Before the Male God Blackened

Chapter 151: Finale·Jiang Yi (1)

After getting old together with Wei Nianchen, Warmth originally thought that she would step into the next plane again as before, and when she went to the next target of her task, she realized that something was wrong with her.

It is different from the previous situation where you are sober-minded and free to act, and you will even get infused with relevant plots when you arrive in the new world, and you will know who your task is.

The warmth at this moment only felt that my eyelids were sticky and astringent, like a thick layer of glue on top, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open it. He didn't have the slightest strength on his body, as if he had encountered a ghost press while sleeping, and his mind clearly knew that he wanted to move, but his body just didn't follow the instructions. Don't talk about the plot in her mind, except for the name Song Wenwen, she even knows nothing about her current situation.

Just when Warmth felt a little bit tricky about the current situation, suddenly, a few words from the outside world spread into her ears, and the voice of eagerness and intense joy was inexplicable to her. Familiar, but I just can't recall it.

——Steward Jiang, Steward Jiang, just now, just now, there was a movement between Miss Song and Mr. Jiang's equipment! Finally something happened!

--what? You read that right...

-Yes, yes, yes, really, come and see! Our efforts with Miss Song were not in vain! The experiment finally succeeded, we finally succeeded!

——We succeeded...

——Yes, finally succeeded, finally succeeded, this is a miracle, a miracle in the history of medicine!

——Then why are the two of them still not sober?

——There is still the last step, there is the last step, as long as I separate the overlapping spiritual worlds... Wait, what's the matter? How can it not be separated, what happened, instrument! There is also a problem with the instrument...what the **** is going on? Obviously...

--What's wrong? What happened to Miss Song and Yi?

——I don’t know... my goodness!


Before losing consciousness, what echoed in the warm ear was the continuous and unpleasant sound of instrument malfunction.

In fact, she doesn't remember who she is. Except for the name Song Wenwen, she doesn't know where she comes from, her parents and friends, her past, her future, or even her own life. Why have you always traveled through various planes? Why did you accompany your task object to the end of the day? Although in every world, she really gave her sincere heart to treat everyone, but sometimes she still wondered what kind of existence she really is, what kind of existence those tasks are, and why they are. them……

These problems have troubled her for a long time.

She didn’t want to, and she didn’t have time to think about it before. Now...

Sitting on the windowsill, swaying the warmth of her feet, looking at the beautiful woman with a gentle smile and a big belly, who was watering the rose in front of her, she bored her chin and changed her hand. .

This is not it, when people are idle, they tend to think randomly.

Watching that beautiful woman finally finished pouring the flowers, put down the kettle in her hand, and walked straight towards the warmth of her, watching the other side want to hang the wind chime that was blown down by the wind on the window sill again, warm and subconscious. The ground opened his mouth, "Be careful, you are pregnant, it's okay to leave this kind of thing alone..."

After speaking, the woman stood on tiptoe and hung up the wind chime as if she hadn't heard anything.

It was also at this time that the warmth suddenly reacted. Now she is completely invisible to others. Haven't they all been verified before? Why do you still remind me now, alas, they are all used to making trouble!

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her with a warm look of worry, although she does not know what is going on with her appearance like A Piao, why the story of this world has not appeared, but it does not prevent her from talking to the person in front of her. The women she gets along with the most have a good impression.

Yes, I get along the most. Since she heard such an unclear conversation before, she became conscious again, and she has been in this state. Not only that, but she can’t leave the pregnant beautiful woman in front of her for half a step. .

Tian Xiao got the bottom of why.

But if you come, you will be at ease. After two full days of restlessness, let's just choose the warmth. A Piao is in a good state. At least he doesn't need to eat or drink, and he can watch other people's gossip every day.

Only when I thought of this, the warmth immediately heard a sudden sound of fuss.

"Oh, oh, my lady, what are you doing? Don't move, don't move, I'll come and I'll come!"

While speaking, a woman of about fifty years old rushed over with an anxious expression.

Well, this is a must-have drama every day.

Hearing this, the woman let go of her hand obediently, and smiled softly, "Wang Ma, how can I be so delicate, I can't do anything like this when I'm pregnant, am I just a useless person?"

"Nonsense, if my lady is a useless person, where are there any diligent people in this world? Isn't this mainly because you have a third child? The young masters and young ladies in front are all caesarean sections. The doctor said that it is not easy for you to have a baby , Be very careful..."

"But the doctor also said that my body is very good, and that the baby's body is better. I can move when I have time. I have to lie down on the bed all day long."

"All nonsense! Oh, how come you are pregnant again? Ms. Mingming, your body... Uncle, don't pay attention..."

"Well, Mother Wang, it has nothing to do with Huai'an. I want to keep this baby. You can't say that to Huai'an next time."

"Okay, I know Miss you are protecting my uncle."

"Why. Oh, by the way, Shuting and Sinian should be back from school soon, right? You ask the kitchen to quickly prepare juice and cake for the two of them, and the two of them like to eat that."

"I'm already ready, miss you, just love to worry about it!"


Warmly watched the two people walking away from her as they were talking. She immediately felt a strange suction from the woman who was going away, no way, she could only follow it slowly. , Continue to listen to the parents in the two populations.

It was also after so many days of understanding that she knew exactly what the origin of the woman she couldn't live without, and what was the situation at home.

The woman's surname is Jiang and her name is Erya. As the name suggests, he is gentle, demure and peaceful.

The Jiang family is a well-known wealthy family in Beijing, and the Jiang family is also a well-known leading enterprise in the country. The only pity is that the children in the family are a little weak, and Jiang Erya does not know if the name has achieved a good relationship. He didn't like company management and business dealings at all. Instead, he especially liked some literary things. Several collections of essays had been published at a young age, which made Jiang's father very proud.

But at the same time being proud, there are also some headaches. What is the headache? It's not that the Jiang family, who has a big headache, has no one to inherit.

But he always loved his long-deceased wife, and had no intention of marrying again. In the end, he had no choice but to focus his brains on his next generation, thinking about recruiting a son-in-law for his daughter, and then heirs, regardless of whether they were male or female, would follow him. His surname is Jiang, he is still young, and he is trained well, and it may not be impossible.

At this time, Ye Huaian appeared in the eyes of the father and daughter.

After untold hard work, the teenager from a remote mountainous area won the favor of the rich girl Jiang Erya because of an accident. Without knowing the identity and background of the other party, the two talked for a whole year. A poor but happy love, Ye Huaian at that time really wanted to give this beautiful and sensible girl who loves him a bright future.

Who would have thought that everything was going well, when a sudden turn came, my dear girlfriend became the only daughter of the No. 1 rich businessman in an instant, and the other party’s father had a good impression of him, thinking that he did well this year, think To train him to become his son-in-law.

The good thing about the pie in the sky fell on Ye Huai'an, and he directly smashed him. He was replaced by an ordinary person, and he might have been happy for a long time. Next, it happened that the young man who had just entered school just not long took pride and pride. Higher than the sky, he just tossed for a long time, until after graduating from university, the two talents finally cultivated a positive result.

Facts have proved that the old man’s vision of seeing people is correct. The young man does have the ability to treat his own daughter well. So until the old man found out that he had cancer, he did not worry too much. In the end, it was in the grandchildren’s daughters. Amidst the cry of the son-in-law, he left contentedly.

It's a pity that the old man is too early to be satisfied.

Because in this world, the human heart is the most unpredictable thing.

One is the mountain village Phoenix man who has been rolling in the business field every day, facing all kinds of temptations, and the death of his father-in-law is equivalent to no more restrictions and scruples. Tribulation, a daughter who doesn't understand business affairs at all, and has anything in common with her husband.

Warmth doesn't need to look down, just the few things that Ye Huaian has done recently that she "heard", and she knows that the results of the two will definitely not be any better.

For example, the other party ignored Jiang Erya's body, because the previous son followed the Jiang family's surname Jiang, he just broke the condom and gave her a third child.

For example, when the other party waited for the death of his father-in-law, he immediately took his country’s old mother, sister, brother-in-law, nephew and niece into Beijing one by one, and arranged them all into the Jiang family.

For example, during the night when the other party did not return home, and the sweet conversations that had been deleted on the phone.

For another example, the other party and the person in front of him who was funded by Jiang Erya, who also came from that mountain village, looked at each other ambiguously, and were entangled with the legs and feet under the dining table.

She didn't understand, if Ye Huaian was really as good as Jiang Erya had always described, then what is this now?

Is it that a man gets bad when he has money, or is this man just a scum?

Warm and intently watching the two gentle smiles who were constantly feeding Jiang Erya at the table, they couldn't see that their legs were about to twist under the table.

She didn't understand why they didn't converge in front of Jiang Erya, or was it more exciting?

In fact, as early as when he first discovered the ambiguity between the two people, Warmth thought about reminding Jiang Erya, but it was a pity that she was not in the same dimension as them at all, no matter how she yelled or even thought Access to pens, mobile phones, and computers is not enough, and in the end they can only let these two people continue to answer her without telling everyone.

She looked at the girl who was only 19 years old and called Jiang Erya, Sister Erya innocently, and seriously bought her various pregnancy products, even when her calf cramps in the late pregnancy. , And will reach out to give her a massage.

She looked at the other party happily reminiscing about the past with Jiang Erya, and was very grateful for the other party’s funding, saying that if it weren’t for her funding, she would have been sold by her family for a gift money, saying no. She must have even given birth to a child, and she will repay her well in the future.

Then, as soon as she left Jiang Erya's sight, she immediately kissed Ye Huaian who was waiting around the corner. The kiss ended, and she continued to walk out casually.

Warmth has to admit that leaving aside any other advantages of these two people, their cheeks are indeed thick.

Men are thicker, women are thicker, and neither has any sense of shame.

Just when Warmth looked at them every day and saw that his eyes were going to be blind, Jiang Erya suddenly started, went into the delivery room for a full day and night, and finally gave birth to a boy by caesarean section, looking red. Without opening his eyes, he was taken away by the nurse.

It was also at this time that Warmth suddenly realized that he was not limited to Jiang Erya, but to the newly born Xiaodouding. Before, it was because he was still in his mother's stomach, so she I couldn’t leave Jiang Erya too far away. Now Xiao Douding was taken away by the nurse, and he didn’t even have time to look at Jiang Erya, so he could only be sucked in by the suction and stayed in the nursery helplessly, listening. With a group of children crying one after another, their ears are about to explode.

But before she listened for two days, she suddenly heard bad news.

Jiang Erya is dead.

Died of postpartum hemorrhage, and even too late to take a look at his youngest son named Ye Yi, such a beautiful and gentle woman left silently.

does it worth?

Warmth I want to ask Jiang Erya personally, so young, so beautiful, so rich, and tomorrow morning will have both sons and daughters, and obviously have everything, so that her husband wants a descendant with his surname, just like that. Live life is taken care of, even this husband is not as good as he looks, in private has long been hooked up with the good "sister" who was funded by her, apart from this one, I don't know if there is anything else outside. Man, is it really worth it?

It’s a pity that if it’s worth it or not, Jiang Erya has long been unable to hear it. Warmth even swayed a few laps in the hospital. I thought that the current self in a floating state would also see Jiang Erya in a floating state, who knows After waiting for seven days, the first seven days have passed, and I did not wait for the other's A Piao, but the little Douding in front of me is getting better and better, and he can eat more and more. Other babies will have some jaundice not long after they are born. What's the matter, he is always white and tender, and red, he is too cute to look at.

I don't know why, the more you look at this little bun, the more you feel that he likes it in my heart.

It's a pity that no matter how good-looking, his mother can't see it. You know, as early as when she was pregnant with him, Jiang Erya's favorite thing to do was to give birth to the little guy in his stomach, tell stories, listen to music, and even look forward to him. s future.

Her Yi, she must live a particularly happy life in the future, so that her mother will be relieved.

As for what happened after Ye Yi, if Jiang Erya saw it, she was afraid that she would be unable to rest forever if she went underground.

It's just that the warmth who still lingers next to Xiao Baozi and can't leave it knows nothing about it.

She just watched Ye Huaian, who had lost his beloved wife, cried before Jiang Erya’s spirit and passed out a few times. She looked like she really loved her so much. Those who came to Xiangxiang didn’t say anything. Jiang Erya has been worth it all her life, and there is such a man who remembers her heart and soul, even almost let her go, isn't it worth it?

Oh, what kind of value is this! What kind of **** logic of three wrong views!

Hearing these words warmly immediately exploded the swearing.

After that, I didn't know if it was because of Jiang Erya's death or to avoid suspicion. She really hadn't seen the dirty game between Ye Huaian and Tang Yun at home.

It's a pity that such a time is too short.

In less than a month, she once again saw Ye Huaian and Tang Yun hugging together at home.

To be precise, Tang Yun, whose eyes were red from crying, forced Ye Huai'an to a corner, took the initiative to hug Ye Huai'an, and kept telling her love, how much she liked him, and that she had also thought about it. So far, love is the most unconcealable thing. She said that she didn’t ask for anything but just wanted to be by his side. She also knew that she was sorry for Sister Erya, but she couldn’t help herself. She and him had everything. The first time, the first kiss, the first love, even the first night, how did she forget it.

With such a sincere confession, there is no feeling of warmth here, and even when I feel that it is too frightening, Ye Huai'an on that side is moved so much that he immediately fights with her on Jiang Erya’s bed." "I can't help it".

The warmth here is almost disgusting and speechless, and Jiang Erya is not in a floating state, otherwise it is very likely to be stimulated and blackened.

But soon, she realized that she was nauseous too early, and the lower limit was much higher than these two people.

Later, after she watched the shot, Tang Yun began to enter the room openly, not only that, but also began to show caring for Jiang Erya's remaining three children.

It is really considerate and caring, without a bit of selfishness. Some things are even in place than Bijiang Erya. After all, Renjiang Erya used to be a young lady who did not touch Yang Chunshui with ten fingers, and some things could not be considered.

But Tang Yun is different. She may have experience in taking care of children in her own home. Not only did she take good care of Jiang Sinian and Jiang Shuting's two older children, she also took good care of Ye Yi, who was still in her infancy. Post, more careful and serious than Yuesao, the weather in June made him not even a bit of prickly heat on his body.

Even when Jiang Shuting over there was hiding and crying because of her mother's death, she could find her to cry with her, and then cook a bowl of fragrant scallion noodles for the other party, and watch her finish eating kindly.

When Jiang Sinian was in the youth rebellious period and because of the death of her mother, she skipped class and did not go to school. The drunk Jiang Sinian dragged it out and dragged it back home. The clubhouse was reported that night. After hearing that the group of boys who drank with Jiang Sinian finally drank, they even touched things they shouldn’t touch. Had it not been for Jiang Sinian to be dragged out by Tang Yun early, I am afraid he would be together now...

Jiang Sinian and Ye Huaian, who thought of this incident, felt terrified.

I don't know how many such things have happened.

Tang Yun seemed to really treat Jiang Erya's three children as her own. Even the warm person who knew her true face for a long time looked at her, and sometimes wondered if the other party had really reformed. , The true feelings were revealed, not to mention the other people in the Jiangzhai and Ye Huaian and his son.

However, in just one year, Warmth finally found out with horror that the old people of the Jiang family, including the Wang’s mother, Ye Huaian and his sons, already regarded Tang Yun as his own family, and he had suffered severe postpartum hemorrhage. The dead Jiang Erya was so replaced by others, so that one day, Jiang Shuting, who had always been innocent and innocent, even opened her mouth to hope that her father would take Sister Tang into the door as soon as possible to be her mother.

What was the expression of the people at that time, the old man of the Jiang family later realized that he resisted, Jiang Sinian was silent, Ye Huaian was a little moved, Ye Yi, um, Ye Yi was breathing bubbles.

In the end, Tang Yun changed the subject, and then began to reduce the number of visits to Jiang's house, consciously or unconsciously, and even did not visit Jiang's house several times for a week.

It's also such a distancing, well, maybe it should be called the Jiang family who has been accustomed to her existence for a long time. Ye Huai'an and his sons began to miss her kindness abruptly.

One day after that, Warmth saw Ye Huaian angrily pulling Tang Yun to Jiang's house. As soon as they entered the door, the two went directly into the bedroom regardless of anyone, and then, um, the fairies fought.

The reason was that Tang Yun actually accepted other people’s confession, and even started dating other boys. Ye Huaian, who had regarded her as his own for a long time, could not bear it. Under the stimulation, he understood his sincerity. People brought her back and there was a slap, and when the **** was over, she pulled her downstairs and said that she was going to marry her.

Hearing this, even though the Jiang family’s old people still felt a little bit reluctant, in the end they all acquiesced in a ghostly manner. Just because a family should have a mistress, Tang Yun appeared just right and she was a good person. This child is even more speechless.

In fact, if the story ends here, it can be considered a happy ending.

But reality is reality, how can it be so easy to be happy.

Only a year after the marriage, Tang Yun completely captured Ye Huaian's heart, so that even if Jiang Erya was alive, the man who did not forget to steal the fish began to defend her like a jade. This was just the beginning. After that, Ye Huaian was simply Becoming a good husband of twenty-four filial piety, he directly lifted Tang Yun to the sky, even unaware that the other party had begun to be indifferent to his three children.

Ye Huaian fell in love with Tang Yun, a love that started from the body, but it was deeper than the feelings between him and Jiang Erya. It was really Tang Yun who wanted stars. He didn't give the moon, but just acted like a coquettish with him. I can even forget everything behind my head. Some domineering presidents fall in love with my posture.

Then, everything that was warm and beautiful suddenly took a turn for the worse. When Jiang Sinian, the elder of the Jiang family, was about to enter Jiang's internship after graduating from university, he suddenly died in a car accident. The third of the Jiang family, six-year-old Ye Yi, was taken away by accident when he was led out to play by the nanny.

At that time, Tang Yun, who had heard about these two events, cried and fainted. After waking up, she was told by the doctor that she had been pregnant for more than three months, so why didn't she pay attention? .

At that time, she had already been forced to keep up with Ye Yi’s warmth and she hadn’t seen her good show at all, but she knew the truth of everything from the mouths of those so-called “human traffickers”, and she was afraid to guess with her toes. I also guessed what kind of performance the other party would behave.

Yes, Tang Yun knew she was pregnant a long time ago, and even when she was able to find out the **** of the fetus on Monday, 15th, she immediately checked and got a satisfied result. She was pregnant with a boy.

It's a pity that she was pregnant, not to mention Jiang Sinian. Later, the six-year-old Ye Yi couldn't compare with him. It was six full years behind him. When he grows up, the Jiang family, oh no, I should say now. It was the Ye family, where there was her son's share, so naturally, as boys, Jiang Sinian and Ye Yi became the obstacles in front of them.

The warmth of Jiang Sinian's car accident is not clear, and it is always inseparable from the fake woman, and the loss of Ye Yi, the warmth that has been seen from the beginning to the end, clearly knows that it must be the woman's hand.

What a cruel heart, and a person who can pretend. Over the years, even when she was about to believe that this woman is a real white lotus, she did not hesitate to use such a trick, which should be soft. When the time is soft, when the time is cruel, there is no hesitation to start, such a woman is unsuccessful, then who else can succeed!

Warmth really can’t imagine. She has been pretending for so many years. Even when she was a person in private, Warmth also secretly watched her. She always looked like a white lotus with a worried about three children. She had to admit, this Woman, really amazing.

She was even sure that almost no one would contact her about Jiang Sinian and Ye Yi.

It's just that afterwards, things that are not in your life, no matter how you use your mind to calculate, no matter how painstakingly pretending, you can barely come.

About six months later, Tang Yun lost her baby due to an accident. Not only that, she might not be pregnant anymore.

Such a pleasing thing, this side firmly followed Ye Yi's side, and the warmth that was worrying about his situation could not be seen.

She didn't understand, what did these traffickers think of such a white, tender, healthy and healthy child, or what kind of weird Tang Yun did in it, they didn't sell him to those families lacking children at all, but directly Throw the other side to a group of vicious beggar gangs.

Yes, gang.

In addition to Ye Yi, they also have a large group of elderly and children under their hands, big or small, and even the disabled. All of them have deformities in their hands and feet, which makes people distressing when they look at them. They don't know if they are born or...


Once again I saw a person walking into a dark and short room, listening to the screaming and crying of a child inside. After a while, a child whose hands and feet were twisted was thrown out. Warm, I clearly understand, what kind of **** born disability, they are simply acquired by others, in order to look pitiful enough to cause the sympathy of passers-by to overflow, and give some more money!

She didn't understand how such terrible things could happen in this world, and why the faces of those people could be so ugly!

That child, on the first day of Ye Yi's arrival, will try to comfort him and tell him not to be afraid, the police uncle will definitely save them, this is what his mother told him, they will definitely go home.


Warmly watched the child with a bright smile yesterday lying motionless in the corner like a pool of dead flesh. Except for Ye Yi, the other children did not even dare to approach him easily.

She looked at Ye Yi, who hadn't spoken since she fell to this place, and immediately guarded by his side without even thinking about it. She kept talking to him, telling him not to sleep, and didn't close her eyes all night. At last, in the middle of the night, when I watched the other party start a high fever and even started to twitch all over, the whole person rushed to the door like crazy. After waking up the bosses who slept like dead pigs, they realized that the child at the corner of the wall had already stopped convulsing, and his body was already cold...

At that time, Ye Yi, who was surprised by waking up the adult, just froze in place.

Even when the adults found the little corpse, kicked and kicked, and finally cursed unfavorably, they rolled up the little body and didn’t know where to go. Ye Yi looked like a dream. When he first woke up, the whole person was like an irritated little wolf cub, and he rushed up, starting to beat and curse at those people, being pushed to the ground again and again, and rushing forward without discouragement. He continued to curse unwillingly until he angered the group of people and caused a beating, nosebleed and lying on the ground.

Because the education he received from a young age was too vicious, he couldn't imagine it at all. There are only adjectives like piggy, puppy, not human, which is both sad and uncomfortable.

It may be because of his lack of cursing vocabulary, it may be that he is too good-looking, which is easy to attract the favor of aunts and aunts on the road, or it may be the sudden conscience of this group of gangs that after Ye Yi lay on the ground, He didn't even continue to do it.

Because the other children had suffered a long time ago, they watched Ye Yi lying on the ground, all of them shrank in the corner, and none of them dared to step forward to check his situation.

And the warmth had never felt A Piao's own powerless and painful time, her illusory hand passed through Ye Yi's cheek time and time again, time and time again.

She didn't touch him until the sky was clear.

And it was the transformation of the night, and the warm found that Ye Yi had changed. She didn't know where he changed, but the whole person looked different. Not only that, she became "obedient" when she looked at him. Every day, every day, he earnestly does the work of "begging" outside. Because of his looks, he is the one who gets the most money back from the kid in the house.

This also caused the gang of beggars to stop thinking of breaking his hands and feet.

Warmly watching Xiao Yeyi go in the wind and rain every day, even when it snows, he still wears thin clothes, and tremblingly asks for money outside. It is this kind of "correct attitude" that directly makes those people Slowly put down his guard against him, and even started to trust him.

And the children who lived in the same room with him looked at him in horror and disgust. More often, when the adults could not see him, a group of people surrounded him, and they would even be fine. "Teaching" this "traitor".

Yes, traitor.

For these children, Ye Yi, who licked the adults like a dog and made so much money for them, was a traitor.

And every time Ye Yi was beaten by him, he would be so painful that he couldn't get up for a long time, but finally after seeing those adults, he clenched his teeth without saying a word, just silently returned to his corner. Leaning against the wall, I don't know what I'm thinking.

For more than half a year, just when he was warm and worried about whether Ye Yi could endure it, the uncle policeman who was talking about the child who had been dead for a long time finally stepped into this dark and sinful room.

It's a pity that Ye Yi had disappeared long ago before they came, and the police uncles who were notified by him did not find the little Ye Zi in the children's mouth for several days.

"My name is Ye Yi, my father is Ye Huaian, and my mother is Jiang Erya. My family lives at No. xx, **** Road, **** District, Beijing. I can't go home yet. She is not a good person. She killed her brother and called someone. I sold me, my sister believes in her, my dad believes in her, everyone in my family believes in her, I can’t go home, I must not go home, I can’t go home, I want to grow up well, I must grow up well, and then go home when I grow up , I'll go home and see my mother when I grow up..."

Under the pouring rain, on the rugged mountain road, a short man seemed to be afraid that he would forget it, just like that.

It was at this time that Warmth realized that this child knew everything, but he actually knew everything.

But in the end, it is too young. Because I am young, I believe that I will be invincible when I grow up, and I will not be afraid of the existence that harmed him. The little I can do nothing now, and I will lose it when I go home. Because of his life, I chose to escape by myself before the police arrived, for fear of being taken home by these people and losing my life.

But how could such a small person support himself? In the end, the warmth can only watch him almost along the railroad tracks, walking forward like a little beggar, walking to Beijing alone, drinking from the public toilet when he is thirsty If you are hungry, you will stare at the customers in the store. When someone leaves before eating, they will immediately rush in. Before the boss finds out, they will take two bites of food. They are really hungry, trash can. Also turned over.

In addition, he has done a lot of work, picking up rubbish, washing dishes, and even small workers on the construction site.

It’s not that I didn’t encounter good-hearted people on the road, but there are still too many people who are sinister and have nothing to do with malice.

Warmth didn't know how many tears followed him along the way.

It was also at this time that she knew that A Piao would cry too, and her tears were just as salty as normal people when she cried.

That day, I finally walked to Ye Yi, a small town in the south of the Yangtze River, before the evening. Because he was too hungry, he collapsed directly on the ground. Going to find something to eat, he shamefully wants to show up someone to bring him hot food right away. If it is not hot, coldness is fine, he is hungry, so hungry, wants to eat, really wants to eat...

Ye Yi slowly closed his eyes in the rain, tired and sleepy.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly felt the rain on his face break.

Half-opening his eyelids, Ye Yi's eyes widened quickly, just because...

With him, Warmth stared dumbfoundedly at the little girl who was half-bent over and held the umbrella to Ye Yi who was lying on the ground. Her eyes widened in disbelief. She... She is...

"Brother, it's raining, why don't you hold your umbrella?"

"It's still so late. If you don't go home yet, your mother will worry about you!"

"Is there no umbrella? I have my umbrella for you. My house is right in front anyway."


At this moment, Ye Yi's stomach rang untimely.

He blushed inexplicably.

"Ah, you're hungry, wait, I have... Well, I haven't drunk my milk in the morning. Here you are, and you will also have biscuits. I don't like the flavor of chives. Mom insists on buying it for me. ..."

When the little girl complained, she was quite endless.

After speaking, she stuffed the milk biscuits in her hand and the small colorful umbrella into the arms of the dirty boy without even thinking about it.


"Oh, I'm going home, the rain is going to be heavy, go home quickly!"


Before he could say anything, the little girl followed a small cannonball

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