Befriending The Most Powerful Person

Chapter 158: Another World (Forty-two)

Shao has been in the Lord's Mansion for a few days.

After the previous incident, he suddenly became famous and was treated quite well in the Lord's Mansion. Everyone who met him on the road respected him.

Even Yurius often came to look for Shao Ci, asked him some questions or something, there was a faint tendency to regard him as a teacher, and he liked him very much ...

Shao Ci will not feel troublesome because of this. After all, this is how he can get a more special place here and make it easier to explore.

In this way, in a few days, he had almost felt the situation here.

The entire lord's house looked calm and there were no problems at all. Nor could he see what exactly stimulated Julius.

When Shao Ci felt that he had come to the wrong place, and it was not here that something happened, he finally found a gap.

It was while he was idle in the garden of the Lord's Mansion, he heard what the two maids were talking about.

Because of the angle problem, they did not see the existence of Shao Ci, but continued to chat.

"That child is really pathetic ..."

"Yeah, obviously a lord's child, but now I don't know where they all went, but it's Master Yurius's brother."

"After all, the child was born with an ominous prophecy. It's good to be alive now."

After speaking these words, their faces changed as if they realized something, and they hurriedly turned away.

Shao Ci: "...?!" Uh? Ok? !! Is there such a thing? !!

But the two men were talking here, as if they were intentionally heard.

The amount of information in these two words is also too great. This kind of thing should not be concealed. As soon as Shao asked about it, he learned that the wife of the lord actually gave birth to a pair of twins.

But because one of the children's blood would bring disaster predictions, the first born child was sent away.

Although Shao Ci wanted to say that it was quite innocent to be sent away, something really happened afterwards! It should be said that these people sent the children away and the results could not be changed at all ...

However, if this is said, is it the person who caused the later problem? Where is he now ...

Shao Ci: "..." Wait! No matter how you think about this kind of thing, you can't find it by him alone. Hey! !!

Even if it comes to the system, it will consume too much energy! The system can't find it.

However, Shao's troubles did not last long, and he was found by the lord that night to talk.

"I think you heard the words of the maids during the day." The lord's solemn face was shrouded in shadows, giving Shao Ci the feeling that he would be killed in the next moment.

Although it is true that Shao Ci will not run, but things will become more troublesome, so he still wants to avoid such things as much as possible.

Shao Ci quickly said, "Lord Lord, I will never say this-"

"No." The lord said, "I ... I told you this on purpose."

Shao Ci: "..." So are those two maids so deliberate!

"I wanted to test your reaction. If you weren't surprised, things would not be like this now ..." The Lord said: "But your reaction is obviously the first time I heard so you can be safe. Stay here without incident. "

"I did hear it for the first time." Shao Ci was shocked in his heart and seemed to think of something. He asked, "What's wrong?"

"That child, you've already seen it." The lord said in a deep voice.

Shao Ci hesitated for a moment before responding to the lord's words, "... wait."

and many more? !!

Say he's seen that child, it must be the lord's first child. Shao Ci remembered that he was in this place for the longest time and was about the same age as Yurius ... wasn't that Eric? !!

No wonder he thought before that how people who looked so good in Eric could fall into the slums. Now think about it. Is it a good thing for the lord to do?

Although the child was exiled, he no longer acknowledged the identity of the other party, but he put it under his eyelids, lest the prophecy come true ... Maybe he still had some affection and could not bear to let him go wrong.

And he came up and directly sent the other child who was born with the ominous prophecy of the disaster ... casually sent away. No wonder others are coming to test him now. After all, everything seems to be full of a sense of deliberately engaging in things, and the lord trusts him without directly grasping him.

Shao's face turned pale, "Master Lord ... Do you mean Eric?"

The lord nodded his head slightly and sighed again. "It is indeed him."

Shao sighed, "Master Lord, I promise I didn't mean it, I just wanted to send the child to see the world elsewhere ..."

Who would have thought of sending away a key character so casually! It is impossible for the lord to come to him just to talk about it!

"I believe in you," the lord replied coldly. "However, it's because of you that you have become what it is now ... so you must handle it."

"So Lord, what am I going to do?" Shao Ci knew that this was the key to this conversation, and he certainly couldn't refuse it! If you refuse, it is estimated that you cannot get out of this door today.

"Kill him." When the lord said this, his expression seemed somewhat intolerable, but he was relieved.

Even though Shao Ci had guessed long ago, when he heard this sentence, he was startled and said, "... I can, but why didn't you do it before? You have to wait till now."

"It's not that I don't want to do it, but I can't do it." The lord slowly said what was happening.

It turned out that when Eric was born, he already had extremely powerful power, and it broke out in an instant. No one survived except his brother Yurius, and the lord's wife died at that time. of.

Everyone immediately believed the prophecy.

Born with a powerful ability, it is a good thing for the Devil. But he was born with a curse, and certainly could not stay in the Lord's Mansion.

But even if you want to kill Eric directly, the people who are doing it will be blocked by a force. Eric seems to be protected by the rules of the world. Others ca n’t hurt him at all. Will be hurt.

In the end, he had to try his best to seal the power in his body and exile it to the slums, which was also under surveillance.

"Everyone who wants to approach him has failed. Only you who succeeded ... only the people he trusted the most could give him a fatal blow." Come on. "

Of course, Shao Ci could only agree. In fact, he still hoped that Eric would not come back.

But reason tells him that the other party's return is inevitable. It was really because of him that it led to the final outcome of this place.


Inside the slums.

A few babies leaned against the wall idly, scolding them in their mouths, and suddenly they saw a familiar teenager coming by and suddenly sneered.

"It's your waste again, do you want to come to death?" "It just happened that I was in a bad mood recently, and it's not bad to get people out." "No one will come to save you again this time!"

But the next instant, the smiles were fixed on their faces, and the powerful aura sent by the other person made everyone feel fear in their hearts. A person rushed over in disbelief, and his body was instantly torn into pieces by the cracks in the space where he did not know when, and no blood was left.

The next few people have been completely aggressive, and the farthest person wants to escape, but hits the wall solidified by darkness firmly.

They instantly realized that they had no way back and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. Of course, these slums living in the slums have no dignity at all, and they can't wait to hold Eric's thigh directly.

"Please, please spare our lives!" "No matter what we are required to do!"

Eric looked coldly at the people in front of him. If there were still things that needed to be done by these people, he would have started directly.

"If you want to save your life, just do what I tell you." He said coldly.

"Yes, yes!" These people have no matter what tasks they will be assigned, they are willing to do whatever they can to survive.

And the same scene happened everywhere. Of course, Eric also contracted these people so that they could not break their orders.

None of these strangers was found in the city. After all, when it happens, it can be said that it is already in another closed space.

After being dropped by Shao, Eric awakened the power in his body. It was a very powerful power, something he had dreamed of. Under this power, those who had insulted him were like a curb. Ants can easily be trampled to death.

I don't know how many people killed him along the way, and Eric learned his life from it.

It turned out that he was not a slum orphan whose parents had died, but a lord's child. Such a noble birth, because of the cursed prophecy, left him in the slum.

If you change to someone else, you may be unhappy. But Eric didn't care so much, no matter what kind of family relationship, he never had any extravagance.

And that prophecy, he felt ... maybe it would become a reality. Eric didn't take any notice of this place.

Originally growing up alone in the slums, no one had taught him anything, not to mention the fact that this is a devil with weak meat and strong food, and Eric is unlikely to have any normal thoughts.

But now he has more things to do than to destroy and revenge.

He wants to find, his dear teacher.


What kind of infectious disease has suddenly emerged in the territory recently? A large number of people have been infected. This disease will cause the demons to lose their strength and weaken quickly, and even die soon.

Those doctors in the territory are not enough. In this case, of course, Shao Ci also has to go out to save people, and relying on his abilities is not a disease at all.

However, he always felt that this should not be an ordinary thing ... he always felt that there was someone secretly calculating, and the person from the lord's side should investigate it.

Eric's image in Shao Ci's heart is still relatively pure. It feels that he can't do such a thing even if he is blackened.

Shao Ci: "..." Why do you feel self-faced after thinking so! Why are the children he met so sick ...

However, Shao Ci still maintained a stable mentality. After all, he just wanted to know where the real body of the lord would be ... Now it ’s better to watch the melons, although it seems that there is no way to get out.

Yurius also had to go out with Shao's speech, but he was powerful and would not be easily infected, so the lord could only let him out.

Of course, the most popular doctor is Shao Ci. After all, he takes minutes to treat, which is different from other doctors who take some time.

What's more, Shao Ci looks good. After treatment, because of the side effects of the power, those patients will have a strong feeling of Shao Ci in their hearts.

For a while, Shao Ci added countless fans and sisters in this territory. Every trip was nothing like seeing a doctor, but like an idol. The crowd was filled with cheers. The lord had to send someone to maintain order.

"..." Shao Ci looked at the picture as if the big star was surrounded by fans and fell into silence, and he didn't want it! !!

As he was being treated in the square, Yurius next to him was always helping, more professional than other attendants, giving Shao Ci some snacks, pouring tea or something from time to time. Many people thought he was an apprentice to Shao Ci, and praised him.

If they knew they were the sons of the lords, they would look better.

When the treatment was almost finished, Shao Ci finally let out a sigh of relief. The next Yuri Uston stepped forward and wiped the sweat on his face with a towel. He immediately smiled friendly to the other.

And all this fell into the eyes of someone hiding in a remote corner.

Eric clenched his hands and looked grimly at the sight in the distance.

Several people stood respectfully behind them, all dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a little fear on their faces.

"That person is the lord's son, Master Yurius." One person trembled and explained: "The person next to him is the pharmacist of the lord's house ..."

"Oh?" Erik's eyes grew colder.

Obviously have everything, but still want to take away the only thing he has?

Looking at the young man who was extremely close to Shao, Eric just felt extremely dazzling. Looking at Shao with a smile on his face, his face became more gloomy.

Why is the teacher willing to go to the lord's house, but send him away. Don't you like him so much? Is there such a big gap between him and that guy?

They obviously are brothers, aren't they?

That way ... as long as he can become that Julius ...

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