Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 112 The ruined camp

Levi and Shadow Attendant were walking in the dim underground mine.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the ground beneath his feet.

He asked with some uncertainty: "Have we been here before?"

The golden anteater gave him a confused look, unable to answer this question.

Levi left a mark on the wall and moved on.

Half an hour later he was back at the mark.

"Damn, lost."

Levi scratched his head, not knowing what to do.

He looked at the golden anteater and asked, "Do you know the way out?"

Shadow Warrior shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

He only controlled the Golden Anteater's body, but did not obtain the Golden Anteater's memory.

If the golden anteater is allowed to move on its own, there is a chance it can find a way out of the underground.

But that's just a chance.

Golden anteaters may not be obedient.

Helpless, Levi had no choice but to continue exploring and use marking methods to find the exit.

"Is there something wrong with this direction? Why do I feel like I'm going deeper and deeper?"

In theory, heading higher is the exit.

But the problem was that Levi kept going up and found that there was no way.

He looked up and then at the golden anteater.

"Can you dig a way out?"

Shadow Warrior controls the golden anteater to dig into the soil.

After watching for a while, Levi waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's too slow."

"It will take you until the Year of the Monkey to dig out a way out."

The golden anteater turned his head and looked at him innocently.

Levi said: "Let's go and see if we can meet anyone else."

The underground is full of burrows dug by iron-eating ants, some large and some small.

The most spacious place can even accommodate a horse-drawn carriage.

I can barely crawl through the narrowest places.

"Hurry up, the iron-eating ants are chasing us."

Levi heard a sound in front of him and quickly quickened his pace.

After running for a while, I found that the sound gradually became distant.

He looked at the cave wall next to him and realized there was a road next to it.

"Shadow Attendant, dig up this dirt."

The golden anteater quickly uses its claws to dig into the earth and rocks.

Solid rocks are easily shattered by sharp claws.

Swish, brush, brush!

Ten minutes later, the golden anteater dug through the soil between the two tunnels.

Levi walked over quickly.

Click, click, click!

The golden anteater has begun to hunt the surrounding iron-eating ants.

Levi glanced around and saw many iron-eating ants.

"Stop eating, go chase someone first."

He chased the iron-eating ants in the direction they were heading.

The golden anteater flicks its tongue to clear the way, moving forward unobstructed.

Without the golden anteater, it would have been a lot of effort for him to move forward in the ant colony.

Levi was secretly glad for his previous decision.

After a while, Levi saw two first-order iron-eating ants.

"Ice Arrow!"


Three ice arrows hit a first-level iron-eating ant.

The body of the iron-eating ant climbs up a layer of frost and its movement slows down.

Li Wei was a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet Gu Ze.

"The frost is biting!"

The staff in Guze's hand glows, increasing the power of the spell.

Click, click, click!

The body temperature of the iron-eating ants covered in frost dropped sharply, and their blood was frozen into slag.

The body of the iron-eating ant was stiff and cold, and it fell down unable to move.

"Rock Thorn!"

Rota cast a spell, and a rock thorn sprang out from the ground, trapping another first-order iron-eating ant against the wall.


The iron-eating ant struggled, and the huge force broke the rock thorn, regaining freedom.

Lotta has cast a new spell.

"Swamp Technique!"

The soil beneath the iron-eating ants' feet softened rapidly and turned into a wet quagmire.

The feet lost support and were covered in iron. The extremely heavy body of the iron-eating ant sank rapidly.

The iron-eating ant struggled to get out of the mire.

But its huge power cannot be exerted at all.

The Mire Technique is useless against the third-level ant king, but it is very useful against the first-level iron-eating ants.

Achieve the effect of using softness to overcome hardness.

The terrifying power of the iron-eating ants cannot be fully exerted.

Iron-eating ants are trapped in a mire and cannot escape.

Gu Ze shouted: "Hurry up, there are iron-eating ants behind us."

Compared with the first-order iron-eating ants, the more numerous zero-order iron-eating ants are more difficult to deal with.

Unless there is a large-scale attack, it will be difficult to deal with the siege of a large number of iron-eating ants.


The golden anteater appears and pierces the head of an iron-eating ant trapped in the mud with its tongue.

When Gu Ze saw this, he showed a look of horror.


When he saw the golden anteater, his heart tightened.

Guze recognized it.

He subconsciously held the magic scroll in his pocket, preparing to fight to the death and escape.


Levi came out from behind the golden anteater and said hello.

Guze looked surprised when he saw him.

Lotta was stunned for a moment, came to his senses, and asked: "Is this your summoned beast?"

Levi nodded, "Yes."

"I'm lost, do you know the way out?"

While talking, the golden anteater killed another iron-eating ant that was frozen by Guze.

Seeing the terrifying strength of the Golden Anteater, Gu Ze and Luo Ta subconsciously looked at each other.

Hearing Levi say that he was lost, Guze hesitated for a moment and said, "I know the exit, why not form a team together? It's too dangerous to move alone."

Levi nodded, "Okay."

Swish, swish, swish!

Iron-eating ants came from behind, and the golden anteater flicked its tongue to sweep away large areas.

But there are too many iron-eating ants, and the golden anteaters can't stop them.

Levi said quickly: "Let's go quickly."

When Gu Ze saw this, he did not hesitate.

"follow me."

After the golden anteater was broken, the three of them quickly rushed towards the exit.

During the escape, Guze and Lotta glanced at Levi, who was alone.

They looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes.

He is a summoner, how dare he separate from his summoned beast and follow these two strangers?

Could it be that there are some other hidden abilities?

Both of them read each other's eyes and erred on the side of caution and kept a distance from the mysterious summoner.

Levi said: "My name is Timo, and I am traveling around the world."

Guze and Lotta introduce themselves.

"My name is Gu Ze, he is Lota, and we are both mages from Maple Leaf City."

"Welcome to Maple Leaf City. If you have a chance, come and sit in the Mage Tower."

After getting rid of the pursuit of iron-eating ants, the two of them felt more relaxed.

Talking and laughing.

"Okay, we're here, the exit is ahead."

A bright light appeared at the entrance of the cave in front.

Li Wei looked surprised, what happened?

Reaching the exit so soon?

It's a good thing that he's been hanging around underground for so long. Could it be that he's been hanging around the door?


Coming out of the mine, Levi looked shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

Gu Ze and Luo Ta were also shocked.

The camp had been destroyed, the tents were ablaze and the bodies of soldiers were everywhere.

"What's going on here?"

Levi looked puzzled.

"Stop, all hands up."

A group of soldiers rushed out from behind the barrier, and the soldiers in the distance were holding huge crossbows.

It was a giant demon-hunting crossbow that could kill demonic beasts.

Gu Ze and Luo Ta looked at each other, put down their staffs, raised their hands and did not dare to move for fear of being shot.

Levi also learned to do the same.

Later, the three were surrounded by soldiers and left the camp.

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