Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!

Begging You to Break Off This Engagement Chapter 24: A bed

Luo Fei thought of doing it. With the chickens, when we got home, we really went to the big tiger to pick up the hair. Of course, this "picking up" is not a "plucking". Luo Fei wants to pull out the hair of the big **** at home - there is not much living expenses at home.

Originally, Luo Fei had some money in his hands, but they usually spent money to eat and buy food. Oil and salt vinegar also cost money. It costs money to add dishes. Xi Yanqing had no time to work in the field every day, and the things that bought these things naturally fell on Luo Fei.

At the beginning, he also thought about paying the banquet, but after buying it, I thought that the two people were eating together. It was unreasonable to let the banquet pay for the money. It is said that the money was originally from the banquet. So he didn't say anything, but he bought everything he bought. Today's three texts, tomorrow's five texts, it seems that I don't spend much time every day, but the money is just a little bit spent. After buying the chicken, Luo Fei had only five copper plates left.

Luo Fei looked at the chickens in the new home, and pushed the elbows next to the Xiyanqing. They said in a chat: "Hey, there is no living expenses, can you pay for the wages?"

Xi Yanqing’s recent morning and evening return was really forgotten. He heard that he did not say a word and got a money bag out: “I’m negligent, I should have given you, recently thinking about it every day. How to increase the production in the ground, forget it."

Luo Fei opened the bag and looked at it, scared: "So much?!"

There is not only a lot of copper coins, but also some broken silver. He estimates that there must be two or three. He looked at Xi Yanqing with some surprises: "Is this too much? Just leave some living expenses. And now there is no food at home, and the food in the garden should be reduced when the vegetables grow up."

In the years when Xi Xi was outside, no one was planting vegetables at home. It was even more impossible to cook vegetables. So they all bought some vegetables and came back to get some pickles and porridge. Sometimes they bought some tofu. This will naturally increase the cost, but after they have dried the vegetables this fall, they will naturally not get enough vegetables to buy.

Xi Yanqing knew that there were three or two silver coins and three hundred coins in the bag. This is not all the family but it is not a decimal for them. But he still insisted on giving Luo Fei: "Isn't it better to be inside your Lord, what about my Lord? I can help you at home, and I can't help you. I am working hard. Besides these. There may be a dozen or so silver in the room, so we should be anxious. I mean, if you can't move the money, try not to move him first, and strive to be self-sufficient this year. Wait for me to put this side. The things in the field are busy, and when I go to the mountains to find some herbs, I should be able to make more income."

"Well, then you can rest assured, I will definitely not spend it." Luo Fei said, "You trust me, I will naturally disappoint you." Three or two silver coins! It is equivalent to the living expenses of a farmer's family for one year! Luo Fei feels that if he is replaced by him, he may not be so generous. Do not! It is certainly not so generous!

"I never doubt my own vision, I don't even doubt you." The banquet cleared the head of Luo Luofei. "Yes, you said that the fat babies told you that you can't let these little things go down to the ground? Then we The outside chicken rings can't be used for the time being, so you have to find a temporary stop."

"I know this!" Luo Fei carefully collected the money. "Han Xu said that the cabinet was finished. Minger and his carpenter came over. I wondered if I would withdraw the old cabinet this afternoon. Then put it down and deal with it again, can you not give it to the chicken? ”

"Alright, then you go and take the bowl above, I will get it for you."

"I will go!" Luo Feima slid up and went to remove the things on the dish rack.

The banquet took advantage of this time to find some useful tools. After Luo Fei had finished removing the dishes, he took the dish rack from the house to the outside. The outside light was good. He saw the partition with a saw and cut it carefully. He changed the "four rooms" into a "one room". Then he smoothed the edges as much as possible, so as not to inadvertently tie the chicken. After finishing these, he wiped the cabinet clean and hugged it into the house.

However, it is obvious that the height after the fall is not enough, it is 30 centimeters. It is estimated that the chicken will fly out from the inside for two days.

So Xi Yanqing borrowed two bundles of straw from Zhou Da Niang’s house next door. He put the things together and made a seamless fence-like fence around the outside of the dish rack so that the chicken couldn't jump out.

Luo Fei sent the chickens to the new home only. They couldn't jump out when they looked at them. They praised and said, "You are too good for Qingge? This can be."

Xi Yan smiled and said: "Well, then you will watch it for a while. I will go to the cornfield and take a look at the seedlings when the sky is not so hot."

"Is it urgent? If you are not in a hurry, please get up early tomorrow and get it together. It’s all time, you have a rest."

"That's also... Cheng, I will give myself a day off today." I haven't had a day to go through the work, and the Banyanqing really feels a little tired.

"Then you sleep for a while, I am going to eat."

"Can you pillow your pillow?"

"Yes." Luo Fei climbed up and took down his own pillow. He put it on the cymbal and patted it. "Sleep!" It was very refreshing.

"I knew you promised so much. I should let you take my leg for a while." Xi Yanqing regretted it. "Is it still too late?"

"Don't be smug! Sleeping your feelings!" Luo Fei was murdered in a small banquet, and then went out, but was taken by the banquet. Xi Yan Qing Lips looked at him with a smile, and gently licked his mouth.

Rolfton had a red face. He glanced at the feast and held his fist and made a pair of "You dare to kiss me and I jumped up and yell at you!" and ran with a mouth open.

Xi Yanqing looked at the back and gently rubbed his lips, then lay down on the raft.

Luo Fei thought that this person had to catch up and had to chase it out, but after a while he heard the snoring sound from the room in the kitchen. It’s really cumbersome to want to come to the feast.

Xi Yan Qing was too hardworking. It is very tired to do farm work in modern times, let alone in this era. There is no modern equipment, no high-tech means, and almost everything depends on manpower. But the banquet has never been a bitter, and has been doing very well.

If this person is Xi Xi, at least it can be said that he has been used to it. But Xi Yanqing, he lived in modern times for many years, fast and convenient life, but here can still eat such suffering. Although Luo Fei never said anything in his mouth, he was very impressed.

"Luo Erbao! Not at home? Come out and pick one!" Just as Luo Fei was fascinated, the outside shouted Han Xu’s shouts.

"Hey! You can shout a little!" Luo Fei went out with a snoring gesture. "The big tiger fell asleep, and it was rare for him to rest for a long time." Luo Fei plunged people into the yard, "No. Explain that you are coming over? Hey, come today?"

"My carpenter has something to do with me. I have to go after eating it next night, so come over and get these things for you." Han Xu wiped the sweat. "Hot died, you can give me some treasure." Drink water."

"Well, sit down and have a rest." Luo Fei gave the two men a small horse, then went down and poured two bowls of water out and handed them to the two people. "How do you play so much? How is this so?" I used to make a dish rack and a dish rack. The result was a relatively short backrest chair and a beautiful small wooden cabinet. There is also a small partition in the wooden cabinet, which looks very practical.

"Your big tiger said, the little horse is too high, my family is sitting on the pony, the clothes are tired, I have to give you a small chair with a backrest. And your sewing thread, cloth, what, you baby. It’s very good, it’s better to put a separate small cabinet for you than to put it outside, so that you don’t let the outsider fall into the gray, and put it in the closet and worry about the needle falling out of the clothes. Hey, this is your favorite, my chicken skin I have to get up!"

"Envy you, you are." Luo Fei was sweet, patted Han Xu's shoulder, and thanked Chen Hua, and joined the two together to carry the cabinet into the room.

They try to lighten their voices, and the banquet is really not awake. The snoring sound continued for a long time, until Luo Fei found a good position for all the new furniture, and the banquet was still asleep.

"Even today, the second treasure." Han Xu said, "Don't leave you here. The carpenter will leave soon, I have to go back and help him pack up and pack."

"It’s said." Chen Huazhen also said, "It’s not a hassle to say anything more. Go back and have good wood and then put the other ones on."

"That's really thank you." Luo Fei was originally expected to buy some meat, and get some food to entertain the two people, so today he is not ready to ask him to do delicious food. I can't do it. Anyway, thinking about it, anyway, he and Han Xu are not so much stressful, "Then you wait for a while." He went to take out the purse for Han Xu embroidery. "This is done, Han Xu, take it, when you turn back to be married, I will send you something else."

"Hey! It’s so beautiful!" Han Xu holds a purse. "I have to wait for the pro!"

"That will be happy with you." Luo Fei smiled. "I will not send it."

"You don't have to send it, don't send it, go back and look at your big tiger. Go!"

Luo Fei stood at the door for a while, seeing Han Xu and Chen Huazhen go far before closing the door. He patted the ash on his body and went to dinner. He did not wake up when he saw the banquet. He sat suspiciously and tried to touch the forehead of the banquet.

Xi Yanqing slowly opened his eyes, and after a while he felt the upper focal length. His voice is very dry, like someone who hasn't drunk water for a long time: "What time is it now?"

Luo Fei “snapped” his hand: “When it’s time, the sky is dark outside. Can’t you eat something?”

Xi Yanqing put his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes again: "It will start soon."

Luo Fei "Well", went out and thought about it and then put the rice into the house: "Would you like to sleep again?"

The banquet smiled and raised his hand and touched Luo Fei’s face: "Well."

Xi Yanqing was probably too tired. In the end, she did not eat much. Luo Fei took the dish out. When she came in, she saw the banquet sitting in the womb.

"What do you want?" Luo Fei sat down on the sidelines.

"Nothing." Xi Yanqing suddenly smiled.

"Nothing, what are you laughing at?" Luo Fei squatted and took it down. When he spread the quilt, he finally knew what Siyanqing was thinking. Good guy, it turned out to be laughing. They can sleep very close tonight!

Since the chicks were going to squat at night, the original cupboard could not be taken out naturally. It occupies a large area on the raft, which makes it even smaller when it is not too big.

When Luo Feipu scorpion had used the space reasonably, there was still a part that was not laid and folded. The most hilarious thing is that with this, their two-bed quilt is also very close.

Luo Fei visually checked, and the rest of the place where they slept was also one meter and five.

The Banyan Qingyi reached out and could catch Luo Fei, so when the two of them washed and lay down on the raft, the hand of the banquet was really unstoppable. He reached into the bed of Luo Fei and grasped Luo Fei's hand. He gently rubbed his hand at Luo Fei's palm and enjoyed this rare gentle time.

Luo Fei felt a itch in his hand, but he couldn't hide it. Xi Yan Qing did not work hard, did not hurt him, but let him no way to break free.

Luo Fei had to shout: "No trouble! Sleep!"

Xi Yan Qing laughed lowly: "You sleep, I am not sleepy now."

Luo Feixin said that you are not sleepy, I am sleepy!

Ok, he doesn't seem to be too sleepy. He felt a little weird and a bit hot, like something was screaming, and even the air was full of anxiety and restlessness.

Luo Fei could hear the sound of the banquet clearing more and more heavy. Although the Xi Yan Qing did not move, just holding his hand. However, Luo Fei can feel some kind of eagerness and incitement from the banquet.

Xi Yanqing’s palms sweated and quickly wet Luo Fei’s hand. Luo Fei felt that his body was very hot, and he opened the quilt.

The two beds were all made by the pro, and it was okay at the time, but it was a little hot when it was covered.

"It seems a bit hot, do you want me to take the spare quilt cover and cover it?" Luo Fei said as he said to himself.

"Alright." Xi Yanqing hands released.

Luo Fei touched the black to find out the quilt, one person and one minute.

Xi Yanqing put the big pile on one side, and made a more pressing space, letting himself take a closer look at Luo Fei. After a while, Xi Yanqing said: "On the two-layer fabric, the cover seems to be a bit thin at this time. It is better to put the two together, and cover the four layers?"

Luo Fei did not say anything.

The banquet was cleared, and the quilt cover of his own was laid on the quilt cover of Luo Fei, and then he got into the bed of Luo Fei.

The two hot bodies finally met peacefully in the same bed, and the banquet couldn’t help but the hand began to caress on Luo Fei’s cheek...

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