Before the Male God Blackened

Chapter 90: Medical immortal is sick Jiao (14)

Although he is now holding warm hard, and the other party is also obediently and softly allowing him to hold him like this, but Xie Jue's heart is still panicked so much that he doesn't even know what he is going to do next. What to do.

Also, what happened to him just now? Why did he lose his mind when listening to that woman's words? He clearly felt that he just wanted to kill that noisy woman, that he really wanted to kill her! The bloodthirsty impulse broke his reason all at once. If it hadn't been for the warm stopping sound, I am afraid that the woman would have died under his hands now...

She must have seen his warm look just now.

What happens when she sees it? Do you think he is terrible? Would you dislike him? Will you stay away from him?

Thinking of this, Xie Jue hugged him tighter with warmth, but no matter how he hugged, he couldn't hide his panic. Coupled with the noise around him, he immediately hugged him tightly without even thinking about it. Warm, take her with her toes lightly, before everyone has reacted, the two have disappeared!

"Stop, stop for me!"

Song Tianzong and others saw that the **** Xie Jue had hurt someone and ran away, and immediately stood up and yelled angrily.

It's a pity that Xie Jue left so fast that he didn't even hear his cursing. However, even if Xie Jue really heard it at this time, he would never stop because of a word from this person.

"Okay, stop yelling, Jiaojiao is the most important..."

A man who had half supported Song Jiaojiao directly hugged him and stood up, and said with a sullen face.

Then looking at the direction Xie Jue and the two were leaving, a shadow flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth again, "The account over there, we will slowly calculate it in the future!"

After speaking, they took the lead and left. The other men looked at each other and immediately followed.

Du Liu watched the play from the beginning and saw Ye Jiuzhao at the end. Only then did he cover his chest and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

The good show is about to debut, it would be boring without his participation, so...

He raised his hand and gently stroked his face. Is his face going to work?


The man chuckled.

Xie Jue, who didn't know that the people outside was about to count on him, almost brought warmth back to the two people's inn, and kissed eagerly.

Just because at this time Xie Jue did not dare to face warm inquiries, surprises, worries or even fear in his eyes, and because of the panic in his heart, he was constantly forcing him to do something to prove that the warmth did not dislike. He did not want to stay away from him...

The warmth here was almost immediately after Xie Jue was brought into the house, but before she could react, her lips were blocked at once. She opened her eyes in a little surprise, and saw Xie Jue, who was trying to kiss her, closed tightly. With both eyes, the beautiful brows were all furrowed together, and even with the eyes closed, there was an obvious panic on his face.

It can be said that the warm heart softens instantly when he sees such an insecure little appearance of the other party.

Where can I still remember asking about Xie Jue's abnormal state, she just wanted to hug him, hug him harder and harder, kiss him back hard, give him all the sense of security, all.

Thinking of this, Warmth closed his eyes immediately, and responded hard to the other party's increasingly impatient kiss...

Kissing, holding, the position was transferred to the bed by them.

I don't know who did it first. Soon the clothes were thrown to the ground like this, and even the shirts on the two of them began to become messy.

After I felt a cold in my chest, the warmth finally came to my senses. Then, looking at the present posture of the two of them, their faces really blushed at once, not only the face, but the redness can't stop. It spread down to the extent that it was red to her collarbone, and even her body was dyed with a touch of powder.


Suddenly, the warm heart began to be completely out of her control, jumping violently, and there was even a tendency to jump faster and louder.

Such a voice suddenly became prominent in the already quiet room.

Therefore, Xie Jue's kissing movement slowly slowed down until she gently pressed a kiss on her forehead, then she supported her body like this, hung over the warm body, and looked at it quietly. She is coming.

The warmth below closed her eyes tightly. Although the body was still a little nervous, she felt that she should be ready. Besides, she didn’t have to marry Xie Jue to be a martial arts leader. It was just an excuse she used to shirk. In addition, she still had some calculations on Song Jiaojiao and Ye Jiuzhao. It's not the matter of the leader of the martial arts.

But she and Xie Jue had been in love with each other a long time ago. Can she still know what the other side thinks of her?

Anyway, the two will definitely get married in the future. What is the difference between this kind of thing sooner or later!

She can deeply feel the insecurities in Xie Jue's heart, so if this kind of thing can make the other party happy and settle down at once, what is there to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, the warm heart became more calm. Although it was still a bit embarrassing, the sound of the heartbeat gradually subsided.

It also calmed down, and she found out why Xie Jue hadn't kissed him anymore?

Warmth quickly opened his eyes, and then looked at each other with a pair of extremely serious eyes.

"Xie Jue..."

Warm and whispered to him.


Xie Jue's body slowly relaxed, and he gently moved his cheeks to the warm neck, just like a lazy cat, rubbed it slightly, and closed his eyes.

But even though the other party's body relaxed, the warmth still clearly felt that the other party didn't mean to relax at all, and immediately his face flushed again.

"Why don't you..."

Why didn't you continue? I'm all ready...

In this case, warm and embarrassed to say it, but the unfinished meaning in the words is still clearly expressed, at least Xie Jue can understand it.

He rubbed the skin on the warm neck again and chuckled softly, "I know..."


"I didn’t know before, but now I know, the wedding night in the bridal chamber is a very important moment for a woman. Although I really want to...but I shouldn’t completely ignore your mood. I didn’t understand before, so I would entangle you. , Now I understand, it’s not good to continue like this. I know, if I want a bridal chamber, I should first follow the rules to marry you into the door, worship heaven and earth, drink a cup of wine, etc., this is every woman in the world. The process I’ve been looking forward to, and so is my warmth. So even if I think about it again, I should follow the rules..."

The man's soft voice was like the clear spring water passing by in the mountain stream, especially when she said it in her ear, the moving energy was even more indescribable.

Almost for an instant, the warm and slightly tight voice softened, and even my heart became soft and messed up.

She involuntarily raised her mouth, "But it was not you before...I...I actually...I'm already...prepared...The two of us are different from those in the world. You don't have to abide by their rules, as long as you want to. ..."

"I really want to, but I want to leave you with the best memories."

Xie Jue's voice rang in her ears, and the warm half of her body was numb.


what the hell? How many days have you been out of the valley? Isn't it too powerful? The ability to learn is simply the best in the world!

The transition process from Zhu Gusheng to love boy is too fast, is it true that smart people are extra smart when they talk about love? I can’t stand the way you were before, but it’s still like this now...

Warmth has almost seen the little bottomless appearance of herself in the future.

But despite all kinds of shouts and screams in my heart, the warm face just blushed a little bit worse.


She was just about to call him exceptionally softly.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Xie Jue raised her head and kissed her earlobe, and said in a hoarse voice, "But...I learned not long ago that there is another way to help me without going in, you are willing Help me?"

Xie Jue raised his hand and placed his hand gently on the warm hand, then pulled it up, slowly dragging it down...

Moved in only three seconds!

I hate your class of learning ability!

In winter, it’s always darker early--

Warmly rubbing his sore hands, looking at Xie Jue, who had shrunk his whole person under the quilt with black lines, couldn't see even a strand of hair, he was speechless.

"Xie Jue!"

She stretched out her hand to pull the other party's quilt, who would have thought that the person in it would even tug the river with her.

The warmth is not as strong as his, and his hands are sore that he can't pull it at all. Seeing this scene, he almost didn't get angry.

Now I know that I am shy. Who was it just now like a veteran, who kept chattering, her hands almost didn’t waste, and now she’s shy and shy hiding in the quilt, just like the big girl who didn’t show up, who fooled me? !

Really shameless, shameless!

"Xie Jue, you can't get out!"


"Why are you hiding in there!"


"I'm going out!"


With a rush, the flushed Xie Jue lifted the quilt, stretched out his hand and hugged the warm whole person into his arms.

"No going out! No going out!"

"You can afford it?"

Warmly snorted.


Xie Jue slowly raised his head to look at her, his flushed cheeks were just like cooked shrimp butts.

Seeing his face reddening like this, thinking of what had just happened, the warm face turned blushing inexplicably.

Then, the two novices blushed face to face like this, and I blushed even more than you.

It looks very interesting!

"I...I don't want to go out... I just...cough, I'm a little hungry..."

This squeaky voice is warm.

"I... I'll go out and bring you something to eat... You're... waiting for me in the room..."

The stumbling voice is Xie Jue.


"I...I'm leaving..."


After the two of them had had such a nutritious conversation, Xie Jue still sat on the side of the bed and did not move.

Just when Warmth was about to turn her head and look at him, she suddenly felt a softness on her lips, and then Xie Jue in front of her disappeared.

It was also at this time, Warmth reached out his hand and gently touched the corners of his lips, and he smiled sweetly.


The two on this side are as sweet as falling into a sugar jar, and the other end—

"Ah, ah, don't kill me, don't kill me, don't, don't!"

Song Jiaojiao almost yelled and sat up in shock, and suddenly opened his eyes, filled with undisguised fear and horror.

"Jiao Jiao! Jiao Jiao!"

Almost as soon as he heard Song Jiaojiao's voice, those infatuated male partners who had been guarding Song Jiaojiao's window before he could even treat their injuries, rushed to her bed together.

Upon hearing these familiar voices, Song Jiaojiao slowly turned her head and looked at the worry in their eyes. Her tears instantly slid down her smooth little face, and then she rushed to her side. Song Tianzong started to cry bitterly in his arms.

"I thought I was dead, I thought I was dead in the hands of Xie Jue, woooo... I'm so scared, really scared, I'm so scared that I won't see you again... woo... "

Song Jiaojiao's sobbing was continuous, but it might be because of a bit of injury in his throat before, and there was some hoarseness in his voice.

Fortunately, the cry of this kind of cry almost immediately made the hearts of all the men present begin to hurt.

"I'll kill that Xie Jue!"

"Feiqing, don't be impulsive! Xie Jue's kung fu is not even Ye Jiuzhao's opponent. Your arm is not good yet, and that person is cruel and cruel. Do you want to come and go?"

Wen Xinglang scolded softly.

"That's not okay, that's not okay. Am I going to watch Jiaojiaobai suffer this pain? That way, I'm still a man!"

Mu Feiqing sat down angrily.

Hearing this, Song Jiaojiao's eyes gleamed, and then he reached out his hand and wiped away his tears, his eyes were flushed, and he raised his head, "Feiqing, thank you, I know you love me too, but I am not without it. Is something wrong? It's okay, I'm not afraid now, I'm not afraid at all..."

And looking at Song Jiaojiao's pretending to be strong, the men in the house felt even more distressed.

Seeing their expressions, Song Jiaojiao tried his best to smile, as if he was thinking of something, "Oh, yes, Xie Jue's methods are so cruel, I don't know if his sister suffered anything from him. bitter?"

"Jiaojiao, you are so kind-hearted, so wolf-hearted, and Song Jiu, who has a man who doesn't even recognize you as an elder sister, do you still mention her? Seeing Xie Jue's kindness to her, she must not be able to bear any suffering... …"

As he spoke, Mu Feiqing's eyes gradually flashed a touch of deep thought.

Even the other people looked at each other.

Yes, Xie Jue and the others can't do it. Can Song Wenwen, that bitch, still can't do it?

Seeing that Xie Jue treats her so preciously, if this woman does something, or wears him a green hat, wouldn't it be the best and greatest blow to him?


Why didn't they think of it before!

After the group of people had made eye contact, Song Tianzong directly comforted Song Jiaojiao, coaxing her to close her eyes and rest before taking a break, and then the stickman walked out of the room.

Almost as soon as they left her room, Song Jiaojiao opened her eyes slowly. At this moment, there was still a little bit of fear in her eyes. She gently raised her hand and touched herself. It was still painful. His neck, the light in his eyes is bound to shine even more.

Oh, she just loves to challenge these high levels of difficulty!

The more you look down on me, I will have you bow down under my pomegranate skirt!

Xie Jue, she is going to make a decision!

As for Song Wenwen, those men probably wouldn’t dare to come up for a while, just like to treat her **** mother directly. After all, the big Buddha Xie Jue is still standing next to her, but he can’t get the medicine. Means, such as seduce in private, temptation, etc. After all, compared to drugging, if Song Wenwen took the initiative to put a green hat on Xie Jue, that would be the most exciting thing!

Medicine is just the worst way!

Moreover, these men were so good at guarding her as a jade, no one would touch Song Warmth's rotten meat, so that others could grasp the handle, and thus completely lost her competitiveness on her side.

But even these seduce methods are enough. After all, Song Wenwen's kind of **** is really no different from her slut, thinking that men think so much, it's not because they hook their fingers at random.

And what the group of men outside talked about was almost indistinguishable from what Song Jiaojiao had imagined.

Yes, the medicine can't be taken!

Xie Jue was vicious, and if he was caught, he would only end in death!

None of them will take risks.

So I decided to seduce, but if someone else seduce Jiaojiao, it would be a big loss, so a group of people set up a plan to seduce each other.

I can see who is so charming...


Xie Jue's face was coldly wrapped around his warm waist, watching Song Tianzong with a high-sounding face saying that if he went to investigate the case of the Chang family's destruction of the door, someone would have to be by his side to supervise and watch, so...

one two three four five six seven……

Even Song Jiaojiao, whose neck injury was unhealthy, followed with a pale face.

Seeing these existences that made him hate to the extreme, Xie Jue sat on a white horse with warmth without even thinking about it.

Without a word, he hugged her and walked forward slowly.


Warm listening Xie Jue grievedly leaned to her ear and whispered.

"They love to follow and just follow, let's go ours..."

"Still unhappy..."

Xie Jue groaned, and then suddenly moved closer, swallowing his mouth expectantly, "Touch... Touch and feel happy!"

In an instant, a green vein popped out directly on the warm forehead.

So, this is your ultimate goal, right?

"Touch your head!"

She gritted her teeth and cursed inwardly.

"Is it just touching my head..."

Xie Jue murmured so shamelessly.

"You shameless!"

A warm look of sorrow and anger.

"Yeah, I just shame on you..."

Xie Jue climbed up the pole.

The other person in the back just looked at the two people who were riding the same horse in the front and didn't have any of them in their eyes. Instead, they sprinkled dog food without any scruples.

For a while, the mood was almost gone.

It's just that these people are not so easy to give up, so a group of people divide the work, and the rest help him cover, and the first crab eater slapped the horse and got to the front.


He just opened his mouth with a smile.

Xie Jue's white horse ran forward like something stabbed in his butt.

Du Liu, the first male partner who came forward, just grinned so stiffly and ate a mouthful of ashes.

"Xie Jue, you are too bad, hahaha..."

"Why don't he have eyes!"

But that's it. In the next few days, these people will continue to succeed one by one.

Warmth wanted to drink water, and the jade pot filled with water was handed to her; Warmth wanted to eat, fresh fruits of various colors, various flavors of pastries, all kinds of cooked foods were constantly available; Warmth wanted to rest, no one had yet to dismount, The tent is already set up, just take Xie Jue to move in...

Such an annoyance is too annoying.


"Little nine."


Various titles and various affectionate faces are also available.

And here Xie Jue looked at the bamboo tube in his hand, the wild pheasant that had just been beaten, and the pile of straw that had been laid, his face turned black after a brush.

All of them wanted to die, wanted to die, or wanted to die!


He tilted his head and showed a **** smile, and his finger bones were creaked by him.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a burst of shouting came over.

"Don't run, where do you want to go!"

"Don't run, stop!"

"I see where else you can go!"

Then, everyone looked at a stumbling shadow and fell down in front of them, "I beg you, help..."

The man who looked like a weak scholar raised his head suddenly, and then—

A face completely similar to Xie Jue appeared.


His eyes widened in astonishment.


The man yelled in surprise.

Yes, here comes another actor.

Thought of warmth like this.

But the people like Song Tianzong on the other end didn't think so. This face was Xie Jue's younger brother, no doubt.

Suddenly, the group exchanged glances.

It's so tired in person, and the other party hasn't reacted at all. They should have changed it a long time ago!

But I didn’t expect someone to bring pillows up when I fell asleep...

What could be more heartbreaking than when his biological brother and his most beloved woman betrayed him together!

Medicine, it's time to prepare...

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