Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 10 Snowman Knight (please recommend!)

Seeing Guze harvesting the snow elves easily, Levi asked a question.

"Why can ice arrows kill snow elves? Are snow elves not elemental elves? The textbook says that elemental elves are immune to corresponding elemental damage."

Guze put down the staff in his hand and took a rest.

He smiled and said: "Ordinary snow elves are just prototypes of elemental elves. Even the big snow elves are not considered real elemental elves."

"Elemental elves have autonomous consciousness. Snow elves are just aggregation of ice and snow elements without autonomous consciousness. The aggregation ability of the ice and snow elements that make up the body is very weak. A light blow can break up the snow elf's body."

"Elemental elves are not completely immune to elemental magic. Everything has its limit. Elemental magic that exceeds the upper limit of the elemental elves can also kill elemental elves."

"But as a mage, you should choose the most suitable spell to deal with the enemy."

Levi nodded thoughtfully.

He looked at the battlefield below for a long time. At this moment, his hands were itchy and he wanted to kill a snow elf for fun.

Unfortunately, the Snow Elf is too far away from him, and the small fireball technique may not be able to fly that far.

Thinking of this, he suddenly understood why Gu Ze used ice arrows to attack the snow elves.

The ice arrow technique is more stable than the small fireball technique and can fly farther.

Not just Guze, Li Wei looked around and found that other trainee mages also chose "solid" spells for long-range attacks.

Wood stabbing technique, earth spear technique, flying stone technique...

"Snowman Knight!"

Exclamations came from the battlefield, and Levi quickly looked into the distance.

A figure rushed from the wind and snow.

When the warriors in the distance saw the snowman knight appearing, they quickly turned around and ran towards the city wall.

The Snowman Knight is a second-level intermediate monster, an elemental elf with birth instinct.

Elemental elves can use magic attacks, and their natural combat level is one level higher than their own level.

The combat power of the second-level intermediate Snowman Knight is comparable to that of the second-level advanced Warcraft.

Most of the people on the battlefield were first-level professionals, and there were only a few second-level professionals. Naturally, they did not dare to face the Yeti Knight alone.

The snowman knight chased everyone to the foot of the city.

Levi also saw clearly what the Snowman Knight looked like.

The Snowman Knight is covered in ice crystal armor, with four semi-illusory elemental tentacles underneath him.

Looking from a distance, it looks like it is floating in mid-air.

After the snowman knight appeared, the snow elf who was suppressed and beaten was proud and counterattacked to the city wall.

When Li Wei saw this, his eyes lit up, what a great opportunity!

Glancing around, everyone was paying attention to the Snowman Knight, who was quietly casting spells.

The city lord looked at the snowman knight below and said to the mage next to him: "Mage Al, the rest is up to you."

Mage Al nodded, raised the staff in his hand, chanted the incantation, and cast the spell.

Half a minute later, violent magic fluctuations appeared on the city wall.

Countless fire elements gathered into a fire snake, and as Master Al waved his staff, it flew towards the snowman knight under the city wall.

When the snowman knight saw this, he felt bad and quickly turned around and ran away.

The fire snake flew much faster than it could escape, and it caught up with the snowman knight in the blink of an eye.


The flames exploded, the snowman knight was instantly melted, and a clearing with a diameter of five or six meters was melted on the snow.

Guze looked at the place where the snowman knight disappeared, with a look of admiration on his face.

"Second-level spell, Fire Snake Technique!"

Wizard El was admired by everyone for killing the Yeti Knight with one blow.

Several third-level extraordinary professionals on the city wall looked at Master Al with envy.

They all sighed: The mage is really outrageous!

Not only can he easily crush extraordinary professionals of the same level, but he can also kill enemies by leapfrogging them as easily as drinking water and eating.

It would take a lot of effort for them to deal with the Snowman Knight, and they might even get injured.

After all, the Yeti Knight is an elemental spirit and is difficult to deal with.

The snowman knight died, and everyone who fled back to the city wall also launched a counterattack.

Suddenly a small fireball flew out of the city wall and landed on the group of snow elves.


The small fireball exploded, and the flames engulfed the three snow elves.

In an instant, the three snow elves melted into the flames.

Levi saw an icy blue light falling from the flames, sinking into the snow and disappearing.

"Huh? What is that?"

Guze saw the small fireball spell and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the caster.

Seeing Levi, a look of shock gradually appeared on his face.

"Did you cast the small fireball just now?" Gu Ze asked in shock.

Levi said a little embarrassedly: "Well, I failed once and succeeded only the second time."


Guze took a breath, how long had Levi learned the small fireball technique?

Just two months.

He can actually cast a spell successfully!

Even if the success rate is only 50%, learning a zero-level spell in two months is considered an excellent talent.

It took Guze half a year of practice to successfully cast his first spell, and the success rate did not exceed 50% in the next six months.

Several trainee mages nearby also noticed that someone had given lessons to Li Wei and had some impressions of him.

"I remember you are not a trainee mage apprentice?"

A trainee mage said in surprise.

Hearing this, other people also expressed surprise. It was not surprising that an apprentice released a spell.

But a trainee mage apprentice was able to release spells, which surprised everyone.

Guze explained: "Two months ago, he cultivated his magic power and became an official mage apprentice."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was even more shocked.

In two months, from a mage apprentice who has just gained magic power to a mage apprentice who can cast spells, this progress is too fast!

It was a little hard for everyone to accept, and their hearts were hit hard.

A trainee mage saw the childish look on Li Wei's face and asked curiously: "How old are you now?"

Levi replied: "Fifteen years old."

Everyone was extremely surprised. The younger you are, the higher your potential is.

Li Wei is only fifteen years old, his cognitive and understanding abilities are still in a stage of rapid growth, and his future potential is huge.

Someone took a deep breath and said enviously: "If you can become a mage within five years, you will become the youngest mage in Maple Leaf City in a century!"

When others heard this, they also showed envy.

If age is a mage's strength.

So youth is a mage's capital.

Mages need a lot of time to learn magical knowledge.

The sooner you become a mage, the more magic knowledge you can learn, the further you can go, and the greater your achievements in the future.

There is no essential difference between a trainee apprentice, a mage apprentice, and a trainee mage. They are still ordinary people.

Only by becoming a true mage can one be a truly extraordinary professional!

Becoming a mage is the first step towards exploring magic and exploring the supernatural.

Before we knew it, the winter festival had come to an end.

All the snow elves that accompanied the blizzard have been wiped out, and the power of the blizzard has been greatly reduced. There will be no large-scale blizzards this winter, and the people of Maple Leaf City can spend a peaceful winter.

This is also an important reason why the Winter Festival is held as scheduled every year.

Levi followed the others and prepared to return to the Mage Tower.

A soldier ran over quickly and gave him a blue crystal in his hands.

"Master Mage, this is the ice crystal stone dropped by the snow elf you killed."

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