With the high concentration of chakra, even ordinary ninjas without advanced eye skills can see the figure standing on the head of the nine tails.

It was very blurry, as if in another world, completely isolated from the living.

But it exists extremely real.

This is the”eye that controls life and death””——The special power of the samsara eye

“System, do you think I can defeat the Immortal of Six Paths?”Senju Hashirama opened his Jianmu eyes, forming a protective shield around him, blocking all the pupil power of the Samsara Eye from the outside.

【Ding, there is a huge gap between the strength of the host and the Six Paths level, but the Six Paths Immortal is not in its prime at this time, and the host may be able to fight!】

【If an unexpected situation occurs, the system will initiate emergency measures as soon as possible! 】

Li Jing’s true form, invisible among the Thousand-Hand Pillars, is holding the [Level 3: Strong Man’s Blow] he just redeemed in his hand, with a very relaxed and carefree expression.

Whitebeard can be summoned with a second-level scroll, and it is not difficult to summon some fantasy and immortal characters with a third-level scroll.

Although Otsutsuki Hagoromo is strong, it is only limited to the world of Naruto. There are still many people in the world who can crush him!

“Okay, then I’m relieved!”

Senju Hashirama in sage mode took a deep breath, and the surrounding natural energy fluctuated accordingly.

A terrifying chakra that even Otsutsuki Hagoromo looked at with surprise, rushed into the sky like a soaring dragon, penetrating the sky and the earth.

Let The whole world dimmed

“This chakra has almost caught up with Asura from thousands of years ago, and it is also a magical chakra mixed with natural energy.……”

Otsutsuki Hagoromo frowned slightly, but still stood firmly on the head of Kyuubi, waiting for Senju Hashirama’s offensive.

With the power of six paths, he is extremely confident in his own strength.

No worries about the possibility of tipping over.

In the eyes of the Six Paths Immortal, if you don’t enter the Six Paths, you will eventually become an ant. No matter how fancy Senju Hashirama’s Wood Release is, there will only be defeat in the end!

“Come on, Asura, let me see how far your strength has grown after thousands of years.”

The mysterious Samsara Eye stared at Senju Hashirama and saw the wave of Senjutsu Chakra that was constantly accumulating and finally rushed out like a mountain torrent.

The amount of this Senjujutsu Chakra was too exaggerated.

It struck thousands of miles across. In the sky, a storm swept across the sky, and the natural energy of the entire battlefield was driven. In the microscopic world that normal ninjas could not observe, a raging riot began, tearing all weak materials into powder and following the

Senju Hashirama technique. The preparations caused intense commotion.

At first, the sky was filled with black clouds. But now, the sun hanging high in the sky has been completely blocked, and the sky and the earth are pitch black, and you can’t see your fingers.

Only the natural energy is running wild and the strong wind is howling..

Hunting noise!

Senju Hashirama suddenly remembered a novel he had read in the system mall:”Immortal Ni, Immortal Ni, I am going to rebel against this Six Paths Immortal today!”

With a loud shout, the natural energy in the surrounding area was completely disordered. Senjutsu Chakra, which was even larger than the tailed beast, continuously poured out and was buried deep in the earth.

“Immortal Dharma Wood Release · Thousands of Hands!”

“The mighty heavenly dragon and Prajna Buddhas manifest their Dharma!”

The hands formed seals at an extremely fast speed, dancing out a series of afterimages.

In an instant, the two most powerful techniques were simultaneously performed.

Under the full power of Senju Hashirama, the infinitely noble Immortal Buddha Rising from the ground, with a majestic wooden figure above his head, he lifted Senju Hashirama’s body into the very high sky.

It covered the sky and blocked out the sun and moon, and covered the stars and obscured the heaven and earth.

His size alone surpassed Kyuubi several times. There were so many of them, appearing on the earth in an unparalleled huge posture.

But what made Otsutsuki Hagoromo start to feel something bad was the densely packed Buddha arms behind the Thousand-Armed Buddha statue.

They seemed to contain extremely special power and exuded a faint threat.

It seems…yes! It definitely has the destructive power of the Six Paths level! Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a sense of threat! Could it be that

Ashura has entered the Six Paths level in this life?!

Otsutsuki Hagoromo could no longer remain calm immediately, pounding The power of the reincarnation eyes swept out, forming Susanoo’s Karastengu armor, which was attached to the Nine-Tails. The powerful armor Susano Nine-Tails was formed, and on this basis, the power of six yin and yang was superimposed, and it was comprehensive Amplified various abilities of the mighty Susan

“Tsk, old man Liu Dao, just enjoy the impact of the next nuclear explosion.”

Li Jing looked at it with slightly narrowed eyes, and turned to look at the Senju Hashirama who was panting and almost exhausted the senjutsu chakra.

If it was an ordinary true Thousand Hands, even if all the Thousand Hands were beaten out.

It is also impossible to squeeze out the Senju Hashirama who has developed the immortal body to the extreme and practiced the”Ancient Sutra” without even a drop of chakra left. The reason why this is so is because the big pillar gives each Thousand Arms Buddha statue Each arm is blessed with the power of the mighty dragon’s will.

This means that any blow of the Thousand-Armed Buddha Statue has the power of the punch of the previously powerful wooden man who destroyed Susanoo. An attack like this , Senju Hashirama has a thousand paths!

Almost as soon as Otsutsuki Hagoromo’s powerful Susana was formed, Sennin Hashirama decisively launched an offensive

“The Buddha on the top, a thousand hands and a thousand dragons!”

The roar was like thunder, waking up everyone on the battlefield.

Almost subconsciously, everyone looked up to the sky


A whole thousand Buddha’s giant arms tore through the sky, breaking through the air barrier with sheer force.

Roaring and roaring, they appeared in front of everyone in an extremely spectacular formation.

Only a thousand Buddha’s hands were seen high in the sky….No, it was a thousand powerful heavenly dragons that fell from the sky, rubbing against the air, and burning with flames all over their bodies.

Where the mighty Susan Nine-Tails was, they roared and fell, launching a world-destroying catastrophe..The dragon roars in the sky, and the world is endless!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading

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