Before the Male God Blackened

Chapter 100: The White Lotus Movie King (6)

I don’t know which sentence just said that made him laugh, or whether Yan Bai has suppressed himself too hard for so many years. This laugh is like turning on an incredible switch in his body. I just couldn't stop, let alone, the whole person fell on the VIP bed that was big enough without any demeanor, his cheeks were flushed, and the edge of the bed started to tremble with his smile.


Seeing Yan Bai's endless posture when he laughed, he was so warm and angry that he wrinkled his nose. It could be said that the entire face was wrinkled together. He looked embarrassing, cute and playful, but the original Yan Bai was on the bed. Bai already wanted to stop smiling at this time. When he saw her embarrassed little expression, he shook his shoulders, and he actually meant to laugh again.

Seeing that the person on the bed didn’t know what convergence was, he warmed his mind and didn’t know what he was thinking. He jumped up and jumped onto the bed at once, and then he deceived himself without even thinking about it. Before, he lifted his palm up angrily, and suddenly covered Yan Bai's lips.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, where is the funny? You are not good at all. I wanted to be friends with you before, and I told you about my previous embarrassment, but you actually told me Like everyone in my family, I know to laugh at me, but I thought you were different from them. I didn’t expect that you are all the same. Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, laugh again... If you laugh again, I will be angry... I'm really angry, it's scary when I get angry..."

Warmth leaned closer, staring at the people under him with wide eyes, and said threateningly.

Because the little heads were a little dumbfounded, the warmth at this time didn't realize how ambiguous their postures were at this time. Because of the difference in height, the warmth was about to press his entire body onto Yan Bai's body. After going, the legs and feet of the two were intertwined on the edge of the bed, one hand of her was pressed on the other's hard chest, and the other hand was used to cover his lips.

And because of the approaching summer, the clothes worn by the two of them are already a little thin, so under the condition of being so close, Yan Bai can directly feel how predictable and soft the little girl’s body is. How hot.

Feeling such a sense of oppression, Yan Bai's smile finally slowly receded.

He is a man, a man with a normal sexual orientation and normal body functions. He is also a man who is easily agitated and has never had much in-depth communication with a woman, so...

As soon as he came into contact with such an unfamiliar touch, his heart immediately produced an impulse that even a person with self-control and self-discipline like him could not restrain.

Yan Bai's eyes flashed slightly with his lips covered, but his eyes grew deeper and deeper involuntarily.

Because he found that he seemed a little...thirsty?

But when Yan Bai stopped smiling, Warmth looked at the other's dark pupils, even though the nerves were thicker, he found that the current atmosphere was a little bit wrong, not only the atmosphere, but also...

The warmth when they finally noticed the wrong posture, widened their eyes, and was about to get up from each other in a hurry, and finally there was a blush on his cheeks that Yan Bai had always wanted to see, but he still had it. Before I had time to admire my eyes more, the smile in my eyes didn't fully radiate...


An unbearable muffled hum came out of his throat in an instant.

Feeling the soreness of the little bunny who was crawling around on his knees at a certain part that had already begun to raise his head, the pain is second, Yan Bai mainly gave birth on the spot and wanted to find a hole drill. The urge to go down comes.

He knew, he should have guessed, he should have understood...

This little princess can't slap her, she can only be her own if she squeezes her internal injuries, and now she is terrible, and has already begun to develop in the direction of trauma.

And because of the embarrassment and embarrassment, I started to get up from the bed, the warmth from Yan Bai's body, and then I didn't climb twice. Suddenly my knees seemed to hit something, and then I heard Yan Bai. With a painful grunt, she almost subconsciously wanted to reach out and rub her.

Yan Bai, who was also able to see the action of the other party, slammed her stretched hand, closed her eyes, and forced herself to try to ignore the swelling and pain in a certain part, which revealed a faint sensation. With a smile, "It's okay, you don't need to..."

It was also at this time that Warmth found out which part of Yan Bai's hand was going to be stretched out. In an instant, the whole person jumped in shock, and stepped back several steps in a row, which made Yan Bai unbelievably face it. After seeing it, people began to stammer, "I...I...I...I didn't mean it..."

Looking at the other person’s panicked look, Yan Bai still tried to maintain a smile on his face, "I know, I didn’t blame you..."

Seeing him like this, the guilt that warms my heart is even heavier, but for a while, I can't remember whether the knee just now is heavy or light, but she knows that the man’s place is very important, so she walked forward for a while. Two steps, he opened his mouth with a worried expression, "Or... or call the doctor to come and see for you?"

Hearing this, Yan Bai's face became stiff.

Just before he could catch the warm words, she stepped forward two steps more anxiously, and said seriously, "Don't be afraid of doctors, this place is very important to a man, if something goes wrong. It’s too late for you to regret, and if you get married in the future, if this aspect is not ideal because of the neglect at this time, your wife will definitely fight with you in the future. I will call you a doctor now!"


Yan Bai could no longer maintain the smirk on his face. When the warmth stopped and turned his head to look at him, his face had begun to darken slightly.

He thought he might be able to understand the feelings of those so-called tablemates, classmates, and friends who were so angry with the little princess of the Song family that they wanted to vomit blood. For a while, he even began to regret that he was not too big to watch the excitement before. Laughed.

He is guilty, he should repent!

Yan Bai took a deep breath, "I know my own body. There will be no problem with that aspect of mine. If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself!"

No, that's not right...

What is he saying?

Wait, what about his perfect idol who is gentle and reasonable, never angry or blushing, abstinent and restrained?

Where did you go?

What did he just say!

Seeing the obvious astonishment on the face of the little princess in front of him, it can be said that Yan Bai was equally astonished here.

Then the two looked at each other in such amazement.

And then--

Warm 咻—they disappeared in the same place.

"No, wait..."

Yan Bai felt that he should explain, but he really wanted to explain that he realized that he didn't seem to know how to explain to her.

Could it be that I usually pretend that I was so angry that you exposed my true face just now?

Thinking of this, Yan Bai stretched out his hand and covered his already faintly painful forehead, but who would have thought that at this moment, the corner of his eye suddenly caught a glimpse of the small half exposed by the door of the ward, cautiously and vigilantly. My little face.

It turned out that he hadn't left yet, but he thought...

He reluctantly looked at the small part of the warm exposed face, and after brewing in his heart, he explained to her, "Sorry, I just said nothing. I think you also understand that for a man, Some things are..."

"You understand, don't ask if you don't understand, okay?" Yan Bai presciently blocked the warm and possible question, and continued to show a gentle smile, "Also, thank you for your gesture tonight. Save me and send me to the hospital. Thank you very much!"

Hearing this, there was no alertness or caution on her warm face, she straightened her body straight, and pushed open the door of the ward. Although she did not come over, her little face was slightly flushed with thanks. Bai shook his head in the direction, "'re welcome...I know about the same thing just now. You must have said that because I was angry with you. I have heard a lot before, and even some people were choked by me. You have to tell me to die, I know, you were nothing at all just now! I'm not angry at all!"

Please don't express such a "tragic" past with joy!

Yan Bai murmured in his heart, but thinking about this girl's posture of being so angry and not paying for his life, it seemed that he could already understand it a little bit.


At this moment, Warmth spoke again.

The moment he opened his mouth, he took two steps forward, and his eyes lit up even more quickly.

"So, now you are not angry, and I am not angry, can we be friends? That kind of... the kind of friends who can share delicious and fun on WeChat, chat and talk about things!"

While speaking, a dazzling brilliance appeared on the warm little face.

Seeing Song Wenwen like this, Yan Bai stared at her for a long time, and even the warmth began to feel a little nervous.

He bent his mouth slightly and nodded, "Okay."

With such a good call, he looked at Song Wenwen over there. The excitement and excitement on his face could not be concealed. It can be said that he had never seen a person who wrote his happiness and unhappiness on his face like this. People all over the world can see.

Suddenly, he felt that the little princess of the Song family seemed to be an antonym to him.

He will never learn to be honest.

The other party will never learn to be honest.

Thinking of this, Yan Bai smiled deeper and deeper.

"Thank you very much for your willingness to be friends with me!" Warmth took another two steps forward, and said with a big smile, but then she looked at the sky outside and said again, "Oh yes, not now It's early, you should rest, and I should go home too, otherwise, when my sister arrives abroad, if I call and I'm not at home, I will definitely be upset!"

After speaking, Warm picked up the handbag she had put aside, and was about to walk outside. It was obvious that everyone had already walked outside the ward, but he still seemed to remember something suddenly, and turned back towards Yan who was sitting on the bed. Bai looked over.

"Good night, good friend!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Bai looked at the other person with a smile that was so warm that it could almost warm his heart, and could temporarily dispel the shadows that had been lingering in his heart for so many years, and immediately followed him with a gentle and without the slightest falsehood. Laugh.

"OK, good night."

He replied.

It was also after the little princess left that Yan Bai realized how empty and quiet this huge VIP ward was, so quiet that he even felt a little uncomfortable.

But the sudden ringing of the mobile phone's ringing broke his sudden hypocrisy. Yan Bai leaned back, picked up the constantly ringing mobile phone casually, and looked at his "OK" displayed on the phone screen. The corner of his mouth suddenly turned upside down, and he didn't mean to pick it up, so he let the phone rang like this.

After it stopped ringing, Yan Bai took the phone in his hand and dialed Xi Fei's phone directly.

"What's wrong with Brother Yan Bai? Is there anything else I want to do?"

The other party also immediately picked up the phone when the phone rang only once, and there was always uncontrollable excitement and excitement in his voice.

"Are you free now?"

"I'm free and free, especially free!"

"Is there any way to silently delete the text message you sent to Qin Kai's phone?"



"Anything else?"

"Other things? Well, if it's convenient to stop by to see if I can hack into the monitoring system of the Crown Hotel, and see if I can delete all the pictures I appeared! It shouldn't be many, I was very careful along the way. "

"Received, Brother Yan Bai, I will deal with it immediately!"

"Okay, be careful about everything!"


Yan Bai, who had just asked Xi Fei to wipe off all his tails, hung up the phone, and the good agent who saw him again called in persistently.

Yan Bai still didn't mean to answer, so he threw his mobile phone aside, but with this loss, Yan Bai's eyes were suddenly attracted by the flash of silver light on the white sheets.

He was stunned, then immediately reached out and picked up the bit of silver.

It was also at this time that Yan Bai realized that he did not know when a bracelet was dropped on his bed. At the center of the bracelet was a very delicate little dolphin. The tail of the dolphin was even more carefully engraved with a warm word. .

In this way, Yan Bai still doesn't know who this bracelet belongs to!

It seems that the other party accidentally fell when he was just playing around.

Thinking about this, Yan Bai leaned back directly, and started to admire the bracelet with the light on.

Looking at it, he didn't know what was wrong with him, so he leaned forward and sniffed slightly.

Yan Bai's eyes suddenly opened when he smelled the familiar and unique scent, and he realized what abnormal thing he had done, and his face suddenly oozes a thin red.

Closing his eyes slightly, he stuffed the chain under his pillow.

He is really stunned!

Yan Bai thought so.

And the bell in the ward was still ringing so persistently, and by listening to it, he knew that his agent was afraid that he would not be able to find him tonight.

Thinking of this, Yan Bai got up and took out a copy of "Gone with the Wind" from the bookcase against the wall of the ward, and then watched it earnestly with such a ringtone.

It wasn't until the special ringtone he set for Xi Fei finally rang, that he pinched the bridge of his nose, put the book in his hand aside, and answered the phone.

"Why so fast?"

"Brother Yan Bai, don't worry about me when I'm doing business? I deleted the text message, and no one noticed it. It's just... from Crown Entertainment..."


"The surveillance seems to have been taken away half an hour ago..."


"Well, it's true, and also to find out who brought the surveillance away tonight, I also touched the security chat group of the Crown Hotel. It was strange, Brother Yan Bai, when I watched them chat, I found that it was Ming Ming. The people of Tian Entertainment took it away. Why is Brother Yan Bai, is there anything about Ming Tian Entertainment here? Are they also trying to harm you, or do they want to use this as a threat and want to sign you to their company? Or..."

Xi Fei on the other end had already opened his mind, but no matter what possibility he raised, he found that Yan Bai on the other end of the phone did not respond to him at all, if he could not hear the other side's faint breathing. , Xi Fei really doubted that there was no one on that side.

"Brother Yan Bai? Brother Yan Bai? Brother Yan Bai, are you still there? Yan..."

"……I am here."

After a long time, Yan Bai finally breathed out a breath, took out the bracelet from under his pillow, handed it to his lips, kissed it lightly, and replied with the corner of his mouth raised.

"Don't guess, I think I know where the monitoring is going. You don't need to worry about monitoring anymore. Anyway, there will be no problems. It's not too early. Go to bed quickly. I also want to rest." After Yan Bai said goodnight to the other party, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he raised the bracelet in his hand again.

Song warm...?

Why should you be so good to him?

Just because it's... a friend?

How to do?

What should he do if he feels a little greedy?

So greedy, what if you seem to be a little dissatisfied and just be friends?


With a low laugh and holding the bracelet in his hand, Yan Bai gradually fell asleep...

As everyone knows, because he played this hand outside, even in the middle of the night, it started to explode.






After all kinds of hot searches have been spontaneously posted on Weibo by netizens, the hot search of #秦凯王总开房# has already been marked with an explosive scarlet.

It can be said to be very attractive to people's attention.

The netizens below started to comment frantically. After all, Qin Kai was able to compete with Yan Bai for the position of the first brother in Jianghe Entertainment, and he himself brought a lot of traffic, especially the TV show that Yan Bai won the award. He also participated in the performance. Although he was only a male partner, he had a lot of roles and attracted a lot of fans. As the TV series reached the top, Yan Bai's award was followed by a fierce fire.

Signed with a small workshop entertainment company, not as handsome as Yan Bai, not as good as Yan Bai in acting, and not as good as Yan Bai. Qin Kai's red can be called the light of Yan Bai, and it has long been called the entertainment industry who want to be popular. It has been a long time since people who have no way out are jealous, and this time they caught an opportunity to step him down, so they would buy a navy army and step on it as if it were not crazy.

He even stepped on his body with Yan Bai, and some people even mentioned that Yan Bai was actually there, but he was not photographed.

So the next day, as soon as Yan Bai came out of the hospital and came to the door of Jangho Entertainment, he was immediately surrounded by reporters and friends.

"Yan Bai, Yan Bai, do you know about the opening of your company’s Qin Kai and Huaping’s President Wang at the Crown Hotel? What do you think of this matter!"

"Yan Bai, Yan Bai, someone said that you also showed up at the Crown Hotel last night. May I ask if you also participated in it!"

"Yan Bai, where on earth were you last night?"

"Yan Bai, answer..."

It can be said that before getting off the car, Yan Bai felt that he was surrounded by reporters who were swarming.

Even though they asked all kinds of unkind questions, Yan Bai still didn't mean to be angry. His face was always smiling, and he stretched out his hand to help one of the little girls who was about to fall. Arm.

"Be careful, it's no joke if so many people fall."

Upon hearing Yan Bai’s gentle words, the face of the female reporter he was holding turned red with a single stroke. At the same time, the reporters surrounding him also followed for a moment of silence, and then exchanged ideas with each other. Surprised eyes, even the interview expressions became polite.

Unexpectedly, this Emperor Yan Shi is really as gentle and polite as the legend, as if he thought the noble son Pian Pian, the rumors did not deceive me, ah!

A group of people suddenly thought of this in their hearts.

Then they watched Yan Bai put out his finger and made a "shh" gesture on his lips. They didn't understand. How could the other party look so good with such a simple gesture!

Then the reporters who robbed the news like a mosquito sucking blood really became so quiet.

Seeing that they were quiet, Yan Bai smiled and began to explain seriously, "I didn't show up at the Crown Hotel last night..."

"you are lying!"

As soon as Yan Bai here explained, a stern voice suddenly roared without warning.

As soon as he heard such a voice, Yan Bai followed the crowd and looked over, and he immediately saw Qin Kai, who was standing outside the crowd, his injuries on his face were not healed, and his face was haggard.

At this time, Qin Kai also knew that after last night, he probably knew that he had finished everything in the entertainment industry. He suddenly thought that he would not be able to make Yan Bai feel better, so he stood at the gate of Jangho Entertainment early. , Waiting for the other party, as expected, really told him to wait for Yan Bai who opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"you are lying!"

Qin Kai's expression was mad, and his eyes were red, like a mad dog that might bite someone insane at any time.

When everyone saw Qin Kai coming, their eyes started to red with excitement, and then automatically set aside a way for him.

The meeting of the two protagonists of the scandal...

News, this is big news!

Qin Kai followed this path and quickly came to Yan Bai’s face, his index finger was about to poke the other person’s face, "You said you didn’t go to the Crown Hotel yesterday, you fart, then the man I saw last night is Who! Don’t tell me it’s not you! Crown Hotel has surveillance to testify! Also, I clearly overheard that you promised your agent to go to the Crown Hotel to accompany President Wang of Huaping that night, I am completely following you Go, who ever thought that you saw something wrong, so he fled without saying anything, and called the reporter over! Yan Bai, what hatred or grievance I had with you, why did you harm me like this!"

Qin Kai himself had to believe it all in tears.

Upon seeing this, Yan Bai frowned infrequently, "Qin Kai, because I am in the same company, I feel very sympathy for your experience last night, but sympathy is not the reason you can slander me at will! Yesterday! I promised my agent to go to the Crown to meet with President Wang and talk about my next movie..."

"Listen, you hear him recognize..."

"What do I recognize? I don't understand... He... It's just that who ever thought I had just arrived in the company's underground parking garage, and my nose immediately smelled a pungent smell, and immediately passed out, if It's not that I met a kind person who took me to the hospital. I am afraid I can't even stand here and talk to you properly. Here is my admission and discharge certificate yesterday. You can see it! I, Yan Bai, yesterday I definitely didn't show up at the Crown Hotel that night!"

As soon as he saw that Yan Bai had really come up with evidence, Qin Kai was a little dumbfounded, "You, you nonsense! I obviously stunned you at the Crown Hotel..."

After speaking, Qin Kai covered his mouth as if he knew that he had said something wrong.

And hearing him say this, Yan Bai chuckled in his heart. It seems that the news he knew about how handsome Qin Kai is without brain is really true, but he asked him to reserve it. Then none of the back players can use the other side...

"Heh... Was it you who was the one who stunned me? Then you have the ability to stun me, and also have the ability to stun, Mr. Wang who just came to talk to me about movie-related matters?"

"You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense..." Qin Kai heard that Yan Bai wanted to push all this to him, and he could sell Mr. Wang as well, so that he could still follow his own movie path. Qin Kai panicked at the thought of Shu Chang.

"Could it be that you just confessed to yourself that the person who stunned me was not you?"

"I'm stunned by you, but I want to replace you to climb President Wang's bed..."

"Oh!!" The people around booed for a while.

"No, it's not... No... President Wang... Yan Bai... I have evidence... I have evidence. I have received a text message before saying that it is written President Wang and Yan Bai, Crown Hotel Eight The eighty-eight rooms are not seen or scattered, I have some...I more...why is it gone...nothing! How come it's gone!"

With the warmth on this side, Qin Kai, whose tears were about to fall as he couldn't help flipping his cell phone on the TV, gnawed on the apple, and subconsciously showed a faint smile.

I have to say that Yan Bai’s hand is good. It not only taught President Wang a lesson, so that the other party did not dare to think about him easily, but also sold the other party a good one, and gave the other party's public relations team a clear direction. Knowing that Mr. Wang started his business with his wife, he is not good at public relations, and everything that may happen in the future will be troublesome.

Then he pointed out the movie, and trampled Qin Kai to death!

I have to say that this method can be so popular in the entertainment industry!

Thinking of this, the warm corners of his mouth raised higher.

"What are you looking at! Early in the morning!"

At this moment, a male voice suddenly rang behind her.

As soon as he raised his head, he warmly watched his third brother who was walking outside among the thousands of flowers. The third brother, who did not touch his body, walked downstairs with a chicken coop.

When she reached the warm side, she rubbed her little head easily.

"Watch the entertainment news!"

Pointing to the TV warmly, he smiled sweetly at his brother.

"Oh, Yan Bai..."

"What? Third brother, do you know him too?"

"If I don't know Yan Bai, I would start a fart entertainment company!"

"Oh? Then tell me what the **** is this man!"

"Well, he looks handsome. It is the gathering place of handsome men and beauties in the entertainment industry. It can be regarded as one of the best. As far as I know, it is especially clean and self-conscious. It has never had any scandals or participated in various chaotic parties. It is special. Modest and polite, with good acting skills, it can be said to be a very suitable existence as a husband. Of course, that is when my national husband does not exist. Why do you ask him for the news?"

"Just ask..."

"Ask? It's weird!"

The third brother Song didn't know at this time, all the praise for Yan Bai at this time was the water in his mind now. When he was beaten three times by two brothers and one sister at home, he would turn into a drop of tears. The drops flowed out again.

He was wrong. It shouldn’t have been wrong because his sister was an lonely student. He completely ignored the news that she asked about a man. Just like a normal girl, he hid a guy who was about to move...

The girl's heart!

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