Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 1 Mage Apprentice

Maple Leaf City, Mage Tower.

"Today's lecture is over. You should review more knowledge points when you go back. These will be tested in every exam."

"In half a year you will have to face the apprenticeship examination. Meditate and cultivate your magic power seriously. Otherwise, you will not be able to pass the examination and be expelled from the mage tower."

"get out of class is over!"

After the teacher left, everyone packed their things and prepared to go home.

A few people in gorgeous clothes gathered together to discuss where to go after school.

Students dressed simply hurried home to meditate and practice.

Li Wei wore a mage apprentice uniform that had not been changed in two and a half years and was turning white after washing. He picked up the broom and cleaned the classroom.

As he cleaned, he thought about the current situation.

Three days ago, I traveled from earth to this world.

After three days of adapting, he digested the memory of his predecessor and clarified his current situation.

First of all, he is an orphan!

Three years ago, twelve-year-old Levi wandered the streets of Maple Leaf City, fighting with stray cats, dogs and other homeless people for food in the trash cans all day long.

By chance, he was judged by the mage of the Mage Tower to have an affinity for the fire element.

Fortunately, he got rid of his identity as a wandering orphan and became a noble trainee mage apprentice in the mage tower.

But that's all.

After Levi, who had never studied before, entered the Mage Tower, his progress in learning magic knowledge was much slower than that of others.

Two and a half years have passed, and he has not even developed his magic power yet.

There is no hope of passing the apprenticeship assessment in half a year.

After half a year, he will definitely be expelled from the Mage Tower.

Become a wanderer again.

Lost the guarantee of survival!

Not to mention becoming a magician, becoming a transcendent.

After cleaning several classrooms and corridors, Levi walked towards the apprentice dormitory.

The Mage Tower provided him with shelter and three meals a day.

As for him, besides studying magic courses every day, the only thing he has to do is clean the teaching area.

It can be said that if you are kicked out of the Mage Tower, you will lose everything.

Food, shelter, hope, future…

"You must pass the apprenticeship assessment in half a year!"

Back in the room, Levi sat cross-legged on the bed, facing the wall.

Concentrating, a line of words slowly appeared on the wall in front of him.

[Basic Meditation Method (Introduction)]: 58/500

After traveling through time, he could see the progress of his cultivation.

In a blink of an eye, the writing in front of him disappeared.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and start meditating.

Calm your mind, clear away distracting thoughts, and focus your mind to perceive the magical elements between heaven and earth.

The first step alone took Levi half an hour to complete.

After meditating for half an hour, he finally sensed the magical elements floating in the air.

The second step is to absorb magic elements and convert them into mana.

Wind, fire, water, mine, ice, nature, light and darkness...

There are endless types of magic elements in the world, but in Levi's perception there is only one magic element - the fire element.

Dots of fire elements like fireflies floated in the air, drawn by his mental power and penetrated into his body.

Most of the fire element that penetrated his body eventually escaped back into the air, with only a tenth being absorbed by the body.

After more than twenty minutes, Levi's mental power was exhausted and the meditation was terminated.

[Basic Meditation Method (Introduction)]: 70/500

Seeing the results of his training, Levi breathed a sigh of relief.

"At this rate, I should be able to pass the mage apprentice exam in half a year."

Levi thought intently.

"The key to cultivating mana lies in basic meditation and mental power. Basic meditation determines the efficiency of cultivation. The more magic elements can be left, the easier it is to cultivate mana. The stronger the mental power, the longer the meditation practice will take."

"Just rely on rest and sleep to restore mental strength, and practice up to two to three times a day."

"As long as you practice step by step, you can develop your magic power in up to twenty days!"

He was no longer vague and hesitant about the future, and the worries in his heart gradually disappeared.

Worries and worries about the future are transformed into visions and expectations for the future.

"Magician! Extraordinary power! I must become a magician!"

Resurrecting his life and having the opportunity to master extraordinary power is an extremely tempting temptation for Levi.

People in this world can hardly imagine the desire and persistence of people on earth for extraordinary power.

When it was time for dinner, Levi ate on time.

If you miss the meal time, you will be hungry.

After eating, Levi returned to the room, lit up the magic fluorite, and studied the magic knowledge in the textbook.

For most people in this world, nights are boring.

They were reluctant to even light oil lamps or candles for too long. The only people who could use magic lighting props were high-ranking officials, nobles, and wealthy businessmen.

Levi is exposed to the light of the mage tower and can use magic fluorite.

"Wind, fire, water, and earth are the four most basic elements in the world. They make up all things..."

"Water element can change into ice element and air element..."

"Fire element can change into thunder element and light element..."

"The natural element is born after the fusion of wind element and water element..."

Unknowingly, I watched it for several hours. When I looked up, it was already late at night.

Levi rubbed his swollen temples. Although his body was sending signals of fatigue, his mind was excited and it was difficult to fall asleep.

"Magic elements build the entire world? Magic elements are atoms? Even smaller protons, neutrons, electrons, or quarks!"

"Wind, fire, water and earth are the most basic particles, and then they are composed of various more advanced particles, thunder, ice, light, gas, nature, light and darkness... and finally they form the world that people see?"

I have read some of the contents about magic principles and theories in the textbook and combined them with my own understanding.

Levi's view of magic undergoes a radical change.

Originally he thought it was a supernatural, unscientific and extraordinary power.

After a brief understanding, I found that magic is actually very scientific!

"Human beings on earth discovered macroscopic physical laws and tried to explain the world with them. Only when macroscopic physics reached the end of its development did it enter the microscopic realm and finally find a way to explain the world."

"The God Particles that countless scientists are trying to find in the microscopic realm can be controlled by every magician in the magical world!"

"Magicians are the group closest to the truth in this world!"

The truth of the world is right in front of us. If Levi were a theoretical physics researcher, he would have gone crazy.

But he is not, he does not care about the truth of the world.

What he cares about is the power of magic!

"The world is made of magic particles, so controlling the magic particles can theoretically do everything!"

This is what Levi wants.

The possibilities are endless! Infinite future! Infinite hope!

"I want to become a mage! Become the most powerful mage!"

After you indulge in daydreams about the future, you must ultimately base yourself on the present.

Turning off the magic fluorite, the room fell into darkness, with only a faint magical glow outside the window.

Levi lay down to sleep with excitement.

He really wants to practice now, but he can't meditate and practice if he can't calm down.

Levi had insomnia.

Tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

It wasn't until the latter half of the night, when I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes, that I finally fell asleep.

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