Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 127 Flying flowers in July, another crystal flower

For a while, Levi did not leave the mage tower.

He has been staying in the mage tower to study elementary alchemy and deduce the fireball technique.

When I feel bored, I will also deduce invisible armor spells, practice object control and transfiguration.

On the third day after Li Wei returned to the Mage Tower, Gu Ze and Luo Ta came back.

The two were not injured, but they were trapped underground for more than a day.

Levi got lost underground twice and found the exit quickly, which was considered lucky.

In the blink of an eye, June passed.

The first day of July.

Jimmy found Levi and sent him royalties.

If he hadn't seen Jimmy, Levi wouldn't have known that a month had passed.

Jimmy came to Levi holding a small box.

"Mr. Levi, this is last month's royalties."

Levi looked at the box in his arms in surprise, "How many are there? Are they still packed in boxes?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "The share of the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce has arrived, and there are also letters written to you by some book friends."

"Oh." Levi suddenly realized that this was the case.

Levi took the box and it felt a little heavy.

Then he handed it over directly to Shadow Attendant.

Jimmy said: "Mr. Levi, has the manuscript for June been written?"

Levi was a little embarrassed, he had forgotten about it.

I have been so busy practicing this month that I have been so busy that I don’t even know how much time has passed, and I completely forgot about writing a book manuscript.

"Well, I'll give it to you in a few days, and then I'll give it to you together with July's." Levi said.

Jimmy said helplessly: "Then Mr. Levi completes the manuscript as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to catch up with the printing next month."

"Okay, definitely."

After seeing Jimmy off, Levi returned to the study.

Shadow Attendant has already placed the box on the desk.

He opened the box and found a money bag and a pile of letters inside.

"Huh? Another crystal flower."

Levi showed surprise and picked up a letter in the box.

This time, the crystal flower was pinned directly to the seal of the letter, as if he was afraid that Levi would not see it and ignore it.

"Shadow Attendant, take the crystal flower from the drawer in the lower left corner of the wardrobe."

Shadow Attendant brought the crystal flower to Levi.

Li Wei compared the two and found that they were exactly the same and should have come from the same person.

He opened the letter, and the content was almost the same as last time.

Probably because I haven't received a reply from him for a long time, and I'm a little impatient with the wait.

I hope he can take the crystal flower to Feihua City to meet the sender.

Li Wei felt very strange, why did this man always want to see him?

If you want to chase a star, you have to have him come to you. How can any idol seek out fans?

He put the crystal flower aside and ignored it.

I also read the rest of the letters.

It can also be regarded as a way to relax and relieve the fatigue caused by long-term practice.

There were various letters, some admired him, some cursed him, and some asked him to modify the plot of the novel to make it more reasonable.

Levi shook his head, "Fortunately, I am anonymous, otherwise I might get slapped when I go out."

So far, Spark Literary Publishing House has not announced the true identity of the author of the "Dragon Knight" novel.

Some people also complained that the recent stories are not good enough and not passionate enough.

After Levi saw it, he found the collector's edition of the "Dragon Knight" novel that Jimmy gave him.

Looking back at the plot, I found that the plot in recent months has indeed been much duller.

The main reason is that he is busy practicing and doesn't have much time to come up with new explosive plots.

He looked at the title of the book and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"It's time for the Dragon Knight to deserve his name."

Levi put down the letter and opened the money bag.

Inside the purse was a note.

"In June, the manuscript earned 13 gold and 20 silver, and the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce's desert area profit share was 68 gold, 88 silver, and 88 copper."

Levi looked surprised.

"So much money?"

"How many copies of "Dragon Knight" have been sold by the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce?"

Maple Leaf City's "Dragon Knight" novel is priced at 10 copper coins per copy.

Other cities are slightly more expensive.

This is the remuneration after sharing. The money earned by Cornucopia is at least four or five times that of Levi.

This means that the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce has sold at least 300,000 to 400,000 Dragon Knight novels in the desert area.

So far, Spark Literature has published thirty-six issues of Dragon Knight.

The content is also getting richer and richer, from pure text at the beginning to now with simplified illustrations.

The higher the readability, the better.

Looking at it this way, this sales volume is actually not very amazing.

On average, only more than 10,000 copies are sold per issue.

Levi smiled and said, "This can be considered an average order of over 10,000, right?"

This was an unattainable dream in his previous life.

It happened unexpectedly in another world.

However, he didn't care about that now.

Li Wei collected the money, picked up his pen and wrote quickly.

I wrote in one breath until two o'clock in the afternoon, when I stopped because my stomach was growling.

He asked Shadow Waiter to find something to eat.

"Magic Butler, receive this month's benefits."

"This month's benefits have arrived, please check carefully."

Levi turned the magic badge over and the number on the back became "7".

Levi wrote some more before the shadow attendant brought lunch.

After lunch, take a rest.

In the afternoon, I meditate and practice my magic power, continue to write manuscripts in the evening, and deduce magic spells in my dreams late at night.

Five days later, Levi handed the manuscript to Jimmy, who came to urge him again and again.

Levi smiled and said: "Next time, remember to rush the manuscript early, otherwise I will forget it."

Jimmy nodded and said: "Mr. Levi, don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"Of course, it doesn't need to be too frequent. It doesn't need to be the same as the past few days. Just remind me every once in a while."

Levi quickly stopped and told him not to push too hard.

"You won't be disappointed with this issue's manuscript." Levi smiled knowingly.

Jimmy returned to Spark Literary Club with the manuscript.

As he walked, he opened the manuscript.

I didn't have much expectations at first, it was just a habit and I wanted to see the subsequent story of the protagonist Morey.

But this look fascinated him.

When he saw the ending, he looked shocked, "Fuck! How can this be done?"

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"


A carriage roared past.

Jimmy was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He didn't dare to read the novel while walking.

After regaining his composure, he quickly ran towards the Spark Literary Club with the manuscript.

"Director Gus, this is Mr. Levi's new book manuscript. The plot is hot and it will definitely become a hit next month!"

Jimmy rushed into the office excitedly.

Monis was still sitting in Gus' office, and the two were talking about things.

Seeing Jimmy's hurried look, Gus taught him a lesson: "I told you many times to knock on the door when you come in, don't be impatient."

Moniz said: "Stop talking about him, first look at what Levi wrote to make Jimmy so excited."

After seeing it, the two of them looked like they had opened up a new world.

"Can this still happen?"

Gus looked shocked.

Monis also had a complex look on his face, feeling a little shocked in his outlook.

It turns out that the dragon knight is this kind of dragon knight, not the kind of dragon knight that people think.

But can dragons really turn into humans?

He was also a little curious.

He had heard many stories about evil dragons plundering princesses, but this was the first time he saw a dragon knight riding a dragon.

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