Before the Male God Blackened

Chapter 110: The White Lotus Movie King (End Chapter)


In a small room with a slightly dim light, Brother Song blankly flipped through the information two pages before, and when he saw Yan Bai walked in, he raised his eyebrows and made a "please" gesture at the other party. coming.

The posture of an interviewer out of the blue made Yan Bai, who was already a little flustered, suddenly even more nervous.

You know, when he grows up, Yan Bai has never been so nervous before, but he has never been so nervous before, for the high school entrance examination, college entrance examination, art examination, and even the first time he touched the mirror. The sweat in the palm of his hand was oozing out of panic.

In fact, it was mainly on the first few occasions. He had never had such an idea of ​​caring about gains and losses in his heart, but also uneasy. After all, before, Yan Baizhen had never felt that something was inevitable. He would always change this way if he couldn't get it. If he couldn't get this thing, he wouldn't insist on it.

Anyway, he’s been here since he was little to most of the time. From the beginning of his self-sensitivity, he understands that other people’s children will never find it in him. He really likes it and can’t get that. What can I do? I can only try to persuade myself not to like it, and hint to myself for a long time, as if that kind of thing really doesn't make him like it.

And this time and time again, Yan Bai has a faint liking for everything, and he never gave birth to any idea about how he must be in the future. This is why he did well in high school, and suddenly The reason why he started to be confused about the future, at that time, had it not been for his mother, Ye Fangfei, that the three words suddenly rang in his ears, I am afraid that he would not come to the film academy and enter the entertainment circle. He climbed up mentally until he got to the person's side.

It is a terrible thing for a person to survive so many pains and tortures, and the wounds in his heart are so deep and so heavy, but there is no goal or direction.

Maybe Yan Bai didn’t know why he was so persistent in looking for the mother whose face was not clear in his memory, but he wanted to live and suppress the pain in his mind. There is always a little obsession in the past, isn’t it?

In the original plot, Yan Bai, who jumped off the building and died when he saw Ye Fangfei, was afraid that the obsession he had been holding up to him would disappear inexplicably, and he would suddenly completely lose his direction in life. In addition, it is indeed unbearable. My heart suddenly burst out thickly, and the string in my head collapsed, only then...

But now it was different, and there was warmth in his life.

A warmth that is completely different from those toys and snacks that he can persuade himself to give up.

A warmth that he couldn't persuade himself to let go.

A warmth that he encountered after spending almost all his luck in the first half of his life.

The one who always expresses all his likes and dislikes so frankly, and sends all the love and light to him in one mind.

This is how can Yan Bai not worry about gains and losses, and feel anxious?

And now, two full days have passed since the warm day in front of my sister's frank confession to Yan Bai. In two days, the Song family general Yan Bai, who has a sufficiently deep background, used all the various methods he used in the past, so that his parents can find out all of them. Now Song family eldest brother is so early in the morning, carrying warmth on his back. Asking him to come over should be just trying to "punish him" for this person.

Yesterday was a warm birthday. The grand celebration at twelve o’clock the night before was not celebrated due to a sudden heavy rain in the mountains, but the warmth still received a gift and received a soft hand, and one of them was white and soft. How did she get her blue-eyed Persian cat, the most warm love, not just warm love, the other children in this small village who were not very close to them who came to film variety shows, also All of them had big, bright black eyes open, and they all rushed over with joy. Seeing the warmth did not object, they touched the back of the smooth-tempered kitten.

After touching and touching, some of them left first, and the others watched their friends go. They all showed a reluctant expression on the kitten's face, but they all stood up. When he came, he also made a posture to go.

Seeing that they stopped licking the cat, they all stood up. Warm hurriedly reached out and hugged his cat, and then stood up, "Why don't you touch it? The kitten is behaved and doesn't scratch people..."

"Hmm... Sister Warm, we are going to school, it's almost seven o'clock, the school starts at 8:30, we will be late if we don't leave!"

"Sister Warmth, are you still not leaving for the time being? Then when I come back from school, can I still come and play with the kitten?"

As soon as the children finished talking, they raised their cute faces towards the warmth.

As soon as I was watching the warmth of so many **** eyes, my heart softened with a brush, watching their little hands keep touching the kitten in her arms, frowning slightly, warm I asked them to wait first, so I went to the director and asked if their variety show could cut some scenes about the children in the mountains going to school and leaving school. But she listened to these children saying what they said when they went to school, they had to go over the mountains. I have to cross the bridge again. An hour’s journey is fast. Maybe they can change something through variety shows. After all, they are just doing farm work, repairing the roof, doing tasks and other program settings, which is too thin. .

They have finally found such a mountain village, and they can be regarded as having fate with this village, aren't they?

Anyway, it’s just more material and images coming in. If it really improves their lives, it’s a good thing, right?

It can be said that the director was obviously moved by the warmth, even if there were not enough people under his hand, I am afraid that they would not be able to send many people to follow them. The most important thing is--

"Miss Song, the sky in the mountains changes quickly. The sun was still shining in the first second, and there might be heavy rain in the next second. You didn't know the heavy rain in the last night. Who knows if it will rain again today? , I am also worried..."

Hearing this, thinking of the heavy rain the night before, the warmth also hesitated.

But who would have thought that the two guests who hadn't found a chance a few days ago stood by their side when they accidentally heard such a thing, and suddenly became excited.

They think this is a good opportunity to please the little princess of the Song family. In addition, after this kind of thing is broadcast, the chance of gaining fans is too great. They come to participate in variety shows, so why are they so hard? Isn’t it just for the fans, for the heat? The children in the mountains are not unconcerned, but it’s the best of both worlds to be able to care about and increase their fans?

Thinking about it this way, the two people began to urge the director to unceasingly. Even the variety show that was conveyed above needed to convey positive energy, and as soon as the director agreed, they only had two hours of thinking. I was afraid that other people would come and share a piece of the pie. The two hurriedly urged the warmth to follow the group of children before talking. This directly caused the big brother Song who was talking to his brother-in-law in the small black room and didn’t know at all. Their departure.

Because the older sister is indeed unwell, the second brother is gone, the older brother is still "talking" with Yan Bai, so the warmth had to say hello to the third brother who was lying in the house sleeping, and was cheered and cheered. The children flocked to their school together...

Brother Song, who didn't know that his sister had gone far away, almost saw the bruise on Yan Bai's face sitting in front of him, a touch of pain suddenly rose in his heart.

Kill you bastard!

He said so silently in his heart.

For no other reason, it is mainly too irritating. Who would have thought that his own baby pimple could like such a stinky boy who appeared on the way so much, even if he might approach deliberately, he didn’t even care. I wanted to be with him. At that time, I heard that this stinky boy was moved. Don’t want them. They are so angry that they are brothers, but the warmth is their sister. What can they do? Isn’t it just a hand over? Hold this kid's mouth, drag him down, and beat him again, and don't care about not slapping his face, anyway, let's talk about it first!

This also caused the corners of Yan Bai's eyes and mouth to be bruised.

When the warmth asked, he could even make up the nonsense that he accidentally bumped into when he walked, hum.

Thinking of Big Brother Song here, he turned over the information he had obtained, and the more he turned his mind, the more angry he became, because this little bunny had really deliberately wanted to get close to their Song family's baby bumps before.

Seeing a set of sinister little tricks secretly used, contrasted with his current excellent reputation in the entertainment industry.

Brother Song directly labelled the little **** in front of him as a white lotus scheming bitch, and decided in his heart that he must unite the entire Song family and work together to stumble this bastard, what? He was born out of nothing, borrowing a knife to kill people, all the 36 tricks such as the beauty plan, and all the trials of all kinds of swords, mountains and seas. They are really fooled by the Song family. If he can survive it, it will count. If you can't make it through, huh!

Finally stopped the movement of flipping through the information, and I had enough to appreciate the tension of Yan Bai who was sitting across from him. Brother Song stopped his hand and leaned on the back of the chair, revealing his identity for so many years. When the aura of the superior came, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he began to narrate all the information of Yan Bai without even reading the information.

"Yan Bai, now twenty-five years old, the son of Yan Wenqing and the current wife of the Lin family, Ye Fangfei, suffered domestic violence from his father since childhood..."

"...When he was fifteen years old, his father died of suffocation from vomit. The body was found the next day. It is not ruled out that his son Yan Bai had already learned of his death..."

"Before stepping into the entertainment industry, I accidentally contacted a child named Xi Fei who also suffered domestic violence, and transferred all the money from the endorsements to Xi Fei when he was playing the game, and Xi Fei showed great performance. Strong computer talent. In the process of Yan Bai being attacked by the navy black material, he defeated the entire navy team by one person. Since then, he has been active in the dark for Yan Bai, fighting opponents for him..."

"Because I met Wenwen and her sister Song Mansheng in Huating before, and learned of her identity. Later, due to the two-way attack of President Wang Huaping and his unscrupulous agent, I directly focused my attention on Warmth. Proactively contacted Director Ding of "The Legend of Qingyun Cultivation" and replaced the final villain character who had not had many roles with the early boss character who had close contact with the warmth, so as to increase contact..."

"Later, Xi Fei and the two calculated Qin Kai, who was always in the company to give you a collar, the head of the hungry ghost king in Huaping’s color, and Huang, the agent who took you away from Mingtian before, and beat the eager Jiang He. President of Entertainment..."

"During the filming process, another heroic strategy was used to save the beauty, and the warmth was saved. In fact, the warmth was caused by you and suffered a disaster. After that, you began to communicate with WeChat daily until you contacted the "Life" in private. "The Significance of "The program group said that they are willing to take over this issue of their variety show and reappear in front of warmth..."

"Heh, Mr. Yan Bai, I have to say, you are really doing everything step by step, chasing after you, and vowing to never give up until you reach your goal!"

After speaking, Brother Song sneered and looked straight at Yan Bai who was sitting in front of him silently.

At the same time, Yan Bai, who was sitting in front of the Song family like a criminal who committed a crime, listened to his life from childhood to adulthood, and his calculations and scheming of others for so many years, and his deliberate approach to warmth. He took a deep breath directly, and then vomited out slowly.

I have to say that these things were discovered by the Song family, and Yan Bai still slowly dropped a stone in his heart.

I think one of the reasons why he has been afraid of really falling in love with warmth is really hard to say that there is no reason for his impure purpose since he first contacted her. What happened afterwards was regarded as his involuntary heart, but really Who will believe it?

And as long as these things appear in the hands of the Song family, it’s okay to be warm and not serious. With her current appearance of marrying him with her heart, the Song family will never let him off casually, even if she wants to be warm again. He is together. So he wants to marry her, I am afraid that he will have to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties like Tang Seng taking the scriptures.

Thinking of this, and recalling the warm and loud words not long ago, Yan Bai suddenly laughed in a low voice, and then suddenly raised his head, showing a particularly firm and confident smile.

So, come, as long as the warm side is willing to be with him, then for him, even if the road to her needs to cross the mountains and cross the sea of ​​fire, he will not hesitate.

He likes her. He has never wanted to get something so steadfastly for more than 20 years. Warmth is the only exception.

He likes her, he likes her to smile at him, and he always smiles so happily, so that he can't remember the feeling of the punch and kick on his body, can't remember that he can't sleep because of the pain in his body. At that time, the unforgettable resentment came. He could not remember the day his father died. He also shed a tear of distressed feeling. He could not remember that he lived without a goal or a direction. The hopeless feeling of suicide comes...

I can't remember anymore, I can't remember anything anymore.

As long as the warmth is by his side, as long as she is there.

So, come, even if there is a great ordeal, he will not care...

Seeing the man sitting in front of him, a strange excitement suddenly burst into his eyes, the Song family rolled his eyes directly in his heart, and then continued to speak, "There are two ways now, one is that you give up the warmth. , Then you can use the resources of Mingtian at will, even if you want to go to Hollywood to develop, you will be more famous in the future and stand in front of your queen mother, and you can slap whatever you want. The other is that you continue to persevere and be warm together. Then everyone in the Song family will do everything they can to suppress you and insult you until everyone in the family is satisfied..."

The Song family's eldest brother said so, Yan Bai's eyes lit up and he just wanted to say that he would choose the second one.

Who ever thought that Brother Song didn't have the right to answer him at all, so he continued to push down his glasses, and said with a smile, "However, this is just my original idea. After hearing the warm confession to you, first No way, because my family can't be sad, so you can only choose the second way, and you can't give up, can't break up, can't look back, and can't tell Warmth about your hard work, otherwise, trust me, The Song family has the ability to make Yan Bai disappear into this world cleanly!"

While speaking, Brother Song crossed his hands and propped his elbows on the table in front of him.

I don’t know why God is setting off the atmosphere for him. At this moment, a flash of lightning directly illuminates the small smile of Brother Song’s smile, and then there is a crackle, and a thunder is outside. Suddenly it rang.

Yan Bai's little heart trembled in an instant, inexplicably, he felt the pain on his face and body that had been accumulated over the past two days.


He swallowed directly, and before he nodded, the crackling rain fell outside.

In the mountains in summer, the rain is always so unexpected and unprepared!

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise outside, because the rain was too loud, and the noise was too complicated, they didn't even hear exactly what they were shouting for a while.

Suddenly, Yan Bai and Song Big Brother frowned together, and then frowned. Before they stood up from their seats, a huge roar suddenly rang in their ears, and this The roar unexpectedly started to tremble with the ground under their feet.

How is this going?

A hint of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the two of them, and then both of them gave birth to an unpleasant premonition in their hearts.

Just thinking of this, the next second, the door of the small black room where the two were staying was violently knocked from the outside.

"Big brother, big brother, are you inside? Big brother, is Nuan Nuan in you? Big brother, open the door, open the door soon!"

Song Mansheng's crying voice exploded in the ears of the two of them.

I heard that Brother Song took two steps forward and opened the door in one fell swoop. A shower of rain rushed toward him, and Yan Bai almost heard the other party say the word Nuan Nuan, and felt bad in his heart. The premonition became more and more obvious, and it was obvious that even his hands began to tremble a little.

As soon as his eldest brother opened the door, Song Mansheng outside the door rushed in and frantically searched.

"A Nuan isn't here, what's the matter? Is she not outside? The rain outside is so heavy..."

"Uuuuu..." Song Mansheng's emotions collapsed when he heard Big Brother Song say this. "No, she is not outside. I slept in the room for a while because of a headache, and then I heard the outside sound suddenly sounded. A thunder came, and after I became confused, I heard the **** director saying that the rain was so heavy and warm that they followed the children to their school, and then...then...I heard a rumbling sound, The villagers hiding under the eaves said that this was because of mudslides in the mountains. In the past few years, the environment in the mountains has not been so good. There are too many people cutting down trees and mudslides often occur. The soil was all loosened. Today’s rain fell suddenly, and sure enough mudslides began to occur in some places. There may be no problem here, but... But the section of the road where Nuan Nuan followed the children to school was very dangerous. ...I don't know...I thought..."

Song Mansheng, who was bewildered by this passage, spoke up and down, but before she could finish her words, a figure went crazy and ran out.

Seeing that the other party's expression was wrong, Song Big Brother looked at Song Lao Er and Song Yiming, who had rushed over, and directly asked them to stop him.

"Let go! Let go, I told you to let go. Didn't you hear? Warmth has something to do now, she can't have something, how can she have something... Let go, let go! Get out!"

Now Yan Bai only feels that he can't think anymore.

He simply didn't know what he could do if something happened under his nose in Warmth, and whether he could survive.

If she has anything, Yan Bai feels that she might not survive, really, really will not survive...

Twenty-five years, a full twenty-five years, he finally had a goal that he could always fight for, and he found such a life-saving driftwood in the ups and downs of the sea. How could he let go, he He can't let go, he will die, if he let go, he will die, he will die!

When Song Yiming and Song Second Brother on this side looked at Yan Bai’s **** red eyes, the pain and uncomfort that came out of their hearts was directly suppressed by them, and then they were stunned, Yan Bai He was directly free from the restraint of the two, and was about to run out.

"Yan Bai!"

Brother Song called out directly.

Who ever thought he had just finished screaming, and the name of the village on the other side immediately rang out with cheers.

"Come back, come back! The children are back!"

Upon hearing such a voice, not only Yan Bai who was running at the front was stunned, but even the four Song family members who were standing at the back were also happy.

After that, he didn't care about getting in the rain or not, so he rushed into the rain and ran to the team that had withdrawn from the mountain.

However, there is no warm figure there.

"...When we were halfway there, the rain fell. Everyone thought that there might be a torrential rain in a while, so they brought all these children back, but..."

One of the guests began to speak shivering with cold as his body was soaked.

"But the kitten ran away..."

A child couldn’t help wiping the tears on his face, so he cried out, “Warm sister’s kitten was scared by thunder and ran away. Originally, warm sister told us not to chase after him, but Xiaohua likes little girl too much. There’s a cat. I even chased the cat while everyone was not paying attention. Then the warm sister went after Xiaohua. As soon as she chased it, the mountain next to us collapsed... It’s so loud, the adults took us back. Now... Uncle Director, Uncle Director, you send someone to save Warm Sister and Xiao Hua, OK, they can't die... Uuuuu!"

This older child could still explain things, but almost as soon as he explained it, he sobbed and cried, and the other younger children basically couldn't even say a word, so they just cried. I cried so much that people panicked.

Upon hearing these people's words, Song Mansheng also covered his mouth, tears immediately flowed down, warm...warm...

Song Yiming even slapped himself in the face, "I blame me, if it wasn't for me to buy some cat for her..."

"Okay." Brother Song clenched his fists. Although his face was faintly pale, he was still calm and calm. "I'll call right away and ask the people from Yun City to come over with the equipment. Don't talk anymore. Now it’s not a question of who is not to blame, but to make sure..."

Brother Song hadn't finished speaking, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the running motion of Yan Bai who had been watching him.

"Isn't it messy enough? Where the **** are you going? I haven't heard, now the mountain is collapsed, don't you understand? Mudslides are deadly, do you **** know!"

As soon as he finished roaring, Big Brother Song immediately gathered all his anger together, squeezed into a fist, and slammed it into Yan Bai's face.

But who would have thought that the previous Yan Bai, no matter how they fought or started, could actually grasp the fist he shook with precision at this time, with great strength.

"The one trapped in the mountain now is no one else, she is my life! Even if I die, I will die in the same place with her!"

As soon as Yan Bai finished speaking, he shook Big Brother Song's fist aside, then turned around, and plunged into the dense rain curtain before everyone had reacted.

Anyway, isn't it a death at most, death, there is nothing to be afraid of, he is afraid that without the warmth of him, life is better than death.

In twenty-five years, he had only waited for one Song Wenwen, and only one Song Wenwen.

So, instead of living in a muddle-headed life for decades, and finally dying alone, it’s better to die together with warmth from the beginning, at least so that he can see her for the last time and kiss her. She is one last time.


Thinking of Yan Bai here, he stretched out his hand and wiped his face, and directly wiped away the rain that had clouded his eyes. The corners of his mouth suddenly rose high and he ran deeper and deeper into it.

As he ran, he called out a warm name, but it was a pity that the rain was too heavy and his voice couldn't convey the far position, but Yan Bai still didn't mean to stop.

The villagers on this side, the program crew of "The Meaning of Life", and the warm brothers and sisters all watched Yan Bai disappear into the rainstorm, and when he reacted, he would chase after him. That's too late.

So in an instant, everyone's minds became complicated, and they were so complicated that they couldn't be described in words. Everyone in the program group exchanged shocked and unbelievable glances, and immediately became silent.

The four of the Song family silently watched the direction where Yan Bai was leaving. After a long time, Brother Song let out a deep sigh, and calmly arranged rescue work.

It can be said that the education he received from an early age made this kind of Yan Bai a lively "fool" to him, but such a fool was for his sister, so he couldn't say anything.

He had never believed in such an incredible feeling, but it happened in front of him.

And it happened to his sister and another man.

Perhaps it is the warmth of such a tendon to meet such a feeling that can be called "stupid", but I have to admit that my sister's vision is much better than those of them, huh...

Brother Song licked his dry lips even after being exposed to the rain, and chuckled lightly, and at the same time, his fists tightened.

No one noticed that the cameras of the followers at this time were still working diligently.

On this side, Yan Bai, who was completely lost when he entered the mountain, could only be thankful that there was only one way to go to the so-called elementary school. When he walked to the description of the few children before, he warmly left the wood. When he was next to the bridge, he looked at the road in front of him that was artificially trampled on, and then stretched out his hand to wipe water on his face. With a ruthless eye, Yan Bai stepped directly in.

At the same time, on the other end, the warmth hugged her arms and finally realized she was afraid, but the little girl who was shivering or could not let go of the white cat in her arms, the two of them shrank together under a tall banana tree, covered by leaves. The rain kept sweeping in, but she was still getting wet from her head to her feet. When she heard her tender voice, she began to ask, "Warm sister, I... will we die?"

After asking, the little girl's tears fell silently, "Xiaohua, Xiaohua doesn't want to die, Xiaohua misses her parents. They work outside and haven't come back for half a year. Xiaohua doesn't want them to see me when they come back. Go...oooo..."

After speaking, the little girl stretched out her hand and touched her tears. She didn't know if she was afraid or cold, and she started to tremble.

"Will not!"

Hearing this, Warm stretched out her hand and wiped the little girl's tears, and then smiled faintly, "It won't die, Warm sister won't die, the kitten won't die, and Xiaohua won't die. You will see mom and dad, you don’t know, warm sister’s brother can be amazing, as long as the person who goes back tells warm sister’s brother, we are together, they will already find a way to rescue us, People’s Liberation Army Does Uncle Xiaohua know that right?"

"I... I saw it on TV..."

"Well, that's the kind of uncle of the People's Liberation Army, they will definitely come and rescue me and Xiaohua, you know?"


The little girl nodded heavily.

Seeing her like this, Warm stretched out his hand to press the other's head against her chest, and then looked at the yellow muddy water flowing in front of and behind her, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

There is no way for them to go now.

Unexpectedly, I thought of this, and another rumbling sound immediately rang in the ears of the two of them.


The scared scream of the little girl suddenly rang.

The warmth hugged her tighter for a moment.

What she didn't know was that such a shrill cry suddenly pierced through the rustling rain, and it went straight to Yan Bai's ears.

Hearing that his whole body was shocked, he immediately ran to the sound source without hesitation, and there were countless raindrops and mud along the way.

When he ran to the warm opposite side in one breath, looking at the lower bodies of the two people, one large and one small, shrunk under a lone banana tree, an extremely strong light burst into their eyes in an instant.

"Warm...warm! Warm are you there?"

She seems to have heard Yan Bai's voice, is it an illusion?

The warm eyes widened in an instant, and then he quickly opened the banana leaf that was blocking the faces of her and the little girl. As soon as he raised his head, he met Yan Bai's red eyes.

Almost the moment he met, his warm eyes went round instantly.

After that, he didn't care about whether to hide from the rain or not, so he stood up with the little girl in his arms and said, "Yan Bai!"

Immediately afterwards, as if thinking of something, when he was surprised, he shouted in fear, "Why are you here? It's dangerous here, you go back! What if something happens? Big brother will call someone to come over. You go back soon, the road is broken, we can't get through..."

She kept saying this.

Then Yan Bai looked at the turbulent mudslide in front of him about four or five meters wide, frowning, let alone whether he could run over the four or five meters, even if he ran past, he couldn’t move there. Bring the one big and one small, so, so...

Looking around, he saw a tree with the thickness of an adult waist standing upright on the side, and then ran over without even thinking about it.

"Yan Bai, what are you doing? Go back, go back! We're all right now, Big Brother will be here in a while..."

Warm look worried.

But after Yan Bai walked around the tree unmovedly, he climbed up without thinking about it.

"Yan Bai! What are you doing!"

The worries on Warm's face became more obvious, and the shouts became louder.

But Yan Bai seemed to have heard nothing. He climbed to the top of the thinned tree in one breath, pressed up all the weight of his body, and then pressed straight to the warm side.


Before the warmth screamed, the little girl in her arms had already covered her eyes in fear.

Warmth kept his eyes wide open and watched Yan Bai suddenly fall in front of her like the hero in the movie, and he didn't recover for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before she just blinked her eyes, and tears rolled from her eyes.

"What are you doing! Do you want to die?"

While speaking, she stretched out her hand and patted the opponent's shoulder vigorously.

Who ever wanted to be directly held by Yan Bai's hand, and then quickly handed it to his own mouth and kissed him, "Death, but I want you more!"

After that, he didn't even give the two of them time to react, so he began to urge, "Hurry up, the flexibility of this tree is not very good, I'm holding it here, you quickly climb over!"

"how about you!"

"I also want to crawl back against it, so you have to climb as soon as possible before it breaks. I don't think it should be kept for long!"

"Little Flower!"

At the juncture of life and death, the little girl swallowed me, who had reached her mouth, and saw that the little white cat in her arms had climbed up. She shivered with her legs, closed her eyes, and kept up with the little girl. Cat's footsteps.

Although the whole process was very dangerous, a kitten showed her the way, and the little girl was accustomed to climbing up and down in the mountains, but she also walked safely.

In exchange for warmth, she turned her head and kissed Yan Bai's lips, "I'm waiting for you over there, you have to come over!"


Yan Bai raised his hand and pressed the back of her head, and after deepening the kiss, he smiled confidently.

Afterwards, warm and worried and put on the tree, but after so many days of farm work, her body has been exercised, and the whole process is equally breathtaking.

Tu Liu Yanbai was still at the other end. He looked around for a long time, only then did he entangle the branches of the tree several times tightly on the banana tree, then pressed it down again, and then he took a deep breath and climbed up. .

But who had thought that it would be okay to climb at the beginning, and soon there was a crackling sound from behind him, and his warm face turned white.

She hurriedly crawled over and rushed

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