Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 105 I am the Summoner

When Levi was inquiring about tasks related to the Kovada Mine on the third floor of the Mage Tower.

The magic butler told him something.

"Master Li Wei, you have passed the formal mage certification and enjoy the treatment of an official mage."

"After deducting the monthly benefits you have received, you still have monthly benefits worth 4 contributions that you can still receive."

Levi looked surprised, "So many?"

The magic butler ignored his surprise.

After coming back to his senses, Li Wei immediately took out the contribution.

Looking at the four contributions behind the magic badge, Levi felt happy.

Unexpectedly, a formal mage can receive five contributions every month.

If I had known this, I should have become a regular employee in May.

What a waste of a month!

Levi shook his head, feeling wrong.

He thought of something else and asked, "By the way, how much are the benefits for a formal mage to participate in the war?"

Magic Butler: "A fixed contribution of 3 points will be given out every day."

Li Wei twitched the corner of his mouth and rounded up. This time he was really wrong!

No wonder Gu Ze was so anxious to be certified as an official mage.

Here's why.

Levi didn't want to talk anymore.

He didn't want to know anymore how many benefits he was missing out on.

Otherwise, you may not be able to think about it.

Levi complained in his heart, "Why didn't Mr. Guze tell me about this earlier?"

Guze: "..."

Of course it was because Guze thought he knew.

Isn't this common sense for every trainee mage?

Li Wei quickly made up for the various rules and regulations of the Mage Tower so as not to miss out on some benefits.

In the afternoon, Levi left the Mage Tower.

After buying some field supplies outside, he took Shadow Attendant and walked towards the Covada Mine.

The Covada mine is a long way away.

If you want to find mithril ore, you will probably have to wait a few more days.

Levi is ready for life in the wild.

After walking ten kilometers, he regretted a little. Why not rent a horse?

"I don't think I can ride either."

Li Wei struggled for a while and gave up thinking.

"Shadow Attendant, carry me away."

Shadow Warrior was confused for a moment, then it rushed into the woods.


A brown bear burst out of the woods and charged at Levi.

Levi didn't even react to the sudden attack.

The brown bear was about to rush in front, but suddenly stopped, lay down, and showed a flattering look at Levi.

Levi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Shadow Attendant?"

The brown bear nodded repeatedly.

Levi laughed, "Haha, that's not bad."

He climbed on the back of the brown bear and sat down, and Shadow Attendant controlled the brown bear's body to carry him towards the Covada Mine.

On the road, all the pedestrians I met looked surprised.

"Ride a bear? Are you a summoner?"

the passerby girl asked curiously.

Levi's whole body was shrouded in an invisibility cloak, and his face was pinched using the illusion technique.

He glanced at the warrior girl, smiled and said, "Yes, I am a summoner."

In Maple Leaf City, summoners are rarer than mages.

After being reminded by a passerby, Levi planned to disguise himself as a summoner.

Shadow Warrior can transform into various summons.

Levi smiled as he thought of this.

Riding a bear on the road is a lot easier.

But the brown bear that Shadow Warrior parasitizes is just an ordinary beast.

Levi planned to find an opportunity to change to a magical beast so that it would better suit his role as a summoner.

Shadow Attendant is already at the second level of intermediate level.

Able to seize the body to control second-level and below-intermediate level monsters.

It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon when we rode a bear to the Covada Mine.

The sun was setting in the west, and the sky was filled with red clouds, which illuminated most of the mines in red.

The presence of iron-eating ants has not disrupted mining operations at the Covada mine.

Mining continues.

Only the mines near the iron-eating ants were blocked and mining stopped.

When Levi arrived, the orc slaves from the mine were transporting the last batch of ore.

Mining technology in Covada is very primitive, and the ore is mined entirely by manpower.

Li Wei stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the mining slaves below like black ants, constantly going back and forth between the mine cave and the ore warehouse.

"Hello, are you the professional who came to kill the iron-eating ants?"

Several patrol soldiers saw Levi riding a bear and knew that he was no ordinary person. The patrol leader asked cautiously.

Levi nodded, "Well, where are the iron-eating ants?"

The patrol leader pointed to the other side of the mine and said: "The iron-eating ants are on the other side of the mountain. If you walk over, you can see that a rest camp has been set up there for the professionals to rest."

"The Kovada Mine is currently under military control. Please do not enter or leave other areas at will. It may cause unnecessary trouble." the patrol leader reminded.

"Well, I understand, thank you." Levi said.

The patrol leader said quickly: "You're welcome, Mr. Professional, walk slowly."

Shadow Attendant controlled the brown bear to carry Levi towards the mountain.

Over the top of the mountain, Levi saw a newly reclaimed mine halfway up the mountain.

There are basically no mining slaves in the mines here, they are all professionals.

There were soldiers guarding the area.

Levi arrived at the rest camp halfway up the mountain.

The soldiers stationed at the camp took one more look at him and allowed him to enter the camp without stopping him.

"Ahaha, Brad, what did you gain today?"

"No, don't mention it. I was almost eaten by iron-eating ants."

"Master Guze, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you. I hope we can continue to cooperate tomorrow."

"Oh? What is the origin of the bear rider? Is that bear his pet?"

"No, it looks like a wild bear."

Guze and Lotta walked together towards the rest camp.

He heard the comments from others and turned to look.

Guze looked surprised, "Summoner?"

Hearing this, Luota also turned around and said, "Summoner, it is indeed rare here in Maple Leaf City."

"It doesn't look like an ordinary summoner. Ordinary summoners can't control wild bears. Could it be a druid?" Lotta guessed.

Guze shook his head and said: "Druids will basically never leave the Elf Empire, probably not."

"I heard that there is an extraordinary profession called a beast tamer in the Western Desert, which can tame and control wild beasts." Rota said.

Levi also saw Guze and Lotta.

He didn't get close and found an uninhabited corner in the rest camp to stop and rest.

The so-called rest camp is just a flat area with a bonfire burning in the center and no fence around it.

Everyone also set up tents around the campfire or sat on the spot.

You can use the campfire to cook meat and boil water.

Meet some basic rest conditions.

The brown bear was lying down, and Levi took out a blanket and put it on the ground, sat down, and rested with his back against the brown bear.

After riding the bear for a long time, he also felt a little tired.

Practicing the Rock Breathing Technique also had some effects, and his body became much stronger.

But compared to a true transcendent, he is just an ordinary person with a relatively healthy body.

He usually stays in the mage tower and doesn't go out.

Li Wei doesn't pay much attention to the Rock Breathing Method, which means he practices it every day when he thinks of it.

After going out this time, he paid attention to it and knew that physical strength was also crucial for a mage.


A warrior dropped a wild boar on his shoulders.

"Come on, come on, I'll treat everyone to some meat."

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