powerful men in the ancient times, who hasn’t had a fortuitous encounter?"

"Like the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch, they are born extraordinary, and are accompanied by top-grade innate spiritual treasures."

"In contrast, if he had not had the adventure, I am afraid that the master would not look down on him."

When the Western Sect disciples were filled with emotion,

Ren Huang's voice resounded throughout the human race.

"Ren Yi, Ren Shi, Ren Ling, listen to my orders!"


"I order you three to form an army and expand outwards"

"Unify the northern part of the continent within three hundred years!"

This is the biggest expansion of the human race since they started to settle in the west!

Take over the northern part of this continent and become the lord of the north!

Three hundred years... is actually a bit short.

You know, the prehistoric world is vast and boundless.

Although this continent is only a corner of the west, its size is the size of several star systems in the previous life!

It is difficult to swallow such a large piece of land.

But everyone is excited.

"Yes, I will definitely live up to the trust of the clan leader!"

Ren Yi and the other two agreed at the same time.

They have been waiting for this moment for too long.

Break through the realm of the celestial being and unify the northern border!

A quarter of this continent, the human race is going to swallow it up!

"Ju Lezhang, Le Wenlun, Ye Chi, listen to my orders!"

"From now on, we will organize our forces and march with the army."

"Wherever the army goes, build a teleportation array for me, establish a protective formation, and carry out infrastructure!"


Three more earth immortals flew out, extremely excited.

These three were all logistical talents selected by Ren Huang.

The human race has now branched out, with multiple tribes and various departments.

There is even an army of monsters organized by the demon race that they captured, which is under the control of Ren Ling.

"Ren Li, Ren Yi, Wu Ziyu……"

Ren Huang continued to name names

"You are responsible for logistics and forming the pharmacist, weapon refiner, formation and mechanical division teams.……"

"Fully cooperate with Ren Yi and the other two to ensure the logistical support for the soldiers and the follow-up arrangements for the martyrs."


All the voices rang out.

The human race, all of them were mobilized!

It is no exaggeration to say that all the people are soldiers.

Since Jie Yin's funding , the human race can no longer be so cautious. The vast resources are enough to support the human race and set off one war after another!

Today, three celestial immortals broke through the realm, and Ren Huang reached the profound realm.

It is time to show the sword!


Suddenly, a voice rang out.

"I, the Western Guardian Army, apply to go to war!"

Ren Huang turned his head and looked at the young boy who was a little too young.

The Western Religion's human race leader, Ren Zun.

At this moment, he was full of fighting spirit and could not hide his passion.

With the cultivation of the late earth immortal, he has surpassed a group of veteran strongmen and wants to conquer the world.

The Western Guardian Army is an army established by the Western Religion.

The original intention was to protect the Western Religion of the human race and demonstrate the strength of the Western Religion.

This army is very strong, even not inferior to the command of Ren Yi and others.

The reason is that Ren Zun is the third generation of the Western Religion, and he has a lot of good things in his hands.

If he leaks some resources, it will be enough to feed this army.

Ren Huang smiled at the clear eyes of the boy.

"Go, fight for our human race."

Ren Zun was immediately excited, and he waved his hand and shouted,"Western Guard Army, set off, fight for our human race!"


After months of preparation, four armies rose from the ground.

Tens of thousands of immortals covered the sky and the sun, and marched out in a mighty force.

On this day, the West was shocked!

The human race went out to fight!

The sword pointed to the world and wanted it to be united!

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